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Soft Pretzels  


1 T Yeast
3⁄4 cup warm water
1⁄4 cup brown sugar
1⁄2 tsp salt
2 1⁄2 cup bread flour
1⁄4 stick butter
1 T pretzel salt
1 cup warm water
4 tsp baking

Dissolve yeast in 3⁄4 cup of warm water.

Add brown sugar, salt, and bread flour.
Knead for 5 minutes. Let rise for 30
minutes in a greased bowl. Do not
punch down. Roll into pretzels. Combine
1c of water with 4 tsp of baking soda
and dip pretzels into this mixture. Place
on an absorbent towel and then on to a
greased pan. Brush with melted butter
and sprinkle with pretzel salt. Bake at
400 for 10-15 mins. Remove from oven
and brush with butter and add desired
toppings. Enjoy!!
Apple Baked Oatmeal


1 cup oil
4 eggs
2 cup milk
1 cup brown sugar
 6 cup oatmeal
 1 tbsp cinnamon
 4 tsp baking powder
1  tsp salt
  apples (4-5)

Grease 2, 9x9 inch baking
pan. Put chopped apples on
the bottom. Mix all
ingredients. Pour over
apples. Bake 350 degrees
for 45-60 min.

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