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CAP Project 

Immigration  - We would like to leverage 

Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” Policy 
so that everyone who crosses the 
Policy -  border shouldn’t be charged with 
criminal proceedings. Instead of 

Trump’s Zero  criminal charges we propose, an 

alternative , a system where 

immigrants are not immediately 

Background Info 

- The Zero Tolerance Policy was 

made by the Trump’s 
- It says Everyone who has entered 
the U.S. Illegally, will be criminally 
- “​Has the effect of separating 
parents from their children when 
they enter the country together.”  
Statistics :  

Contract Us 
322 Lucas Ave   
Los Angeles, CA 90017 
(818)814-7712, Nicholas Orozco  - According to​ U.S. Customs and 
(213)379-0444, Alejandro Villeda  Border Patrol​, This last month, the 
(323)793-4308, Christopher Clemente  US Border patrol captured ​6,825 
(213)269-7198, Jose Gomez  Unaccompanied Alien Children 


- The US Border patrol also  Question 

captured 36,174 Family Units last 
month  - What could we do to overlap or 
- Total Apprehensions in 2019:  change the “Zero Tolerance” 
268,044 immigrants   policy that's still at hand and that 
affects any immigrants that come 
    to the US? 
Counter Claims/Rebuttal​:   - How or what type of leverage 
- Some may say that this is needed  could we try to implement into the 
“Zero Tolerance” policy? 
in order to keep our country safe 
and prevent drugs and other  - Could we try to make a newer version 
crimes from coming to the U.S. but  of the “Zero Tolerance” policy and 
truth of the matter is that not  somewhat make it back to how it was 
everyone is going to bring drugs  before President Trump came into 
and violence. Some people don’t  office were families were detained 
have the resources to legally  together and either send back 
come to the U.S. so they decide to  together back to there countries 
put their lives at risks and migrate  altogether? 
here for a better life.   - What will happen to the kids that stay 
- The possible risk of restructuring  here in the US without their parents? 
the current system that Trump  Could there be some type of loophole 
Policy established will be too  to bring their parents to the US by 
complex and risky to undo. There  saying that the kids need a parent or 
might be possible dramatic shifts  guardian instead of being send to an 
that might affect the fund of law  orphanage or staying in the 
enforcements involved.  immigration camps? 












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