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ME513 - P2
Industrial Processes
MF 9:30 - 10:30 PM


Submitted By:
Cañizares, Jexcel Hyacinth A.
Balongcas, Judy Francis A.
Villarino, Jemmuel

Submitted To:
Engr. Roberto P. Base Jr.
Sugar is the generic name for sweet, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are
used in food. As a chemical term, “sugar” usually refers to all carbohydrates of the general
formula Cn (H2O)n. It is made by plants to store energy that they don’t need right away,
rather like animals make fat. There are various types of sugar derived from different
sources. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides and include glucose, fructose,
and galactose. The simplest of the sugars is glucose, C 6H12O6, although its physical
chemistry is not that simple because it occurs in two distinct forms which affect some of
its properties. The "table sugar" or "granulated sugar" most customarily used as food
is sucrose, a disaccharide of glucose and fructose. Because one molecule of water (H 2O)
is lost in the condensation reaction linking glucose to fructose, sucrose is represented by
the formula C12H22O11 (attributed to the dearth of one molecule of water).

Sugar is used in prepared foods (e.g., cookies and cakes) and it is added to some
foods and beverages (e.g., coffee and tea). In the body, sucrose is hydrolysed into the
simple sugars fructose and glucose. Other disaccharides
include maltose from malted grain, and lactose from milk. Longer chains of sugars are
called oligosaccharides or polysaccharides. Some other chemical substances, such
as glycerol may also have a sweet taste, but are not classified as sugars. Diet
food substitutes for sugar include aspartame and sucralose, a chlorinated derivative of

The process whereby plants make sugars is photosynthesis. The plant takes in
carbon dioxide from the air though pores in its leaves and absorbs water through its roots.
These are combined to make sugar using energy from the sun and with the help of a
substance called chlorophyll. Sugars are found in the tissues of most plants and are
present in sugarcane and sugar beet in sufficient concentrations for efficient commercial
extraction. The world production of sugar in 2011 was about 168 million tonnes. The
average person consumes about 24 kilograms (53 lb) of sugar each year (33.1 kg
in developed countries), equivalent to over 260 food calories per person, per day. Since
the latter part of the twentieth century, it has been questioned whether a diet high in
sugars, especially refined sugars, is good for human health. Over-consumption of sugar
has been implicated in the occurrence of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular
disease, dementia, and tooth decay. Numerous studies have been undertaken to try to
clarify the position, but with varying results, mainly because of the difficulty of finding
populations for use as controls that do not consume or are largely free of any sugar

It is thought that cane sugar was first used by man in Polynesia from where it
spread to India. In 510 BC the Emperor Darius of what was then Persia invaded India
where he found "the reed which gives honey without bees". The secret of cane sugar, as
with many other of man's discoveries, was kept a closely guarded secret whilst the
finished product was exported for a rich profit.

It was the major expansion of the Arab

peoples in the seventh century AD that led to a
breaking of the secret. When they invaded Persia
in 642 AD they found sugar cane being grown and
learnt how sugar was made. As their expansion
continued they established sugar production in
other lands that they conquered including North
Africa and Spain.

Sugar was only discovered by western

Europeans as a result of the Crusades in the 11 th Century AD. Crusaders returning home
talked of this "new spice" and how pleasant it was. The first sugar was recorded in
England in 1099. The subsequent centuries saw a major expansion of western European
trade with the East, including the importation of sugar. It is recorded, for instance, that
sugar was available in London at "two shillings a pound" in 1319 AD. This equates to
about US$100 per kilo at today's prices so it was very much a luxury.

In the 15th century AD, European sugar was

refined in Venice, confirmation that even then when
quantities were small, it was difficult to transport
sugar as a food grade product. In the same century,
Columbus sailed to the Americas, the "New World".
It is recorded that in 1493 he took sugar cane plants
to grow in the Caribbean. The climate there was so
advantageous for the growth of the cane that an
industry was quickly established.

By 1750 there were 120 sugar refineries operating in Britain. Their combined
output was only 30,000 tons per annum. At this stage sugar was still a luxury and vast
profits were made to the extent that sugar was called "white gold". Governments
recognised the vast profits to be made from sugar and taxed it highly. In Britain for
instance, sugar tax in 1781 totalled £326,000, a figure that had grown by 1815 to
£3,000,000. This situation was to stay until 1874 when the British government, under
Prime Minister Gladstone, abolished the tax and brought sugar prices within the means
of the ordinary citizen.
Sugar beet was first identified as a source of sugar in 1747. No doubt the vested
interests in the cane sugar plantations made sure that it stayed as no more than a
curiosity, a situation that prevailed until the Napoleonic wars at the start of the 19 th century
when Britain blockaded sugar imports to continental Europe. By 1880 sugar beet had
replaced sugar cane as the main source of sugar on continental Europe. Those same
vested interests probably delayed the introduction of beet sugar to England until the First
World War when Britain's sugar imports were threatened.

Today's modern sugar industry is still beset with government interference at many
levels and throughout the world. Annual consumption is now running at about 120 million
tons and is expanding at a rate of about 2 million tons per annum. The European Union,
Brazil and India are the top three producers and together account for some 40% of the
annual production. However most sugar is consumed within the country of production and
only approximately 25% is traded internationally.

One of the most important examples of governmental actions is within the

European Union where sugar prices are so heavily subsidised that over 5 million tons of
white beet sugar have to be exported annually and yet a million tons of raw cane sugar
are imported from former colonies. This latter activity is a form of overseas aid which is
also practised by the USA. The EU's over-production and subsequent dumping has now
been subjected to GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades) requirements which
should see a substantial cut-back in production over the next few years.
Sugarcane - Sugarcane, or sugar cane, are several species of tall perennial true grasses
of the genus Saccharum, tribe Andropogoneae, native to the warm temperate to tropical
regions of South Asia and Melanesia, and used for sugar production. It has stout, jointed,
fibrous stalks that are rich in the sugar sucrose, which accumulates in the stalk internodes.
The plant is two to six meters (six to twenty feet) tall. All sugar cane species interbreed
and the major commercial cultivars are complex hybrids. Sugarcane belongs to the grass
family Poaceae, an economically important seed plant family that includes maize, wheat,
rice, and sorghum, and many forage crops.

Lime - Lime is used in sugar production when purifying the juice from beet or cane. Sugar
beet is sliced up and passed through a diffusor to extract the sugar juice. Lime, produced
from high calcium limestone, is used in the production process for this essential operation.
Seed - is a small piece of single crystal or polycrystal material from which a large crystal
of typically the same material is to be grown in a laboratory. Used to replicate material,
the use of seed crystal to promote growth avoids the otherwise slow randomness of
natural crystal growth and allows manufacture on a scale suitable for industry. The theory
behind this effect is thought to derive from the physical intermolecular interaction that
occurs between compounds in a supersaturated solution (or possibly vapor). In solution,
liberated (soluble) molecules (solute) are free to move about in random flow.
This random flow permits for the possibility of two or more molecular compounds
to interact. This interaction can potentiate intermolecular forces between the separate
molecules and form a basis for a crystal lattice. The placement of a seed crystal into
solution allows the recrystallization process to expedite by eliminating the need for
random molecular collision or interaction. By introducing an already pre-formed basis of
the target crystal to act upon, the intermolecular interactions are formed much more easily
or readily, than relying on random flow. Often, this phase transition from solute in a
solution to a crystal lattice will be referred to as nucleation. Seeding is therefore said to
decrease the necessary amount of time needed for nucleation to occur in a
recrystallization process.

Many of the steps in making sugar from cane are similar to steps in making sugar
from beets, but the processes have some differences. The following sections describe
these processes in turn.

Cane Sugar Processing

Cane sugar is processed in two major steps: producing raw sugar and refining it.
Although both steps can be done in the same facility, the usual arrangement is for the
sugar mill to produce the raw sugar and ship it to the sugar refinery. More recently, a
trend has begun to build facilities that can both produce and refine the raw sugar.

The processes in the mill and refinery are very similar. However, the sugar mill
usually operates only right after the cane harvest. The refinery can store raw sugar and
operate year round.
1. Cane Sugar Mills
Cane sugar mills process cane juice into a material called raw sugar. Raw sugar can then
be stored in piles until needed by the refineries. (See Figure 1.)
1-A. Cutting and Pressing

Sugar cane is transported by rail or truck, and is unloaded onto a conveyor belt.
Rotating cane knives cut the cane into smaller pieces, called billets. A series of turbine-
driven presses, also called mills, tandems or stands, then squeeze out the juice. This
operation is also known as grinding. The primary hazard at this point is breakdown of
rotating equipment.
As the cane is crushed, hot water (or a combination of hot water and recovered
impure juice) is sprayed onto the crushed cane counter currently as it leaves each mill for
diluting. The extracted juice, called “vesou”, contains 95 percent or more of the sucrose
present. The mass is then diffused, a process that involves finely cutting or shredding the
stalks. Next, the sugar is separated from the cut stalks by dissolving it in hot water or hot
The spent cane, called bagasse, is sent to storage piles outside the mill. Many
mills use bagasse as fuel for the boilers, some sell it as animal feed. Boilers provide the
steam to heat process equipment, to drive mill turbines and to generate electric power.
The hazards here are from rupture of steam lubricating oils used in power generating
equipment also present a fire hazard.

1-B. Clarifying

The cane juice is filtered and heated. The juice from the mills, a dark green color,
is acid and turbid. The clarification (or defecation) process is designed to remove both
soluble and insoluble impurities (such as sand, soil, and ground rock) that have not been
removed by preliminary screening. The process employs lime and heat as the clarifying
agents. Milk of lime (about one pound per ton of cane) neutralizes the natural acidity of
the juice, forming insoluble lime salts. Heating the lime juice to boiling coagulates the
albumin and some of the fats, waxes, and gums, and the precipitate formed entraps
suspended solids as well as the minute particles.
The muds separate from the clear juice through sedimentation. The non-sugar
impurities are removed by continuous filtration. The final clarified juice contains about 85
percent water and has the same composition as the raw extracted juice except for the
removed impurities. This part of the process presents little hazard.

1-C. Crystallizing

Clarified juice is sent to steam-heated evaporators. In the evaporators, water is

boiled from the juice under vacuum. Then the juice is sent to crystallizers to cool under
vacuum. The rate of cooling must be closely controlled. This leaves a mixture of sug ar
crystals and molasses called massecuite. The steam heating system, the evaporators
and the crystallizers are pressure vessels subject to rupture.
1-D. Centrifuging

Molasses is removed from the massecuite by rinsing the sugar crystals in

centrifuges. Some sugar mills call these centrifugals. The molasses can be sold for animal
feed, or it can be further processed for human consumption. The raw sugar is sent back
through the crystallizing and centrifuging processes two or three more times. When
finished, the raw sugar is sent to the refinery. Centrifuges can suffer mechanical
breakdown typical of rotating equipment.

1-E Conditioning

Some grades of raw sugar are conditioned, or dehumidified, to reduce clumping.

Conditioning is usually done in steam-heated fluidized bed dryers. The hazards include
fuel fired equipment and baghouses.
2. Cane Sugar Refineries

Cane sugar refineries refine the raw sugar from the cane mill. Refined sugar is the
common white table sugar consumers buy in grocery stores, or it may also be liquid sugar
as used in beverages. Many steps are required to obtain the purity required of this
product. (See Figure 2.)
2-A. Affination

Raw sugar is mixed with a heated syrup solution in a vessel called a mingler. The
mixing loosens impurities on the surface of the sugar crystals. Using syrup instead of
plain water permits loosening the impurities from the surface of the crystals without
dissolving them. The solution of heated syrup and crystals leaving the affination process
is called magma.

The primary hazards of this part of the process are those associated with the
heating system.

2-B. Centrifuging

The magma is centrifuged to remove more molasses. At this point in the process,
the sugar is called affined sugar. As in the sugar mill, these centrifuges can suffer
mechanical breakdown typical of rotating equipment.

2-C. Clarifying

The magma is clarified in three or more steps. Phosphoric acid is added to make
suspended solids float to the top, where they can be skimmed off. This part of the process
is called phosphatation.

Next, lime and carbon dioxide are added to help precipitate more dissolved solids.
Most refineries call this step carbonatation, but some call it carbonation. The final
clarification step is filtering. This part of the process presents little hazard.

2-D. Decolorizing

Remaining molecules (primarily amino acids) that give the sugar a yellowish color
are removed with bone char, activated carbon, ion exchange resins, or a combination of
these materials. This part of the process also presents little hazard.

Activated carbon is usually in the form of charcoal. Spent charcoal is reactivated

in a gas- or oil-fired regeneration furnace. The hazards of this part of the process include
the fuel-fired equipment and the potential for accumulation of charcoal dust.
2-E. Crystallizing

Decolorized sugar solution is sent to steam-heated evaporators. In the

evaporators, water is boiled from the solution under vacuum. Then the juice is sent to
crystallizers to cool under vacuum. This process is very similar to the crystallization
process used in the raw sugar mill.

2-F. Centrifuging

The sugar is centrifuged again, then it is sent back through crystallizing and
centrifuging two or three more times. The sugar obtained from the final centrifuging
process is considered refined sugar. This step is similar to the centrifuging step in the
sugar mill.

2-G. Conditioning

Sugar is conditioned by drying it in a steam-heated, rotating drum granulator for

approximately two to four days. Some refined sugar is conditioned in fluidized bed dryers
like the ones sometimes used for drying raw sugar. Conditioning keeps the sugar from
clumping during shipping and storage. The hazards in this step are those associated with
fuel fired equipment and baghouses.

2-H. Pulverizing

If the finished product is to be powdered sugar (also called confectioners’ sugar),

the crystals are pulverized to achieve the desired particle size and consistency. This
process generates very fine sugar dust, which can present an explosion hazard.
1. Bagasse

The bagasse produced after extracting the juice from sugar cane is used as fuel
to generate steam in factories. Increasingly large amounts of bagasse are being made
into paper, insulating board, and hardboard, as well as furfural, a chemical intermediate
for the synthesis of furan and tetrahydrofuran.

2. Beet Slices

The beet tops and extracted slices as well the molasses are used as feed for cattle.
It has been shown that more feed for cattle and other such animals can be produced per
acre-year from beets than from any other crop widely grown in the United States. The
beet strips are also treated chemically to facilitate the extraction of commercial pectin.

3. Molasses

Molasses is a byproduct of the sugar-making process, resulting in the brown

syrupy liquid left over after boiling once the sugar crystals have been removed. It's a
favorite ingredient in many recipes and has also been touted as a healthy food. Molasses
contains 46 percent dissolved sucrose and other sugars; 3 percent protein; small amounts
of minerals like calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and sulfur; trace elements such as
copper, iron, manganese and zinc; and B-vitamins.

Molasses is used for both human and animal consumption. Producers may also
mix it with raw sugar to facilitate transport to a refinery, or with white sugar to yield brown
sugar. Generally, it is used in cattle feed as well as in the production of industrial alcohol,
yeast, organic chemicals, and rum. There are several types of molasses; variations
depend on how many times the syrup was boiled and what may be added to it.

3-A. Light and Dark Molasses

Light molasses is produced after the first boiling of the sugar cane or sugar beet.
It is light in color and sweet in taste because only a small amount of sugar has been
extracted. Light molasses is also known as "sweet," "Barbados," "first" or "mild" molasses.
This type of molasses is commonly used as an ingredient in baking, marinades, rubs and
sauces, or even as a topping on toast or oatmeal. When added, it can make cookies
softer or breads crustier, according to Dark molasses, also known as
"full" or "second" molasses, results after the second boiling and more sugar is extracted.
It is darker in color, thicker and less sweet. It can still be used in a recipe that requires
molasses. It is the ingredient commonly used in gingerbread cookies.

3-B. Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is the syrup produced after the third boiling. It is very thick
and dark in color. It is also bitter in taste. Due to its bitter taste, it should not be used as
a substitute in recipes that call for molasses. Blackstrap molasses is the version of
molasses that is supposed to have the most health benefits. It can be found in many
health food stores. Blackstrap molasses contains the highest vitamin and mineral content
of all the types of molasses since it has been concentrated the most by the three boilings.
It is a good source of iron. According to the American Dietetic Association’s Complete
Food & Nutrition Guide, 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 3.5 milligrams of
iron. It also contains several other minerals and vitamins such as calcium, copper,
magnesium, manganese, selenium, potassium, vitamin B6 and niacin.

3-C. Sulphured and Unsulphured Molasses

Some molasses will be labeled as "sulphured" or "unsulphured." Sulphur dioxide

is sometimes added to molasses as a preservative because molasses will ferment. The
addition of sulfur dioxide does change the taste of the molasses. It generally makes the
molasses less sweet. Unsulphured molasses is typically the variety used in recipes
because of its sweeter and original molasses taste.

3-D. Fancy and Other Types of Molasses

Fancy molasses is a type of molasses that is very sweet. It is commonly used as

a topping for pancakes or biscuits. Fancy molasses is condensed from the pure juice of
the sugar cane so it’s the lightest and sweetest of the different types of molasses. Cooking
molasses is a blend of fancy molasses and blackstrap molasses. When used in recipes, it
results in baked goods that are less sweet but with more molasses flavoring than just
using fancy molasses. Molasses can also be made from products other than sugar cane
and sugar beets. Pomegranate, sorghum, carob and dates are all used to produce
molasses, especially for Middle Eastern cuisine.
4. Raw Sugar

When sugar cane arrives from the fields, sugar millers grind and press it to extract
the sweet juices. Crystals that form in the liquid are granules called raw sugar. After going
through filtration and hot water washes, the sugar contains 96 percent sucrose and 4
percent of plant materials contained in the mother liquid. Vacuum-drying this product
leaves a golden brown color and sweet taste but very little nutritional value, except for
calories from the carbohydrate content. The raw sugar can either go to the consumer or
to the refinery for further processing.

5. White Sugar

At the refinery, the raw sugar and molasses mixture undergoes further washing
with hot water and separation through centrifugation and filtration. The naturally white
crystals that remain are 99.9 percent sucrose. This sugar can go to grinding machines
that produce different sizes of granules -- everything from crystals to powders -- for use
in household and commercial cooking and flavoring.

6. Brown Sugar

Mixing white sugar crystals with various amounts of molasses results in a soft,
lumpy product called brown sugar. The amount of molasses added depends on the
producer, but you could expect light brown sugar to contain 3.5 percent molasses, while
dark brown sugar might contain 6.5 percent molasses. Brown sugar imparts the taste of
molasses to recipes and adds moisture to make a softer texture.

7. Considerations

Raw sugar differs very little from white sugar, except that the crystals of raw sugar
are larger and have more color. In spite of trace amounts of minerals in molasses, brown
sugar contains only slightly more nutritive value than raw sugar because the amounts
added back are so small. The calories of raw sugar and brown sugar are the same. Both
raw sugar and brown sugar appeal to people and animals because of the sweet taste and
burst of caloric energy.

Schematic Diagram of a Cane Sugar Mill

1. Sugarcane Harvester

A sugarcane harvester is a large piece of agricultural machinery used to harvest

and partially process sugarcane.

The machine, originally developed in the 1920s, remains similar in function and
design to the combine harvester. Essentially a storage vessel on a truck with a
mechanical extension, the machine cuts the stalks at the base, strips the leaves off, and
then cuts the cane into segments. These are then deposited into either the on-board
container, or a separate vehicle traveling alongside. Waste material is then ejected back
onto the field, where it acts as fertilizer.
Sugarcane Harvester

2. Weighbridge Tippler
The weighbridge tippler is used to weigh the collected sugar cane before it will
enter the main process of manufacturing sugar. This is done in order to monitor and
identify the possible output quantity with the given supplied sugar cane.

Weighbridge Tippler

3. Shredder Machine and Crushing Machine

After the sugar canes are washed, it will be passed through a shredder machine.
This machine is used to shred (cut to smaller pieces) the canes such that there will be
ease in extracting the juice from the sugar cane. The leaves and nodes will be removed
from the canes during this process. The most common type of shredder used is the
hammer mill shredder.
Shredder Machine

The crushing machine is used to crush the cane in order to break the hard
structure. During this process, the cells containing the juice are ruptured but no juice will
be extracted. This process will significantly increase the efficiency of extracting the juice.
Shredded cane passing through this machine will be subjected to crushers with
corrugated blades.

Crushing Machine

4. Milling Train
A milling train is a set of roller tandems whose sole function is to extract the juice
out from the prepared sugar cane. This will separate the bagasse, the pulp that remained
after the juice extraction, from the sugar-making process. The train is designed such that
the extracted juice and bagasse will have separate pathways after the process - the
mixed juice to the process house, while the bagasse to the boilers.

Roller tandems are composed of 3 roller mills connected in series, namely: top
roller, feed roller, and discharge roller. About 5 - 7 roller tandems are aligned in order to
assemble a milling train setup. More roller tandems in a train have better output in juice

(a) Roller Mill Machine (b) Milling Train Setup

5. Heater
This machine is the area in which the extracted juice is heated. This process is
necessary before the juice will be clarified from impurities.

6. Clarifier Machine
In the clarifier machine, the impurities present from the extracted steam is
removed. This is done through the addition of lime and the application of filtration and
sedimentation processes. The precipitate (mud) will settle to the bottom of the clarifier

Cut-away View of Clarifier Machine

7. Evaporation Station
The evaporator station is the stage where an amount of water content from the
cleared juice is to produce the syrup. To concentrate the clarified juice, about two-thirds
of the water is removed through vacuum evaporation. Generally, four vacuum-boiling cells
or bodies are arranged in series so that each succeeding body has a higher vacuum (and
therefore boils at a lower temperature). The vapors from one body can thus boil the juice
in the next one—the steam introduced into the first cell does what is called multiple-effect
evaporation. The vapor from the last cell goes to a condenser. The syrup leaves the last
body continuously with about 65 percent solids and 35 percent water.
Evaporation Station

8. Crystallization Machine
Crystallization takes place in a single-stage vacuum pan. The syrup is evaporated
until saturated with sugar. As soon as the saturation point has been exceeded, small
grains of sugar are added to the pan, or "strike." These small grains, called seed, serve
as nuclei for the formation of sugar crystals. (Seed grain is formed by adding 56 ounces
[1,600 grams] of white sugar into the bowl of a slurry machine and mixing with 3.3 parts
of a liquid mixture: 70 percent methylated spirit and 30 percent glycerine. The machine
runs at 200 RPM for 15 hours.) Additional syrup is added to the strike and evaporated so
that the original crystals that were formed are allowed to grow in size.

Section of a Crystallization Machine Crystallization Machine Setup

9. Centrifugal Machines

The high-speed centrifugal action used to separate the massecuite into raw sugar
crystals and molasses is done in revolving machines called centrifugals. A centrifugal
machine has a cylindrical basket suspended on a spindle, with perforated sides lined with
wire cloth, inside which are metal sheets containing 400 to 600 perforations per square
inch. The basket revolves at speeds from 1,000 to 1,800 RPM. The raw sugar is retained
in the centrifuge basket because the perforated lining retains the sugar crystals. The
mother liquor, or molasses, passes through the lining (due to the centrifugal force
exerted). The final molasses (blackstrap molasses) containing sucrose, reducing sugars,
organic non-sugars, ash, and water, is sent to large storage tanks.
Once the sugar is centrifuged, it is "cut down" and sent to a granulator for drying.
In some countries, sugarcane is processed in small factories without the use of
centrifuges, and a dark-brown product (non-centrifugal sugar) is produced. Centrifugal
sugar is produced in more than 60 countries while non-centrifugal sugar in about twenty

A Set of Centrifugals
10. Sugar Driers and Storage Bins
Damp sugar crystals are dried by being tumbled through heated air in a granulator.
The dry sugar crystals are then sorted by size through vibrating screens and placed into
storage bins. Sugar is then sent to be packed in the familiar packaging we see in grocery
stores, in bulk packaging, or in liquid form for industrial use.

Sugar Drier Machine

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