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Commitment and Employee Behavior:

Comparison of Affective Commitment and
Continuance Commitment With Perceived...

Article in Journal of Applied Psychology · November 1993

DOI: 10.1037/0021-9010.78.5.774 · Source: PubMed


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Lynn M. Shore Sandy Wayne

Colorado State University University of Illinois at Chicago


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Journal of Applied Psychology Copyright 1993 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.
1993, Vol. 78, No. 5, 774-780 0021-90IO/93/S3.00

Commitment and Employee Behavior: Comparison of Affective

Commitment and Continuance Commitment With Perceived
Organizational Support
Lynn McFarlane Shore and Sandy J. Wayne

The social exchange view of commitment (R. Eisenberger, R. Huntington, S. Hutchison, & D. Sowa,
1986) suggests that employees' perceptions of the organization's commitment to them (perceived
organizational support, or POS) creates feelings of obligation to the employer, which enhances em-
ployees' work behavior. The authors addressed the question of whether POS or the more traditional
commitment concepts of affective commitment (AC) and continuance commitment (CC) were better
predictors of employee behavior (organizational citizenship and impression management). Partici-
pants were 383 employees and their managers. Although results showed that both AC and POS were
positively related to organizational citizenship and that CC was negatively related to organizational
citizenship, POS was the best predictor. These findings support the social exchange view that POS
creates feelings of obligation that contribute to citizenship behaviors. In addition, CC was unrelated,
whereas AC and POS were positively correlated, with some impression management behaviors.

Much literature has examined the notion of organizational gested the value of studying the organization's commitment to
commitment, and many conceptualizations and measures have the employee. Eisenberger et al. suggested that employees' per-
been proposed and tested (Meyer & Allen, 1991; Mowday, Por- ceptions of the organization's commitment to them, referred to
ter, & Steers, 1982). Meyer and Allen have extensively re- as perceived organizational support (POS), are based on em-
searched two types of commitment, called affective commit- ployees' global beliefs concerning the extent to which the orga-
ment and continuance commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1990; nization values their contributions and cares about their well-
Meyer & Allen, 1984). Affective commitment is denned as "an being. Using a social exchange framework, Eisenberger and his
affective or emotional attachment to the organization such that colleagues argued that employees who perceive a high level of
the strongly committed individual identifies with, is involved organizational support are more likely to feel an obligation to
in, and enjoys membership in, the organization" (Allen & "repay" the organization in terms of affective commitment
Meyer, 1990, p. 2). Continuance commitment is "a tendency to (Eisenberger et al., 1986) and work-related behavior (Blau,
'engage in consistent lines of activity' (Becker, 1960, p. 33) based 1964; Eisenberger, Fasolo, & Davis-LaMastro, 1990; Eisenber-
on the individual's recognition of the 'costs' (or lost side bets) ger etal., 1986).
associated with discontinuing the activity" (Allen & Meyer, Although POS is a commitment concept, it represents a de-
1990, p. 3). Much evidence has been accrued on the distinctive- parture from the traditional approach of studying employee
ness of Meyer and Allen's (1984) Affective Commitment Scale commitment to the organization, raising the question of
(ACS) and Continuance Commitment Scale (CCS; Allen & whether employer commitment, or POS, provides a unique and
Meyer, 1990; McGee & Ford, 1987; Meyer, Allen, & Gellatly, valuable contribution to the literature. A recent confirmatory
1990) and on the differential relationships each has with ante- factor analysis by Shore and Tetrick (1991) indicated that the
cedents and outcomes (Allen & Meyer, 1990; Meyer, Paunonen, ACS, the CCS, and the Survey of Perceived Organizational Sup-
Gellatly, Goffin, & Jackson, 1989; Shore & Barksdale, 1991). port (Eisenberger et al., 1986) are distinct measures. However,
Although affective and continuance commitment represent
before the present study, research has not compared employee
employee commitment to the organization, recent work by
commitment with employer commitment (i.e., POS) to deter-
Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, and Sowa (1986) has sug-
mine the potentially unique explanation of behavior provided
by POS relative to the well-established concepts of affective
Lynn McFarlane Shore, Department of Management and W. T. commitment and continuance commitment.
Beebe Institute of Personnel and Employment Relations, Georgia State In a recent meta-analysis, Mathieu and Zajac (1990) pre-
University; Sandy J. Wayne, Department of Management, University of sented evidence on the links between organizational commit-
Illinois at Chicago. ment and a number of critical in-role behaviors, including per-
We gratefully acknowledge Kevin Barksdale for his assistance in data formance, absence, lateness, and turnover. However, commit-
collection and preparation and Rodger Griffeth, Tom Lee, K. M. ment may also be important in explaining behaviors that are
Kacmar, and Janet Szumal for their helpful reviews of earlier drafts of
not formally rewarded or sanctioned by the organization, re-
the article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Lynn ferred to as nonrole behaviors. As with in-role behaviors, non-
McFarlane Shore, Department of Management, Georgia State Univer- role behaviors can contribute to or detract from organizational
sity, P.O. Box 4014, Atlanta, Georgia 30302-4014. effectiveness (Borman & Motowidlo, in press), so that under-

standing how commitment relates to these types of behaviors havior and, thus, the impressions that others form of them
would be a valuable contribution to the literature. Further- (Jones & Pittman, 1982). IM may consist of behaviors whereby
more, commitment may be particularly important in predict- the employee alters or manipulates information given to the su-
ing nonrole behaviors (Scholl, 1981; Wiener, 1982), such as or- pervisor for his or her performance to be viewed more positively
ganizational citizenship and impression management. We chose than it should be (e.g., Caldwell & O'Reilly, 1982) or may con-
to include these two nonrole behaviors in our study because the sist of doing favors or complimenting the supervisor (e.g., Wort-
former has been viewed as enhancing organizational function- man & Linsenmeier, 1977). A common theme in the literature
ing (Organ, 1990) whereas the latter has been shown to detract is that the use of IM is influenced by a need to defend or pro-
from organizational effectiveness by, for example, resulting in mote oneself to avoid punishment or to receive a desirable re-
lower job satisfaction (Gandz & Murray, 1980) or creating bias ward (Liden & Mitchell, 1988). We predicted that employees
in performance ratings (Wayne & Ferris, 1990). with a strong affective commitment would have less of a need to
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is extrarole be- promote themselves because their emotional attachment to the
havior that is generally not considered a required duty of the job organization is, by itself, useful for creating and maintaining a
or part of a traditional job description (Bateman & Organ, positive impression on others. Similarly, employees with high
1983; Organ, 1990). OCB includes behaviors that an individual levels of POS may have less of a need to use IM because they are
chooses to offer or withhold without concern for immediate for- already receiving desirable rewards in terms of support from
mal rewards or sanctions. Several empirical studies have sug- the organization. Therefore, we predicted that employees with
gested that the relationship between commitment and OCB de- a strong affective commitment and high levels of POS would be
pends on the type of commitment examined. O'Reilly and less likely to use IM. On the other hand, Meyer and Allen (1991)
Chatman (1986) found that identification and internalization, have suggested that, when an employee's primary tie to the or-
which are conceptually similar to affective commitment, were ganization is need based (continuance commitment), the em-
positively related to OCB. However, Williams and Anderson ployee engages in behaviors that would help guarantee contin-
(1991) failed to replicate these findings; they found that inter- ued employment; nonetheless, such an employee is not likely to
nalization and identification were not significantly associated exert extra effort on behalf of the organization. Thus, in an
with OCB. This inconsistency of results may be because effort to protect their job security, employees with high contin-
O'Reilly and Chatman used self-reports of OCB whereas Wil- uance commitment may engage in IM behaviors to appear as
liams and Anderson gathered OCB information from managers. though they are supportive of the organization. This suggests
Basically, these studies suggest that affective commitment will that there would be a positive relationship between continuance
be positively, but perhaps weakly, related to OCB. commitment and IM.
Because prior empirical research has not examined the rela-
Hypothesis 2: Affective commitment and POS will be negatively
tionship between continuance commitment and nonrole behav- associated with IM, whereas continuance commitment will be pos-
iors, a question arises about whether or not this type of commit- itively associated with IM.
ment should be linked with OCB. We did expect a relationship
between continuance commitment and OCB for two reasons. A number of views have been put forth in the literature that
First, as suggested by Meyer and Allen (1991), "Employees who are relevant for comparing affective commitment and continu-
want to belong to the organization (affective commitment) ance commitment with POS in terms of the ability to predict
might be more likely than those who need to belong (continu- employee behavior. On the one hand, Eisenberger et al. (1990)
ance commitment). . . to exert effort on behalf of the organi- found that POS was positively related to expressed affective and
zation" (pp. 73-74). Second, because in-role behaviors tend to calculative involvements in the organization. This raises the
be correlated with OCB (Williams & Anderson, 1991) and con- question about whether POS may be necessary for understand-
tinuance commitment has been found to result in lower job per- ing employee behavior, because affective and continuance com-
formance (Meyer et al., 1989), we expected that there would be mitment may be outcomes of organizational support and thus
a negative relationship between continuance commitment and may be more closely linked to employee behavior. However, this
OCB. perspective assumes that the influence of organizational sup-
Eisenberger and his colleagues found that POS was related port on employee behavior is solely through affective and con-
to absenteeism (Eisenberger et al., 1986), conscientiousness in tinuance commitment. Theoretical and empirical research does
carrying out conventional job responsibilities, and innovation not seem to support this proposition (Shore & Tetrick, 1991).
on behalf of the organization (Eisenberger et al., 1990). In addi- Thus, although POS is likely to be related to affective and con-
tion, the social exchange framework that underlies POS suggests tinuance commitment, these forms of commitment are not re-
that these perceptions create feelings of obligation that serve to dundant with POS. From a theoretical perspective, the relation-
increase behaviors that support organizational goals. We there- ship between POS and work behavior, unlike the conceptualiza-
fore expected that POS would be positively associated with tions for affective commitment and continuance commitment,
OCB. is based on a social exchange framework. That is, although per-
ceptions of organizational support obligate employees to sup-
Hypothesis 1: Affective commitment and POS will be positively
associated with OCB, whereas continuance commitment will be port organizational goals as repayment, affective and continu-
negatively associated with OCB. ance commitment do not generate these same feelings of obli-
gation. Rather, affective commitment may increase OCB and
Impression management (IM) consists of behaviors that em- decrease IM because it is the right and moral way to behave
ployees may use to influence others' attributions for their be- (Wiener, 1982), whereas continuance commitment reflects feel-

ings of being stuck (Shore & Barksdale, 1991), leading to lower vey 1 and the second survey, manager data, is referred to as Survey 2.)
OCB and greater IM. Given the vastly different conceptualiza- The surveys were mailed to participants along with a cover letter, com-
tions linking these three constructs and employee behavior, we puter answer sheets, and a preaddressed return envelope.
expected that POS would provide additional explanation of
work behavior beyond that provided by affective and continu- Results
ance commitment.
Hypothesis 3: POS will explain additional variance in OCB and
Before testing the hypotheses, we conducted a series of prin-
IM beyond the explanation provided by affective commitment and cipal-component factor analyses using varimax rotation for the
continuance commitment. IM and OCB scales. An initial analysis with two factors desig-
nated a priori included all IM and OCB items for both Survey
Method 1 and Survey 2 (separately). Results showed that 12 of the IM
items were loading on a factor with OCB items. When these 12
Subjects items were eliminated, subsequent analyses indicated that the
Participants were 276 pairs of employees and their direct supervisors remaining 12 items loaded on a separate factor from the OCB
working in a large multinational firm headquartered in the southeastern items. OCB items were factor analyzed separately from IM
United States. Three hundred eighty-three employees (305 men and items, with two factors designated a priori. This factor structure
78 women) and 231 supervisors (198 men and 33 women) completed was quite similar to the Compliance and Altruism subscales
surveys. Although some supervisors rated more than 1 employee (18%), generated by Smith et al. (1983), although 2 items that did not
very few supervisors (6.5%) rated more than 2 employees. The average load clearly on either factor in the Smith et al. study did so in
age of the employees was 43.62 years, and the average age of the super- the present sample (1 item loaded on the altruism factor and the
visors was 48.42 years. The participants held a variety of job positions, other item loaded on the compliance factor). Thus, in our study,
such as mechanic, secretary, and accountant. the Altruism scale consisted of 7 items and the Compliance
scale consisted of 9 items.
Measures An exploratory principal-component analysis with varimax
Employees reported their levels of affective commitment, continu- rotation for the 12 IM items yielded three factors (for both Sur-
ance commitment, and POS. Supervisors described their employees' veys 1 and 2), producing three IM scales (see Table 1). The first
OCB and IM behavior. scale was called manipulation because items reflected direct at-
Affective and continuance commitment. Affective commitment and tempts by the employee to manipulate the manager's percep-
continuance commitment were assessed with 16 items developed by tion of his or her work quality and effort. The second scale was
Meyer and Allen (1984). The Cronbach alpha estimates were .88 for called supervisory awareness because these items reflected em-
affective commitment and .82 for continuance commitment. Scale an- ployee attempts to communicate and display efforts and accom-
chors ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). plishments to the manager. The third scale, called supervisory
POS. Weuseda 17-itemscaledevelopedbyEisenbergeretal.(1986) favors, contained items that described employees doing favors
to measure POS. The Cronbach alpha estimate was .95. Scale anchors
ranged from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
for the supervisor. The Cronbach alpha estimates for the three
OCB. We assessed OCB with a 16-item scale developed by Smith, scales were .89, .68, and .71, respectively. The factor structure
Organ, and Near (1983). The scale measures two dimensions of OCB: of the scale measuring supervisor reports of employee IM be-
altruism (7 items) and compliance (9 items). The Cronbach alpha esti- havior was replicated with a separate sample of 193 supervisors
mates were .88 for altruism and .87 for compliance. Scale anchors working in a large firm located in the southwestern United
ranged from 1 (disagree completely) to 5 (agree completely). States.
IM behavior. We modified the 24-item Wayne and Ferris (1990) Im- Means, standard deviations, and intercorrelations among the
pression Management Scale, which was developed for employee self- variables are shown in Table 2. The pattern of correlations for
reports of IM behavior, to measure supervisory reports of IM behavior. OCB provided support for Hypothesis 1. As we predicted,
Supervisors reported how often their subordinates had engaged in a par- affective commitment and POS were positively correlated with
ticular IM behavior on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (al- both compliance and altruism, whereas continuance commit-
ment was negatively correlated with these same scales.
Hypothesis 2 was not supported by our results. We expected
Procedure that affective commitment and POS would be negatively related
The measures used in this study were included in a larger organiza- to IM behaviors whereas continuance commitment would show
tional survey. A random stratified sample (by age and tenure) of 1,071 a positive relationship with IM behaviors. Continuance com-
employees were contacted by mail and asked to participate in a longitu- mitment was not significantly related to any of the IM behav-
dinal study of employee attitudes that involved completing four surveys iors. In addition, none of the commitment measures predicted
over a 2-year period. Forty-one percent of the employees contacted manipulation behaviors. Furthermore, supervisory favor was
agreed to participate and were thus sent surveys. The data used in the positively correlated with both affective commitment and POS,
present study came from the second and third survey administrations. and supervisory awareness was positively correlated with POS.
The return rate for employees who agreed to participate was 90%, and
the return rate for their supervisors was 73%. The employee data we
Results of hierarchical regression analyses are shown in Table
used were collected 6 months before the supervisor data (note that the 3. Results pertaining to OCB strongly supported Hypothesis 3.
surveys administered at these two times were virtually identical, so that POS accounted for a significant portion of unique variance in
predictor and criterion data were collected at both survey administra- OCB beyond that provided by affective commitment (for altru-
tions). (Hereinafter, the first survey, employee data, is referred to as Sur- ism, AJ?2 = .043, p < .01; for compliance, A/?2 = .032, p < .01)

Table 1
Factor Analysis of Impression Management Items
Survey 1 factors Survey 2 factors

To what extent does the employee: 1 2 3 1 2 3

1 . Play up the value of a positive event that he or she has

taken credit for to you. .90 .08 .11 .88 .09 .09
2. Try to take responsibility for positive events, even
when he or she is not solely responsible. .89 .05 .04 .84 .11 .08
3. Try to make a positive event that he or she is
responsible for appear better than it actually is. .83 .11 .12 .85 .08 .15
4. Try to make a negative event that he or she is
responsible for not appear as severe as it actually is to
you. .78 .08 .04 .77 .16 .08
5. Try to let you think that he or she is responsible for
the positive events that occur in your work group. .74 .31 .12 .73 .29 .16
6. Work hard when he or she knows the results will be
seen by you. -.08 .78 .09 .04 .80 .13
7. Let you know that he or she tries to do a good job in
his or her work. .25 .73 -.04 .36 .50 .24
8. Create the impression that he or she is a "good"
person to you. .16 .60 -.05 .22 .70 -.18
9. Work later than the regular hours in order to make a
good impression. -.01 .57 .31 .01 .54 .36
1 0. Make you aware of his or her accomplishments. .42 .57 .20 .46 .51 .22
11. Do personal favors for you. .08 .12 .88 .09 .13 .85
12. Offer to do something for you which he or she is not
required to do; that is, he or she did it as a personal
favor for you. .17 .06 .86 .27 .09 .81
Eigenvalue 4.46 1.89 1.40 4.81 1.58 1.23
% variance explained 37.2 15.8 11.7 40.1 13.2 10.2
Cumulative % variance explained 37.2 52.9 64.6 40.1 53.3 63.5
Note. Factor 1 represents the manipulation scale; Factor 2 represents the supervisory awareness scale; Factor 3 represents the supervisory favors
scale. Item 10 was retained despite loading on two factors because the reliability of the supervisory awareness scale dropped significantly and because
this item appeared to be conceptually consistent with the other items in this scale. Boldfaced values indicate factors with the strongest loadings.

and continuance commitment (for altruism, A/?2 = .081, p < supervisory awareness, A/{2 = .021, p < .05; for supervisory
.01; for compliance, A/?2 = .046, p < .01). However, for IM, we favors, Atf2 = .028, p < .01).
found mixed support for Hypothesis 3. POS did not account
for unique variance in IM beyond that provided by aifective Discussion
commitment. In contrast, POS did account for unique variance As predicted, affective commitment and POS were positively
beyond continuance commitment in two of the IM scales (for related to both compliance and altruism whereas continuance

Table 2
Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations Among
the Attitudes and Employee Behaviors
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M SD
Survey 1
1. Affective commitment .10 .64* .22* .14* .02 .09 .17* 3.89 0.71
2. Continuance commitment — -.08 -.20* -.20* .04 -.04 .07 3.40 0.74
3. Perceived organizational support — .30* .23* -.02 .15* .16* 3.40 0.68
Survey 2
4. Altruism .63* -.14* .10 .29* 3.62 0.90
5. Compliance -.37* -.06 -.00 3.9? 0.88
6. Manipulation — .48* .32* 1.90 0.72
7 Awareness .36* 2.74 0.69
8. Favors — 1.96 0.78

Table 3
Results of Regression Analyses
Citizenship Impression management

Altruism Compliance Manipulation Awareness Favors

Step &
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
variable ft R AR AF R AR AF 0 R AR AF 0 R AR AF 0 fl AF

Model 1
1. AC .05 .048 13.77" -.01 .020 5.58* .05 .000 0.07 .00 .009 2.43 .11 .028 7.91"
2. POS .27** .091 .043 12.74" .23" .052 .032 9.01" -.06 .002 .002 0.52 .15 .022 .013 3.58 .09 .033 .005 1.37

Model 2
1. POS .27" .090 26.76** .23" .052 14.81" -.06 .000 0.15 .15 .022 6.06* .09 .026 7.25**
2. AC .05 .091 .001 0.41" -.01 .052 .000 0.00 .05 .002 .002 0.44 .00 .022 .000 0.00 .11 .033 .007 2.01
Overall F 13.55" 7.38" 0.29 3.02 4.65*

Model 3
1. CC -.18** .040 11.33" -.18" .038 10.72" .04 .002 0.47 -.02 .001 0.33 .08 .004 1.17
2. POS .29" .121 .081 24.84" .21" .084 .046 13.29" -.02 .002 .000 0.11 .15 .022 .021 5.84* .17" .032 .028 7.82"

Model 4
1. POS .29" .090 26.76" .21" .052 14.81" -.02 .000 0.15 .15 .022 6.06* .17" .026 7.25"
2. CC -.18" .121 .031 9.57" -.18" .084 .032 9.24" .04 .002 .002 0.43 -.02 .022 .000 0.15 .08 .032 .006 1.74
Overall F 18.59" 12.25" 0.29 3.09* 4.51*

Variable F(3, 268) F(3, 267) F(3,268) F(3, 268) F(3. 268)

Model 5
AC .03 -.02 .06 -.00 .12
CC -.18" -.18" .04 -.02 .09
POS .26" .122 .23" .084 -.06 .004 .15 .022 .09 .041
Overall F 12.42" 8.16" 0.36 2.05 3.78*

Note. AC = affective commitment; POS = perceived organizational support; CC = continuance commitment. Models I through 4 utilized hierarchical regression, and
one variable was entered on each step; Model 5—which displays the results of simultaneous entry of AC, CC, and POS—was not directly relevant to the hypotheses, but
was provided for potentially interested readers. For all AF tests, dfe = 1 and 270—with the exception of compliance, where dfs = 1 and 269. For models 1 -4, dfo = 2 and
269 for the overall Ftests—with the exception of compliance, where dfs = 2 and 268.
*p<.05. **/><.01.

commitment was negatively related to these same constructs. liams & Anderson, 1991) linking affective commitment and
Furthermore, the regression results suggest that POS may be a OCB. POS has been found to predict both affective commit-
better predictor of employee citizenship behaviors than either ment (Eisenberger et al., 1986) and OCB, so that when a sig-
affective commitment or continuance commitment. This is nificant correlation is found between affective commitment and
quite consistent with Organ's (1990) perspective that social ex- OCB this may reflect a common cause (i.e., POS) rather than a
change theory provides a stronger conceptual framework for un- causal link. Indirect support for this contention was shown in
derstanding OCB than does organizational commitment. Thus, Williams and Anderson's study, in which they found that OCB
employees who feel that they are supported by the organization was not influenced by affective commitment but was influenced
may, over time, reciprocate and reduce the imbalance in the by the fairness of overall organizational treatment. However, be-
relationship by engaging in citizenship behaviors. In contrast, cause neither O'Reilly and Chatman nor Williams and Ander-
affective commitment, which is based on emotional attachment son included POS in their study designs, it was not possible to
and identification with the goals of the organization, may be determine conclusively whether POS influenced the differential
inadequate for sustaining employees' citizenship behaviors. results. Clearly, additional research is needed to determine
Over time, affectively committed employees who engage in whether the present pattern of relationships exists across other
OCB may perceive the overall exchange as unfair if the organi- settings and also to examine the notion of common cause.
zation does not reciprocate by providing support. Therefore, The results of our study indicate the importance of POS as a
the present results suggest that employee behavior that goes be- determinant of employee behavior. Thus, a critical issue is what
yond role requirements is most likely to be elicited when the influences employees' perceptions of organizational support.
employee feels obligated to repay the organization for support Eisenberger et al. (1986) suggested that perceived support is in-
received. fluenced by various aspects of an employee's treatment by the
Our pattern of results may also help to explain a previous organization, such as the organization's likely reactions to, for
inconsistency in the literature (O'Reilly & Chatman, 1986; Wil- example, the employee's mistakes, performance, suggestions,

and illnesses. However, the relative importance of these factors a number of strengths. In particular, this study extended prior
has not been explored. Consequently, additional research is research by focusing on two outcomes rarely examined in rela-
needed to explore the individual and situational factors that tionship to commitment: OCB and IM. In addition, we studied
may influence perceptions of organizational support. the relationship between the outcome variables and three
Another interesting finding was that continuance commit- different forms of commitment. This approach allows for a
ment provided additional explanation of OCB over and above greater understanding of the underlying reason for the relation-
that provided by POS. Furthermore, consistent with prior re- ship between commitment and behavior. Furthermore, the
search on job performance (Meyer et al., 1989), our results hypotheses of interest were tested longitudinally and included
showed that continuance commitment was associated with responses from both employees and supervisors.
lower levels of OCB. These results suggest that employees who One of our most important conclusions is that POS explained
feel bound to their employing organization because of an accu- a significant proportion of the variance in OCB beyond affective
mulation of side bets are less inclined to engage in extrarole commitment and that these perceptions appear to better predict
behaviors that support organizational goals. This result was par- OCB than does affective commitment. This suggests that feel-
ticularly interesting given that both side bet theory (Becker, ings of obligation, rather than emotional attachment, may be
1960) and social exchange theory (Blau, 1964) are based on the the basis for citizenship behaviors. Future research should fur-
notion of exchange. This pattern of results suggests that em- ther explore the role that social exchange plays in the develop-
ployees who are bound by economic exchanges (i.e., side bet ment of commitment and extrarole behaviors. Finally, addi-
theory) are least likely to be good citizens whereas those who tional studies that compare perceptions of organizational sup-
are bound by social exchanges are most likely to be good citi- port with more extensively researched commitment constructs,
zens. That is, employees operating under an economic exchange such as affective and continuance commitment, are clearly war-
would engage in OCB only if the behavior was directly re- ranted.
warded, whereas employees operating under a social exchange
would engage in OCB despite no immediate reward. References
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OCB. Although these results were fairly typical of studies link- Jones, E., & Pittman, T. (1982). Toward a general theory of strategic
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for including additional variables, such as employee ideology self (pp. 231-262). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
(Eisenberger et al., 1986), to help better explain employee be- Liden, R. C., & Mitchell, T. R. (1988). Ingratiatory behaviors in organi-
havior. Another limitation was the fairly low occurrence of IM zational settings. Academy of Management Review, 13, 572-587.
behaviors. This may explain the somewhat small amounts of Mathieu, J. E., & Zajac, D. M. (1990). A review and meta-analysis of
variance accounted for in these behaviors by the three commit- the antecedents, correlates, and consequences of organizational com-
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may be that some forms of IM may have less to do with feelings McGee, G. W., & Ford, R. C. (1987). Two (or more?) dimensions of
organizational commitment: Reexamination of the Affective and
about the employing organization than with feelings about the
Continuance Commitment Scales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72,
manager. Future research should replicate the present study and 638-641.
should also include information on employee perceptions of the Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. (1984). Testing the "side-bet theory" of orga-
manager to further explore these relationships. nizational commitment: Some methodological considerations. Jour-
Although there are limitations of this study, there are also nal of Applied Psychology, 69, 372-378.

Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. (1991). A three-component conceptualiza- Paper presented at the Academy of Management conference, Miami,
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analysis of concurrent and time-lagged relations. Journal of Applied Smith, C. A., Organ, D. W., & Near, J. P. (1983). Organizational citi-
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D. N. (1989). Organizational commitment and job performance: It's Wayne, S. J., & Ferris, G. R. (1990). Influence tactics, affect, and ex-
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O'Reilly, C., & Chatman, J. (1986). Organizational commitment and Williams, L. J., & Anderson, S. E. (1991). Job satisfaction and organi-
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Scholl, R. W. (1981). Differentiating organizational commitment from havior (pp. 113-178). Chicago: St. Clair.
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6, 589-599. Received May 28, 1992
Shore, L. M., & Barksdale, K. (1991, August). A longitudinal assess- Revision received January 11, 1993
ment of the antecedents of affective and continuance commitment. Accepted January 15, 1993 •

1994 APA Convention "Call for Programs"

The "Call for Programs" for the 1994 APA annual convention appears in the September issue
of the APA Monitor. The 1994 convention will be held in Los Angeles, California, from
August 12 through August 16. The deadline for submission of program and presentation
proposals is December 3,1993. Additional copies of the "Call" are available from the APA
Convention Office, effective in September. As a reminder, agreement to participate in the
APA convention is now presumed to convey permission for the presentation to be
audiotaped if selected for taping. Any speaker or participant who does not wish his or her
presentation to be audiotaped must notify the person submitting the program either at the
time the invitation is extended or before the December 3 deadline for proposal submission.

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