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Ruins of Caparra

Or next visit will be to the Ruins of Caparra, located in the municipality of Guaynabo.
This place contains the remains of the first permanent settlement founded on the island
by Juan Ponce de León in 1509, which he called "El Ciudad de Puerto Rico".
So we know little about the physical form of this first settlement with few exceptions, most
of the structures in the city of Caparra were built with perishable materials.

The Village was built around the public square, which was a place for trade. Also, there
were corrals, warehouses and stables. The houses consisted of huts or small houses. We
know that since 1984, the Ruins of Caparra are part of the National Register of
Historical Places.

Well this is all I wanted to say. We hope that all of you have enjoy it and thanks for your

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