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Gianni Madera

Mr. Canek

Political Studies

25 September 2018

College is an important investment

The youth of today is filled with individuals that are unsure about their post-secondary

education. Many young people today consider whether to attend college or not. After they

graduate high school of course. College is very beneficial for your future. As long as you’re

willing to dedicate yourself and use your time correctly, such as studying, college is a valuable

investment. College can help build yourself a better, stable future.

College provides numerous opportunities that will improve your life in the long run.

According to the novel ​Make Your Home Among Srangers,​ a high school graduate named

Lizetives in an unstable household and doesn’t receive support for her academic career. Lizets’

older sister has a child and her parents separate after she goes to college. Lizet comes home for

Thanksgiving and realizes she does not want to end up like her sister or parents. Lizet thinks to

herself after a pointless confrontation with her sister:

“I should’ve asked for details about the day then, for more about Ariel Hernandez, or

about Dante’s dad-if he’d called or been over-or about our own dad (same questions), but I

thought I already knew the answers. As recent as the end of our parents’ marriage was, Leidy

and I were not at all shocked that they were no longer together”. (Crucet pg. 28)
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In the novel, Make your home among strangers Lizet the main character is attending a

prestigious college and her personal life is full of drama. Lizet doesn’t want to end up like her

parent’s or sister. Although college is helpful for your future, it can be expensive and may cause


College can be expensive. Most people don’t have enough money to pay for college

themselves, so they take out loans. Loans can be helpful, but the outcome might not be as

helpful. Student debt rise due to college tuition increasing and For-Profit colleges committing

fraud (Deregulation of For-Profit Colleges, John A. Tures). Students take out loans to help pay

for college. Students lack of knowledge keeps them from carefully using loans. Their lack of

knowledge might result in negative outcomes, such as owing more money than borrowed, never

completely paying off loans, or paying for wrong colleges. As long as you research and commit

to college you can reap the rewards for your future.

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Works Cited

Crucet, Jennine C. ​Make your home among strangers. 1​ 75 Fifth Ave, New York, 2015,

Published by St. Martin’s Press

Tures, John A. ​Deregulation of For-Profit College Increases Student Loan Defaults. ​2017,

Written Communication
Development D 72.5%

Organization D 75% Missing conclusion.

Language Conventions D/P 80% Good start on formatting, though

there are some issues.

Knowledge & Thinking

Argument/Thesis D 75%

Claims/Supporting Ideas D/P 80%

Counterclaims D/P 80%

Evidence D 75%

Analysis of Evidence D/P 80%

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