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I.- Complete the chart.

Base Past Base Past

Past Simple Past simple
form Participle form Participle

be cost

become drink

break drive

bring eat

buy come

(10 points)
II. Write much, many, a few, a little bit of.

1. ______________ bracelets 4. ______________ string

2. ______________ coffee 5. ______________ rulers

3. ______________ pencils 6. ______________ water

(3 points)

III. Write the nouns in the correct columns.

juice books air pens sandals


Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

(3 points)

IV.- Rewrite the sentences by putting just in the correct place.

1. I have read this book.


2.- She has worked .


3.- Mary has grown carrots.


(3 points)

V.- Complete the sentences in the Present Perfect.

1.- My dad ____________________ (+ / go) on vacation.

2.- We ______________________ (+/ forget) our homework.

3.- Luisa _____________________ (- / find) a necklace.

4.- They ______________________ (- / hit) anybody.

5.- ___________ you ___________ (run) a marathon?

6.- ___________ he ____________ (hurt) his leg?

(6 points)

I. - Label the pictures.

________________ ________________ ___________________

________________ ________________ ____________________

________________ ________________

(10 points)
II. - Write the words that your teacher dictates.

1. - _______________________ 2. - _______________________

3. - _______________________ 4. - _______________________

5. - _______________________ 6. - _______________________

7. - _______________________ 8. - _______________________

9. - _______________________ 10. - ______________________

(10 points)
My Week
Every day from Monday to Friday, I go to school. My school starts at eight o’clock
and ends at three o’clock. Each day, I have a different activity after school. I have
basketball practice every Monday. My basketball team has practice for one hour
after school. We have to wear our basketball uniforms for practice on Mondays. I
go to art class every Tuesday. Sometimes we draw and other times we paint. I
don’t draw very well, but I am getting better every week. I help my mother around
the house every Wednesday. We tidy up the house together and do the cleaning. I
sweep the floors and my mother washes the windows. I have a flute lesson every
Thursday. I am learning to play the flute. My flute teacher is very nice and I like to
go to my lesson.
I don’t do anything after school on Fridays. I don’t have any homework on Fridays.
After school, I play with my toys or ride my bicycle outside. After Friday, it’s the
weekend! I don’t have to go to school on the weekend. I do fun things on
Saturdays and Sundays. I visit my grandparents every Saturday. We have lunch
together and then we take a walk. Sometimes I bring them a drawing from art class
or play a song from the flute class. I watch a movie with my parents every Saturday
night. We make popcorn and stay up late. Sometimes my father falls asleep during
the movie.
I go somewhere with my parents every Sunday. We go to the mountains or the
beach. Where we go is always a surprise and we always have fun. Sunday is my
favorite day of the week!
Pronunciation Intonation Fluency Volume Total


I.- Make sentences in the Present Perfect.

Comprehension Pronunciation fluency volume Total

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