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The expansive growth of touristic activities over the last several decades has positioned the

tourism industry as one of the top performers within export economies. Governments within

the global south, or developing nations, increasingly look to tourism expansion in order to

create jobs, generate national wealth, and develop regions that are logistically too isolated

for more traditional forms of industrial development and export. During the las years

Quintana Roo has develop the tourism industry and has gained position as one of the main

generators of incomes for the state and for the country. In order to be one of the main touristic

destines from Mexico, the government of Quintana Roo has developed a program for the

diversification and development of tourism, where its states that one of the lines of actios are

to design a touristic culture program and implemented in the educational and business sector.

The hotel industry has immense potential to positively affect peoples’ rights in Mexico. It

creates jobs, particularly for women and migrant workers. It can help accelerate career

development opportunities for the young and unskilled.

Schools in Quintana Roo has implemented programs that contribute to the tourism sector, as

an example is the fact that now more schools are implementing the English language in their

classes, all of it with the intention to have more prepared students that for companies mean

more capacitated future members of their company.

In Quintana Roo was identified according to INEGI that 50.9 employees out of 100 only has

basic education level of studies, fortunately this number has been decreasing through the last

years, and this is also because now days companies in the touristic sector have every time

higher levels of requirement due to the high level of competitivity of the sector, the levels of
study necessary to have a job in those companies are as minimum high school degree, and

most of the companies ask for a second language if it’s for a position that has more contact

with the tourist.

Another important aspect is that lately hotel have put their sight to sustainability, and this

influence to the new staff prospects to learn about it, this is also why educational models now

have a focus on sustainability mainly considering the environmental care.

Environmental education is a process which characteristic depend on the context, and even

when it has general objectives, peculiarities can be appreciated according to the specific place

where it is carried out. As education process promoting awareness in relation to ecological

and socio-cultural problems, as well as preventive actions in the surroundings, it

communicates values and develops abilities for the identification of environmental issues

among the members of the community, citizen and school perspective.

Education contribute to promote values related to cultural identity, ethics, aesthetics, hygiene

and respect towards nature; ensure the knowledge of local history and its traditions,

encourage the protection of natural and social resources; contribute to the knowledge on

global, national and local problems of the natural environment, develop abilities, attitudes,

and aptitudes.

A stable broad-focused development on environmental education in the Mayan Riviera will

require findings and interchanges regarding this management instrument in a concerted way;

it will require coordination between programs from various institutions and social

organizations; and the effective implementation of actions. To this respect a regional

education and training center for sustainable development could organize, promote, support
and coordinate activities and programs of environmental education and training. Likewise, it

should be based on basic and applied research projects and programs, and in the exchange

and discussion of the results obtained.

INEGI. (28 de Mayo de 2019). Educación. Obtenido de


Padilla, L. (28 de Mayo de 2019). Tourism and Environmental Education in the Mayan

Riviera at the Beginning of the Twenty First Century. Obtenido de


SECTUR. (28 de Mayo de 2019). Empleo Turistico . Obtenido de

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