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Beauty Through The Ages

Build :
This story is about beauty standards in history and nowadays.
Plus size women were considered attractive and it showed that
they are wealthy.
In history and nowadays muscular men were always attractive,
but there is few changes. During middle ages muscular legs
were important, and nowadays chest and arms.
Hair :
This story is about wigs. Queen Elizabeth the first were balding
so she started the trend of wearing wigs, and quickly it become
popular among men and women. Another reason for wearing
wigs were bad hygiene, so there were fleas and other pests in
people hair, so only way were to shave hair and wear wigs.
Wigs were held in place using animal fat.
Skin :
This story is about dark skin color during Renaissance. It were
considered that you are working outside and it was bad sign.
People did everything to keep skin pale, even using chemicals
which sometimes resulted in death. It were considered as bad
sign until 1920. when Coco Chanel, famous fashion designer fall
asleep outside and it started new trend where dark skin were a
sign that you are rich enough to spend holidays in exotic places.

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