Jessica Thompson Quick Write From Guided Research Project - Researchers Workshop

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Name: _Jessica Thompson_________________ Date: ___4/2/19_____________

Argumentative Quick Write

Prompt: ​Choose an image that represents your topic. Then create a caption for your image that uses one or more of your sources to explain to your
reader the background, historical implications, or implications on today’s society.

The effects of casual and ignorant sexual activities has affected our society in a very negative way. We should change the way sex ed is taught and
how people are informed on this topic in a more morally centered way then a contraceptive-based way. Washington Post made an article on the rise
of unmarried births and single mothers stating, “Single motherhood has grown so common in America that demographers now believe half of all
children will live with a single mom at some point before the age of 18.” While overall there has been a decline of teen pregnancies and abortions
since the 1980s and 90s there has been a steady rise in STD rates, with CDC reporting “STDs in the U.S. Reach Record Highs with 2,295,739
reported STD cases” and single parenthood. Single parenthood especially affecting those of the black community. The same article and many
others have stated that children of single parent homes have an increased chance of all sorts of things like drug use, getting arrested, failing
education etc, and of course the health effects of STDs are obvious. This shows that there has been improved contraceptives/contraceptive use, but
there is still something wrong here. The underlying problem under all the consequences of casual and ignorant sexual activity fall under the
people’s morals. The image above shows what is most commonly taught in sex ed classes, and if you look through the words, you can see that
abstinence isn’t there, the closest word to it being “self-control.” Sexual freedom is encouraged in modern times, but complete freedom is not good.
Children and young adults need to be instead instilled with a sense of responsibility and be aware and prepared for the consequences of sexual
activity instead of only being told about the fallbacks that are not foolproof. The false sense of safety tricks many young adults into engaging into
unmarried intercourse, which then of course can lead to stds and unplanned pregnancies to people who are not ready for it, and even further down
the line they may take measures that affect others like abortions and abandoning their parent roles which result in broken families. While the
consequences are usually taught, like stds for example, learners are usually just recommended to use contraceptives instead of actually abstaining,
which is the absolute safest way to avoid sexual consequences. Overall, the way sexual education is taught should be changed to a more moral
based teaching, because our actions will affect the generations after us, and it would be unfair to them if foolish choices of the previous generation
affect the generation after in a negative way.

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