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Firearms & Gunpowder Items

Item Cost Damage Weight Range Properties

Pocket Pistol 100 GP 1D6 Piercing 1 lb. 30/60 Ammunition,
Loading, Light,
Flintlock 250 GP 1D10 3 lb. 30/90 Ammunition,
Pistol Piercing Loading
Heavy Pistol 350 GP 1D12 5 lb. 20/80 Ammunition,
Piercing Loading
Blunderbuss 450 GP 2D6 Piercing 12 lb. 25/50 Ammunition,
Loading, Two
Heavy, Special
Musket 500 GP 1D12 10 lb. 40/120 Ammunition,
Piercing Loading, Two
Rifled Musket 600 GP 1D10 8 lb. 100/400 Ammunition,
Piercing Loading, Two
Bayonet 5 GP 1D4 Piercing 1 lb. - Special
Cherry Bomb 50 GP 1D6 Fire - 15/30 Thrown
Bomb 150 GP 3D6 Fire 1 lb. 30/60 Thrown, 5’
radius, DC 12
Dex save
Cluster Bomb 250 GP 3D6 Fire 2 lb. 25/50 Thrown, 15’
radius, DC 15
Dex save
Cannon 1500 GP 8D10 1500 lb 600/2400 Special, 15’
Bludgeoning radius, DC 15
Mortar 2000 GP 8D10 1500 lb 800/3000 Special
Other Items
Bullets (10) 3 GP - 2 lb. - -
Cannonball 1 GP - 5 lb. - -
Gunpowder 250 GP 7D6 Fire 20 lb. - 10’ radius, DC
Keg (320 12 Dex save
Gunpowder 35 GP 3D6 Fire 2 lb. - 10’ radius, DC
Horn (32 12 Dex save
Gunpowder 50 GP - 8 lb. -
Pocket Pistol: This tiny pistol is favored by rogues and others who don’t want to reveal that they
are armed. It uses a smaller caliber bullets than other firearms. Its range is short, and it isn’t as
damaging as a normal flintlock, but it is easy to hide.
Special: You have advantage on sleight of hand checks to hide the pocket pistol.
Flintlock Pistol: This is the original firearm. It is relatively light and simple to use, but only at
close range. This is the standard firearm used by military officers.
Heavy Pistol: This pistol fires a larger caliber bullets than the standard flintlock. This inflicts
greater damage, but reduces the range. This kind of pistol is favored by sheriffs and others who
want greater firepower, but not the bulk of a longarm.
Blunderbuss: The blunderbuss works differently than most firearms. It has a large round barrel
that is filled with multiple small bullets called shot. It is very powerful, but the shot spreads out
at long range and becomes ineffective. It is popular with sailors and hunters.
Special: In a pinch glass, nails, or other sharp objects can be used instead of ammunition.
This allows an attack with disadvantage.
Musket: This is the most common firearm. It was designed as a long range variation of the
flintlock. This is the favored firearm for soldiers. It deals more damage, and has greater range
than any of the pistols.
Rifled Musket: This is an advanced version of the musket. It shoots a smaller bullet than the
musket, but they are pushed down a rifled barrel which makes it far more accurate. Snipers and
some hunters prefer this weapon to others.
Bayonet: This is a specialized blade that is intended to be attached to the barrel of a firearm.
Special: A bayonet can be used normally as a dagger or attached to any firearm. When
attached to a two handed firearm the bayonet gains the reach property.
Cannon: Essentially a massive musket a cannon fires a massive shot at high speed. This is a
siege weapon. Large Object. Immune to poison and psychic damage. Armor Class: 19 HP: 75
Special: Takes one action to load, one action to aim, and one action to fire.
Mortar: Similar to a cannon, but fires an explosive shot in a high arc. This is a siege weapon.
Large Object. Immune to poison and psychic damage. Armor Class: 19 HP: 75
When the shot explodes it does damage to all creatures in a 15’ radius. They may make a
dexterity save with a DC of 15 to take half damage. If the attack misses roll a D8 to decide in
what direction the bomb falls. Roll 5D100 to decide how many feet away the bomb falls.
Special: Takes one action to load, one action to aim, and one action to fire.
Cherry Bomb: This is a smaller version of the standard bomb that explodes on impact. It can
only target one creature, and only does damage on a direct hit.
Bomb: This is an iron shell filled with gunpowder, and ignited by a fuse.
When the bomb explodes it does damage to all creatures in a 5’ radius. They may make a
dexterity save with a DC of 12 to take half damage. If the attack misses roll a D8 to decide in
what direction the bomb falls. Roll a D100 to decide how many feet away the bomb falls.
Cluster Bomb: The cluster bomb is a group of smaller bombs chained together in the shape of a
grape cluster. All the tiny bombs fly in multiple directions damaging a larger area.
When the bomb explodes it does damage to all creatures in a 15’ radius. They may make
a dexterity save with a DC of 15 to take half damage. If the attack misses roll a D8 to decide in
what direction the bomb falls. Roll a D100 to decide how many feet away the bomb falls.
Other Items
Bullets: This is a small leather bag containing 10 bullets that will function in any firearm.
Variant: The DM may decide that different firearms use different size bullets as
mentioned in their item descriptions.
Cannon Ball: This is a large iron ball that is fired from a cannon.
Gunpowder Keg: This keg holds enough gunpowder to fire 320 shots in a firearm or 10 shots in
a cannon. It gets ruined if it becomes wet. Setting fire to the keg will cause an explosion dealing
7D6 damage to any creature within 10 feet of it. They can make a dexterity save with a DC 15 to
take half damage.
Gunpowder Horn: This horn holds enough gunpowder to fire 32 shots in a firearm or one shot
in a cannon. It will not be ruined by getting wet. Setting fire to the horn will cause an explosion
dealing 3D6 damage to any creature within 10 feet of it. They can make a dexterity save with a
DC 12 to take half damage.
Gunpowder Kit: This kit contains all the tools to craft and maintain firearms and other
gunpowder related items.
Specialized Background: Gunfighter
You have spent years of your life learning the secrets of gunpowder including the use of
firearms. You know how to create, maintain, and wield the most advanced non-magical weapons
in existence. You love the smell of burning gunpowder and the power that a firearm gives you.
How did you learn this science? Were you a specialized soldier? Were you a pirate and used
these weapons to wreak havoc on merchants? Maybe you were a hunter who learned to hunt the
most dangerous game with deadly accuracy.
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Survival
Weapon Proficiencies: Firearms
Tool Proficiencies: Gunpowder Kit
Equipment: A gunpowder horn, a set of common clothing, a gunpowder kit, a pouch holding 15
Feature: Warrior Scientist
You are a studied chemist, and know where to look to find the components to practice your craft.
Whenever you are on land you can take a week, and make a nature check DC 10 to gather all the
resources you need to craft ammunition, gunpowder, or even firearms themselves. This does not allow
you to craft said items without the proper tools.
Suggested Characteristics D8:
1. I’m a gun nut. I’m always tinkering with my weapons.
2. I understand the dangers of gunpowder more than anyone, and am very cautious.
3. I enjoy the power firearms give me over even deadly predators.
4. I hate cities, I enjoy time out where I can see the stars at night.
5. I think science is the answer to everything, there’s always something to be learned.
6. I’ve got an itchy trigger finger. I’m prone to violence or threats of violence.
7. I use big words and talk about advanced chemical formulas even when it annoys others.
8. I have lots of hunting stories. If walks, flies, or swims I’ve probably hunted it.

Ideal D6:
1. Protection: I use my science and my weapons to defend the weak and powerless. (Good)
2. Progress: The purpose of learning my skills is to keep the peace and better society. (Lawful)
3. Freedom: Gunpowder makes us all equal, when everyone is equal: everyone is free. (Chaotic)
4. Power: Firearms gives me power over others. I like power. (Evil)
5. Nature: The world is survival of the fittest, morality is an artificial construct. (Neutral)
6. Sport: The height of life is sport! Besting your rival is what’s best in life. (Any)

Bond D6:
1. I have to use my skill to protect the downtrodden.
2. My friends and family mean everything to me. I will die and kill to protect them.
3. I learned to shoot to take revenge on the evil adventurers that attacked my village.
4. I’ll never forget the one that got away. That creature vexes me, and I will find it!
5. I was a bandit, robbing caravans at gun point. I’m a wanted criminal now.
6. One day I will return to my homeland and bring law & order as the new sheriff.

Flaw D6:
1. I got lost in the wilderness, and nearly died. I have nightmares about being eaten by beasts.
2. I had too much ale one night, my weapon went off, killing an innocent. I hide my shame at all costs.
3. I have no respect for anyone who won’t fight for what they believe in.
4. I’m a mercenary at heart. My loyalty only extends as far as my pocket.
5. I’m the best gunfighter in the world, and I can’t refuse any challengers.
6. I have a terrible temper, and will punish anyone who crosses me.
Firearm Proficiency: You have practiced extensively with gunpowder weapons of all types,
gaining the following benefits:
 Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
 You gain proficiency with all firearms and gunpowder related weapons.
Firearm Expert: Thanks to your extensive training with firearms you gain the following
 You ignore the loading quality of firearms with which you are proficient.
 Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged
attack rolls.
 When you use the Attack action and attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use a
bonus action to attack with a loaded single-handed firearm you are holding.
 Gunpowder is a complex chemical formula, but the material is not hard to come by if one
knows where to look..
 Gunpowder under pressure is explosive. Gunpowder not under pressure burns.
 Gunpowder burns at one ounce per turn shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius, and dim
light for an additional 30 feet.
 Gunpowder is damage: If a player is covered in bombs and gunpowder horns and are hit
by fire damage the gunpowder may ignite.
 One ounce of gunpowder is required to propel a bullet.
 Ten ounces of gunpowder are required to propel a cannon ball.
 Determine how prevalent firearms are. If they are common feel free to allow firearms as
martial weapons, if they are uncommon require the Firearm Proficiency feat to use them.
 If players are interested in firearms, but don’t want to take a feat or background then
allow them to give up one weapon or armor proficiency in exchange for another. For
example a fighter or paladin may give up heavy armor proficiency for musket
proficiency, or a rogue might give up hand crossbow proficiency for pocket pistol

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