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SINCE 1985

PSC Bulletin, Official Publication of Kerala Public Service Commission

Vol. 29 Issue 10 Fortnightly January 15, 2018 Page 24 ` 10

] HutZymKnI t^kv_p°v t]Pv {]h¿Ø\amcw`n®p

h-{P-Pq-_n-en- h¿-jm-N-c-W-tØm-S-\p-_-‘n-®v- ]n.-F-kv.-kn.- j-\m-bn- A-h-cp-sS- sam-ss_¬-/-I-ºyq-´-dn-se- t^-kv-_p-°v-
bp-sS- {]-h¿-Ø-\-߃- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n- ku-lr-Z-am-Ip-∂-Xn- B-πn-t°-j\ - n-eq-sS-tbm- t]-Pn-eq-sS-tbm- X-’a - b
- w- e-`n-°pw.-
s‚- `m-K-am-bn- ]n.-F-kv.-kn.- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- t^-kv-_p-°v- t]- ]n.-Fk- v.k
- n.-bp-sS- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- t^-k_ v- p-°v- t]-Pv- en-¶v- https:/
Pv- B-cw-`n-®p.- ]p-Xp-h-Xv-k-c- k-Ωm-\-am-bn- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- t^- /
kv_ - p-°v- t]-Pv- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°m-bn- Xp-d∂- p-sIm-≠v- 2018 129299757758575/ ¢n-°v- sN-bv-Xv- A-Xn-s‚- `m-K-am-Im-hp-∂-
P-\p-h-cn- 1 \v- ]n.-F-kv.-kn.- sN-b¿-am-≥ A-Uz.- Fw.-sI.- k- Xm-Wv.- ]n.-F-kv.-kn.- hn-Pv-Rm-]-\w- sN-øp-∂- X-kv-Xn-I-I-fp-
°o¿- D-Zv-Lm-S-\w- \n¿-h-ln-®p.- ]n.-F-kv.-kn.-bp-sS- Hu-tZym- sS- hn-h-c-߃,- ]-co-£m- I-e-≠¿,- C-‚¿-hyq- sj-Uyqƒ,- A-
Kn-I- t^-kv-_p-°n-s‚- `m-K-am-Ip-∂- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-°v- Uv-an-j-≥ Sn-°-‰v- Uu-¨-tem-Uv- hn-h-c-߃,- ]-ªn-jv- sN-øp-
]n.-F-kv.-kn.-bp-sS- {]-h¿-Ø-\-ß-fp-am-bn- _-‘-s∏-´- ho-Un- ∂- Np-cp-°-∏-´n-I-/-dm-¶v- ]-´n-I-Iƒ- Xp-S-ßn-b-h- {]-kv-Xp-X-
tbm-Iƒ,- Nn-{X-߃,- hm¿-Ø-Iƒ- Xp-S-ßn-b-h- t\m-´n-^n-t°- t]-Pn-eq-sS- A-dn-bp-hm--≥ I-gn-bpw.-

a‰p- t]Pp-Ifn¬-
- a≥-d¬- sSkv‰- v- P\p-hcn- 2018 3
General Science 9 Facts about Kerala 15
Test Your GK 10 Renaissance in Kerala 16
Modern India 11 Facts about India 17
C¥ybpsS AXn¿ØnIƒ 12 Xncs™SpØ
Indian Polity 14 250 tNmZy߃ 18
website: E-mail: Circulation : 0471-2546270
]nF-kv-kn Adn-bn-∏v-
]{Xm[n]kanXn sNb¿- t ]gv - k ¨- 2018 P\phcn 1 \v tN¿∂ IΩn-j≥ tbmK Xocp-am-\ß
- ƒ
{io-aXn.- B¿- ]m¿-hXo-tZhn- ∂-ti-jn-°m¿-°p-≈- {]-tXy-I- sX-cs
- ™-Sp-∏)-v ˛- 9- 7/-2014
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ Npcp°∏´nI {]kn≤oIcn°pw 2. PeKXmKXhIp∏n¬ ]mt‰¨ ta°¿ (652/2014)
1.- -C-≥jp-d-≥kv- sa-Un-°¬- k¿-ho-k-kn¬- A-kn-Ã-‚ v-
]{Xm[n]kanXn Aw- K ߃- sU-‚¬- k¿-P-≥ (430/-2016),- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- C-≥jp-d-
≥kv- sa-Un-°¬- Hm-^o-k¿- ˛-c-≠mw- F-≥.-kn.-F.-˛-hn- 1.- ]
- n.-Fk - v.k- n.-bp-sS- h-{P-Pq-_n-en- B-tLm-jß - f - p-sS- k-
tUm.- ]n-.- kp-tcjv-Ip-am¿-- iz-I¿-a-˛- (162/-2017)- am-]\ - - k-tΩ-f\ - w- 2018 s^-{_p-hc - n- 26 \v- ]n.-Fk - v.k
- n.-
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ 2.- h- n-hn-[- I-º\- n-/t- _m¿-Uv/- t- Im¿-∏t- d-j\
- p-If
- n¬- tIm- B-ÿm-\Ø - v- _-lp.- tI-cf - - K-h¿-W¿- D-ZL v- m-S\ - w- sN-
tUm.- Pn-\p- k°dn-b DΩ≥- ¨-^n-U-≥jy¬- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- (44/-2015)- øpw.- k-am-]\ - k- t- Ω-f\ - w- kw-_‘ - n-®- k-_I v- Ω - n-‰n-bp-
3.- l
- m-≥sS-Ivk - n¬- em-Ãv- t{K-Uv- Fw-tπm-bo-kv- (P-\d - ¬,- sS- \n¿-t±-iß - ƒ- I-Ωn-j≥ - Aw-Ko-Ic - n-®p.-
saw-_¿, tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ 2.- -h-{P-Pq-_n-en- Im-e-L-´-Øn¬- {]-Jym-]n-X- e-£y-am-
AUz.- cLp-\m-Y≥-.- Fw.- sI.- skm-ssk-‰n- Im-‰-K-dn-Iƒ-)- ˛- 283/-2014,- 284/-2014
b- Xo-{h-b-Pv-R- ]-cn-]m-Sn-bp-sS- `m-K-am-bn- \n¿-h-ln-®-
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ dm¶v ]´nI {]kn≤oIcn°pw dm-¶v- en-Ãv,- tjm¿-´v- en-Ãv,- ]-co-£- F-∂n-h- kw-_-
tUm.- sI.- ]n.- kPn-em¬- 1.- -πm-t‚-j-≥ tIm¿-∏-td-j-\n¬- a-e-bm-fw- sÃ-t\m-{Km- ‘n-®v- X-øm-dm-°n-b- dn-t∏m¿-´v- h-{P-Pq-_n-en- k-am-]-
^¿- (346/-2012)- \- k-tΩ-f-\-Øn¬- {]-Im-i-\w- sN-øpw.-
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥
Sn- B¿- A\n¬-Ip-am¿--
C‚¿hyq \SØpw 3.- ]
- n.-Fk - v.k- n.-bp-sS- N-cn-{X-cN - \
- - \-SØ - p-∂X - n-\m-bn- tI-
1.- s
- a-Un-°¬- hn-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏n¬- ayq-kn-bw- Iw- t^m- c-f- `m-jm- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´n-s\- G¬-∏n-°p-∂X - v- kw-_‘ - n-
saw-_¿,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn--j≥ t´m-{Km-^n-Iv- A-kn-Ã-‚ v- (413/-2015)- ®v- h-{P-Pq-_n-en- k-_vI - Ω- n-‰n-bp-sS- \n¿-t±-iß - ƒ- Aw-
2.- -shm-t°-j-W¬- l-b¿- sk-°-≥U-dn- hn-Zym-`ym-k- h- Ko-I-cn-®p.-
FUn- ‰ ¿ Ip-∏n¬- shm-t°-j-W¬- So-®¿- (C.-kn.-Pn.- B-≥Uv- 4.- -k-am-\- tbm-Ky-X-I-fp-sS- A-Sn-ÿm-\-Øn¬- ]n.-F-kv.-
km-Pp -tPm¿-Pv- Hm-Un-tbm-sa-{Sn-Iv- sS-Iv-\o-jy-≥)- ˛- 286/-2010 kn.- \-SØ - p-∂- ]-co-£I - s- f- G-gv- {Kq-∏p-If - m-bn- Xn-cn-®v-
sk{I´dn-,- tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-∆o-kv- IΩn- j ≥ - Hm¨sse≥ ]co£ \SØpw s]m-Xp- ]-co-£- \-SØ - p-∂X - n-\v- _-‘s - ∏-´- D-]k - a - n-Xn-
1.- I
- r-jn- h-Ip-∏n¬- A-{Kn-Iƒ-®¿- A-kn-Â
- -v t{K-U˛-v 2- (`n- k-a¿-∏n-®- \n¿-t±-iß - ƒ- I-Ωn-j≥ - Aw-Ko-Ic - n-®p.-
]ªnIv dntej≥kv Hm^ok¿
_n-.- PbIp-am¿- 2018 P\phcn 8 \v tN¿∂ IΩn-j≥ tbmK Xocp-am-\-߃
t^m¨ : 0471 2546368 OR 9446412483 7. tImtfPv hnZym`ymk hIp∏n¬ eIvNd¿ C≥ tlmw
k¿°ptej≥ (]n.B¿.bqWn‰v): 0471 2546270 Npcp°∏´nI {]kn≤oIcn°pw
1. ^b¿ B‚ v sdkvIyq hIp∏n¬ ^b¿am≥ Iw ]ºv kb≥kv (ssN¬Uv sUhe]vsa‚ v) ˛ 77/2017
Hm∏td‰¿ (70/2017) Hm¨sse≥ ]co£ \SØpw
hcn°mcpsS {i≤bv°v 2. hnhn[ Pn√Ifn¬ FIvsskkv hIp∏n¬ knhn¬ 1.- B
- t- cm-Ky- h-Ip-∏n¬- a-e∏
Øv- C-≥kvs
- p-dw- Pn-√b- n¬- Pq-\n-b¿- sl¬-
- ]-IvS- ¿- t{K-Uv˛- 2- ˛- F-≥.-kn.-F.- ˛-H.-FI - v-
FIvsskkv Hm^ok¿ (340/2016), XkvXnIam‰w hgn
hm¿-jn-I hcnkwJy ˛ $ 200 (341/2016). kv.- (459/-2017),- em-_v- sS-I\ v- o-jy-≥ t{K-U˛v- 2- ˛- sIm-√w-
aWn-tbm¿U-dmbn Abt°≠ hnemkw: 3. BtcmKyhIp∏v/ap\nkn∏¬ tIma¨ k¿hokkn¬ Pn-√b - n¬- F-≥.-kn.-F.- ˛- F¬.-kn.-/F - .-sF.- (457/-2017),-
]ªn-Iv- dn-tej≥-kv- Hm-^o-k¿,- Pq\nb¿ ]ªnIv sl¬Øv \gvkv t{KUv˛2 Xriq¿ ]-Ø\ - w-Xn-´- Pn-√b - n¬- F-≥.-kn.-F.- ˛- F-kv.s - F.-bp.-
Pn√bn¬ F≥.kn.F. ˛ ap…nw (523/2016), hnizI¿Ω kn.- \m-Sm¿- (458/-2017)-
tIcf ]ªn-Iv- k¿-ho-kv- IΩnj≥,-
(534/2016), F¬.kn./F.sF. (525/2016), IÆq¿ 2.- t- lm-an-tbm-∏X - n- h-Ip-∏n¬- ^m¿-ak - n-Ãv- t{K-Uv˛- 2- ˛- C-
]´w- ]m-ekv- ]n.-H., Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cw-˛695004 Pn√bn¬ F≥.kn.F. ˛ ap…nw (22/2017), hnizI¿Ω Sp-°n- Pn-√b - n¬- F-≥.-kn.-F.- ˛- F-kv.k - n.- (461/-2017),- c-
➨ h-cn-°m¿- _p-≈-‰n-≥ kw-_-‘n-®v- I-sØ-gp-Xp-tºm-gpw- (23/2017), F¬.kn./F.sF. (24/2017). ≠mw- F-≥.-kn.-F.- ˛- hn-iz-I¿-Ω- (463/-2017),- a-e∏ - p-dw-
t^m-¨- sN-øp-tºm-gpw- _p-≈-‰n-\n-s‚- te-_-en-ep-≈ k- 4. shmt°jW¬ lb¿ sk°≥Udn hnZym`ymk Pn-√b - n¬- F-≥.-kn.-F.- ˛- ln-µp- \m-Sm¿- (462/-2017)-
_v-kv-ss{I-_¿- \-º¿- Ir-Xy-am-bn- kq-Nn-∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv.- hIp∏n¬ shmt°jW¬ C≥kv { SIv S ¿ C≥ km[yXm]´nI {]kn≤oIcn°pw
➨ Pn-√m-X-e- tkm¿-´n-Mn-\m-bn- h-cn-°m¿- hn-em-k-Øn¬- Pn- sabn‚\≥kv B‚ v dn∏tbgvkv Hm^v Sq hotegvkv B‚ v 1. hnt\mZk©mc hnIk\ hIp∏n¬
{Xo hotegvkv (84/2017), XkvXnIam‰w hgn (85/2017). sa°m\n°v (112/2017)
√-bp-sS- t]-cpw- ]n-≥tIm-Upw- Ir-Xy-am-bn- tc-J-s∏-Sp-tØ-
≠-Xm-Wv.- dm¶v ]´nI {]kn≤oIcn°pw 2. Xncph\¥]pcw, tIm´bw Pn√Ifn¬ A®Sn
1. `qPe hIp∏n¬ t{Sk¿ (450/2016) hIp∏n¬ Iºyq´¿ t{KUv˛2 (352/2016)
➨ h-cn-kw-Jy- Hm¨-sse\m-bpw- hn-hn-[- ]n-F-kv-kn- Hm-^o- 2. ImgvN_w•mhpw arKimebpw hIp∏n¬ Iyqtd‰¿ a‰p Xocpam\߃
kp-If- n¬- t\-cn-´pw- kzo-Ic- n-°p-∂X
- m-Wv.- Un-.U
- n,- sN°,v- t{KUv˛2 (2/2014) 1.- _ - n-ht- d-Pk - v- tIm¿-∏t- d-j\ - n¬- ssS-∏n-Ãv- t{K-Uv˛- 2- X-
t]m-kv-‰¬- Hm¿-U¿- kzo-Im-cy-a√.- C‚¿hyq \SØpw kvX - n-Ib - n-se- \n-eh - n-se- H-gn-hp-Iƒ- {^-jv- H-gn-hp-If - m-
1. saUn°¬ hnZym`ymk hIp∏n¬ ko\nb¿ eIvNd¿ bn- ]-cn-KW - n-®v- hn-hn-[- I-º\ - n-/t- _m¿-Uv/- - tIm¿-∏t- d-
C≥ C.F≥.Sn.(Hmt´m dnt\m sebdnt¶mfPn A©mw j-\p-If - n-se- ssS-∏n-kv‰ - v- X-kvX - n-Ib - p-sS- s]m-Xp- dm-¶v-
Bÿm\ Hm^okv F≥Iz-bd- n F≥.kn.F. ˛ H.FIvkv. (287/2017), sskIy{SnIv ]-´n-Ib - n¬- \n-∂v- \n-IØ - p-hm-≥ Xo-cp-am-\n-®p.-
P\-d¬ F≥Iz-b-dn 0471 2546400,0471 2546401 tkmjy¬ h¿°¿ F≥.kn.F.˛ Cugh (181/2016) 2.- P - b - n¬- h-Ip-∏n¬- A-kn-Â - v- {]n-k¨ - - Hm-^o-k¿,- ^o-
({]h¿Ø\ kabw cmhnse 8 apX¬ sshIp- 2. BtcmKy hIp∏n¬ Akn v k¿P≥ ˛F≥.kn.F. sa-bn¬- A-kn- - v- {]n-k¨ - - Hm-^o-k¿- (456/-2016,- 457/
˛ Fkv.Sn. (487/2016) 2- 016)- F-∂o- X-kX -v n-II - f - n-te-°p-≈- sX-cs - ™-Sp-∏-v k¿-
t∂cw 6 aWn-h-sc).
3. hb\mSv, ]me°mSv, ae∏pdw Pn√Ifn¬ (]´nI °m¿- D-Øc - h- n-s\-Øp-S¿-∂-v bq-Wn-‰-v A-Sn-ÿm-\Ø - n¬-
tImƒ sk‚¿ h¿K°m¿°p am{Xw) t]meokv hIp∏n¬ knhn¬ \n-∂v- kw-ÿm-\- X-eØ - n-te-°v- am-‰p-hm-≥ I-Ωn-j≥ -
tImƒ sk‚¿: 0471 2444428, 0471 2444438,0471 t]meokv Hm^ok¿ (64/2017) / h\nXm knhn¬ Xo-cp-am-\n-®n-´p-≈X - n-\m¬- C-Xp- kw-_‘ - n-®- Xp-S¿- \-
2555538 ({]h¿Ø\ kabw cmhnse 10.15 apX¬ t]meokv Hm^ok¿ (66/2017), FIvsskkv hIp∏n¬ S-]S- n-Iƒ- I-Ωn-j≥ - D-Øc - h
- n-s‚- A-Sn-ÿm-\Ø - n¬- ]q¿-
sshIp-t∂cw 5.15 aWn-h-sc). knhn¬ FIvsskkv Hm^ok¿ (65/2017) /h\nXm Øn-bm-°n-b-ti-jw- A-t]-£-Iƒ- kw-ÿm-\- X-e-
knhn¬ FIvsskkv Hm^ok¿ (67/2017) Øn¬- G-Io-Ic - n-®X - v- kw-_‘ - n-®v- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-Iƒ-
taJem Hm-^o-kp-Iƒ 4. hnZym`ymk hIp∏n¬ ^pƒssSw Pq\nb¿ emwtKzPv °v- A-dn-bn-∏v- \¬-Ipw.-
sIm√w: 0474 2745674, F-dW
- m-Ipfw: 0484 2317435, So®¿ (Ad_nIv) ˛ F¬.]n.Fkv. F≥.kn.F. ˛ 3.- h - n-Zym-`ym-k- h-Ip-∏n¬- ^pƒ-ssSw- Pq-\n-b¿- emw-tKz-Pv-
tImgn-t°mSv: 0495 2371500 ae∏pdw Pn√bn¬, Cugh (396/ So-®¿- A-d_ - n-Iv- (bp.-]n.-Fk - v.)- - F-≥.-kn.-F.-˛F - k - v.s - F.-
2016), hnizI¿Ω (398/2016), F¬.kn./F.sF. (399/ bp.-kn.- X-kvX - n-Ib - p-sS- H-cp- H-gn-hv- N-´{- ]-Im-cw- am-Xr-
Pn√m Hm-^o-kp-Iƒ 2016), lnµp \mSm¿ (402/2016), ]me°mSv Pn√bn¬
dm-¶-v ]-´n-Ib - n-se- A-Sp-Ø- kw-hc - W- h - n-`m-KØ - n-\p- \¬-
Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw-: 0471 2448188/ 0471 2546402, Cugh (396/2016), (397/2016), F¬.kn./
In- {I-ao-Ic - n-°pw.-
sIm√w: 0474 2743624, ]Ø-\w-Xn´: 0468- 2222665,- F.sF. (399/2016)
5. hnZym`ymk hIp∏n¬ ]m¿´v ssSw Pq\nb¿ emwtKzPv 4.- ^ - n-jd- o-kv- h-Ip-∏n¬- A-Izm-Iƒ-®¿- F-Ik v- s v- ]¿-´v- (107/
B-e∏pg: 0477 2264134, tIm´bw: 0481 2578278,- 2- 014)- X-kvX - n-I- 15.-11.-2014 se- k¿-°m¿- D-Øc - h
- v- {]-Im-
C-Sp°n: 04868 272359,- F-dW
- m-Ipfw: 0484 2314500, So®¿ (Ad_nIv ) F¬.]n.Fkv . ˛ ]me°mSv
Pn√bn¬ \memw F≥.kn.F. ˛ (406/2016), cw- Sn- X-kvX - n-I- ^n-jd - o-kv- F-Ivs - k-‰≥ - j-≥ Hm-^o-
Xr»q¿: 0487 2327505, ]me-°mSv: 0491 2505398, tImgnt°mSv , ]me°mSv Pn√Ifn¬ aq∂mw k¿- X-kX v- n-Ib - n¬- e-bn-∏n-°p-Ib - pw- ]p-\¿- hn-\y-kn-
ae-∏pdw: 0483 2734308, tImgn-t°mSv: 0495 2371971, F≥.kn.F.˛Cugh (409/2016) °p-Ib - pw- sN-bX v- X - n-\m¬- A-Izm-Iƒ-®¿- F-Ik v- sv- ]¿-
hb-\mSv: 04936 202539, IÆq¿: 0497 2700482, 6. ae∏pdw Pn√bn¬ hnZym`ymk hIp∏n¬ sslkvIqƒ ´v- X-kX v- n-Ib - n-te-°p-≈- sX-cs - ™-Sp-∏v- \-S] - S- n-Iƒ- A-
Imk¿tKmU:v 04994 230102 Akn v (D¿Zp) F≥.kn.F. ˛ Cugh (268/2016) h-km-\n-∏n-®p- hn-⁄m-]\ - w- ]p-ds - ∏-Sp-hn-°pw.-

2 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

Un-∏m¿-´v-sa≥-d¬- sSkv-‰v- P\p-hcn- 2018
Sri. G.Suresh
Sri.George Johnson and Sri.Dominic Johnson
NOTIFICATION Revenue Test KERALA LAND REFORMS ACT Sri.Sugathan, Advocate, Ernakulam
No. DEI (1) 2369/2017/EW Thiruvananthapuram, Dated: 28.12.2017
Paper – III LAW OF LAND REFORMS IN KERALA Sri.George Johnson and Sri.Dominic Johnson
The Departmental Tests notified in the extra ordinary Kerala Gazette No.2605 dated 29.11.2017 will be held from
31.01.2018 to 02.03.2018 at the places shown below in accordance with the Time-table appended to this notification. Kerala Head Load 1) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 Universal Publications, Law Publishing Company
The tests will be objective type (OMR valuation) except the IInd class Language Test in Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada Workers Rules 2) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 Pvt. Ltd, NewDelhi (should not be a guide or
and the Minority Language Test in Kannada and Tamil. I Paper 3) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 treatise) allowed upto July 2018 or till the
1. Thiruvananthapuram 30. Thrissur 4) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 publication of Govt. Book whichever is earlier.
2. Nedumangad 31. Kunnamkulam 5) The Employees Compensation Act, 1923
3. Neyyattinkara 32. Irinjalakuda IV. Candidates shall not use in the examination hall private publications other than those specifically mentioned
4. Attingal 33. Chalakudy above to answer the question paper that can be answered by referring to books. No photocopies of books will be
5. Kollam 34. Palakkad allowed, except those permitted in the instructions to candidates attached to the Admission Ticket.
6. Kottarakkara 35. Mannarkad V. Candidates shall bring with them their own text books for answering the papers for which the use of books is
7. Karunagappally 36. Ottapalam allowed. No candidates will be allowed to share books with or give books to or take books from any other candi-
8. Pathanamthitta 37. Alathoor date during the course of examination.
9. Adoor 38. Chittoor VI. Candidates are not allowed to bring and use calculators, Mobile Phones, smart watches and other electronic
10. Thiruvalla 39. Malappuram equipments inside the examination hall.
VII. Any candidate who does not behave properly towards the Chief Superintendents or Assistant Superintendents or
11. Mavelikara 40. Nilambur
Additional Chief Superintendents of the examination or is found to have had recourse to malpractice of any kind in the
12. Chengannur 41. Manjeri
examination hall, will not be allowed to continue to write the examination. The answer script of such candidates are
13. Alappuzha 42. Ponnani
liable to be invalidated. He/she is liable to be debarred from appearing again for the Departmental Tests for such time
14. Haripad 43. Thirur
as the Commission may decide. The matter may also be reported to the Heads of Departments and Director of
15. Thakazhi 44. Tenhipalam Vigilance Department, for further action. The same penalty will be imposed on any candidate who attempts to
16. Cherthala 45. Kozhikode canvass or influence the Examiner or a Member of the Commission or their staff in connection with the examination
17. Kottayam 46. Quilandy or on whose behalf such attempt is made by any other person
18. Pala 47. Vadakara Note: -1 It is the responsibility of the candidates to see by referring to the heading on the question paper that they get
19. North Paravur 48. Kalpetta the question paper meant for the test for which they have applied and to write their Name, Register Number
20. Thodupuzha 49 Sulthanbathery and affix their signature on the top of the question paper booklets.
21. Peerumedu 50. Mananthavady 2 The admission tickets of the Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test-II Paper and Kerala Jail Officers Test III
22. Udumbanchola 51. Thalassery Paper (practical test) will be issued separately.
23. Painavu 52. Kannur 3 Candidates who wish to change their Centre of examination owing to transfer from one station to another
24. Ernakulam 53. Thaliparamba may apply for the same on or before 23.01.2018 showing the reason for the change of centre (with Support-
25. Kattappana 54 Payyannur ing documents) to the Joint Secretary, Departmental Tests, Kerala Public Service Commission,
26. Thrippoonithura 55. Iritty Thiruvananthapuram - 4
27. Moovattupuzha 56 Kanhangad 4 Pointed attention of the candidates is also invited to the revised instructions in the admission tickets. Candi-
28. Perumbavur 57. Kasargod dates should hand over to the Assistant Superintendents their Admission Tickets duly attested by the Head
29. Vaikkom 58. Kavarathi Islands of the Office or Institution where they are working. If any candidate with defective Admission Ticket is admit-
II. Admission Tickets can be downloaded from the candidate’s profile in the PSC Website ( 15 ted to the test by “ mistake, the answer script will be invalidated.
5 The candidate should sign against his/her name in the list of candidates at the time of examination, failure to
days prior to commencement of the first test.
do so will result in the invalidation of his/her answer script.
III. The question papers that can be answered by referring to books in the examination hall have been indicated in the
6 Answer scripts containing any mark of identification will be invalidated. Candidates should not write their
Time-table with the words “With Books”. Candidates will be allowed to use only the text books prescribed
register numbers anywhere in the answer sheets except in the space provided for the purpose.
in the respective subjects which are published by Government. The use of books containing notes or com- VIII (A) Answer scripts of candidates are liable to be invalidated for violation of instructions such as
mentaries and guides, digest, summaries etc. is prohibited. Acts and Rules by Government amending the codes (1) Writing admission ticket number, name or anything else intended to give a clue to the identity of the candidates on
prescribed in the reference books will however be permitted in the examination hall for paper that can be answered any part of the answer sheet other than the space specifically provided for writing the admission ticket number.
“With Books”. (2) Failure to write and bubble or failure to write and bubble correctly and distinctly the admission ticket number &
The following publications are permitted for reference other than Government publications paper code number in the space provided.
Papers Name of Books Editor/Publication 2 (a) Failure to write their Name, Register Number and affix signature in the space provided for the purpose in the
Account Test The constitution of India (Bare Act) Any private publication Question Booklet given to them.
(Higher) Part II – (should not be a guide or treatise) (3) Failure or refusal to sign on the proper space against the name of the candidate in the subject-wise list presented
Paper I (Introduction) to him/her by the invigilator at the time of examination for obtaining the signature.
(4) Attending a test which the candidate had not applied for and not been admitted vide admission tickets:
Motor Vehicles Law of Motor Vehicles in Kerala Sri.A.Gangadharan BA, BL
(5) Appearing for test at a centre other than the one to which the candidate is admitted without obtaining specific
Department Test I Law of Motor Vehicles in Kerala Sri. G.Suresh for AG Publications, Cochin
sanction from the Joint Secretary, Departmental Tests.
Paper Law of Motor Vehicles and Motor Published by Law Books Centre Ernakulam
(6) Bringing unauthorized books into the examination hall irrespective of the fact whether the candidate has referred
Accident Claims
to it or not.
Motor Vehicles Law of Taxes on Motor Vehicles Sri. A. K. Avirah, Advocate, Ernakulam and (7) Bringing calculators, Mobile phones, smart watches and other electronic equipments inside the examination hall
Department Test II Sri. Parameswaran Moothath, B.A.B.L. irrespective of the fact whether the candidate has used it or not;
Paper The Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Sri. Sugathan, Advocate,Ernakulam (8) Failure to produce Admission Tickets duly attested by the Head of Office at the exam hall for entry and verification. In
Act, 1976 the case of candidates availing Free chance, failure to produce duly attested Admission Tickets
Kerala Motor Vehicle Taxation Act (9) Producing Admission Ticket bearing no PSC emblem.
and Rules Published by Law Books Centre Ernakulam (B) In the following cases of malpractices reported, the answer script of the candidate will be invalidated and the
Panchayat Tests Kerala Panchayat Manual (Act and Published by the Kerala Law candidate will be debarred for a minimum period of two years from appearing for Departmental Test:-
Rules) Times, Cochin-11 Or Cochin 31 1. Marking of answers in the question paper and exchanging with other candidates during the course of the exami-
Civil Judicial Test Code of Civil Procedure Published by the Kerala Law Times Cochin-11
2. Answering from unauthorized reference books, notes, digests, photocopies etc.
I Paper Or Cochin 31,
3. Copying down answers from another candidates script or allowing or aiding or conniving in copying by another.
Swami Law House Ernakulam & Law Books
4. Using reference books with guide sheets, notes etc. stitched/ pasted in between folios of the reference books.
Centre Ernakulam
5. Making appeals etc. abusing malignantly the institution or person which are irrelevant to the question or tests.
Civil Rules of Pratice Law Books Centre, Ernakulam 6. Using calculators, Mobile phones, smart watches and other electronic equipments inside the examination hall.
Edited by Sri. .George Johnson & Sri Dominic 7. Leaving the Examination hall during the exam time without surrendering the OMR and Question Paper. “
Johnson. (C) If a candidate makes any unauthorized correction of the entries regarding names of centre, subjects etc. in the
Criminal Judicial Code of Criminal Procedure Published by Law Books centre, Kochi, admission tickets or affix photograph in the Admission Tickets, the answer script of the candidate will be invali-
Test I Paper Swami Law House, Ernakulam (allowed dated and he or she will be debarred from appearing for Departmental Test for a minimum period of three years.
upto July 2018) (D) For misbehaving towards the Chief Superintendents, Additional Chief Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents
Criminal Judicial Indian Penal Code or any other Inspecting Officers of the Commission or for committing any other irregularity or improper action not
Test II Paper covered by any of the item mentioned in ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ above, the answer script will be invalidated and the
Excise Test Part - A The Kerala Abkari Act B.G.Harindranath, Swamy Law candidate will be awarded such other punishment including debarment as deemed fit by the Commission depend-
I & II Papers House, Ernakulam. ing upon the gravity of the irregularity or offence, as the case may be.
Office of the Kerala Public Service Commission, Saju George
Revenue Test Paper LAWS ON LAND Sri.Gangadharan Thiruvananthapuram - 4 Secretary

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 3

Civil Judicial Test – I Paper Indian Civil Procedure Code and the kerala

TIME TABLE Civil Rules of Practice (with books)

(See instruction III above)
Note :- “With Books” refers to Government publications, except those specified in Para III above 022014
Running Sl. No.for Test Syllabus 15 4 Forest Test for Clerical and Protective The Kerala Forest Code (with books)
Sl. No. each day Staff – I Paper
(1) (2) (3) (4) 023018
16 5 Kerala Jail Officers Test – I Paper a) Indian Penal Code – Chapters 2,3,4,9 and Sec-
I. 31.01.2018 (Wednesday) ( 7.00 a.m to 9.00 a.m) 2 hours tions 135, 136, 138, 220 to 225 A, 225 B and 227.
006001 b) Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Act II of 1974)
1 1 Account Test (Lower) – I Paper Kerala Service Rules (with books) Chapters I, II, III, VIII, XXV, XXXII and XXXIII
Common Paper c) Travancore- Cochin Prison Act (XVIII of 1950)
2 Account Test (Lower) for the and the Kerala Prisons rules .
Ministerial & Executive Staff of d) Lunacy Act (Central ) (with Books)
KSEB – I Paper 017016
3 Kerala Municipal Test – I Paper 17 6 Kerala State Probation Test Part I –
I Paper Indian Penal Code
II. 05.02.2018 (Monday) (7.00 a.m to 08. 30 a.m) 1.30 hours 033017
006002 18 7 Departmental Test on Laws Relating Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and Central Motor
2 1 Account Test (Lower) II Paper Kerala Financial Code Vol. I & II and to Motor Vehicles – I Paper (for Vehicles Rules 1989 and the Kerala Motor
Kerala Budget Manual (with books) members of the Kerala Transport Vehicles Rules 1989 (with books)
2 Account Test (L) for the Ministerial (Common Paper) Services, Kerala Transport Subordi (see instruction III above)
and Executive Staff of KSEB - II nate Service and Ministerial Staff of
Paper-KFC the Motor Vehicles Department)
09.00 a.m to 09.45 a.m (45 minutes)
19 8 Local Fund Audit Department Test 1. Acts and Rules (with Books).
041003 (Lower – I Paper) (a) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder.
3 3 Second Class Language Test in Translation from Tamil to Malayalam (b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules
Malayalam (Part A Written) thereunder.
041095 (c) The Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and the
4 Second Class Language Test in Rules thereunder.
Malayalam (Part A Written) Translation from Kannada to Malayalam (d) Other Enactments:
III. 06.02.2018 (Tuesday) (07.00 a.m to 08:30 a.m) 1.30 hours (i) The Charitable Endowments Act and the
Rules thereunder.
006004 (ii) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable
4 1 Account Test (Lower) III Paper Kerala Account Code Vol.I (with books) Endowments Act and the Rules thereunder.
and Introduction to the Indian Government (iii) The Travancore - Cochin Hindu
Account and Audit VEdition except chapters Religious Institutions Act.
12, 26, 27, 28 & 29 (without books) Panchayat Manual and the Kerala
008029 Municipal Corporation Manual published
5 2 Account Test for Executive Officers -I Kerala Financial Code Vol. I and II by Government can be used as reference
Paper Kerala Account Code Vol.I & Kerala Budget books as per G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin.
Manual Chapter I to IV, VI & VII (with books) Dated; 9.5.1984.
IV. 07.02.2018 (Wednesday) (07.00 a.m to 8.30 a.m) 1.30 hours 013019
20 9 Kerala Municipal Test- II Paper Kerala Financial Code Vol.I & II Kerala
Account Code/Vols. I and II and Kerala
6 1 Account Test (Lower) IV Paper Kerala Treasury Code Vol.I & II and
Budget Manual (with books)
Kerala Account Code Vol.II (with books) 030020
07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m (2.00 hours) 21 10 Panchayat Test-I Paper Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994 and Rules
008043 (with Books) excluding subject specified
7 2 Account Test for Executive Officers- II Kerala Service Rules (with books) under Paper III with specific reference to
Paper citizens charter, Ombudsman, Tribunal
for LSGI’s etc.(see instruction III above)
V. 08.02.2018 (Thursday) (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours 018021
009006 22 11 Test on Kerala Police Manual
8 1 Account Test (H) Part I- II Paper Kerala Financial Code Vols. I & II and Kerala Police Manual (with books)
(Common Test for those working in Kerala budget Manual (with books) 020021 (Common Paper)
PWD and KSEB also) 12 Departmental Test for the Ministerial
Staff of the Vigilance - I Paper
VI. 12.02.2018 (Monday) (07.00 a.m to 08. 30 a.m) 1.30 hours
009007, 052007 23 13 Kerala Registration Test Part I – I The Indian Registration Act, The Kerala
9 1 Account Test (Higher) Part II- I paper Introduction to the Indian Govt. Accounts and Paper Registration Rules and the Table of Fees
(Common Test for those working in Audit V Edition, except Chapters 12, 26, 27, as prescribed by the Kerala Govt. (with books)
PWD and KSEB also) 28 & 29 (without books) the Constitution of India 051097
(with books) and Kerala Account Code Vol.I 24 14 Revenue Test – I Paper 1. Land Acquisition Act – 1894
(with books) (with books) 2. Kerala Land Relinquishment Act – 1958
VII. 19.02.2018 (Monday) (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours 3. Kerala Survey and Boundaries Act1961
4. Kerala Escheats and Forfeitures Act 1968
009008, 052008 5. Kerala Treasure Troves Act – 1968
10 1 Account Test (Higher) Part II – II Paper Kerala Treasury Code Vol.I & II and 6. Kerala Requisitioning and Acquisition of
(Common Test for those working in Kerala Account Code Vol.II (with books)
Property Act 1981
PWD and KSEB also)
7. Kerala Road Fund Act – 2001
VIII. 20.02.2018 (Tuesday) (07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m) 2 hours 8. Kerala Land Utilisation Order – 1967
009009, 052009 9. Kerala protection of Paddy Land and Wet Land
11 1 Account Test (H) Part II- III Paper Kerala Service Rules (with books) Act – 2008
(Common Test for those working in 10. National Highway Act – 1956
PWD and KSEB also) Note:- Village Manual is permitted for Revenue
Test IV th paper only
IX. 21.02.2018 (Wednesday) (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m ) 1.30 hours
009010, 052010 25 15 KSRTC Manual Test The Kerala State Road Transport Corporation
12 1 Account Test (Higher) Part I – I Paper Kerala Public Works Account Code and Manual
(For those working in PWD and Kerala Account Code Vol.III (with books)
KSEB only) 07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m (2.00 hours)
0027011 039013
13 2 Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Kerala General Sales Tax Act 1963 and Rules 26 16 Excise Test Part “A” – I Paper Abkari Act and Rules and Notification
Tax Test – I Paper there under Central sales Tax Act 1956 etc.
(with books)
(with books)

4 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

X. 22.02.2018 (Thursday) (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours Assignment) Act – 1971
12. Sree Pandaravaka Lands (Vesting and
Enfranchisement) Act – 1971
27 1 District Office Manual Test District Office Manual
13. Sreepadam Lands Enfranchisement
Act – 1969
28 2 Deptl Test for the Staff of the K.P.S.C. The K.P.S.C. Office Manual 14. Malabar Land Registration Act – 1895
003027 15. Kannan Devan Hills (Resumption of
29 3 Manual of Office Procedure Test Lands) Act – 1971
011027 16. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional
4 Deptl Test for the Ministerial Staff of Manual of Office Procedure for use in Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest
Vigilance Division – II Paper Offices other than Secretariat (Common Paper) Rights) Act 2006
07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m (2.00 hours)
5 Deptl Test for the Ministerial Staff of
KSEB IV Paper 039032
001028 41 13 Excise Test Part “A” – II Paper Prohibition Act and Rules, Medicinal and Toilet
30 6 Secretariat Manual Test The Kerala Secretariat Office Manual Preparation Act and Rules, the narcotics Drugs
and Psychotropic Substance Act 1985 and the
XI. 26.02.2018 (Monday) (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours
Rules made thereunder by the Government of
027030 India and Government of Kerala, Spirituous
31 1 Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Agricultural Income Tax Act and the Rules Preparations, Interstate Trade and Commerce
Tax Test – II Paper thereunder (with books) Control Act and Rules (with books)
32 2 Civil Judicial Test- II Paper Indian Limitation Act, The Kerala Civil XII. 27.02.2018 (Tuesday) (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours
Court Act, The Kerala Court Fee and Suit 029044
Valuation Act and Kerala Stamp Act (with books) 42 1 Criminal Judicial Test-I Paper Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Act II of 1974)
022033 and the Travancore Kochi Criminal Rules of
33 3 Forest Test ( for Clerical and Law - The Kerala Forest Act and Rules Practice (with books)
Protective Staff) - II Paper thereunder (with books) 017046
017034 43 2 Kerala State Probation Test (a) Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 Central and
34 4 Kerala State Probation Test Part I-II Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (Act 2 of 1974) Part II-I paper the Kerala Probation of Offenders Rules, 1960
Paper Security Section (Chapter VIII – Sections 106 to (b) Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1986 and the
124) Maintenance of Public Order and Tranquility Rules framed thereunder.
(Chapter X Sections 129-132 G.O.Ms 3/76/LA (c) Juvenile Justice Act 1986 and the Rules
framed thereunder and
and SWD dated 5-1-1976)
(d) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection
of Children) Act 2000 (Central Act)
35 5 Departmental Test on Laws relating Kerala Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1976
(e) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection
to Motor Vehicle-II Paper (For Kerala and Rules made thereunder (with books)
of Children) Rules 2003 (State Rules)
Transport Service, and Kerala Transport (see instruction III above).
(f) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection
Subordinate Service and Ministerial of Children) Amendment Act 2006 (Central Act)
Staff) of Motor Vehicles Department (g) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
016036 Children) Rules 2007 (Central Model Rules 2007)
36 6 Local Fund Audit Department Test General Knowledge, Precis and Drafting. 015047
(Lower)-II Paper (a) Office Procedure in Local Fund Audit Office 44 3 Local Fund Audit Department Test Acts and Rules as described hereunder
including Precis and Draft writing. (Higher)-I Paper (with books).
(b) Principles and Procedure of Audit of (a) Constitution of India.
Fund Accounts. (b) Kerala Municipal Act 1994 and the Rules
030038 thereunder.
37 7 Panchayat Test - II Paper Allied Acts and Rules including KMBR (c) The Court of Wards Act and Rules thereunder.
Registration & Birth & Death Act 1969, Hindu (d) LFAD Act and Rules thereunder.
Marriage Act 1955, Local Fund Audit Act 1994, (e) Kerala Panchayat Raj Act 1994.
Registration of marriages (common) Rules 2008, (f) The Kerala Local Authorities Entertainment
Tax Act and the Rules thereunder.
Cinema Registration Act 1958, Local Bodies
(g) The Kerala Local Authorities Loans Act
Entertainment Tax Act 1961, Public Health Act
and Rules thereunder.
1955, (T.C.), Public Health Act 1939 (Madras) (h) The Kerala Places of Public Resort Act and
(with books) (see instruction III above) the Rules thereunder.
010039 (i) The Public Health Act and the Rules thereunder.
38 8 Kerala Public Works Department (j) The Food Adulteration Act and the Rules
Test-I Paper thereunder.
011039 (k) The Town Planning Act and the Rules
9 Departmental Test for the Ministerial Kerala Public Works Department Code, thereunder.
Staff of KSEB-I Paper (with books) (common paper) (l) The Kerala Cattle Trespass Act and the
012039 Rules thereunder.
10 Departmental Test for the Executive (m) The Madras Hindu Religious and Charitable
Staff of KSEB – I Paper Endowments Act and Rules thereunder.
(n) The Travancore Cochin Hindu Religious
Institutions Act.
39 11 Kerala Registration Test Part I- Kerala Registration Manual and Circular
(o) The Charitable Endowments Acts and
II Paper Order (with books)
Rules thereunder.
051098 (p) The Kerala University Act and the Statutes
40 12 Revenue Test – II Paper 1. Kerala Government Land Assignment Act – 1960 thereunder.
(with books) 2. Kerala Restriction on Transfer by and (q) The Cochin University Act and the
Restoration of Lands to Scheduled Tribes Act – 1999 Statutes thereunder.
3. Kerala Scheduled Tribe (Restoration on (r) The Calicut University Act and the Statutes
Transfer of Lands and Restoration of Alienated thereunder.
Land Act – 1975) (s) The Kerala Agricultural University Act
4. Kerala Land Conservancy Act – 1957 and the Statutes thereunder.
5. Kerala Land Development Act – 1964 (t) The Kerala State Housing Board Act and
6. Kerala Land Development Corporation the Rules thereunder.
Limited (Special Powers) Act – 1974 Note:- Panchayat Manual and the Kerala
Municipal Corporation Manual published by
7. Kerala Service Inam Lands (Vesting and
Government can be used as reference books as
Enfranchisement) Act – 1981
per G.O.(Ms.) No.248/84/Fin. Dated; 9.5.1984.
8. Kerala Highway Protection Act – 1999 034048
9. Kerala Protection of River Bank’s and 45 4 Departmental Test on Code of Criminal Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Act II of 1974)
Regulation of Removal of Sand Act – 2001 Procedure and Kerala Manual of Chapters I to VII, XII, XIII, XV, XVI, XVII, XIX, XX,
10. Kerala Stay of eviction proceedings Office Procedure for Motor Vehicles XXI, XXIII A, XXIII B, XXIV, XXVII, XXIX, XXXII
Act – 2001 Inspectors in the Kerala Transport and XXXVII and Kerala Manual of Office
11. Kerala Private Forest (Vesting and Service. Procedure (with books)

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 5

030049 RTI Act – 2005, Disaster Management,Centrally
46 5 Panchayath Test –III Paper Acts, Rules, Manuals, Government Orders/ Sponsored Schemes viz, NREGS, RInF, SGSY,
Circulars in respect of Accounts, Audit PMGSY etc. various Social Security pension,
(LF, AG, Social) Budgeting, Store Purchasing,
the Person with disabilities (Equal Opportunities,
Public Works Governing the PRIs and functions
Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act –
transferred to PRIs. (with books)
1995, Decentralised Planning of PRIs, Five Year
(See instruction III above)
010050 Plan with reference to the functions specified
47 6 Kerala Public Works Department under Schedule III, IV, V of Kerala Panchayat
Test II Paper Raj Act 1994. Betta service deliver, Front Office
011050 system, Good Governance, Civil registration
7 Departmental test for the Ministerial Kerala Public Works Account Code (with online, Hospital Kiosks, Environmental
Staff of KSEB – II Paper books) (Common Paper) Protection Act 1986. (with books)
012050 (see instruction III above)
8 Departmental test for the Executive 040063
Staff of KSEB- II Paper 58 6 Kerala Port Department Test 1. The Kerala Port Department Manual
032051 (with books) 2. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 (Act XV of 1908)
48 9 Kerala Registration Test Part II Kerala Stamp Act and Rules there under and 3. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (Act
Indian Stamp Act in respect of documents XLIV of 1958)
specified in entry 91 of list I (Union List of the 4. The Indian Light House Act
VII schedule of the constitution of India and 5. The Madras Minor Ports Harbor Crafts
Rules relating to those documents) (with Rules, 1953
books) 6. Port Conservancy Rules, Port Pier Rules
051099 governing the Warehousing of goods in the
49 10 Revenue Test – III Paper (with books) 1. Kerala Land Reforms Act – 1963 Government sheds and godowns at the Port of
2. Kerala Land Tax Act – 1961 Travancore-Cochin, Port Cargo Boats Rules
3. Kerala Revenue Recovery Act – 1964 and Rules for the working of Tugs “Alappuzha”
4. Kerala Public Accountants Act – 1963
and “Venad” issued in Notification No. PWC
5. Kerala Board of Revenue Abolition Act – 1996
4-3496/55/PWC dated 18/10/1955 amended
6. Transfer of Registry Rules – 1966
from time to time.
7. Kerala Plantation Tax Act – 1960
7. Note for the guidance of Officers in Common
8. Kerala Building Tax Act – 1975
Wealth Countries Overseas, Territories and the
9. Kerala Building (Leases and Rent Control)
Irish Republic (British Merchant Shipping and
Act – 1965
Seaman Revised).
10. Kerala Stamp Act 1959
021054 Issued by the Ministry of Transport 1963.
50 11 Forest Test (for Executive and General Law (i) The Merchant Shipping (Registration of
Controlling Staff)-I Paper a. Kerala Forest Act and Rules thereunder Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960.
b. The Kerala Land Acquisition Act (ii) The Merchant Shipping (Tonnage fee
c. The Boundary Act Measurement of Sailing Vessels) Rules, 1960.
d. The Cattle Trespass Act (iii) The Sailing Vessels (Assignment of Free
e. Indian Penal Code Chapters 1 to 5, 9 to Board) Rules, 1960.
11, 17, 18, 23 and (iv) The Sailing Vessels (Statement of Crew)
f. The Indian Criminal Procedure Code 1973, Rules, 1960 and the Sailing Vessels (Inspection)
Chapters 1, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, Rules, 1962.
26, 27 & 30 (v) The Indian Merchant Shipping (Life Savings
037055 Appliances) Rules, 1956
51 12 Labour Department Test Part I Plantation Labour Act 1961. Minimum Wages (vi)Merchant Shipping (Distressed Seamen)
Act 1948 etc. and Rules thereunder admini- Rules 1960
stered by Labour Department (with books) (vii) Merchant Shipping (Continuous
07.00 a.m to 09.00 a.m (2.00 hours) Discharge Certificates) Rules, 1960.
039045 (viii) Mercantile Marine Circulars issued by
52 13 Excise Test Part B (Criminal Law) Criminal Procedure Code 1973 (Act II of the Government of India from time to time
1974), Evidence Act and Indian Penal Code (ix)Sea Rescue Operations
(with books) (x) The Inland Vessels Act 1917 as amended
by the Inland vessels Act 2007
XIII. 28.02.2018 (Wednesday) (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours
(xi)Kerala Inland Vessels Rules 2010
007056 (xii) International Maritime Organization
53 1 Account Test Lower for the Elements of Commercial Accounts. Book structure and functions
Ministerial and Executive Staff of Keeping- All chapters except chapters 13 and
(xiii) UN Conventions and Protocols on
KSEB-III Paper 15 dealing in Partnership Accounts and
maritime law and regulations
Company Accounts respectively of the books.
(xiv) Coastal Zone Regulation Rules
Double Entry Book Keeping by Jamshed R
(xv) Dock workers Safety Rules
(xvi) Marine pollution and oil slicks.
54 2 Criminal Judicial Test – II Paper The Indian Penal Code (with books)
023060 59 7 Kerala Registration Test Part III Miscellaneous Acts etc. (with books)
55 3 Kerala Jail Officers Test – II Paper Sociology, Penology and Criminology 021066
015061 60 8 Forest Test (for Executive and Law-The Kerala Forest Act and Rules
56 4 Local Fund Audit Department Test Finances of Local Bodies and Principles of Local Controlling Staff)-II Paper thereunder (with books)
(Higher)- II Paper Fund Audit, Principles and Procedure in the 017067
Indian Audit Code and Audit Manual with special 61 9 Kerala State Probation Test Part II – Principles of the Probation System
reference to Local Fund Account. (with books) II Paper (Probation and related measures – A
030062 publication issued by the United Nations)
57 5 Panchayat Test – IV Paper Constitution 73rd, 74th Amendments, Provisions 037068
of Writ Jurisdiction 62 10 Labour Department Test – Part II Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Indian Trade
Cr.PC 1973 – Chapter VI (of process to compel Union Act etc. and the Rules thereunder
appearance) administered by the Labour Department (with
Chapter VII (of process to compel production books)
of documents) 036080
Chapter X (Public nuisances) 63 11 Test in Kerala Education Act and Kerala Education Act and Rules.
C.P.C 1908 – Section 15 to 20,60,79,80 and Rules
order XVI, XXI

6 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

XIV. 01.03.2018 (Thursday) (07.00 a.m to 08.30 a.m) 1.30 hours 042090
045069 80 18 Minority Language Test in Tamil Translation from English to Tamil and
64 1 Department Test for the Assistant Function of Electrical Inspectorate, Kerala (Written Test) Translation from Tamil to English
Electrical Inspectors in the Electrical State Electricity Board Ltd., Kerala State XV. 02.03.2018 (Friday) (7.00 a.m to 8.30 a.m) 1.30 hours
Inspectorate – I Paper (with books) Electricity Regulatory Commission, Energy 007081
Management Centre and such other statutory 81 1 Account Test (Lower) for the Kerala Account Code Vol. I and Kerala Treasury
organisations and statutory provisions as Ministerial and Executive Staff of Code Volume I (with Books)
envisaged in central statutes pertaining to KSEB-IV Paper
generation, transmission, distribution, and use of 045082
electrical energy provided under the Electricity 82 2 Departmental Test for the Various provisions in the State Regulations such
Act, 2003, Central Electricity Authority Assistant Electrical Inspector in the as Kerala Electricity Duty Act, 1963, Kerala
(Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Electrical Inspectorate – II Paper Electricity Duty Rules, 1963, Kerala Cinemas
Regulations, 2010, Energy Conservation (with books) (Regulation) Act, 1958, Kerala Cinemas
Act 2001, and Codes prescribed by the Bureau (Regulation) Rules, 1988, Kerala State Electricity
of Indian Standards General ideas regarding Licensing Board Rules, Kerala Lift and Escalators
functioning of Central Electricity Authority, Bureau Act 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, Kerala
of Energy Efficiency, Central Electricity Electricity Supply Code 2014, obligations of
Regulatory Commission, State Regulatory licensed electrical constractors and consumers
Commission etc., Obligations of Licensees as as envisaged in State Regulations (with books)
envisaged in the basic statutes. (with books) 031084
012070 83 3 Departmental Test for Special Scheme and General Instructions (this
65 2 Department Test for the Executive Electricity (Supply) Act. Electricity Act and Employment Exchange Procedure will cover special schemes like vocational
Staff of KSEB- III Paper Rules, Stores Accounting Rules, Tariffs and II Paper guidance Employment counseling occupational
Revenue Accounting Rules. research etc.) and Chapters on
011071 (i) Study and development of the employment
66 3 Department Test for the Ministerial Electricity (Supply) Act-Chapter I to IV & Opportunities
Staff of KSEB-III Paper VI), Stores, Accounting Rules, Tariffs and (ii) Public Relations and publicity
Revenue Accounting Rules. (iii) Various general instruction and
031072 (iv) Inspection and technical evaluation of
67 4 Department Test for the Employment Placement work (this will cover placement employment exchange based on the following
Exchange Procedure-I Paper work including placement of physically chapters in Part I and III of NESM Vol.I and II with
handicapped) and collections of employment connected EE minutes/notes/amendments and etc.
market information based on the following issued from time to time Chapters I to
chapters in Parts I, II and IV of the National IV, XIV, XV and XVII of Part I and all chapters of
Employment Service Manual Vol. I and II Part III. NESM (Vol. I with relevant portion of
(with the connected E.E Minutes/Notes/ NESM Vol. II)
Amendments etc. issued from time to time. 025085
Chapters V to XIII, XVI, and XVIII of Part I 84 4 Kerala Co/operative Test-II Paper Principles of Co-operation and the Co-
and all chapters of Part II and Part IV, NESM operative Societies Act and Rules issued
(Vol.I) with relevant portion of NESM Vol.II. thereunder.
(NESM 1984 edition with subsequent changes.) 023086
021073 85 5 Kerala Jail Officers Test-IV Paper First Aid, Personal Hygiene and General
68 5 Forest Test (for Executive and Procedure-The Kerala Forest Code and Sanitation.
Controlling Staff) - III Paper Department Rules (with books) 019088
025074 86 6 Test on Manual of Office Manual of Office Procedure (Police)
69 6 Kerala Co-operative Test-I Paper Elements of Banking. Procedure (Police)
024075 005092
70 7 Kerala Jail Subordinate Officers Test I A Hand Book of Kerala Prison Rules and 87 7 PWD Manual Test The Kerala PWD Manual and Additions/
Paper Kerala Sub Jail Rules. Amendments to it from time to time (with
015076 books)
71 8 Local Fund Audit Department Test 050096
(Higher)-III Paper Book keeping and Accountancy 88 8 Departmental Test on Kerala Head 1. Minimum Wages Act, 1948
013037, 014037 Load Workers Rules (with Books) 2. Payment of wages Act, 1936
72 9 Kerala Municipal Test III Paper Act and Rules Special Service Rules and 3. Workmen compensation Act, 1923
Standing Orders etc (with Books) (Common 4. Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
10 Municipal Departmental Test Paper) 5. Kerala Head Load Worker (Regulation of
026083 Employment and welfare) Scheme, 1983
73 11 Canal Rules Test Canal Rules and Regulations (Travancore & 6. Kerala Head Load Worker Act, 1978
Cochin) 7. Industrial Dispute Act, 1947
046087 8. Kerala Head load worker Welfare Board
74 12 Kerala State Housing Board Act Kerala State Housing Board Act 1971 (19 of Staff (Appointment, Service conditions, Code
and Rules. 1971) Kerala State Housing Board Establishment and Conduct) Rules, 2002.
Regulations 1977, Kerala State Housing Board 051100
(Maintenance of Accounts). Rules 1984, Kerala 89 9 Revenue test - IV Paper Unified Village Manual
State Housing Board Allotment Regulation (with (Unified Village Manual Test) (with books)
books) 043077
038057 90 10 Test in Weight and Measures Act 1. Standards of Weights and Measures Act 1976.
75 13 Animal Husbandry Department Test Animal Husbandry Department Manual (with and Rules 2. Standards of Weights and Measures (PC)
books) Rules 1977.
035059 3. Standards of Weights and Measures
76 14 SC Development Department Test Hand Book of the Harijan Welfare Department (General) Rules 1987.
(with Books). 4. Standards of Weights and Measures
037078 (Approval of Models) Rules 1987.
77 15 Labour Department Test Part III The Contract Labour Act 1970. The payment of 5. Standards of Weights and Measures
Gratuity Act 1972 etc. Administered by the (Interstate verification and Stamping) Rules 1987.
Labour Department (with books) 6. Standards of Weights and Measures
027079 (Numeration) Rules 1987.
78 16 Agricultural Income Tax and Sales Book Keeping Theory and Practice. 7. Standards of Weights and Measures
Tax Test-III Paper (National Standards) Rules 1987
7.00 a.m to 9.00 a.m (2 hours) 8. Standards of Weights and Measures
042089 (Enforcement) Act 1985
79 17 Minority Language Test in Translation from English to Kannada and 9. Standards of Weights and Measures
Kannada (Written Test) Translation from Kannada to English. Enforcement) Act 1992

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 7

C≥-d¿-hyq- t{]m-{Kmw- P\p-hcn- 2018
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Bkv-Ym-\ B^o-kv,- ]´w,- Xn-cp-h\¥]p-cw- sl. category Name of Post & Dept. Date
sl. category Name of Post & Dept. Date No No 2018 Jan
No No 2018 Jan sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- Be∏p-g
1. 427/12 Lecturer in Automobile Engineering - 1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 23,24,25,31
Technical Education (Polytechnics) 03 Malayalam Medium -Education Feb 01,02
2. 432/16 Medical Officer (Visha) - Indian Systems of Medicine* 03 2. 661/12 High School Assistant (Mathematics)
3. 392/13 Vocational Teacher (Maintenance and Repairs of Auto Malayalam Medium -Education 02
Mobiles) - Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education 03,04,05
4. 689/14 Commercial Tax Officer (SR for SC/ST only) - sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- tIm-´bw-
Commercial Tax 03,04,05 1. 217/13 Work Superintendent - Agriculture 10
5. 074/15 Lecturer Gr.II (Social Education) (By 441/14
075/15 Transfer& Direct) - Rural Development 03,04,05 2. 072/16 Nurse Gr.II (Ayurveda) (NCA-LC/AI)
6. 250/15 Guard Gr.II (NCA-Muslim) Exservicemen Only - Kerala 073/16 (NCAM) - Indian System of Medicine* 11
State Road Transport Corporation 03 3. 216/14 Chauffeur Gr.II - Tourism 11
7. 098/16 Watchman (SR for SC/ST) - Kerala Small Industries 4. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) -
Development Corporation Ltd. 03 Malayalam Medium -Education 12,16,17
8. 457/13 Superintendent in Govt. Commercial 5. 661/12 High School Assistant (Mathematics)
Institutes - Technical Education 04,05
Malayalam Medium -Education 18
9. 012/16 Medical Officer (Siddha) - Indian
Systems of Medicine 04,05 sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- CSp-°n-
10. 104/15 Higher Secondary School Teacher (Jr.) 1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) -
Computer Science (SR for SC/ST only) - Malayalam Medium -Education 16,17,18
Kerala Higher Secondary Education* 04,05
11. 334/14 Tailoring Instructor - Jail 04,05 sI]n-Fkv-kn- do-PW¬- B^o-kv,- FdWm-Ip-fw-
12. 291/16 Higher Secondary School Teacher (Jr.) Zoology 1. 533/15 Driver Gr.II - HDV (Ex-servicemen
(SR for ST only) - Higher Secondary Education 05 Only) - NCC/Sainik Welfare (EKM,PTA) 03,04
13. 411/14 Principal Information Officer - Kerala Water Authority 05 2. 011/12 Non Vocational Teacher - General
14. 510/13 Junior Lecturer in Sculpture - Kerala Foundation Course (Jr.) - Kerala Vocational 04,05,10
Collegiate Education (Music Colleges)* 10 Higher Secondary Education 11,12
15. 073/13 Assistant Engineer - United Electricals India Ltd. 10,11,12
16. 425/14 Trade Instructor Gr.II (Smithy) - Technical Education 10,11,12 sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√-m-B^o-kv,- FdWm-Ip-fw-
17. 060/13 Khadi Development Officer (List I & List II) 1. 217/13 Work Superintendent -
- Kerala Khadi & Village Industries Board 10,11 441/14 Agriculture (EKM) 16
18. 011/12 Non Vocational Teacher - General 2. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 16,17,18
Foundation Course (Jr.) - Kerala Vocational Malayalam Medium -Education 23,24,25
Higher Secondary Education 10,11,12
19. 169/17 Higher Secondary School Teacher (Jr.) English (II NCA-ST) - sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- Xr-»q¿-
Kerala Higher Secondary Education 10 1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 16,17,18,31
20. 054/13 Lecturer in Natural Science - Collegiate Malayalam Medium -Education Feb 01,02
Education (Training Colleges) * 11
21. 226/15 Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering (SR for ST) - sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- ]m-e°m-Sv-
Technical Education 11 1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 16,17,18,23
22. 648/14 Junior Superintendent (P&A) - Kerala State Co-operative Malayalam Medium -Education 24,25,31, Feb 01,02
Consumer’s Federation Ltd. 11
23. 266/14 Junior Lecturer in Drawing & Painting -
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- ae∏p-dw-
Collegiate Education (Music Colleges)* 11,12 1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 16,17,18,23
24. 162/13 Chemist (Cattle Feed Plant) - Kerala Cooperative Malayalam Medium -Education 24,25,31,
Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. 11,12 Feb 01,02
25. 666/14 General Manager - District Co-operative sI]n-Fkv-kn- do-PW¬- B^o-kv,- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv-
667/14 Bank (PKD) Part I & II* 11
26. 544/15 Senior Superintendent/Assistant District 1. 011/12 Non Vocational Teacher - General
Lottery Officer (SR for SC/ST) - State Lotteries 12 Foundation Course (Jr.) - Kerala Vocational 03,04,05,
27. 233/17 Lecturer in Sanskrit (Jyothisha) Higher Secondary Education 10,11,12
(NCA-SC) - Collegiate Education 12 2. 208/16 Driver Gr.II (NCA-SC) Ex-servicemen
28. 171/17 Higher Secondary School Teacher (Jr.) Sanskrit (IV NCA-LC) - Only - NCC/Sainik Welfare 12
Kerala Higher Secondary Education 12
29. 468/13 Part Time High School Assistant (Sanskrit) - Education 12 sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- - B^o-kv,- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv-
30. 252/16 Lecturer in Rachanasharir (I NCA-SC) - 1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 16,17,18,23
Ayurveda Medical Education 12 Malayalam Medium -Education 24,25,31,
31. 320/13 Assistant Manager (III NCA-SC) - Feb 01,02
Plantation Corporation of Kerala Ltd.* 12
32. 182/16 Store Keeper (I NCA-OBC) - Kerala sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- hb\m-Sv-
Agro Industries Corporation Ltd. 12 1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 23,24,25,
33. 539/12 Junior Instructor (Hospital House Malayalam Medium -Education 31,Feb 01, 02
Keeping) - Industrial Training 12
34. 390/13 Computer Operator - KIRTADS 16,17
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- IÆq¿-
35. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 16,17,18, 1. 441/14 Work Superintendent - Agriculture 03,04,05
Malayalam Medium -Education 23,24,25,31, Feb 01,02 2. 085/14 High School Assistant (Social Studies)
36. 052/13 Accountant - Kerala State Industrial (I NCA SC) - Malayalam Medium -
Enterprises Limited 18 Education 05
37. 204/14 High School Assistant (Natural Science) 3. 565/12 High School Assistant (Social Studies)
(B/T) - Education (TVM) 02 (I NCA-ST) Malayalam Medium -
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- sIm-√-w- Education 05
4. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 23,24,25,
1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 16,17,18,
Malayalam Medium -Education 31,Feb 01, 02
Malayalam Medium -Education 31, Feb 01,02
sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- ]Ø\w-Xn-´ sI]n-Fkv-kn- Pn-√m- B^o-kv,- Im-k¿-tKm-Uv-
1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) - 23,24,25,
1. 659/12 High School Assistant (Natural Science) -
Malayalam Medium -Education 31,Feb 01, 02
Malayalam Medium -Education 23,24,25

8 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

General Science
1. ‘Round Revolution’ is related to the enhanced 36. Which soil is rich in organic debris? Humus soil 76. Insect that can be seen anywhere in the world:
production of: Potato 37. The colour of the blood of Cockroach: Colourless Cockroach
2. Geonasty is the response of a plant to: Gravity 38. The largest among the birds that can fly: Great 77. Respiratory organ of Whales: Lungsse
3. In which plant we can find Leghomoglobin? Bustard 78. Sindhi cow is a native of: Pakistan
39. The largest creature in length: Arctic Lion’s Mane 79. The blood pigment Haemocyanin contains........
Jelly fish Copper
40. The most ferocious creature: Piranha 80. The organism with the largest erythrocyte: Ostrich
41. The organism with most legs: Millipede 81. The respiratory organ of earth worm: Skin
42. The strongest creature: Rhinoceros Beetle 82. To which country Neanderthal Man is related:
43. Which is the largest group of organisms? Insects Germany
44. Which bird has the longest life span? Ostrich 83. Which animal is known as ‘flying fox’? Bat
45. Number of fingers in the toe of Ostrich: 2 84. Which animal is notable for its humps? Camel
46. Pisciculture is the culture of: Fish 85. Venom of cobra affects: Nervous system
47. Sea without fish: Dead sea 86. Venom of Viper affects: Blood vascular system
48. Canis familiaris is the scientific name of: Dog 87. Haemocyanin imparts ...... colour to blood: Blue
49. Felis domesticus is the scientific name of: Cat 88. The main food of Koala is ........ leaves: Eucalyptus
Soya bean 50. From which ocean the largest quantity of fish is 89. Baboon is the only tailless India- Monkey
4. Presence of which mineral in Banana makes them obtained? Pacific ocean 90. Black widow is ...... Spider
slightly radio active? Potassium 51. Milk has white colour due to the presence of: Caesin 91. Flemish giant is a type of: Rabbit
5. Silviculture is related to: Forest development 52. Panthera tigris is the scientific name of: Tiger 92. Hibernation is ..........: Summer sleep
6. The useful part of Grape: Pericarp 53. The first clonned mouse created in 1986 by Soviet 93. Man’ nearest relative in animal world: Gibbon
7. The useful part of Strawberry: Thalamus scientists: Masha 94. Number of chambers in the rumen of cow: 4
8. Useful part of Coffee plant: Seed 54. The first clonned organism: Tadpole 95. Oestivation is .......:. Winter sleep
9. Which kind of root is found in sugar cane? Stilt roots 55. Which substance imparts slight yellow colour to milk: 96. Organism that shows both the charectors of both
10. Which revolution is related to meat and tomato Carotin plant and animal: Euglina
production? Red revolution 56. Which constituent gives taste to milk: Lactose 97. The animal that can attack lions: Hyena
11. The first Indian state where Green Revolution was 57. Which mosquito is known as ‘Tiger Mosquito’? Aedes 98. The only animal in cat family that can attack an
started: Punjab 58. The excretory organ of Amoeba: Contractory Vacoule animal bigger than it: Lion
12. ‘Golden Fibre Revolution’ is related to: Jute 59. The excretory organ of Earth Worm: Nephredia 99. Which animal is known as ‘Tibetan Bullock’? Yak
13. Trimethylxanthine is a chemical name of a stimulant 60. The colour of blood in annelids: Green 100. Which sense organ is most developed in birds? Eye
which is found in tea and coffee. What is its popular 61. Ambergreese is obtained from: Whale 101. Vermiculture is related to: Earth Worm
name? Caffeine 62. Ranikhet disease of poultry is caused by: Virus 102. Silver Revolution is related to the enhanced production
14. ‘Menthol’ is obtained from: Peppermint 63. The chemical helpful for fire flies for bioluminence: of: Poultry
15. A seed dispersed with the help of hairs on it is: Luciferin 103. White Revolution is related to the enhanced produc-
Cotton 64. The chemical helps ants to walk in line: Pheramones tion of: Milk
16. Amflora is a genetically modified: Potato 65. The colour of blood in Earth Worm: Red 104. Antibiotic Penicellin is produced by: Fungi
17. Father of Indian Paleobotany: Birbal Sahni 66. The colour of blood in Molluscs: Blue 105. Birds includes in the class: Aves
18. The depletion of oxygen in the water is known as: 106. Cockroach has ...... pairs of wings: 3
Hypertrophication 107. How many cubs does a lioness usually give birth in a
19. The most produced tuber crop in the world: Potato delivery: Three
20. The word ‘Mangal’ is used for which kind of vegeta- 108. Myrmicology is the study of: Ants
tions? Mangroves 109. Ophiology is the study of: Snakes
21. Useful part of Poppy plant from which morphine is 110. Organism with only one leg: Snail
obtained: Dried latex 111. Tadpoles are the young ones of: Frog
22. What is called ‘Terror of Bengal’? Eichorrnia or water 112. The largest ape”: Gorilla
hyacinth 113. The most intelligent among aquatic animals: Dolphin
23. What is the type of tomato fruit? Berry 114. The only animal in cat family that shows sexual
24. Which is called ‘Indian Jinseng’? Ashwagandha dimorphism: Lion
25. Which is called ‘tree of heaven’? Walnut 115. What is known as ‘Killer Fish’? Piranah
26. Most suitable bio fertilizer for rice field: Azolla 116. What is known as ‘River Horse’? Hippopotamus
27. Cross pollination fertilization between two varieties: 117. Which is known as ‘fossil fish’? Coelacanth
Hibridisation 118. Which organism has its auditoty organs in leg?
28. Another name for reduction division: Meosis 67. The longest snake is: Reticulated Python Cricket
29. Edible part of Pea- Cotyledon of seeds 68. What is known as ‘Plough of nature’? Earth worm 119. Cooniculture is the scientific rearing of: Rabbits
30. Mango is an example of which type of fruit? Drupe 69. Which animal is known as the ‘ship of desert’? Camel 120. Joey is the young one of: Kangaroo
31. Some flowers open during day and close at night. 70. Which bird is known as ‘Scavengers of nature’? Crow 121. Ailurophobia is the fear of: Cats
This is called: Photonasty 71. Ants have ...... legs: 6 122. Elephant has ....... teeth: 4
32. The compound used in antimalarial drug: Chloroquin 72. The oranism that can move over a sharp blade 123. Favourable temperature for the hatching of hen’s egg
33. The edible part of apple: Fleshy thalamus without injury: Snail is ...... degree Celcius: 37
34. The edible part of coconut: Endosperm 73. In which continent Yak can be seen? Asia 124. Macaca silenus is the scientific name of: Lion Tailed
35. The plant which flowers only once in life time is 74. What kind of organism is ‘Bombay Duck’? Fish Macaque
termed: Monocarpic 75. E coli present in human instestine is a: Bacteria 125. Study of Eggs: Oology

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 9

Two sets of general knowledge questions are given below. Try to practise each set in 10

Test Your GK minutes. For each correct answer to be given one mark and 0.33 mark to be deducted for each
wrong answer. No negative marks for unattended questions. If the score is 21 or above- very
good. 15 -20- Good. below 15 needs improvement through extensive reference.

1 21. Pulitzer Prize is associated with:

(a) Journalism (b) Cenema (a) Milan (b) Sanfrancisco
1. In which language Tripitakas, the holy books of (c) Fiction (d) Sports (c) New York (d) Washington
Buddhism, were written? 22. The only fish that can fly: 12. The leader who is associated with “I have a dream
(a) Sanskrit (b) Hindi (a) Sardine (b) Tuna speech”:
(c) Pali (d) Tamil (c) Hatchet (d) Mackeral (a) Abraham Lincoln (b) Martin Luther King
2. In Greek mythology the God of the sky is: 23. Hawaian islands located in …….. (c) George Washington (d) John F.Kennedy
(a) Zeus (b) Apollo (a) Pacific Ocean (b) Atlantic ocean 13. Which one of the following persons not born in 1879?
(c) Poseidon (d) Athena (c) Indian ocean (d) Arctic ocean (a) Joseph Stallin (b) Albert Einstein
3. The caste system in India can be traced back to the: 24. Which country constituted police force for the first (c) Sardar Patel (d) Sarojini Naidu
(a) Indus valley period (b) Later Vedic period time? 14. Who was known as ‘Queen Victoria’s favourite Prime
(c) Maurya period (d) Gupta period (a) USA (b) England Minister’?
4. Who was rightly called the ‘British empire builder in (c) Germany (d) France (a) William Pitt (b) Gladstone
India’? 25. Murray Darling is the longest river in: (c) Benjamin Disraeli (d) Robert Walpole
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Dalhousie (a) Austria (b) Australia 15. The main constituent of the atmosphere of Mars:
(c) Rippon (d) William Bentick (c) Russia (d) Denmark (a) Oxygen (b) Hydrogen
5. Who wrote ‘Kalingathuparani’? (c) Methane (d) Carbon dioxide
(a) Thiruvalluvar (b) Jayakondar Answers 16. A child, in terms of science , is called a baby or infant
(c) Agasthya (d) Sattanar upto the age of:
6. What does ‘Sufi’ means: 1 (c) 2(a) 3 (b) 4 (a) 5(b) 6(d) 7(d) 8(c) 9(c) 10(b) 11(a) 12(a) (a) 18 months (b) 30 months
(a) Place of worship of Muslims 13(d) 14(b) 15(c) 16(b) 17(b) 18(a) 19(d) 20(d) 21(a) 22(c) (c) 6 months (d) 36 months
(b) A religious book of Muslims 23(a) 24(b) 25(b) 17. What is known as ‘the King of minerals’:
(c) A prayer (d) A muslim saint (a) Gold (b) Sulphuric acid
7. He was born in Mecca, where his ancestors were 2 (c) Aqua regia (d) Coal
migrated from India during the revolt of 1857. Who is 18. Who said “the unexamined life is not worth living”?
this leader? 1. Opium War was fought between: (a) Gandhiji (b) Socretes
(a) Hakkim Ajamal Khan (b) Nawab Abdul Latif (a) England and China (b) England and France
(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (d) Abul Kalam Azad (c) Russia and France (d) India and Nepal
8. Which Article of the Constitution is related to 2. Roland Garos is a famous tennis court from where a
amenedment procedure? trophy won is counted for grand slam. This is situated in:
(a) 268 (b) 386 (c) 368 (d) 383 (a) England (b) France
9. In which language Bhagavatgita was written? (c) Australia (d) USA
(a) Hindi (b) Pali 3. Oral polio vaccine was developed by:
(c) Sanskrit (d) Tamil (a) Jonas Salk (b) Edward Jenner
10. Corundum is chemically: (c) Albert Sabin (d) Ronald Ross
(a) Mercury sulphide (b) Aluminium Oxide 4. An animal without digestive system:
(c) Iron oxide (d) Ferrous sulphide (a) Snail (b) Tape worm
11. One yard = ……. metre (c) Cockroach (d) Leech
(a) 0.9144 (b) 0.9044 5. The first actress to get Oscar award: (c) Buddha (d) Plato
(c) 0.9414 (d) 0.9164 (a) Emil Jennings (b) Janet Gaynor 19. Who among the following is/was not famous as a
12. The oldest parliament in the world (c) Lewis Milestone (d) Frank Borrage musician?
(a) Althing (b) Storting 6. Albert Einstein got Nobel Prize in: (a) MS Subalekshmi (b) Satyajit Ray
(c) Knesset (d) Folketing (a) 1921 (b) 1922 (c) Pandit Ravisankar (d) Bismilla Khan
13. Malborough House is the headquarters of: (c) 1923 (d) 1924 20. Rukmini Devi Aundale established Kalakshetra at:
(a) SAARC (b) ASEAN 7. Rotary International was founded in 1905 by: (a) Adayar (b) Delhi
(c) OPEC (d) Commonwealth (a) Paul Harris (b) Henri Dunant (c) Bhopal (d) Konark
14. What percent of the atmosphere is occupied by (c) Baden Powell (d) None of these 21. Bengal Gazette was also known as:
Nitrogen in terms of weight? 8. Dr.Kenneth Kounda is the architect of (a) Calcutta General Advertiser (b) India Gazette
(a) 78 (b) 75.5 (c) 89 (d) 70 independent……… (c) Indian Observer (d) New India
15. The first Asian country to start Community (a) Kenya (b) Zambia 22. The Indo-Swiss Project is related to:
Development Project: (c) Namibia (d) Ghana (a) Dairy farming (b) Sugar Mill
(a) China (b) Pakistan 9. Kimono is the name of a …… in Japan. (c) Poultry (d) Horticulture
(c) India (d) Bangladesh (a) dress style (b) mountain 23. Jog falls, the highest water fall in India, is situated in
16. The first non Indian to get Bharat Ratna: the river:
(a) Nelson Mandela. (b) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (a) Cauveri (b) Sharavati
(c) Dalai Lama (d) Julius Nyerere (c) Godavari (d) Krishna
17. The battle which laid the real foundation of Mughal 24. The Danish East India Company was formed in 1616.
empire in India: ……… in Tamil Nadu coast was their main centre.
(a) Second Battle of Tarain(b) Second Battle of Panipat (a) Tranquebar (b) Pondicherry
(c) Battle of Haldighat. (d) Battle of Talikota (c) Chandranagar (d) Goa
18. In which year separate constituencies were introduced 25. Which organism has the most highly developed brain
for the first time in India? among invertebrates?
(a) 1909 (b) 1919 (c) 1927 (d) 1935 (a) Octopus (b) Giant squid
19. What is the section of Indian Penal Code for bidding (c) Star fish (d) Sepia
the assembly of more than 5 persons:
(a) 100 (b) 102 (c) 114 (d) 144
(c) martial arts (d) flower arrangement Answers
10. Lamaism is a form of:
20. Corsica is situated in: (a) Jainism (b) Buddhism 1 (a) 2(b) 3 (c) 4 (b) 5(b) 6(a) 7(a) 8(b) 9(a) 10(b) 11(a) 12(b)
(a) Red sea (b) Persian Gulf (c) Hinduism (d) Confucianism 13(c) 14(c) 15(d) 16(a) 17(a) 18(b) 19(b) 20(a) 21(a) 22(a)
(c) Caspean sea (d) Mediterranean sea 11. Thomas Alva Edison was born in: 23(b) 24(a) 25(a)

10 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

Modern India
1. The founder of Royal Asiatic Society: Warren first time? Bhagat Singh
Hastings 14. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act? Ripon
2. In which year the incident responsible for Kakori 15. Who was called ‘the mother of Indian Revelution’?
Conspiracy Case was occured? 1925 Madam Bhikaji Kama
3. Who was the Viceroy of India during the Delhi 16. The year of foundation of Muslim League: 1906
Durbar of 1877? Lytton 17. Who was known as ‘Masterda’? Surya Sen
4. The woman who faced trial along with Surya Sen? 18. The founder of Indian League in 1875:
Shishirkumar Ghosh
19. The founder of Satyashodhak Samaj in 1873:
Jyotiba Phule
20. The year of Naval Mutiny: 1946
21. Who founded the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha in
1870? Mahadev Govind Ranade
22. Who was the Viceroy when Indian National
Congress was formed in 1885? Dufferin
23. The year of Poona Pact: 1932
24. Who founded Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh in
1925? Hedgewar
25. The organisation founded by GG Agarkar,
Mahadev Govind Ranade and VG Chiplunkar in
1885? Deccan Education Society
26. In whicy year Vivekananda attended the World
Kalpana Joshi Parliament of Religions at Chicago? 1893
39. Who was the founder of Khudai Khitmatgars
5. Who attempted to assassinate Governor of 27. Who was known as ‘Shahid-i-Hind’? Bhagat Singh
(Servants of God)? Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Bengal Sir Stanley Jackson in a convocation 28. Who was the Viceroy when Queen Victoria was
40. Who founded Bharatiya Vidhya Bhavan in 1938?
ceremony? Beena Das declared as the Empress of India in 1877? Lytton
6. The year of Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy: 1919 29. Muhammadan Literary Society of Calcutta was
41. The publication launched by Bal Gangadhar Tilak
7. Who coined the slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’? founded by: Nawab Abdul Latif
in Marathi language: Kesari
Muhammad Iqbal 30. Vernacular Press Act was passed in: 1878
42. The founder of Arya Samaj: Dayanand Saraswati
8. Hindustan Republican Association was formed in 31. The founder of East India Association in 1866?
43. The founder of Atmiya Sabha and Brahmasamaj:
1924 at: Kanpur
Raja Ram Mohun Roy
9. Aurobindo Ghosh was trialed in connection with
44. Who started the journals ‘Al Hilal’ and ‘Al Balal’ ?
.....conspiracy case: Alipore
Abul Kalam Azad
10. The first political organisation in modern India was
45. The publication started by Mahathma Gandhi in
founded in 1838. What was its name?
South Africa: Indian Opinion
Landholder’s Association
46. The retired British civil servant who was instru-
11. The founder of Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1784?
mental in the formation of Indian National Con-
William Jones
gress in 1885: A.O.Hume
12. Who killed Michael O’Dyer to revenge for the
47. The Viceroy when Sharda Act, which raised the
Jallian Walla Bagh Massacre? Uddham Singh
marriageable age, was passed? Irwin
13. Who raised the slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ for the
48. The author of ‘Arctic Home in the Vedas’:

Dadabhai Naoroji
32. Which organisation was founded by Anand Mohan
Bose and Surendra Nath Bannerjee in 1876?
Indian Association
33. Who founded Indian Liberal Federation in 1918?
Surendra Nath Bannerjee
34. Which was the second British Presidency in
India? Madras
35. Who founded Servants of India Society in 1905?
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
36. Who founded Social Service League in 1911?
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
37. Who laid the foundation of the Indian Patriotic
49. The Viceroy who established two colleges for the
Association in 1888? Syed Ahmed Khan
education and political training of the Indian
38. By which of the following for the first time, British
Princes: Mayo
government recognized the “Right of Dominion”
50. Who founded Muslim League in 1906? Aga Khan
for India? Cripp’s Mission

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 11

C¥ybpsS AXn¿ØnIƒ
C¥ybpsS ASnÿm\ hkvXpXIƒ kw_‘n® tNmZy߃ an° ]co£Ifnepw D≠mImdp≠v.
hmb\°mcpsS Bhiy{]Imcw C¥ybpsS AXn¿ØnIƒ kw_‘n®
hkvXpXIsfbmWv ChnsS ]cnNbs∏SpØp∂Xv.
B¿.kn.-kp-tc-jvIp-am¿ 9447006221

* C¥ybp-sS- I-c- A-Xn¿-Øn- 15200 In-tem-ao-‰-dm-Wv.- C-

¥y-bp-sS- k-ap-{Z-Xo-c-Øn-s‚- \o-fw- 7516.-6 In-tem-ao-‰-dm-
Wv.- C-Xpw- c-≠pw- Dƒ-s∏-sS- C-¥y-bp-sS- B-sI- A-Xn¿-
Øn- 22716.-6 In-tem-ao-‰-dm-Wv.-
*- -C-¥y-bp-sS- sa-bn-≥em-≥Un-s‚- I-S¬-Øo-cw- 5422.-6 In-
tem-ao-‰-dm-Wv.- Zzo-]v- {]-tZ-i-ß-fp-tS-Xv- 2094 In.-ao.-
*- -G-jy-≥ cm-Py-ß-fn¬- I-S¬-Øo-c-Øn-s‚- \o-f-Øn¬-
\m-emw- ÿm-\-am-Wv- C-¥y-bv-°p-≈-Xv.- C-t¥m-\o-jy,-
^n-en-ss∏-≥kv,- P-∏m-≥ F-∂n-h-bm-Wv- C-¥y-bp-tS-Xn-
t\-°mƒ- \o-fw-Iq-Sn-b- I-S¬-Øo-c-ap-≈- cm-Py-߃.-
*- -C-¥y-bp-sS- A-Xn¿-Øn-I-fn¬- k-ap-{Zw- C-√m-Ø- Zn-°v-
h-S-°v- B-Wv.-
*- -C-¥y-bp-sS- A-¥m-cm-jv-{S- A-Xn¿-Øn- 17 kw-ÿm-\-
ß-fn-eq-sS- I-S-∂p- t]m-Ip-∂p.-
*- -I-S¬-Øo-c-ap-≈- 9 kw-ÿm-\-ß-fp-≠v.- Kp-P-dm-Øv,- a-
lm-cm-jv-{S,- tKm-h,- I¿-Wm-S-Iw,- tI-c-fw,-X-an-gv-\m-Sv,- B-
{‘m-{]-tZ-iv,- H-Un-j,- ]-›n-a- _w-Kmƒ- F-∂n-h-bm-Wv-
I-S¬-Øo-c-ap-≈- kw-ÿm-\-߃.-
*- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- I-S¬-Øo-c-ap-≈- kw-ÿm-\w- Kp-P-
dm-Øm-Wv.- c-≠mw- ÿm-\-Øp-≈- B-{‘m-{]-tZ-im-Wv-
G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- I-S¬-Øo-c-ap-≈- Z-£n-tW-¥y-≥ kw-
*- -A-¥m-cm-jv-{S- A-Xn¿-Øn-bpw- I-S¬-Øo-c-hp-ap-≈- c-≠v-
kw-ÿm-\-ß-fp-≠v-˛- Kp-P-dm-Øpw- ]-›n-a- _w-Km-fpw.-
*- -A-\y-cm-Py-ß-fp-am-bn- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sm-Ø-Xpw- I-S¬-
Øo-c-an-√m-Ø-Xp-am-b- A-©p- kw-ÿm-\-ß-fp-≠v-˛- a-[y-
{]-tZ-iv,- O-Øn-kv-K-Vv,- Pm¿-J-Wv-Uv,- l-cn-bm-\,- sX-e-

A-b¬- cm-Py-߃-
*- -I-iv-ao¿- ap-gp-h-≥ C-¥y-bp-sS- `m-K-am-bn- ]-cn-K-Wn-°p-
tºmƒ- ]m-Iv- A-[n-\n-th-i- I-iv-ao-cp-am-bn- A-Xn¿-Øn-
]-¶n-Sp-∂- A-^v-Km-\n-ÿm-≥ Dƒ-s∏-sS- G-gv- cm-Py-߃-
C-¥y-bp-am-bn- I-c- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp-∂p.-
*- -A-^v-Km-\n-ÿm-≥,- ]m-In-kv-Xm-≥,- ssN-\,- t\-∏mƒ,- `q-
´m-≥,- aym-≥a¿,- _w-•m-tZ-iv- F-∂n-h-bp-am-bn- C-¥y-bv-
°v- I-c- A-Xn¿-Øn-bp-≠v.- C-¥y-≥ D-]-`q-J-Wv-U-Øn¬-
_w-•m-tZ-iv- H-gn-sI-bp-≈- F-√m- cm-jv-{S-ß-fp-am-bpw- A-
Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp-∂- cm-Py-am-Wv- ssN-\.-
*- -C-¥y-bp-am-bn- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- A-Xn¿-Øn-bp-≈- cm-
Pyw- _w-•m-tZ-im-Wv- (4096 In.-ao.-).- A-^v-Km-\n-ÿm-\p-
am-bn-´m-Wv- C-¥y-bv-°v- G-‰-hpw- Ip-d-®v- A-Xn¿-Øn-bp-
≈-Xv- (106 In.-ao.-).- A-^v-Km-\n-ÿm-\p-am-bn- C-¥y-°v-
A-Xn¿-Øn-bp-≈-Xv- Hu-tZym-Kn-I-am-bn- am-{X-am-Wv.- b-
Ym¿-Y-Øn¬- A-^v-Km-\n-ÿm-≥ A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp-∂-
Xv- ]m-Iv- A-[o-\- I-iv-ao-cp-am-bn-´m-Wv.- A-Xn-\m¬- \n-e-
hn¬- C-¥y-bp-am-bn- G-‰-hpw- Ip-d-®v- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp- DØcmJWvUv(303), DØ¿ {]tZiv (651), _nlm¿(601), * PΩp˛Iiv a o¿ (]mInkv X m≥, A^v K m\nÿm≥,
∂- A-b¬-cm-Pyw- `q-´m-\m-Wv.- ]›na _wKmƒ (96), kn°nw (97.8)F∂nh. ssN\), kn°nw (t\∏mƒ, ssN\, `q´m≥),
*- -tI-{µ- B-`y-¥-c- a-{¥m-e-b-Øn-s‚- I-W-°p-{]-Im-cw- * _w•mtZipambn AXn¿Ønbp≈ C¥y≥ AcpWmN¬ {]tZiv (`q´m≥, ssN\, aym≥a¿), ]›na
ssN-\-bv-°v- 3,-488 In.-ao-‰-dpw- ]m-In-ÿm-\v- 3,-323 In.-ao-‰- kwÿm\ßfmWv _wKmƒ(2216.7), Akw (263), _wKmƒ ( t\∏mƒ, `q´m≥, _w•mtZiv)F∂nh aq∂v
dpw- t\-∏m-fn-\v- 1,-751 In.-ao-‰-dpw- aym-≥a-dn-\v- 1,-643 In.-ao-‰- taLmeb(443), {Xn]pc(856), anskmdw (318)F∂nh. cmPyßfpambn hoXw AXn¿Øn ]¶nSp∂p.
dpw- `q-´m-\v- 699 In.-ao-‰-dpw- C-¥y-bp-am-bn- A-Xn¿-Øn-bp- * \mep C¥y≥ kwÿm\ßfpambn AXn¿Øn * Pn¬PnXv ˛ _mƒ´nÿm≥ {]tZiw ]mInÿms‚
≠v.- ]¶nSp∂ Ab¬ cmPyßfmWv ]mInÿm\pw \nb{¥WØnembXn\m¬ ^eØn¬
*- -_w-•m-tZ-iv- I-gn-™m¬- C-¥y-bp-am-bn- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp- `q´m\pw aym≥adpw _w•mtZipw. PΩp˛Iivaocn\v A^vKm\nÿm\pambn
X¬- Zq-cw- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp-∂-Xv- ssN-\-bm-Wv.- * ]mInkvXm≥ ,KpPdmØv(506), cmPÿm≥ (1170), AXn¿Ønbn√. AXn\m¬ bYm¿YØn¬ PΩp
*- -A-©v- C-¥y-≥ kw-ÿm-\-ß-fp-am-bn- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n- ]©m_v(425), PΩp Iivao¿ (1222) F∂nhbpambn Iivaocn\v ]mInkvXm≥, ssN\ F∂o c≠p
Sp-∂- cm-Py-ß-fm-Wv- ssN-\,- t\-∏mƒ,- _w-•m-tZ-iv- F- AXn¿Øn ]¶nSp∂p. cmPyßfpambn´mWv A¥mcmjv{S AXn¿Ønbp≈Xv.
∂n-h.- * kn°nw (32), ]›na _wKmƒ(197), Akw(267), * G‰hpw IqSpX¬ ZqcØn¬ A¥mcmjv{S
*- -ssN-\-bp-am-bn- A-Xn¿-Øn-bp-≈- C-¥y-≥ kw-ÿm-\-ß- AcpWmN¬ (217) F∂nh `q´m\pambpw AXn¿Øn AXn¿Ønbp≈ kwÿm\w PΩp˛Iiv a ocmWv (
fm-Wv- P-Ωp-˛-I-iv-ao¿- (1954),- ln-am-N¬- {]-tZ-iv-(345),- D- ]¶nSp∂p. hnhn[ cmPyßfpambn 3176 2509.7 Intemao‰¿
Ø-cm-J-Wv-Uv- (463),- kn-°nw- (220.-35),- A-cp-Wm-N¬- {]- * \mKmem≥Uv (215), anskmdw (510), AcpWmN¬ ZqcØn¬ A¥mcmjv { S AXn¿Ønbp≈ ]›na
tZ-iv- (1080)-F∂nh. {]tZiv, (520) aWn∏q¿ (398) F∂nhbv°v _wKmfmWv c≠mw ÿm\Øv.
* t\∏mfpambn AXn¿Øn ]¶nSp∂ kwÿm\ßfmWv aym≥adpambn AXn¿Ønbp≠v. * GsX¶nepw Hcp Ab¬ cmPyhpambn G‰hpw Iq-Sp-

12 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

‰-hpw- sN-dn-b- A-b¬- cm-Py-am-Wn-Xv.- F-∂m¬,- C-¥y- *- -C-¥y-bv-°pw- ssN-\-bv-°pw- C-S-bv-°p-≈- A-Xn¿-Øn-bm-
A¥mcmjv{S AXn¿Øn ( bp-am-bn- I-c- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp-∂- G-‰-hpw- sN-dn-b- cm- Wv- a-Iv-a-tlm-≥ tc-J.-
PΩp Iivao¿ ˛ 3176 Pyw- `q-´m-\m-Wv.- *- -1914˛¬- t{K-‰v- {_n-´-Wpw- Sn-_-‰pw- X-Ωn¬- H-∏p-h-®- D-S-
]›na _wKmƒ ˛ 2509.7 *- -B-¥-am-t\m-Sv- G-‰-hpw- A-Sp-Øp-In-S-°p-∂- cm-Pyw- aym- º-Sn- {]-Im-c-am-Wv- C-Xv- \n-e-hn¬-h-∂-Xv.-
AcpWmN¬ {]tZiv ˛ 1817 ≥a-dm-Wv.- *- {- _n-´o-jv- C-¥y-bp-sS- t^m-dn-≥ sk-{I-´d
- n-bm-bn-cp-∂- k¿-
cmPÿm≥ ˛ 1170 *- -\n-t°m-_m-dn-t\m-Sv- G-‰-hpw- A-Sp-Øp- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂- sl-≥dn- a-Iv-a-tlm-s‚- t]-cn¬-\n-∂m-Wv- a-Iv-a-tlm-≥ tc-
{Xn]pc ˛ 856 cm-Pyw- C-s¥m-\n-jy-bm-Wv.- J-bv-°v- B- t]-cp- e-`n-®-Xv.- Cu- tc-J-bp-sS- \n-b-a-km-
anskmdw ˛ 828 *- -aym-≥a-dn-se- A-c-°-≥ tbm-a- ]¿-h-X- \n-c-bp-sS- Xp-S¿- [p-X- X¿-°-hn-j-b-am-sW-¶n-epw- C-Xm-Wv- ^-e-Øn¬- C-
DØcmJWvUv ˛ 766 ®-bm-Wv- B-¥-am-≥ \n-t°m-_m¿- Zzo-]-k-aq-lw.- `q-an- ¥ym-˛-ssN-\- A-Xn¿-Øn.-
DØ¿ {]tZiv ˛ 651 im-kv-{X-]-c-am-bn- C-Xv- sX-°p-In-g-°-≥ G-jy-bp-sS- `m- *- -C-¥y-˛- ]m-Iv- A-Xn¿-Øn- dm-Uv-¢n-^v- tc-J- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-
_nlm¿ ˛ 601 K-am-Wv.- C-¥y-≥ D-]-`q-J-Wv-U-Øn-s‚- a-s‰-√m- `m-K-ß- Sp-∂p.- {_n-´o-jv- \n-b-a-⁄-\m-bn-cp-∂- kn-dn¬- dm-Uv-¢n-
Akw ˛ 530 fpw- sX-°-t\-jy-bn-em-Wv- Dƒ-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv.- ^m-Wv- 1947¬- C-¥ym- hn-`-P-\- k-a-b-Øv- Cu- tc-J- \n¿-
KpPdmØv ˛ 506
taLmeb ˛ 443 *- -C-¥y-sb-bpw- {io-e-¶-sb-bpw- th¿-Xn-cn-°p-∂-Xv- ]m-Iv- W-bn-®-Xv.-
]©m_v ˛ 425 I-S-en-Sp-°m-Wv.-
aWn∏q¿ ˛ 398 *- -]m-Iv- I-S-en-Sp-°n-em-Wv- B-Zw-kv- {_n-Uv-Pv- F-∂- a-W¬-
kn°nw ˛ 350 Øn-´.- C-Xv- X-an-gv-\m-´n-se- cm-ta-iz-c-Øn-se- [-\p-jv-tIm- HutZym- K nI `mj ln- µ n, Cw•njv
lnamN¬ {]tZiv ˛ 345 Sn-bv-°pw- {io-e-¶-bn-se- X-sse-am-∂m-dn-\pw- C-S-bv-°m- tZ-iob Nn”w AtimI kvXw`w
\mKmem≥Uv ˛ 215 Wv.- tZio-b- Km\w P\-K-W-a\
*- -{_n-´o-jv- `-c-W-Im-e-Øv- a-{Zm-kv- K-h¿-W-dm-bn-cp-∂- tdm- -tZ-iob KoXw h-tµ-am-Xcw
_¿-´v- ]m-°-ns‚ (Robert Palk) kvac-Wm¿-Y-am-Wv- ]m- tZiob ]-©mwKw iI-h¿jw
X¬- A-¥m-cm-jv-{S- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp-∂- C-¥y-≥ kw- Iv- I-S-en-Sp-°n-\v- B- t]-cp- \¬-In-b-Xv.- 53 ap-X¬- 80 In- tZiob ]XmI {Xnh¿Ww
ÿm-\w- ]-›n-a- _w-Km-fm-Wv.- _w-Kv-fm-tZ-ip-am-bn- 2216.- tem-ao-‰¿-h-sc-bm-Wv- ]m-Iv- I-S-en-Sp-°n-s‚- ho-Xn.- tZiob ImbnI hnt\mZw tlm°n
7 In-tem-ao-‰¿- Zq-c-Øn¬- A-Xn-cp-≠v.- *- -30 In-tem-ao-‰-dm-Wv- B-Zw-kv- {_n-Uv-Pn-s‚- \o-fw.- tZiob B]vX hmIyw kXy-tah PbtX
*- -C-¥y-bp-am-bn- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp-∂- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- cm- *- -C-¥y-sb-bpw- A-^v-Km-\n-ÿm-t\-bpw- th¿-Xn-cn-°p-∂- tZiob {]Xn⁄ C¥y Fs‚ cmPy-am-Wv...
Pyw- ssN-\-bm-Wv- (hn-kv-Xo¿-W-Øn-epw- P-\-kw-Jy-bn- tZiob arKw ISph
Xv- Uyp-dm-‚ v- tc-J-bm-Wv.-
epw-).- tZiob ]£n abn¬
*- -{_n-´o-jv- k¿-°m-cpw- A-^v-Km-≥ A-ao¿- A-_v-Zpƒ- d-
*- -a-lm-`m-c-Xv- a-e-\n-c-Iƒ- C-¥y-sb-bpw- t\-∏m-fn-s\-bpw- tZio-b -]pjv]w Xmac
“m-≥ Jm-\p-am-bn- 1893˛¬- H-∏p-sh-®- Uyp-dm-‚ v- sse-≥
th¿-Xn-cn-°p-∂p.- C-¥y-bv-°pw- aym-≥a-dn-\pw- C-S-bn-ep- tZiob hr£w t]cm¬
F-{Kn-sa-‚ v- {]-Im-c-am-Wv- 2640 In-tem-ao-‰¿- \o-f-ap-≈-
tZiob \Zn KwK
≈- a-e-\n-c-I-fm-Wv- ]-Sv-Im-bv.- Cu- A-Xn¿-Øn- tc-J- \n-e-hn¬-h-∂-Xv.- tZiob Pe-Pohn KwKm tUmƒ^n≥
*- -C-¥y-bp-sS- k-ao-]-ap-≈- Zzo-]-cm-jv-{S-ß-fm-Wv- {io-e-¶,- *- -DS- º
- S- n- H-∏p-sh-®- k-ab - s
- Ø- {_n-´o-jv- C-¥y-bp-sS- t^m- tZiob ss]XrIarKw B\
am-e-Zzo-]v,- C-t¥m-\n-jy- F-∂n-h.- dn-≥ sk-{I-´d - n- k¿- tam¿-´n-a¿- Uyp-dm-‚ n-s‚- t]-cm-Wv- tc- \mWbw cq]
*- -am-e-Zzo-]v- G-jy-≥ cm-Py-ß-fn¬- hn-kv-Xo¿-W-Øn-epw- J-b° -v -v e-`n-®X - .v C-t∏mƒ- C-X-v ^-eØ - n¬,- ]m-In-kX -v m- Ãm≥tU¿Uv k-abw + 5.30 {Ko≥hn®v kabw
P-\-kw-Jy-bn-epw- G-‰-hpw- sN-dp-Xm-Wv.- C-¥y-bp-sS- G- \pw- A-^K v- m-\n-ÿm-\pw- C-Sb - °v- p-≈- A-Xn¿-Øn-bm-Wv.-

C¥ybpsS {]tXyIXIƒ
* temIØm-Zy-am-bn- P-\-kw-Jym-\n-b-{¥-Ww- G¿-s∏- *- -tem-I-tØ-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- ]-©-km-c- D-]-tbm-Kn-
Sp-Øn-b- cm-Pyw- °p-∂- cm-Pyw-
*- -s]m-Xp- Xn-cs - ™-Sp-∏v- \-S∂
- - B-Zy- G-jy-≥ cm-Pyw- *- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- t]m-ì- s\-‰v- h¿-
*- -tem-I-Øv- kz¿-W-Øn-s‚- D-]-t`m-K-Øn¬- H-∂mw- °v- D-≈- cm-Pyw-
ÿm-\-ap-≈- cm-Pyw- *- -tem-I-Øv- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- I-∂p-Im-en- k-º-Øp-
*- -B-Zy-am-bn- ]q-Pyw- D-]-tbm-Kn-®- cm-Pyw- ≈- cm-Pyw.-
*- -Z-imw-i- k-{º-Zm-bw- B-hn-jv-I-cn-®- cm-Pyw- *- -£o-tcm¬-]m-Z-\-Øn¬- ap-∂n-´v- \n¬-°p-∂- cm-Pyw-
*- -B-Zy-sØ- Sz-‚ n-˛-20 tem-I-I-∏v- kz-¥-am-°n-b- cm- *- -tem-I-Øv- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-Iƒ-
Pyw- D-≈- cm-Pyw.-
*- -H-fn-ºn-Iv-kn¬- tlm-°n-N-cn-{X-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq- *- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- P-\m-[n-]-Xy- cm-Pyw-
Sp-X¬- sa-U-ep-Iƒ- (11)- t\-Sn-b- cm-Pyw- *- -tem-I-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- C-e-Iv-S-td-‰v D-≈- cm-
*- -H-fn-ºn-Iv-kn¬- tlm-°n-N-cn-{X-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq- Pyw-
Sp-X¬- kz¿-W-sa-U-ep-Iƒ- (8)- t\-Sn-b- cm-Pyw- *- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Zn-\-∏-{X-ß-fp-≈- cm-Pyw-
*- h
- {- P-J\- \- w- \-SØ
- p-Ib
- pw- A-Xn-s\- ]-cp-hs - ∏-Sp-Øp- *- C
- ¥- y-≥ D-]` - q-JW- vU
- Ø
- n-se- G-‰h - pw- hn-kvX
- o¿-Ww-
I-bpw- sN-bv-X- B-Zy- cm-Pyw- Iq-Sn-b- cm-Pyw-
*- -I-ayp-Wn-‰n- sU-h-e-]v-sa-‚ v- t{]m-{Kmw- \-S-∏m-°n-b- Wv- C-¥y-bn-se- B-bp¿-th-Zw.- *- -ap-…nw- cm-Py-a-√m-Ø-h-bn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- ap-
G-jy-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- cm-Pyw- *- -B-Zy-{i-a-Øn¬-Ø-s∂- sNm-∆m- Zu-Xy-Øn¬- hn- …n-ß-fp-≈- cm-Pyw-
*- -ln-µp,- _p-≤,- ssP-\,- kn-Jv- a-X-߃- ]n-d-hn-sIm- P-bn-®- {]-Y-a-cm-Pyw- (2014).- *- -tem-I-tØ-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- am-Xr-a-c-W-߃- \-S-°p-
≠- cm-Pyw- *- -B¿-´n-°nƒ- 47 {]-Im-cw- ]-cn-ÿn-Xn- kw-c-£-Ww- ∂- cm-Pyw-
*- -t]-cn¬- H-cp- a-lm-k-ap-{Zw- A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- G-I- cm- `-c-W-L-S-\-bp-sS- `m-K-am-°n-b- B-Zy-sØ- cm-jv-{S- *- -tem-I-tØ-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- ^o-®¿- ^n-en-ap-Iƒ- \n¿-
Pyw- am-Wv- C-¥y.- an-°p-∂- cm-Pyw-
*- -]-cp-Øn-bp-sS- P-∑-tZ-iw.- *- -{]-Y-a- I-_-Un- tem-I- I-∏v- kz-¥-am-°n-b- cm-Pyw.- *- -kn-°p-Im¿- F-Æ-Øn-epw- i-X-am-\m-Sn-ÿm-\-Øn-
*- \
- c- h
- w-iØ- n-s‚- ayq-kn-bw- F-∂d - n-bs
- ∏-Sp-∂- cm-Pyw- *- -ssN-\- I-gn-™m¬- P-\-kw-Jy- H-cp- _n-ey-¨- (\q- epw- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X-ep-≈- cm-Pyw-
*- -U-b-a-≠v- t]m-fn-jn-Mn-s‚- tem-I- X-e-ÿm-\w- F- dp- tIm-Sn-)- ]n-∂n-´- B-Zy- cm-Pyw.- *- -tem-I-Øv- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- _-^-tem-I-fp-≈-Xv-
∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- cm-Pyw- *- -_w-•m-tZ-iv- kzm-X-{¥yw- {]-Jym-]n-®-t∏mƒ- B- cm- C-¥y-bn-em-Wv.-
*- -tem-I-I-∏v- {In-°-‰v- tP-Xm-°-fm-b- B-Zy- B-Xn-tY- Py-sØ- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®- B-Zy- cm-Pyw- (1971).- *- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- I-Sp-h-I-fp-≈- cm-Pyw- C-¥y-bm-
b- cm-jv-{Sw- *- -tem-I-tØ-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- ln-µp-°-fp-≈- cm-Pyw- Wv.-
*- -F-√m- ku-Øv- G-jy-≥ sK-bnw-kn-epw- sa-U¬-∏- *- -tem-I-tØ-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- ]m-gv-kn- a-X-ÿ-cp-≈- cm- *- -am-\-h-N-cn-{X-Øn¬- hn-`-P-\-Øn-s‚- ^-e-am-bp-≈-
´n-I-bn¬- H-∂mw- ÿm-\w- t\-Sn-b- cm-Pyw- Pyw- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- ]-em-b-\-Øn-\v- km-£yw-h-ln-®- cm-
*- -B-[p-\n-I- t]m-tfm- I-fn- D-Zv-`-hn-®- cm-Pyw- *- -tem-I-tØ-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Ip-jv-T-tcm-Kn-I-fp-≈- cm- Pyw- C-¥y-bm-Wv- (1947).-
*- -I-_-Un,- sN-kv- F-∂n-h-bp-sS- P-∑-tZ-iw- Pyw- *- -c-Xv-\w- ]-cp-h-s∏-Sp-ج- hy-h-km-b-Øn¬- H-∂mw-
*- -am-hn-s‚- D-Zv-`-hw- C-¥y-bn-em-Wv.- *- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- £-b-tcm-Kn-I-fp-≈- cm-Pyw- ÿm-\w- C-¥y-bv-°m-Wv.-
*- -ssk-\n-I-cp-sS- bq-Wn-t^m-am-bn- Im-°n- D-]-tbm-Kn- *- -tIm-a-¨-sh¬-Øv- cm-Py-ß-fn¬- G-‰-hpw- P-\-kw- *- -tem-I-tØ-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- _n-cp-Z-[m-cn-I-fp-≈- cm-
®p- Xp-S-ßn-b- cm-Pyw- Jy- Iq-Sn-b-Xv- Py-am-Wv- C-¥y.-
*- -hr-Øm-Ir-Xn-bn-ep-≈- Ãm-ºv- ]p-d-s∏-Sp-hn-®- B-Zy- *- -km¿-°v- F-∂- kw-L-S-\-bn-se- Aw-K-ß-fn¬- G-‰- *- k
- k - y-kw-c£ - W - Ø- n-\m-bn- i-_vZ- a- p-b¿-Øp-∂- tem-
cm-Pyw- hpw- hn-kv-Xo¿-W-hpw- P-\-kw-Jy-bpw- Iq-Sn-b-Xv- _-bm-≥ {]-ÿm-\w- ]n-d-hn- sIm-≠- cm-Pyw- C-¥y-
*- -kp-{]ow-tIm-S-Xn-bn¬- H-cp- h-\n-X- P-Uv-Pn-bm-b- B- *- -C-¥y-≥ D-]-`q-J-Wv-U-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- cm- bm-Wv.-
Zy- cm-Pyw- C-¥y-bm-Wv.- Pyw- *- -C-¥y-≥ D-]-`q-J-Wv-U-Øn-se- F-√m- cm-Py-ß-fp-am-
*- -tem-I-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ssh-Zy-im-kv-{X-im-J-bm- *- -Z-£n-tW-jy-bn-se- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- cm-Pyw- bpw- A-Xn¿-Øn- ]-¶n-Sp-∂- G-I- cm-Pyw.-

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 13

Indian Polity
1. The Parliament of India consists of: Lok 29. The number of elected members in represent the quintessence, the the election to Legislative Assembly: 18
Sabha, Rajya Sabha, President Rajya Sabha at present: 233 philosophy and the ideals or soul of the 77. Name the Union Territories that have
2. The Parliament building of India was 30. Who was known as ‘father of Rajya Constitution? Preamble Legislative Assembly: Delhi and
designed by: Edwin Lutuens and Sabha’? S. Radhakrishnan 56. “A representative and responsible Puducherry
Herbert Baker 31. The first chairman of Rajya Sabha: S. system under which those who 78. Ministers of the State are collectively
3. Lok Sabha is also known as: House of Radhakrishnan administer the affairs of the state are responsible to the: State Legislative
People 32. The first Deputy Chairman of Rajya chosen by the electorate and account- Assembly
4. The maximum number of members that Sabha: S.V. Krishnamurthy able to them”- This refers to: Democ- 79. The minimum age required to become
can be nominated by the president to 33. Who is the ex-officio chairman of Rajya racy a candidate for the post of President:
the Lok Sabha from Anglo Indian Sabha: Vice President 57. Which term implies an elected head of 35
community: 2 34. As per the provisions of the Constitu- state: Republic 80. Who administers the oath of office of
5. The total number of members of tion the number of members of Rajya 58. The member of the Constituent the President? Chief Justice of India
Parliament at present: 790 Sabha is limited as: 250 Assembly who made the remark that 81. If the post of president is vacant, a new
6. Who presides over the Lok Sabha? 35. Who presides over the Rajya Sabha? “The Preamble is the most precious president will be elected within .....
Speaker Vice President part of the Constitution. It is the soul of months- 6
7. Who presides over the joint sitting of 36. Name the Union Territories that are the Constitution. It is the key to the 82. The tenure of the president of India is
Parliament? Speaker of Lok Sabha represented in Rajya Sabha: Delhi and Constitution”: Thakurdas Bhargava ...... years.- 5
8. The quorum of for the meeting of either Puducherry 59. Who made the statement “The 83. The status of Delhi as per the Constitu-
house of Parliament: 1/10 37. Which Union territory has the largest Preamble of the Constitution is the tion: National Capital Territory
9. The minimum age required to become number of members in Rajya Sabha? horoscope of our Sovereign Democratic 84. Which state has the largest number of
a member of Lok Sabha: 25 Delhi Republic”? K.M. Munshi Rajya Sabha seats? Uttar Pradesh
10. The tenure of member of Lok Sabha is 38. Which State has the largest number of 60. In which case the Supreme Court gave 85. The only Indian state that has its own
...... years. 5 members in Rajya Sabha? U.P. the verdict that the preamble is a part of constitution: Jammu & Kashmir
11. As per the provisions of the Constitu- 39. The minimum age required to become Constitution? Keshavananda Bharati 86. Which Article of the Constitution deals
tion the number of members of Lok a member of Rajya Sabha: 30 Case with special provisions regarding
Sabha is limited as: 552 40. The colour of the carpet in Rajya 61. The words ‘Unity of the Nation’ in the Jammu and Kashmir? 370\
12. The total number of nominated Sabha: Red preamble was substituted by ....... 87. Which state has the largest number of
members in Parliament: 14 41. Rajya Sabha was formed on 3rd April, through the 42nd Amendment: Unity Lok Sabha seats? U.P.
13. The number of elected members in Lok ........ 1952 and Integrity of the Nation 88. Legislative Assembly of which state has
Sabha at present: 543 42. The number of indirectly elected 62. In which year preamble was amended? the tenure of six years? Jammu &
14. The members of the Union Cabinet is members to the Rajya Sabha from 1976 Kashmir
collectively responsible to: Lok Sabha states: 229 63. The idea of council of ministers are 89. As per the provisions of the Constitu-
15. According to the Constitution the 43. The number of indirectly elected collectively responsible to the lower tion the minimum strength of State
maximum limit of the number of members to the Rajya Sabha from house of the Parliament has been Legislative Assembly is: 60
members can be elected from States: Union Territories: 4 copied from: Britain 90. The South Indian states with Legislative
530 44. The total number of members in the 64. The feature of Federal Scheme has Council: Karnataka ,Andhra Pradesh
16. According to the Constitution the Rajya Sabha at present: 245 been borrowed from: Govt of India Act, and Telengana
maximum limit of the number of 45. How much of the total members of 1935 91. The tenure of member of Legislative
members can be elected from Union Rajya Sabha is elected every two 65. The post of speaker of Lok Sabha has Assembly is ...... years. Five
Territoties: 20 years? 1/3 been copied from: Britain 92. Which State/ Union Territory has the
17. The number of sessions of Lok Sabha 46. Which house of Parliament is presided 66. Which amendment amended the least number of members in its
take place in a year: 3 over by a non-member? Rajya Sabha preamble? 42nd Legislative Assembly? Puducherry
18. The longest session of Lok Sabha: 47. Which is called House of Elders- Rajya 67. How many words are there in the 93. The minimum age required to contest
Budget session Sabha preamble at present? 85 in the election to Legislative Assem-
19. The structure of the Parliament building 48. A money bill sent to Rajya Sabha 68. Who drafted the preamble? Jawaharlal bly: 25
of India: Circular should be returned to the lower house Nehru 94. As per the provisions of the Constitu-
20. The colour of the carpet in Lok Sabha: within ...... days. 14 69. The wording of the preamble of India is tion, the strength of State Legislative
Green 49. The date mentioned in the preamble of close to the preamble to the Constitu- Assembly is limited upto: 500
21. The total number of elected members in the Constitution: 26th November 1949 tion of : Ireland 95. The Indian state where President’s rule
Parliament at present: 776 50. The status of India from 15th August 70. What is referred to as an ‘epitome’ of was imposed for the first time: Punjab
22. As per constitutional provisions the 1947 to 26th January 1950: Dominion the broad features of the Constitution? 96. Which state has the largest number of
maximum number of members in in the British Commonwealth of Nations Preamble Legislative Council seats? Uttar
Parliament is limited as: 802 51. “The state shall have no religion of its 71. The preamble of the Constitution came Pradesh
23. On normal business days, the Lok own and all persons shall be equally into force on: 26th January 1950 97. Which state has the least number of
Sabha proceedingd starts at ...... a.m entilted to freedom of conscience and 72. The preamble of the Constitution members in its Legislative Assembly?
11.00 right freely to profess, practice and begins with: We, the people of India..... Sikkim
24. The first hour of every sitting of Lok propagate religion”- This principle is 73. Who was the Prime minister of India 98. Which state has the least number of
Sabha is called the ....... Question Hour termed: Secularism when the preamble was amended? Legislative Council seats? Jammu &
25. The minimum age required to vote in 52. The first joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Indira Gandhi Kashmir
Lok Sabha elections: 18 Rajya Sabha was held in the year: 1961 74. How many times the preamble has 99. Which state has the largest number of
26. The tenure of member of Rajya Sabha 53. The objective resolution was adopted been amended? Once Legislative Assembly seats? Uttar
is ...... years. 6 by the Constituent Assembly on: 22nd 75. The words included in the preamble Pradesh
27. Rajya Sabha is also known as: Council January 1947 through the 42nd Amendment: 100.The Indian state where Article 356 of
of States 54. The sovereignty under the Constitution Socialist, Secular, Integrity of nation the Constitution was imposed for the
28. How many members are nominated by of India vested with: People 76. The minimum age required to vote in first time: Kerala
the president to the Rajya Sabha: 12 55. Which part of the Constitution of India

14 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

Facts about Kerala
1. Which is the birth place of Kathakali? 23. The birth place of P.Kunjiraman Nair, 49. In 1888, the legislative council in West Coast Canal is
Kottarakkara the famous poet of Kerala: Kanhangad Travancore started functioning at: known as: National
2. Which temple is known as ‘the Palani 24. Uzhavur, the birth place of KR Thiruvananthapuram Waterway-3
of Kerala’? Harippad Narayanan is in the district of: 50. The famous statue in front of the Govt. 71. The place in Kerala where China Clay
3. Thanneermukkam barrage is across : Kottayam Secretariat, Thiruvananthapuram from is abundant-Kundara
Vembanad lake 25. The place where Kumaranasan was which the name ‘Statue Junction’ is 72. Which bird sanctuary is in
4. Karumadikkuttan, a statue obtained born: Kayikkara evolved, is that of: Madhava Rao Thiruvananthapuram district? Arippa
from Alappuzha district is believed to 26. In which distrrict the famous Malayalam 51. The southernmost taluk in Kerala: 73. The birth place of Kumaranasan-
be related to: Buddhism poet Ulloor S.Parameswarayyar was Neyyatinkara Kayikkara
5. The boat race which held on the born: Kottayam 52. In which district is Peppara wild life 74. The birth place of Ayyankali- Venganur
second Saturday of August every year: 27. The birth place of Thacholi Othenan: sanctuary ? Thiruvananthapuram 75. Vallikkavu, where the Ashram of
Nehru Trophy Vadakara 53. Where is Lakshmi Bhai College of Amritanandamayi is situated is in the
6. Thycal, where remains of of an ancient 28. The birth place of Rama Panicker, one Physical Education? Karyavattom district of: Kollam
ship obtained is in the district of: of the Kannassa poets: Niranam 54. Chandanakavu where Melpathur 76. Which of the following place in Kerala
Alappuzha 29. Killikurissimangalam, the birth place of memorial is situated is in the district of: is famous for cashew industry? Kollam
7. The place in Kerala where rice is Kunchan Nambiar is in the district of: Malappuram 77. The place where Duryodhana Temple
cultivated below sea level: Kuttanad Palakkad 55. Thonnakkal in Thiruvananthapuram is situated in Kollam district: Malanada
8. The district in Kerala with least forest 30. Kizhattur, a place near Perinthalmanna district is famous for the memorial of: 78. The district with least coastline: Kollam
area: Alappuzha is the birth place of: Poonthanam Kumaranasan 79. Ceramic Factory is situated at:
9. Which is known as ‘bird village in 31. The native place of Kunhali Marikkar: 56. Sahodaran Ayyappan memorial is at: Kundara
Kerala’? Nooranad Iringal Idappally 80. The seat of Ilayidathu swaroopam in
10. Who called Alappuzha ‘Venice of the 32. Kondoty, where Moyinkutty Vaidyar 57. Kunjan Memorial in Palghat district: Travancore history was: Kottarakkara
East’? Lord Curzon Memorial is situated is in the district of: Lakkadi 81. Where is Chinnakkada ground
11. Padayani is the folk arts form of the Malappuram 58. The memorial of Chembai situated? Kollam
33. P Kunjiraman Nair memorial is at: Vaidhyanatha Bhagavathar is situated 82. In which distict the Shendurney wild life
Kollengode at - Kotayi in Palakkad sanctuary is situated? Kollam
34. Muloor S Padamanabha Panikker 59. What is known as ‘Dakshina Nalanda’? 83. The birth place of Chattampi Swamikal-
memorial is at: Ilavumthitta Kanthallur Sala Kannammula
35. The southernmost fresh water lagoon 60. The area known as the ‘granary of 84. Murajapam in Padmanabha Swami
in Kerala is: Vellayani Travancore’, which is now in Temple is held every ... 6 years
36. Merryland, the second film studio in Kanyakumari district: Nanjinad 85. The radio station in Travancore started
Kerala is situated at....... in 61. The highest peak in functioning in: 1943
Thiruvananthapuram district. Nemom Thiruvananthapuram district: 86. The seat of Ilayidathu swaroopam in
37. The capital of the Aay dynasty Agasthyamala Travancore history was: Kottarakkara
was....... in Thiruvananthapuram 62. The place in thiruvananthapuram from 87. The Alapuzha district was formed in
district. Vizhinjam where Graphite ore is obtained ?
1957 mainly by the bifurcation of:
38. Where is Ulloor Memorial? Jagathy in Vellanad
Thiruvananthapuram 63. Thiruvananthapuram is the largest
88. Neendakara Azhi connects ...... and
39. In which district is Thunchan Memo-
Arabian sea: Ashtamudi lake
rial? Malappuram
89. MN Govindan Nair started One Lakh
40. Kunchan Nambiar Memorial is situated
district of: Pathanamthitta at: Ambalappuzha Housing Scheme at: Chithara
12. The only railway station in 41. Wagon Tragedy Memorial Hall is 90. The taluk with the least number of
Pathanamthitta district: Thiruvalla situated at: Tirur villages: Kunnathur
13. The only district in South Kerala 42. Changampuzha memorial is situated 91. The last formed city corporations in
without coastline: Pathanamthitta at: Edappally Kerala are Thrissur and......: Kollam
14. Power house of Idukky hydel project is 43. The place in Thiruvananthapuram 92. Neendakara Azhi connects ...... and
situated at: Moolamattom district where the remains of ‘Ammachi Arabian sea: Ashtamudi lake
15. The village in Idukky district that was Plavu’ in Travancore history is 93. The substance used to make Aranmula
ceded to Ernakulam district, which preserved: Neyyatinkara mirror: Metal
shifted the Idukky district to the second 44. The Chala market founded by Raja producer of ...........: Tapioca 94. The ‘Chilanthi temple’ in
rank in area: Kuttampuzha Kesavadas is in: Thiruvananthapuram 64. The National Highway passing through Pathanamthitta district: Kodumon
16. The area in Kerala that receives least 45. Where is Putharikandam ground Thiruvananthapuram city: NH 544 (old 95. Mannadi, the place where Velu
rain fall: Chinnar situated? Thiruvananthapuram name NH 47) Thampy Dalawa committed suicide is
17. The island formed after the dredging 46. M.C.Road connects 65. Hill station in Thiruvananthapuram in the district of: Pathanamthitta
activities of the Cochin port: Thiruvananthapuram and ........: district: Ponmudi 96. The season of Sabarimala: November-
Wellington\ Angamali 66. The main central road begins at: January
18. The place related to Athachamayam: 47. The king who shifted the capital of Kesavadasapuram 97. In which month Maramon Convention
Thrikkakkara Travancore from Padmanabhapuram 67. Where is Papanasam beach? Varkala is conducted on the banks of Pamba?
19. Which boat race is known as ‘Pooram toThiruvanananthapuram? Dharma 68. During the period of Swati Tirunal, the February
in Water’? Aranmula boat race Raja Hajur Kacheri (Secretariat) of 98. An area in Kerala which is situated
20. Which was the capital of the kingdom 48. In 1869, a new secretariat building was Travancore was shifted to
of Chempakassery? Ambalappuzha below sea level: Kuttanad
constructed in Thiruvananthapuram Thiruvananthapuram from: Kollam 99. Nehru Trophy Boat race is in:
21. Birth place of Saktibhadra, the author during the reign of Ayilyam Tirunal 69. Ceramic Factory is situated at:
of ‘Ascharyachoodamani’: Kodumon Punnamada
under the supervision of Dewan ...... Kundara 100.Andhakaranazhi connects ...... and
22. The birth place of Chattampi Swamikal: T.Madhava Rao 70. The Kollam - Kottappuram strech of
Kannammoola Arabian sea: Vembanad lake

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 15

Renaissance in Kerala
1. Who authored ‘Anandagurugeetha’? Enlighten” are the words of: Sree Narayana Guru 77. In which year Sree Narayana Guru es-
Brahmananda Sivayogi Narayana Guru 55. The original name of Thycaud Ayya was: tablished Adwaithasramam at Aluva?
2. The author of ‘Martyrdoam of 27. Who founded a school near Arppookkara Subbarayan 1914
Anasthasiya’? Kuriakose Elias Chavara for depressed classes? Kuriakose Elias 56. Who started the publication of a journal 78. ‘Daiva Dasakam’ was authored by: Sree
3. From where K. Ayyappan launched the Chavara called ‘Abhinava Kerala’? Narayana Guru
publication ‘Sahodaran’? Mattancheri 28. To which Satyagraha is Arya Pallam is Vagbhatananda 79. Who introduced Thycaud Ayya to Sree
4. The name ‘Vagbhatananda’ was given related? Paliyam Satyagraha 57. Who authored Vedadhikara Niroopanam Narayana Guru? Chattampi Swamikal
to V.K.Gurukkal by: Sivayogi of Alathur 29. Who was the first to introduc the sys- ? Chattampi Swamikal 80. Who was respectfully called “Superin-
5. To which agitation Velath Lakshmikkutty, tem called “A school along with every 58. Who was named Komaran at his birth? tend Ayya”? Thycaud Ayya
K.K.Karumba and K.C.Kalikkutty is re- church”? Kuriakose Elias Chavara Poikayil Yohannan 81. “Without differences of caste,Nor enmi-
lated? Channar Agitation 30. Who was also known as ‘Kumara 59. The founder of Malabar Economic ties of creed, Here it is, the model of an
6. In which year ‘Samathwasamajam’ was Gurudevan’? Poikayil Yohannan Union? Dr.Palpu abode,where all live like brothers at
founded? 1836 31. Who authored ‘Divyakokilam’ as a trib- 60. ‘I have been touring different parts of the heart” - these words were inscribed by
7. ‘No to argue or win but to know and in- ute to Rabindranath Tagore? world. During these travels, I have had Narayana Guru on a plaque at:
form’ which conference is related to this Kumaranasan the good fortune to come into contact Aruvippuram
motto? Aluva conference 32. Sree Narayana Guru made his first visit with several saints and maharshis. But I 82. Chattampi Swamikal aquired self real-
8. Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham was to Sri Lanka in: 1918 have frankly to admit that I have never ization at: Vadaveeswaram
registed in: 1928 33. When did Channar Agitation attained its come across one who is spiritually 83. The place which was selected by Nanu
9. Who authored ‘Mokshapradeepam’? objectives? 1859 July greater than Swami Sree Narayana Guru Asan (Narayana Guru) as his abode for
Brahmananada Sivayogi 34. Who authrored ‘Swathanthryagatha’? of Kerala” Whose words are these? meditation and spiritual activities:
10. “I consider it the greatest good fortune Kumaranasan Rabindranath Tagore Aruvippuram
of my life to have visited the beautiful 35. Who is regarded as the father of the re- 61. The first president of Purogamana Kala 84. “Oru jathy, oru matham ,oru Daivom”
Travancore state and met the most ven- naissance of Kerala? ) Sree Narayana Sahithya Sangham? Vyloppilly (“Intha ulakathile orae oru jathy than,
erable saint, Sree Narayana Guru Swami Guru Sreedharamenon Orae oru matham than, orae oru kadavul
trippadangal” Who wrote these words 36. Who publised Al-Islam, the Muslim and 62. Who was given the name ‘Mudichoodum than” ) is the Malayalam translation of
in the guest book at Sivagiri? Gandhiji Deepika? Vakkom Maulavi Perumal’ by his parents? Ayya Vaikundar Thycaud Ayya’s teaching . Who
11. Who was called the ‘Lincoln of Kerala’? 37. Who undertook a studentship in poetry 63. Vakkom Abdul Khadir Moulaviwas born popularised it? Sree Narayana Guru
Pandit Karuppan under Manamboor Govindan Asan? in 1873 in _____ district. 85. Who founded the organization named
12. Who is called the father of literacy in Kumaranasan Thiruvananthapuram ‘League of Oppressed People’?
Kerala? Kuriakose Elias Chavara 38. Panmana Ashramam is related to: 64. Jaathikkummi is the famous work of: Chempakaraman Pillai
13. Who was the exponent of Anandajathi? Chattampi Swamikal Pandit Karuppan 86. The place where Dr.Palpu was born:
Brahmananda Sivayogi 39. Narayana Guru’s second visit to Sri 65. Who studied at the ‘Patasala’ of Pettayil Pettah
14. Who was the founder of Saivaprakashika Lanka was in: 1926 Raman Pillai asan and became the 87. Whois referred to as the “father of
Sabha? Thycaud Ayya 40. ‘Sanmarga Pradeepa Sabha’ at monitor of the class? Chattampi muslim renaissance in Kerala”? Vakkom
15. The prefix ‘Mahakavi’ awarded to Kumbalam was patronised by: Pandit Swamikal Moulavi
Kumaranasan by Madras University in Karuppan 66. “Not for argument but to know and in- 88. The Ezhava Memorial of 1900 was sub-
the year ___. 1922 41. Sree Narayana Guru visited the form others” these words were the theme mitted before: Lord Curzon
16. The name ‘Sivagiri’ was given by: Sree Satyagrahis at Vaikkom in: 1924 of the conferece held at____ under the 89. Who expounded the philosophy
Narayana Guru 42. Thycaud Ayya passed away in ____ 1909 leadership of Sree Narayana Guru in “Snehamanakhilasaramoozhiyil” (Love is
17. The real name of Vagbhatananda 43. The founder of ‘Travancore Ezhava 1924: Aluva all in this world) in his writings?
Gurudevar: V.K.Gurukkal Sabha’: Dr.Palpu 67. Jnanodayam Sabha’ was founded under Kumaranasan
18. The mission society that founded 44. Who was instrumental in the establish- the patronage of Pandit Karuppan at: 90. Dr.Palpu served in the medical service
Brennen’s College? Basal Mission ment of “Muslim Aikya Sangham”, a Edakochi under the government of: Mysore
19. The date on which Mahathma Gandhi united Muslim forum for all the Muslims 68. ‘Prachina Malayalam’ was authored by: 91. Prabodha Chandrodayam Sabha
and Sree Narayana Guru met? 1925 of the Travancore, Cochin and Malabar Chattampi Swamikal patronised by Pandit Karuppan had its
March 12 regions? Vakkom Maulavi 69. The place selected by Narayana Guru seat at: North Paravur
20. What type of literary work is 45. The founder of ‘Samathwa Samajam”: when he decided to give up his wander- 92. Narayana Guru did the prathishta of the
‘Thozhilkendrathilekk’? Drama Ayya Vaikundar ing life and settle down: Varkala goddess Sree Sarada at Sivagiri in April
21. The work of Kuma ranasan that depicts 46. The place where Ayyankali started a 70. The first to establish a printing press in ____ 1912
the fact ‘Mamsanibhadamalla ragam’ school for the depressed classes in 1904: Kerala without foreign support: 93. Which publication was called ‘Bible of
(Love is not an artifact of flesh): Leela Venganur Kuriakode Elias Chavara Thiyyas’- Mithavadi
22. Who is regared as the greatest Keralite 47. The name of the boat Kumaranasan was 71. The only Keralite whose birth day and 94. Who said these words “I installed my
of 20th century? Sree Narayana Guru travelling before he met an accident that death anniversary are declared holiday siva; not a Brahmin siva”? Sree
23. “His grandfather Hrishikesan and his caused his death: Redeemer by the Government of Kerala: Sree Narayana Guru
father Muthukumaran were great yogis 48. The first member of Pulaya community Narayana Guru 95. Which publication was known as Ezhava
and were migrated to Tamilnadu from to be nominated to Travancore Legisla- 72. Moksha Pradeepa Khandanam was writ- Gazette? Vivekodayam
Pampumkadu in Malabar during Tipu tive Assembly: Ayyankali ten by: Chattampi Swamikal 96. Sivagiri Theerthadanam, was conceived
Sultan’s aggression. Lord Subramanya 49. In which year Dr.P.Palpu was born? 1863 73. The only foreign country visited by Sree by Vallabhasseri Govindan Vaidyar and
was their family deity. At the age of 12, 50. The founder of Thathva Prakashika Narayana Guru: Sri Lanka _____ T K Kittan Writer
he received spiritual initiation from two Ashram at Kozhikode: Vagbhatananda 74. After becoming the disciple of Sree 97. The king of Travancore who ordered for
Tamil Saints, Sachidananda Maharaj and 51. Who authrored’ Bilathi Visesham’? Narayana Guru to which place Kumaru the imprisonment of Ayya Vaikundar-
Sri Chitti Paradeshi.”-The person men- K.P.Kesavamenon (Kumaranasan) was sent for higher stud- Swati Tirunal
tioned here is: Thycaud Ayya 52. The birth place of Chattampi Swamikal: ies in Sanskrit? Bangalore 98. Kuriakose Elias Chavara was born in:
24. Who founded the Siddhasramam at Kannammoola 75. Who authored ‘Anandasutram’? 1805
Alathur? Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi 53. Who founded Ananda Maha Sabha? Brahmananada Sivayogi 99. Kunnampalli Raman pillai Asan was the
25. The organiser of ‘Kalyanadayini Sabha’: Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi 76. The only poet in Malayalam who became teacher of: Sree Narayana Guru
Pandit Karuppan 54. “ Liquor is poison, make it not, sell it not, ‘mahakavi’ without writing a 100.The first Sanyasa disciple of Sree
26. “Organize and strengthen, Educate and drink it not” are the words of: Sree ‘mahakavyam’: Kumaranasan Narayana Guru: Sivalinga Swamikal

16 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

Facts about India
1. Which city is known as Manchester of 27. In which state is Singbhum mines West Bengal river. Kaveri
South India: Coimbatore famous for Iron and Copper? Jharkhand 51. Which is the largest source of energy in 74. In which river is Indira Sagar dam?
2. The largest producer of jute in India: 28. For which mineral Zawar mines in India? Thermal power Narmada
Rajastan is famous? Zinc 52. The National Thermal Power Corpora- 75. Govind Vallabh Pant Sagar dam is in:
29. Which is the largest producer of tion was established in: 1975 Rihand
Asbestos in India? Rajastan 53. The oldest nuclear power project in 76. Maharana Pratap Sagar dam (Pong
30. For which mineral Koraput (Orissa), India: Tarapur dam) is in: Beas
Cudappah (Andhra Pradesh) and Salem 54. Indira Gandhi atomic power project, 77. In which river is Rana Pratap sagar
(Tamil Nadu) are famous? Aluminium Kalpakkam is in: Tamil Nadu dam? Chambal
31. Which mineral is known as ‘black gold’? 55. Rawatbhatta atomic power project is in: 78. In which river is Nagarjuna Sagar
Petroleum Rajastan dam? Krishna
32. In which state is Kolar, Hutti gold 56. Narora atomic power project is in: Uttar 79. In which river is Govind Sagar dam?
mines? Karnataka Pradesh Chambal
33. In which state is Ramagiri gold mines? 57. Kaiga atomic power project is in: 80. In which river Jawahar Sagar dam ?
Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Chambal
34. For which mineral Koderma mines are 58. Nuclear power station in Gujarat is 81. In which state is Krishnarajasagar dam
famous? Mica situated at: Kakrapar\ in Kaveri ? Karnataka
35. The largest source of petroleum in India 59. The Kudankulam atomic power project 82. In which river is Alamatty Dam ?
? Mumbai High in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu has Krishna
West Bengal 36. The variety of coal with the highest been bulit in collaboration with: Russia 83. In which river is Hiracud Dam in
3. The most important industry in India in amount of carbon content: Anthrasite 60. In which river is Nagarjuna Sagar dam Odisha? Mahanadi
terms of employment and production of 37. What is known as ‘hard coal’? is built? Krishna 84. Nizam Sagar dam in Andhra Pradesh is
export goods: Cotton Anthrasite 61. The Sardar Sarovar Project in Gujarat in ...... river. Manjira
4. Which state is the largest producer of 38. What is known as ‘brown coal’? Lignite 85. In which river is Tawa Dam? Madhya
silk in India: Karnataka 39. The variety of coal used in India in Pradesh
5. Durgapur and Burnpur in West Bengal largest extent: Bitumin 86. In which river is Tehri Dam in
is famous for ..... industry: Iron and 40. Which Indian state leads in the Uttarakhand ? Bhagirathi
Steel production of Anthrasite ? Jammu 87. In which river is Ukai project in Gujarat ?
6. Bhadravati, famous for Iron and steel Kashmir Tapti
industry, is in the state of: Karnataka 41. Leading producer of Lignite in India: 88. The first multi purpose project in
7. Mazagaon Dock limited is in: Mumbai Tamil Nadu independent India (1948): Damodar
8. Garden Reach Shipbuilders limited is 42. The plateau in India famous for mineral valley
situated at: Kolkata resources: Chotanagpur 89. The highest dam in India: Tehri
9. Where is Hindustan shipyard limited? 43. Which is known as Ruhr of India? 90. In which river is Bhakra Nangal dam ?
Visakhapatnam Chotanagpur Plateau Sutlej
10. The first fertilizer factory in independent 44. For which mineral Asansol in West 91. The reservoir of Bhakra dam is known
India in public sector: Sindri Bengal, Sambalpur in Orissa, Jharia as: Govind sagar
11. Nepanagar is famous for: Newsprint and Dhanbad in Jharkhand are 92. The Govind Sagar dam in Shahzad
12. Pimpri and Rishikesh are famous for famous? Coal is in ......river. Narmada river is in the state of: Uttar Pradesh
...... factories. Antibiotics 45. For which mineral Cambay in Gujarat is 62. In which state is Nathpa Jhakri 93. In which river is Gandhi sagar dam ?
13. In which state is Salem steel factory? famous ? Petroleum Hydroelectric Power Project? Himachal Chambal
Tamil Nadu 46. For which mineral Jaduguda mines in Pradesh 94. In which river is Baglihar project and
14. Ludhiana famous for cycles situated in: Jharkhand is famous ? Uranium 63. In which state is Koyna hydel project? Dulhasti project in Jammu Kashmir ?
Punjab 47. Which state is the leading producer of Maharashtra Chenab
15. Sholapur famous for cotton textiles is in minerals in India which earned the nick 64. In which river is Sivasamudram project 95. In which river is Osman Sagar Reser-
the state of: Maharashtra name ‘the mineral state of India’? in Karnataka? Kaveri voir in Telengana ? Musi
16. Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh is famous for: Jharkhand 65. In which state are the Uri, Salal, 96. In which river is Linganamakki dam in
Locks 48. For which mineral Jhunjhunun, Dulhasti hydel projects ? Jammu Karnataka ? Sharavati
17. Which is called ‘Pittsburg of India’? Kolihan,Sikar mines in Rajastan are Kashmir 97. In which river is Ranjeet Sagar Dam ?
Jamshedpur famous ? Copper 66. Omkareswar hydel project is in: Beas
18. The place in Tamil Nadu famous for the 49. For which mineral Panna in Madhya Madhya Pradesh 98. The largest lake in India: Chilka
manufacturing of battle tanks: Avady Pradesh is famous? Diamond 67. Machkund project is an inter state 99. In which state is Chilka? Odisha
19. The first oil refinery in India: Digboi 50. In which state is Raniganj coal mines? project of Odish and______: Andhra 100. In which lake Break fast island and
20. Firozabad in Uttar Pradesh is famous Pradesh Honey moon island are situated? Chilka
for: Glass bangles 68. Which dam was described as ‘New
21. Jallander in Punjab is famous for: Temple of Resurgent India’ by Jawahar
Sports goods Lal Nehru ? Bhakra dam
22. Ahmedabad in Gujarat is famous for: 69. Bhakra Dam is located in the village of
Cotton mills Bhakra in the Bilaspur region of:
23. Dhariwal in Punjab is famous for: Wool Himachal Pradesh
24. Which place is called Detroit of India? 70. In which state is Loktak Dam? Manipur
Pithampur 71. Balimela hydel project is a joint venture
25. Haldia in West Bengal is famous for: of Andhra Pradesh and ......: Odisha
Oil refinery 72. Kalinadi hydel project is in the state of:
26. For which mineral Khetri mines in Karnataka
Rajastan is famous? Copper 73. Mettur Dam in Tamil Nadu is in .....

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 17

Xncs™SpØ 250 tNmZy߃
1.- -a-lm-cm-jv-{S-bn-se- {]-[m-\- `m-j-˛- a-dm- 27.- \- n-ba - k
- `- - tN-cm-Ø- k-ab - ß
- f- n¬- Hm¿- 54.- -a-e-bm-f-`m-j-bn¬- D-≠m-b- B-Zy-sØ- {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-®-Xv- F-hn-sS-\n-∂m-Wv-˛-
Øn- Un-\-≥kv- ]p-d-s∏-Sp-hn-°m-≥ B¿-°m- K-Zy-Ir-Xn-˛- `m-jm-Iu-S-eo-bw- tIm-´-bw-
2.- -B-{K-l-am-Wv- k¿-h-Zpx-J-߃-°pw- Wv- A-[n-Im-cw-˛-K-h¿-W¿- 55.- -A-¥m-cm-jv-{S- km-£-c-Xm- h¿-jw-˛- 86.- -A-Jn-te-¥ym- kz-`m-h-ap-≈- B-Zy-sØ-
tl-Xp- F-∂p- ]-d-™-Xv-˛- {io-_p-≤- 28.- -[-\w- Iq-Sp-t¥m-dpw- a-\p-jy-≥ Zp-jn-°p- 1990 cm-jv-{So-b- kw-L-S-\-bm-b- C-¥y-≥ A-
≥ ∂p- F-∂p- ]-d-™-Xv-˛- H-fn-h¿- tKmƒ- 56.- -am-thm- ln¬- tÃ-j-≥ G-Xv- kw-ÿm- tkm-kn-tb-j≥ - cq-]h
- ¬-°c - n-®X- v˛- - kp-
3.- A
- e - m-hp-±o-≥ Jn¬-Pn-bp-sS- G-‰h - pw- {]- Uv- kv-an-Øv- \-Øv-˛- a-Wn-∏q¿- tc-{µ-\m-Yv- _m-\¿-Pn-
[m-\-s∏-´- ]-cn-jv-Im-cw-˛- I-tºm-f- \n- 29.- -{]-Im-i-Øn-\v- N-{µ-\pw- `q-an-bv-°p-an-S- 57.- -am-thm-dn-kv- tKm-{X-sØ- F-hn-sS-°m- 87.- -A-jv-Smw-K-lr-Z-bw- c-Nn-®-Xv-˛- hm-Kv-`-
b-{¥-Ww- bn¬- k-©-cn-°m-\m-h-iy-am-b- k-a-bw- Wmw-˛- \yq-kn-e-≥Uv- S-≥
4.- -B-cy-≥am¿- C-¥y-bn-em-Zy-am-bn- Ip-Sn- ˛- 1.-3 sk-°-‚ v- 58.- -am-Xr-{K-l-hp-am-bn- Xm-c-X-ayw- sN-øp- 88.- -A-k-an-s‚- X-e-ÿm-\w-˛- Zn-kv-]q¿-
tb-dn-b- ÿ-ew-˛- ]-©m-_v- 30.- -P-kn-b,- Pm-Kn¿- Xp-S-ßn-b-h- \-S-∏m-°n- tºmƒ- G-‰-hpw- h-en-b- D-]-{K-lw-˛-N- 89.- -a-e-bm-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- Un-Pn-‰¬-
5.- -ap-l-Ω-Zv- _n-≥ Xp-•-Iv- U¬-ln-bn¬- b- U¬-ln- kp¬-Øm-≥˛- ^n-tdm-kv- {µ-≥ kn-\n-a-˛- aq-∂m-a-sXm-cmƒ-
\n-∂pw- X-e-ÿm-\w- F-hn-tS-°m-Wv- jm- Xp-•-Iv- 59.- -an-\m¿- C- ]m-In-kv-Xm-≥ F-hn-sS-bm-Wv- 90.- -a-e-bm-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- sN-dn-b- a-lm-
1327˛¬- am-‰n-b-Xv-˛- Zu-e-Øm-_m-Zv- (tZ- 31.- -\m-j-W¬- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´v- t^m¿- bp-\m- ˛-em-tlm¿- Im-hyw-˛- tI-i-ho-bw- (sI.-kn.-tI-i-h-
h-Kn-cn-)- \n- sa-Un-kn-≥ F-hn-sS-bm-Wv- ˛-_mw- 60.- -a-\p-jy-i-co-c-Øn-se- P-e-Øn-s‚- A- ]n-≈-bp-sS-)-
6.- B- c - y-≥am¿- D-Ss - e-Sp-ØX - v- B¿-Sn-Iv- {]- •q¿- f-hv- F-{X- i-X-am-\-am-Wv-˛- 65 91.- -A-em-hp-±o-≥ Jn¬-Pn-bp-sS- tk-\m-\m-
tZ-i-Øm-sW-∂- hm-Zw- ap-t∂m-´p-sh-®- 32.- -a-lm-Xv-am-Km-\v-[n- k¿-h-I-em-im-e-bp- 61.- -an-≥U-\m-thm- Zzo-]v- G-Xv- k-ap-{Z-Øn- b-I-≥˛- am-en-Iv- Im-^¿-
Xv-˛- _m-e-Kw-Km-[-c- Xn-e-I-≥ sS- B-kvY - m-\w-˛- A-Xn-cº
- p-gb
- n-se- {]n- em-Wv-˛-]-k-^n-Iv- k-ap-{Zw- 92.- -a-g-ta-L-߃- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- ta-L-
7.- -ap-Øp-I-fp-sS- \-K-cw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp- b-Z¿-in-\n- ln¬-kv- 62.- -an-I-®- \-S-\p-≈- tZ-io-b- A-hm¿-Un-\v- ß-fp-sS- t]-cv-˛- \nw-t_m-kv-{Sm-‰-kv- ta-
∂-Xv-˛- Xq-Øp-°p-Sn- 33.- -a-l-Xz-Øn-\p- \¬-tI-≠n-h-cp-∂- hn-e- B-Zy-am-bn- A¿-l-\m-b-Xm-cv- ˛- D-Øw- L-߃-
8.- -B-cp-sS- \n-cym-W-Øn¬- A-\p-tim-Nn- I-\-Ø- D-Ø-c-hm-Zn-Xz-am-Wv- ˛-F-∂p- ]- Ip-am¿- 93.- -A-h-¥n-\m-Y-≥ F-∂- _n-cp-Zw- kzo-I-
°m-\m-Wv- ssh-‰v- lu-kv- Dƒ-s∏-sS- A- d-™-Xv-˛-k¿- hn-≥Ã-¨- N¿-®n¬- 63.- -an-I-®- \-Sn-°p-≈- Hm-kv-I¿- A-hm¿-Uv- cn-®- Nm-eq-Iy-cm-Pm-hv-˛- P-b-knw-l-kn-
ta-cn-°-bn-se- F-√m- ÿm-]-\-ß-fn-se- 34.- -`q-ap-J-Øv- C-∂p-≈-Xn¬- G-‰-hpw- {]m- B-Zy-am-bn- t\-Sn-b-Xv-˛- Pm-\-‰v- sK-bv-\¿- ≤-cm-P-
bpw- ho-Sp-If - n-se-bpw- sse-‰p-Iƒ- A¬- No-\-am-b- ]¿-h-X-\n-c-˛- B-c-h-√n- 64.- -a-bq-c-knw-lm-k-\w- \n¿-an-®-Xv-˛- jm-P- 94.- -A-k-an-s‚- Zpx-Jw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-
]-t\-c-tØ-°v- A-W-®-Xv- ˛-F-Un-k-¨- 35.- -am-[-hm-Nm-cy¿-(1199˛-1278)- F-¥n-s‚- lm-≥ ˛- {_-lv-]p-{X-
9.- -ap-l-Ω-Zv- _n-≥ Xp-•-°n-s‚- 23˛-a-sØ- hym-Jym-Xm-hm-bn-cp-∂p-˛- ssZz-X- kn-≤m- 65.- -an-I-®- ]m¿-e-sa-t‚-dn-b-\p-≈- tZ-io-b- 95.- -B-\v-{[m-{]-tZ-in-se- {]-kn-≤-am-b- h-
{]-hn-iy-˛- Zu-e-Øm-_m-Zv- ¥w- A-hm¿-Uv- B-Zy-am-bn- e-`n-®-Xv-˛- C-{µ- {P-J-\n-˛- tKm¬-s°m-≠-
10.- -bp-ssW-‰-Uv- \yq-kv- Hm-^v- C-¥y-bp- 36.- -am-[y-an-I-kq-{Xw- c-Nn-®-Xm-cv-˛- \m-Km¿- Pn-Xv- Kp-]v-X- 96.- -B-cp-sS- t]-cn¬-\n-∂m-Wv- F-h-d-Ãn-\v-
sS- B-ÿm-\w-˛- \yq-U¬-ln- Pp-\-≥ 66.- -B-\v-{[-{]-tZ-in-se-bpw- H-do-k-bn-se- B- t]-cp- In-´n-b-Xv-˛- k¿- tPm¿-Pv- F-
11.- -bp-ssW-‰-Uv- t\-j-≥kv- ssl-°-Ωo- 37.- -A-©p-`m-j-I-fn¬- h-cn-I-fp-≈- tZ-io- bpw- ta-P¿- ss{S-_v-˛- sN-©p- h-d-Ãv-
j-W¿- t^m¿- lyp-a-≥ ssd-‰v-kn-s‚- b-Km-\-ap-≈- cm-Pyw-˛-Z-£n-Wm-{^n-°- 67.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- kn-‡m-Wv-U-Øn-se- t{Im- 97.- -an-tkm-dn-˛- an-kn-kn-∏n- G-Xv- h-≥I-c-bn-
B-ÿm-\w-˛-P-\o-h- 38.- -A-º-Xp- h¿-jw- ]m¿-e-sa-‚w-K-am-bn-cp- a-tkm-ap-I-fp-sS- F-Æw-˛- 46 se- G-‰-hpw- \o-fw- Iq-Sn-b- \-Zn-bm-Wv-
12.- -ap-l-Ω-Zv-_n-≥ Xp-•-°n-s‚- Im-e-Øv- ∂- kzm-X-{¥y- k-a-c- tk-\m-\n-˛- F-≥.- 68.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- ÿn-c-Z-¥-߃-˛- 32 ˛-h-S-t°- A-ta-cn-°-
1333˛¬- C-¥y- k-µ¿-in-®-sam-tdm-t°m- Pn.-cw-K- 69.- a- m-cp-X- \-Kc - w- F-∂d - n-bs
- ∏-Sp-∂X- v˛- - jn- 98.- -G-‰-hpw- `m-c-ap-≈- I-cƒ- D-≈- P-¥p-˛-
°m-c\ - m-b(- B-{^n-°)- - k-©m-cn-˛- C-_v- 39.- -a-Kv-k-tk- A-hm¿-Uv- t\-Sn-b- B-Zy- °m-tKm- ]-∂n-
≥ _-Øq-Ø- sØ,- C-¥y-≥ ]u-c-\m-b- a-e-bm-fn-˛- 70.- -am-cp-Xn- D-tZym-Kv- en-an-‰-Un-s‚- ^m-Iv-S- 99.- -{^-©v- k¿-°m-cn-s‚- sj-h-en-b¿- ]p-
13.- -a-I-s‚- tcm-Kw- X-\n-°v- \¬-I-W-sa- h¿-Ko-kv- Ip-cy-≥ dn- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv-˛- Kp¿-Km-hv- c-kvI - m-cw- t\-Sn-b- B-Zy-sØ- C-¥y-°m-
∂pw- ]-I-cw- a-I-≥ kp-Jw- {]m-]n-°- 40.- -A-Ω-∂q¿- am-[-h-Nm-Iym-cp-am-bn- _-‘- 71.- -B-\v-{[m-{]-tZ-in¬- tdm-°-‰v- hn-t£-]- c-≥˛- in-hm-Pn- K-tW-i-≥
W-sa-∂pw- {]m¿-Yn-®-Xn-s‚- ^-e-am-bn- s∏-´- I-em-cq-]w-˛- Iq-Sn-bm-´w- W-tI-{µw- kv-Yn-Xn-sN-øp-∂- kv-Y-ew-˛- 100.- -A-e-Iv-km-≠¿- C-¥y- B-{I-an-®- h¿-
A-¥-cn-®p-sh-∂v- I-cp-X-s∏-Sp-∂- ap-Kƒ- 41.- -`-c-W-L-S-\-bp-sS- G-Xp- h-Ip-∏v- A-\p- {io-l-cn-t°m-´- jw-˛- _n.-kn.-327˛-326
`-c-Wm-[n-Im-cn- ˛-_m-_¿- k-cn-®m-Wv- tI-{µ-k¿-°m-cn-s≥d- \n¿- 72.- -a-e-bm-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tIm-f-an-Ãv- 101.- -C-¥y-≥ ]p-cm-h-kv-Xp-im-kv-{X-Øn-s‚-
14.- -A-ta-cn-°-≥ sF-Iy-\m-Sp-I-fp-sS- kzm- h-l-Wm-[n-Im-cw- cm-jv-{S-]-Xn-bn¬- \n- ˛- Un.-kn.-In-g-t°-ap-dn- ]n-Xm-hv-˛- A-e-Iv-km-≠¿- I-Æn-Mv-lmw-
X-{¥y- {]-Jym-]-\w- X-øm-dm-°n-b-Xv-˛- £n-]v-X-am-°n-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv-˛- 53˛mw- h- 73.- -a-bq-cm-£n- t{]m-P-Iv-Sv- G-Xv- kw-ÿm- 102.- A
- e - l - m-_m-Zn-se,- s\-{lp-hn-s‚- Ip-Spw-
tXm-a-kv- sP-t^-gv-k-¨- Ip-∏v- \-Øv-˛- ]-›n-a- _w-Kmƒ- _-ho-Sn-s‚- t]-cv-˛- B-\-µ-`-h-\w-
15.- -C-¥y-bn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- `-£y- 42.- -_w-Kmƒ- hn-`-P-\w- d-±m-°n-b- h¿-jw-˛- 74.- -a-e-bm-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tUmƒ-_n- 103.- -F-hn-sS-sh-®m-Wv- s\-t∏m-fn-b-s\- {^-
[m- \ y- ß ƒ- D¬- ] m- Z n- ∏ n- ° p- ∂ - kw- 1911 Ão-cn-tbm- Nn-{Xw-˛- Im-em-]m-\n- ©v- N-{I-h¿-Øn-bm-bn- hm-gn-®-Xv-˛- t\m-
ÿm-\w-˛- D-Ø¿- {]-tZ-iv- 43.- -`q-Kp-cp-Xz-_-ew- G-‰-hpw- Ip-d-hp-≈-Xv- 75.- -A-h-≥ ho-≠pw- h-cp-∂p- c-Nn-®-Xm-cv-˛- {X-Zmw- I-Øo-{U-en¬-
16.- -A-em-hp-±o-≥ Jn¬-Pn-bp-sS- `-c-W-Im- ˛- `q-a-[y-tc-J-bn¬- kn.-sP.-tXm-a-kv- 104.- a
- p-Kf - ¿-s°-Xn-sc- s]m-cp-Xn-b- Nm-µv- _o-
ew-˛- 1296˛-1314 44.- -\m-j-W¬- te-_¿- C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´v- B-cp- 76.- -A-Iv-_¿- N-{I-h¿-Øn- I-eym-Ww- I-gn- _n,- A-_n-ko-\n-b-≥ hw-i-P-\m-b- a-
17.- -bp-td-\n-bw- I-≠p-]n-Sn-®-Xv-˛- am¿-´n-≥ sS- t]-cn¬- \m-a-I-c-Ww- sN-bv-Xn-cn-°p- ®- cm-Pv-]p-{X- cm-P-Ip-am-cn-˛- tPm-[m-`m- {¥n- am-en-Iv- Bw-_¿- F-∂n-h¿- G-Xp-
¢m- t{]m-Øv- ∂p-˛- hn.-hn.-Kn-cn- bn- cm-Py-°m-cm-bn-cp-∂p-˛- A-l-Ω-Zv- \-K¿-
18.- C - ¥- y-≥ _-ln-cm-Im-ib - p-KØ - n-\p- Xp-S- 45.- -A-Jn-te-¥ym- k¿-ho-kn-se- D-tZym-K- 77.- -B-\v-{[m-{]-tZ-in-s≥d- ap-≥ X-e-kv-Ym- 105.- -sam-tdm-°-≥ k-©m-cn- C-_v-≥_-Øq-
°w- Ip-dn-®- Xo-bX - n-˛- 1963 \-hw-_¿- 21 ÿ-sc- \n-b-an-°p-∂-Xv-˛- {]-kn-U-‚ v- \w-˛- Ip¿-Wq¬- Ø-bp-sS- tIm-gn-t°m-Sv- k-µ¿-i-\w- G-
19.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-I- I-t‚m-¨-sa-‚ v-˛- 46.- -\m-f-µ- k¿-h-I-em-im-e- bp-sS- ]p-\-cp- 78.- a- \
- p-jy-ic - o-cØ
- n-se- G-‰h - pw- \o-fw- Iq- Xv- h¿-j-Øn¬-˛- -F.-Un.-1342˛-47
I-Æq¿- ≤m-c-W-Øn-\p- t\-Xr-Xzw- \¬-Im-≥ \n- Sn-b- tIm-iw-˛- \m-Uo- tIm-iw- 106.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- I-c-fn-s‚- `m-cw-˛- 1359˛-1812
20.- -Szn-¶nƒ- Szn-¶nƒ- en-‰n¬- Ãm¿- F-∂- \- tbm-Kn-°-s∏-´-Xv-˛- A-a¿-Xy- sk-≥ 79.- -a-e-bm-f-Øn¬- A-®-Sn-®- B-Zy-sØ- ]p- {Kmw-
gv-k-dn- Km-\w- c-Nn-®-Xv-˛- B-≥ sS-bv-e¿,- 47.- a- m-eZ- zo-]v- G-Xv- k-ap-{Z-Øn-em-Wv˛- C
- ¥
- y- kv-X-Iw-˛- kw-t£-]-th-Zm¿-Yw- 107.- -ap-Kƒ- X-e-ÿm-\w- B-{K-bn¬-\n-∂v-
sP-bv-≥ sS-bv-e¿- ≥a-lm-k-ap-{Zw- 80.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- Hm-tcm- Im-en-epw- F-{X- A- U¬-ln-bn-te-°v- am-‰n-b- h¿-jw-˛- 1646
21.- -`-c-W-L-S-\-bp-sS- a-\x- m-£n- F-∂-dn- 48.- -am-kv-Ip-I-fp-sS- \-K-cw-˛- sh-\o-kv- ÿn-I-fp-≠v-˛-ap-∏-Xv- 108.- -I-Æq¿- Pn-√-bn¬- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv- ap-Ø-
b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- B¿-´n-°nƒ- 19 49.- -am-©-ÿ- G-Xp- hy-h-km-b-Øn-\m-Wp- 81.- A- I - v_- d - p-sS- `-cW
- - ]-cn-jvI- m-cß
- f - p-sS- ∏-≥t£-{Xw-˛-]-d-»n-\n-°-S-hv-
22.- -sF-Iy-cm-jv-{S-k-`-bp-sS- bq-tdm-]y-≥ {]-kn-≤w-˛- sS-Iv-kv-ss‰¬-kv- ap-≥Km-an- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- sj¿- 109.- -an-I-®- I¿-j-I-\v- kw-ÿm-\-k¿-°m¿-
B-ÿm-\w-˛- P-\o-h- 50.- -am¿-Øm-Wv-U-h¿-a- h-S-°pw-Iq¿- Io-g- jm- \¬-Ip-∂- A-hm¿-Uv-˛- I¿-j-tIm-Ø-a-
23.- t- em-Ivk - `- b
- p-sS-/\- n-ba - k- `- b- p-sS- A-[y- S-°n-b-Xv- G-Xv- h¿-j-Øn¬-˛- -F.- 82.- -A-Iv-_-dp-sS- am-Xm-hv-˛- l-ao-Zm-_m-\p- 110.- -F-I-Zn-\-Øn¬- 10000 d-¨-kv- Xn-I-®-
£-≥˛-kv-]o-°¿- Un.-1750 _o-Kw- B-Zy- {In-°-‰¿-˛- k-®n-≥ sS-≥Up¬-
24.- -\m-kn-Iv- G-Xp- \-Zn-bp-sS- Xo-c-Øm-Wv- 51.- -am¿-Øm-Wv-U-h¿-a- Im-bw-Ip-fw- ]n-Sn- 83.- -AI - _v- d - p-sS- B-cm-[y-]p-cp-j\ - m-bn-cp-∂- °¿-
˛-tKm-Zm-h-cn- ®-S-°n-b-Xv- G-Xv- h¿-j-Øn¬-˛- F.-Un.- sj-bvJ - v- k-enw- Nn-Ãn-bp-sS- i-hI - p-So- 111.- -ap-l-Ω-Zv- \-_n- P-\n-®- sa-°- G-Xv- cm-
25.- s- X-tßm-eI - ƒ- a-™f - n-°m-≥ Im-cW - w- 1746 cw- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv˛- - ^-tØ-]q¿- kn-{In- Py-Øm-Wv-˛-ku-Zn- A-td-_y-
G-Xp- aq-e-I-Øn-s‚- A-`m-h-am-Wv-˛- 52.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- lr-Z-b-an-Sn-∏p-\n-c-°v-˛-72 {]- 84.- -A-Jn-te-¥y- t{S-Uv- bq-Wn-b-≥ tIm-¨- 112.- -A-k-an-s‚- Zp-Jw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- \-
ss\-{S-P-≥ Xn- an-\p-´v- {K-kn-s‚- B-Zy- k-tΩ-f-\w- \-S-∂- ÿ- Zn-˛- {_-“-]p-{X-
26.- -[-h-f- \-K-cw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- 53.- -a-bn-en-s\- C-¥y-bp-sS- tZ-io-b-]-£n- ew-˛- apw-ss_- 113.- - h n- i z- ` m- c - X n- k¿- h - I - e m- i m- e - b v - ° p-
s_¬-t{K-Uv- bm-bn- Aw-Ko-I-cn-®- h¿-jw-˛- 1963 85.- -a-e-bm-f-Øn¬- B-Zy-am-bn- ss_-_nƒ- ≈n¬- Sm-tKm-dn-s‚- ho-Sn-s‚- t]-cv-˛- D-

18 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

Ø-cm-b-≥ 148.- -B-{^n-°,- A-ta-cn-°- h-≥I-c-Iƒ-°n- ˛- \o-e,- Np-h-∏v,- ]-®- ≥ F-∂- I-hn-X- c-Nn-®X - v˛- - h-≈t- Ømƒ-
114.- -F-h-d-Ãv- Io-g-S-°n-b- B-Zy-sØ- Z-£n- S-bn¬- ÿn-Xn- sN-øp-∂- k-ap-{Zw-˛-A- 184.- -I-Øn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p-∂- H-cp- _ƒ-_n- 217.- -h-tµ-am-X-cw- F-∂- {]m¿-Y-\m- Km-\w-
W-¥y-°m-c-≥˛- ]n.-F-≥.-K-tW-jv- Xv-em-‚ n-Iv- k-ap-{Zw- \p-Xm-sg- C-cn-°p-∂- H-cmƒ-°v- _ƒ- c-Nn-∏n-®n-cn-°p-∂- `m-j-˛- kw-kv-Ir-Xw-
115.- -A-e-Iv-km-≠-dp-sS- ]-S-tbm-´-°m-e-Øv- 149.- -B-[p-\n-I- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-se- B-Zy- _n¬-\n-∂p-≈- Nq-Sv- e-`n-°p-∂-Xv-˛- hn- 218.- -A-Iv-_-dp-sS- i-h-Ip-So-cw- F-hn-sS-bm-
a-K-[- `-cn-®n-cp-∂-Xv-˛- a-lm-]-fl-\-µ-≥ sØ- cm-Pm-hv- ˛-am¿-Øm-Wv-U-h¿-a- In-c-Ww- h-gn- Wv-˛- kn-°-{µ-
116.- -hn-π-h-{]-h¿-Ø-\-߃- A-h-km-\n-∏n- 150.- -B-\-°q-Sn-\v- {]-kn-≤-am-b- tI-c-f-Øn- 185.- -kq-cy-{]-Im-i-Po-h-Iw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp- 219.- -H-cp- H-®n-\v- F-{X- Im-ep-I-fp-≠v-˛- H-∂v-
®v- A-ch - n-µt- Lm-jv- k-∂ym-kP - o-hn-Xw- se- ÿ-ew-˛- tIm-∂n- ∂-Xv-˛- Po-h-Iw- Un- 220.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Im-ew- C-¥y-≥ No-
\-bn-®-Xv- F-hn-sS-bm-Wv-˛-]p-Xp-t®-cn- 151.- -A-k-an-se- G-‰-hpw- \o-fw- Iq-Sn-b- \-Zn- 186.- -i-Iy-ap-\n- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-´-Xv-˛- _p-≤-≥ ^v- P-Ãn-km-bn- Xp-S-cm-≥ `m-Kyw-e-`n-®-
117.- -B-\v-{[m-{]-tZ-in-se- {]-kn-≤-am-b- _p- ˛- {_-“-]p-{X- 187.- -C-¥y-bn¬- {]-h¿-Øn-°m-≥ Cu-Ãn- No-^v- P-Ãn-kv-˛- ssh.-hn.-N-{µ-Nq-Uv-
≤-a-X-tI-{µw-˛- \m-Km¿-Pp-\-tIm-≠- 152.- -a-e-bm-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- ]-{X-am-b- ¥ym-°-º-\n- ÿm-]n-®- B-Zy- bq-tdm- 221.- -tkm-Wn- G-Xv- cm-Py-sØ- C-e-Iv-t{Sm-
118.- h
- n-{K-l- \n¿-am-WØ - n-\v- G-‰h - pw- Iq-Sp- cm-Py-k-am-Nm-cw- F-hn-sS- \n-∂p-am-Wv- ]y-≥am¿-˛- Cw-Kv-fo-jp-Im¿- Wn-Iv- D¬-]-∂- cw-K-sØ- I-º-\n-bm-
X¬- D-]t- bm-Kn-°p-∂- tem-lw-˛s - N-ºv- {]-kn-≤o-I-c-W-am-cw-`n-®-Xv-˛- X-e-t»-cn- 188.- -kw-ÿm-\- a-\p-jym-h-Im-i- I-Ωo-j-≥ Wv-˛- P-∏m-≥
119.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- i-co-c-`m-c-Øn-s‚- F-{X-i- 153.- -a-e-bm-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- D-]-\ym-k- \n-e-hn¬-h-∂- h¿-jw-˛- 1998 222.- -X-]m¬- Ãm-ºn¬- {]-Xy-£-s∏-´- B-
X-am-\-am-Wv- t]-in-Iƒ-˛- 40 k-am-lm-cw-˛- K-Zy-am-en-I- (kn.-]n.-AN - yp- 189.- \- t- hm-∞m-\Ø - n-s‚- ]n-Xm-h˛-v - s]-{Sm¿-°-v Zy- hy-‡n-˛- hn-Iv-tSm-dn-b- cm-⁄n-
120.- -tem-I-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- A-cn- X-ta-t\m-≥)- 190.- -G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Hu-tZym-Kn-I- `m-j- 223.- -]p-I-g-sb-¥n- F-∂- t]-cn¬- kw-Ko-X-
D¬-]m-Zn-∏n-°p-∂- cm-Pyw-˛- ssN-\- 154.- -A-Iv-_¿- ÿm-]n-®- a-Xw-˛- Zn-≥ C-em- I-fp-≈- cm-Pyw-˛- Z-£n-Wm-{^n-°- tem-I-Øv- A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- th-e-∏-
121.- -{_n-´o-jv- `-c-W-Im-e-Øv- t_mw-s_- {]- ln- (1582)- 191.- -A-em-l-bp-sS- s]-¨-a-°ƒ- c-Nn-®-Xv-˛- ≥ \m-b¿-
hn-iy-bp-sS- th-\¬-°m-e- X-e-ÿm-\- 155.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- i-co-tcm-jv-am-hv- \n-b-{¥n- km-dm- tPm-k-^v- 224.- -tI-c-f- s\-√p- K-th-j-W- tI-\v-{Zw- ÿn-
am-bn-cp-∂-Xv-˛- a-lm-_-te-iz¿- °p-∂-Xv-˛- ssl-t∏m-Ø-em-a-kv- 192.- t- Kmƒ-U≥ - t•m-_v- ]p-ck - vI - m-cw- F-¥p- Xn-sN-øp-∂- ÿ-ew-˛- ]-´m-ºn-
122.- -hn-ip-≤-\-K-cw- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- P- 156.- -B-\-I-fp-sS- kw-c-£-Wm¿-Yw- t{]m-P- am-bn- _-‘s - ∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p-˛- kn-\n-a,- sS- 225.- -s_¿-ap-U- {S-bmw-Knƒ- G-Xv- k-ap-{Z-Øn-
dp-k-tew- Iv-Sv- F-en-^-≥dv- B-hn-jv-I-cn-®- h¿-jw- en-hn-j-≥ em-Wv-˛-A-Xv-em-‚ n-Iv- k-ap-{Zw-
123.- -A-a¿-\m-Yv- Xo¿-Ym-S-\-tI-{µw- G-Xp- ˛- 1992 193.- -hn-{I-am-Zn-Xy-h-c-Kp-W-s‚- im-k-\-Øn- 226.- -G-Xv- I-em-cq-]-Øn¬-\n-∂m-Wv- I-Y-I-
kw-ÿm-\-Øm-Wv-˛- P-Ωp- I-iv-ao¿- 157.- -apw-ss_- ssl- G-Xn-\m-Wp- {]-kn-≤w- s‚- t]-sc-¥v-˛-]m-en-bw- im-k-\w- fn- cq-]w- sIm-≠-Xv-˛- cm-a-\m-´w-
124.- -F-h-d-Ãv- Io-g-S-°n-b- B-Zy- C-¥y-°m- ˛- F-Æ- J-\-\w- 194.- -cm-Py-k-`-bn-te-°v- B¿-´n-°nƒ- 80 {]- 227.- -\-£-{X- B-a-Iƒ-°v- t]-cp-tI-´- tI-c-
c-≥˛- sS-≥kn-Mv- t\m¿-sK- 158.- -B-\-bp-sS- sIm-ºv- F-¥v- cq-]m-¥-cw- Im-cw- \m-a-\n¿-t±-iw- sN-ø-s∏-´- B-Zy- f-Øn-se- h-\-{]-tZ-iw-˛- Nn-∂m¿-
125.- -F-kv-In-tam-I-fp-sS- ho-Sv-˛- C-•p- {]m-]n-®p-≠m-b-Xm-Wv-˛- D-fn-∏-√v- ap-gp-h-≥k-a-b- Im-bn-I-Xm-cw-˛- k-®n-≥ 228.- -bp.-F-≥.-]-Xm-I-bp-sS- \n-dw-˛- \o-e-
126.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- i-co-tcm-jv-am-hv- \n-b-{¥n- 159.- -A-k-an-se- {]-[m-\- D¬-k-hw-˛- _n-lp- sS-≥Up¬-°¿- 229.- -t]¿-jy- C-t∏mƒ- G-Xv- t]-cn-em-Wv-
°p-∂- {]-[m-\- A-h-b-hw-˛- Xz-°v- 160.- -B-{^n-°-≥ `q-J-Wv-U-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- 195.- -A-°u-Ãn-Iv-kv- F-¥n-s\-°p-dn-®p-≈- A-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- C-dm-≥
127.- F
- s - ‚- k¿-ho-kv- tÃm-dn-˛- B-cp-sS- B- Iq-Sp-X¬- P-\-kw-Jy-bp-≈- cm-Pyw-˛- ]-T-\w-˛- i-_v-Zw- 230.- -C-¥y-≥ Im-em-h-ÿm- im-kv-{X-im-J-
fl-IY - b- m-W˛v- - a-eb- m-‰q¿- cm-aI- r-jW v- ≥
- ss\-Po-cn-b- 196.- -G-Xv- Im¿-jn-I-hn-f-bp-sS- k-¶-c-bn-\w- bp-sS- ]n-Xm-hv- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛-
128.- -F-S-bv-°¬- Kp-l- G-Xp- Pn-√-bn¬-˛- h- 161.- -A-k-an-se- B-Zy- ap-Jy-a-{¥n-˛- tKm-]n- hn-Øm-Wv- Im¿-Øn-I-˛- s\-√v- tUm.-]n.-B¿.-]n-jm-c-Sn-
b-\m-Sv- \m-Yv- t_m¿-tZm-fn- 197.- -F-d-Wm-Ip-fw- Pn-√-bn-se- hm-g-°p-fw- 231.- -{io-cm-a-Ir-jv-W-an-j-s‚- B-ÿm-\-am-
129.- -ap-…nw- `-c-Ww-h-cp-∂-Xn-\p-ap-ºv- U¬- 162.- -ar-K-ß-fn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Hm¿-a- {Km-aw- F-¥v- D¬-]m-Z-\-Øn-em-Wv- {]- b- t_-eq¿- G-Xp- kw-ÿm-\-Øm-Wv-˛-
ln- `-cn-®- A-h-km-\-sØ- ln-µp-cm-Pm- i-‡n- D-≈-Xv-˛- B-\- kn-≤n-bm¿-Pn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv-˛- ssI-X-®- ]-›n-a- _w-Kmƒ-
hv- ˛-]r-Yzn-cm-Pv- Nu-lm-≥ 163.- -ar-K-ß-fp-sS- cm-Pm-hv-˛- knw-lw- °- 232.- -C-¥y-≥ ]m¿-e-sa-‚ n¬- ]-Øp-X-h-W-
130.- -F-X-t\m-bn-Iv- B-kn-Uv- F-∂pw- A-dn- 164.- -a-Rv-Po-c- G-Xn-s‚- t]m-j-I-\-Zn-bm-Wv- 198.- -F-≥.-F-≥.-]n-≈-bp-sS- B-fl-I-Y-bp-sS- _-Uv-P-‰v- A-h-X-cn-∏n-°m-≥ `m-Kyw- e-
b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- A-k-‰n-Iv- B-kn-Uv- ˛-tKm-Zm-h-cn- t]-sc-¥v-˛- Rm-≥ `n-®- [-\-a-{¥n-˛- sam-dm¿-Pn- tZ-im-bn-
131.- -F-Xv- ]p-c-kv-Im-c-Øn-\m-Wv- C-¥ym- K- 165.- -A-Iv-_-dp-sS- ]-cn-]m-e-I-\m-bn- `-c-Ww- 199.- -th-ep-Ø-ºn- Z-f-h- {_n-´o-jp-Im¿-s°- 233.- -ssZ-h-ta- ssI-sXm-gmw- tIƒ-°p-am-dm-
h-¨-sa-‚ v- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- Xp-I- k- \-S-Øn-b-Xv-˛- ss_-dmw-Jm-≥ Xn-sc- \-bn-®- hn-π-hw- F-hn-sS- h-®m- I-Ww- F-∂- {]m¿-Y-\m- Ko-X-Øn-s‚-
Ωm-\-am-bn- \¬-Ip-∂-Xv-˛- Km-‘n- ]o- 166.- - a - e - b m- f n- b m- b - kn.- _ m- e - I r- j v - W - \ v - bn-cp-∂p-˛- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- I¿-Øm-hv-˛- ]-¥-fw- tI-c-f-h¿-a-
kv- ss{]-kv- 1965˛¬- A¿-Pp-\- A-hm¿-Uv- t\-Sn-s°m- 200.- C- ¥ - y-bn-se- {_n-´o-jv- `-cW - w- F-{X- h¿- 234.- ]- W- vU- n-‰v- l-cn-{]-km-Zv- Nu-ck - y-sb- {]-
132.- A
- ƒ-{Sm-tkm-Wn-Iv- X-cw-Kß - ƒ- D-]t- bm- Sp-Ø- Im-bn-I- C-\w-˛- ]¿-h-Xm-tcm-l- jw- \o-≠p-\n-∂p-˛- 190 i-kv-X-\m-°n-b-Xv-˛- ]p-√m-¶p-g¬-
Kn-®v- C-cp-´Ø - v- ]-d° - p-∂- Po-hn-˛h - ∆ - m¬- Ww- 201.- -Ip-a-c-Iw- G-Xv- Im-b-en-s‚- Xo-c-Øm- 235.- `- q-an-bp-sS- Np-‰f - h
- v- B-Zy-am-bn- I-W° - m-
133.- -A-‰-°m-a- a-cp-`q-an- G-Xp- `q-J-Wv-U- 167.- -tZ-io-b- l-cn-X- ss{S-_yq-W¬- \n-e- Wv-˛- th-º-\m-Sv- °n-b-Xv-˛- C-dm-tØm-kv-X-\o-kv-
Øn¬-˛- sX-t°- A-ta-cn-°- hn¬-h-∂-Xv-˛- 2010 H-Iv-tSm-_¿- 202.- -tI-c-f-hpw- X-an-gv-\m-Sp-am-bn- X¿-°w- \n- 236.- -a-e-bm-f-`m-j-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- C-‚¿-
134.- -A-a¿-Xym-sk-∂n-s‚- Nn-¥-I-sf- G-‰- 168.- t- Im-¨{- K-kv- A-[y-£- ÿm-\s - Ø-Øn- e-\n¬-°p-∂-Xv- G-Xv- Um-an-s\-s®m-√n- s\-‰v- km-ln-Xy- am-kn-I-˛- ]p-g- tUm-´v-
hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- kzm-[o-\n-®- kw-`-hw-˛- b- c-≠m-a-sØ- hn-tZ-i-h-\n-X-˛- s\-√n- bm-Wv-˛-ap-√-s∏-cn-bm¿- tImw-
_w-Kmƒ- £m-aw- sk-≥Kp-]v-X- (1933)- 203.- F- ¬.-]n.-Pn.-bn-se- {]-[m-\L - S- I
- w-˛- _yq- 237.- -sX-∂m-en- cm-a-≥ B-cp-sS- k-Z-ky-\m-
135.- -a-\p-jy-s‚- sXm-en-bn¬- A-S-ßn-bn-cn- 169.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- ssP-h-ssh-hn- t´-≥ bn-cp-∂p-˛- Ir-jv-W-tZ-h-cm-b¿-
°p-∂- h¿-W-h-kv-Xp-˛- sa-em-\n-≥ [y-ap-≈- h-\w-˛- ssk-e-‚ v- hm-en- 204.- -C-‘\ - ß- ƒ- A-]q¿-Wa - m-bn- Pz-en-°p- 238.- -ho-´p-\n-Ip-Xn- \-ev-Ip-∂-Xn¬-\n-∂v- H-gn-
136.- -B-\v-{[m-{]-tZ-in-se- G-Xv- kv-Y-e-Øp- 170.- -I¿-j-I¿- a-Æn¬- Ip-Ωm-bw- tN¿-°p- tºmƒ- G-‰h - pw- Iq-Sp-X¬- D-≠m-Ip-∂- hm-°-s∏-´- hn-`m-Kw-˛- hn-ap-‡-`-S-≥
Iq-Sn-bm-Wv- 821/-2 Un-{Kn- In-g° - v- tc-Jmw- ∂-Xv-˛- A-æ-Kp-Ww- Ip-d-bv-°m-≥ hm-XI - w-˛- Im¿-_¨ - - tam-tWm-Is -v sk-U-v 239.- -C-¥y-bn-se- B-Zy-sØ- t]m-fn-tbm- hn-
iw- I-S-∂p-t]m-Ip-∂-Xv-˛- Im°n-\m-U- 171.- -hn-cn-∏q- Ir-jn- sIm-øp-∂-Xv- G-Xv- am- 205.- -1967˛¬- C-{k-tb-en¬- I-S-∂m-{I-a-Ww- ap-‡- Pn-√-˛- ]-Ø-\w-Xn-´-
137.- -A-ar-Xv-k-dn-s‚- ]-g-b- t]-cv-˛- cmw-Zm-kv- k-Øn-em-Wv-˛- I-∂n- \-S-Øn- kn-\m-bv- Io-g-S-°n-b- cm-Pyw-˛- 240.- -]-fl-{io- \n-c-kn-®- a-e-bm-fn-˛- sI.-tI-
]q¿- 172.- -izm-k-tIm-i-ß-fpw- _m-ly-i-Ip-e-ß- Cu-Pn-]v-Xv- f-∏-≥
138.- -A-Iv-_¿- P-kn-b- \n-dp-Ø-em-°n-b- h¿- fpw- D-]-tbm-Kn-®v- iz-k-\w- \-S-Øp-∂- 206.- -H-cp- h¿-j-Øn¬- F-{X- Rm-‰p-th-e-bp- 241.- t- em-Ivk - `- b- n-se- B-Zy-sØ- h-\n-Xm- {]-
jw-˛- 1564 P-¥p-˛- X-h-f- ≠v-˛- 27 Xn-]-£-t\-Xm-hv-˛- tkm-Wn-bm- Km-‘n-
139.- -B-\v-{[-t`m-P- F-∂-dn-b-s∏-´-Xv- Ir-jv- 173.- -G-Xv- k-ky-Øn-s‚- ]q-hn-em-Wv- A-∂- 207.- t- Kmƒ-U≥ - tKƒ- F-∂d - n-bs - ∏-Sp-∂- Im- 242.- -Zm-Zm- km-tl-_v- ^m¬-s°- A-hm¿-Uv-
W-tZ-h-cm-b¿- Pw- kw-`c - n-®n-cn-°p-∂X - ˛v- - tIm-fn-^f v- h- ¿- bn-I-Xm-cw-˛- ]n.-Sn.-D-j- t\-Sn-b- hn.-sI.-aq¿-Øn- G-Xv- ta-J-e-bn-
140.- -B-`y-¥-c- A-Sn-b-¥-cm-h-kv-Y- {]-Jym- 174.- k- k - y-ßf - n¬- ssew-Kn-I- {]-PP - \ - w- km- 208.- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- a-e-Iƒ- C-√m-Ø- Pn-√-˛- em-Wv- {]-i-kv-X-≥˛- Om-bm-{K-l-Ww-
]n-®- C-¥y-≥ {]-kn-U-≠v-˛- ^-{Ip-Zo-≥ [y-am-Ip-∂-Xv-˛- ]q-hn-eq-sS- B-e-∏p-g- 243.- B- ¿-´n-Iv- ]-cy-th-jW - Ø- n-\v- Xn-cs - ™-
A-en- A-l-Ω-Zv- 175.- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- G-‰-hpw- Iq-Sp-X¬- a-e-\m- 209.- -am-b-∂q¿- ]m-ew- tI-c-f-Øn-se- G-sX- Sp-°-s∏-´- G-gw-K- kw-L-Øn-s‚- X-e-
141.- -B-{^n-°-≥ `q-J-Wv-U-Øn-se- G-‰-hpw- Sv- {]-tZ-i-ap-≈- Pn-√-˛- C-Sp-°n- √mw- Pn-√-I-sf-Ø-Ωn-em-Wv- _-‘n-∏n- h-\m-bn- \n-ba - n-X\- m-b- a-eb - m-fn-˛- tUm.-
sN-dn-b- cm-Pyw-˛- sk-bv-j¬-kv- 176.- -1857˛-se- I-em-]-Im-e-Øv- e-Iv-\u-hn¬- °p-∂-Xv-˛- Xr-»q-cpw- ]m-e-°m-Spw- ap-l-Ω-Zv- lm-Ø-
142.- -A-P-¥m- Nn-{X-I-e-bn-se- h¿-W-߃- I-em-]w- \-bn-®X - m-cv˛- - _o-Kw- l-{k-Øv- 210.- -t]-cm¿- F-∂p-a-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂- \-Zn-˛- `m- 244.- -C-µn-cm- B-hm-kv- tbm-P-\- G-Xp-am-bn-
F-¥p-sIm-≠p-≠m-°n-b-h-bm-bn-cp-∂p- a-l¬- c-X-∏p-g- _-‘-s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p-˛- ]m¿-∏n-Sw-
˛- [m-Xp-°-fpw- sN-Sn-I-fpw- 177.- -hy-Xy-kv-X- `q-]-S-ß-fp-sS- k-am-lm-cw- 211.- -C-¥y-bp-sS- tZ-io-b- ]-Xm-I-bv-°v- cq-]w- 245.- -A¿-Pp-\- A-hm¿-Uv- t\-Sn-b- B-Zy- a-e-
143.- a
- p-¥n-cn-bn¬- A-Sß - n-bn-cn-°p-∂- B-kn- ˛- A-‰v-e-kv- \¬-In-b-Xv- ˛- ]nw-K-en- sh-¶-ø- bm-fn-˛- kn.-_m-e-Ir-jv-W-≥
Uv-˛- Sm¿-Sm-dn-Iv- B-kn-Uv- 178.- -Sp-´-≥Jm-a-s‚- i-h-Ip-So-cw- G-Xv- cm-Py- 212.- -X-øm-dm-bn-cn-°p-I- F-∂- ap-{Zm-hm-Iyw- 246.- D- d
- ß- p-∂- H-cm-fp-sS- c-‡- k-Ω¿-±w-˛- Ip-
144.- -A-Iv-_-dn-s‚- {]n-b-an-{X-hpw- I-hn-bp-am- Øm-Wv-˛- Cu-Pn-]v-Xv- G-Xv- kw-L-S-\-bp-tS-Xm-Wv-˛- `m-c-Xv- kv- d-bp-∂p-
b- s^-bv-kn- A-¥-cn-®- h¿-jw-˛- 1595 179.- -tI-c-fw- k-µ¿-in-®- d-jy-≥ k-©m-cn-˛- Iu-´v-kv- B-‚ v- ssK-Uv-kv- 247.- -tem-I-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- tX-°p-tXm-
145.- -B-[p-\n-I- Xp¿-°n-bp-sS- ÿm-]-I-≥ A-X-t\-jy-kv- \n-In-Xn-≥ 213.- -Km-‘n-Pn-bp-sS- a-\x-km-£n-kq-£n-∏p- ´w- 1842˛¬- {_n-´o-jp-Im¿- B-cw-`n-®-
F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-˛- ap-kv-X-^- I-am¬- 180.- h- c - b- m-Sp-If - p-sS- ho-Sv- F-∂d - n-bs - ∏-Sp-∂- Im-c-≥ F-∂-dn-b-s∏-´-Xv-˛- kn.-cm-P-tKm- ÿ-ew-˛- \n-e-ºq¿-
A-‰m-Xp¿-°v- tI-cf - Ø
- n-se- tZ-io-tbm-Zym-\w-˛- C-ch - n- ]m-em-Nm-cn- 248.- -F-≥tUm-kƒ-^m-≥ H-cp- ............- B-Wv-
146.- -A-Iv-_-dn-s‚- G-‰-hp-sam-Sp-hn-e-sØ- Zn- Ip-fw- 214.- X- p-©≥ - Zn-\a - m-bn- B-Nc- n-°p-∂X - v˛- - Un- ˛- Io-S-\m-in-\n-
§zn-P-bw-˛- A-ko¿-K-Vv- 181.- -G‰ - h
- pw- th-Kw- Iq-Sn-b- D-cK - w-˛- C-Kzm-\- kw-_¿- 31 249.- -]-£n-∏-\n-°v- Im-c-W-am-b- tcm-Km-Wp-
147.- B
- [ - p-\n-I- Xn-cp-hn-Xmw-Iq¿- G-‰h - pw- Iq- 182.- -kq-cy-\n¬- ]-Zm¿-Yw- ÿn-Xn-sN-øp-∂- 215.- -X¿-°-im-kv-{X-Øn-s‚- ]n-Xm-hv-˛- A-cn- ˛- F-®v- 5 F-≥ 1
Sp-X¬- Im-ew- `-cn-®- cm-Pm-hv-˛-[¿-a-cm- A-h-ÿ-˛- πm-kv-a- tÃm-´n¬- 250.- -tI-c-f-Øn-se- B-Zy-sØ- C-t°m-Sq-dn-
Pm-hv- 183.- s- h-≈\ - n-dw- In-´m-≥ tN-tc-≠- \n-dß - ƒ- 216.- -Km-‘n-Pn-sb-°p-dn-®v- F-s‚- Kp-cp-\m-Y- kw- tI-{µw-˛- sX-∑-e-

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 19

* Examination Time includes one hour as preparation time for the verification of Admission Tickets and original ID of the candidates appearing for the examination.

Sl Date & Sl Date &

Name of Post, Department & Syllabus No. Time Name of Post, Department & Syllabus Category No.
No. Time Category No.
1 06/02/2018 LECTURER IN BIOCHEMISTRY 245/17 in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification
Tuesday COLLEGIATE EDUCATION Further details (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes)
10.00 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification regarding main (Medium of Questions: English)
to prescribed for the post. topics are Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
12.15 PM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance available on Registration Profile in the Website from 01/02/2018
in Kerala Part II : Salient Features of Indian Constitution, Social the website 7 14/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN ORTHOPAEDICS 152/17
Welfare Schemes and Programmes Part III : Research Methodology and Wednesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) LC/AI
Teaching Aptitude Part IV : Core Subject 10.00 AM* MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes) to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification
(Medium of Questions: English) 12.15 PM prescribed for the post.
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 24/01/2018 8 14/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN ORTHOPAEDICS 197/17
Tuesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) LC/AI to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification
10.00 AM* MEDICAL EDUCATION 12.15 PM prescribed for the post.
to Syllabus : An Objective Type Test based on the qualification
12.15 PM prescribed for the post. COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No. 6, 7 & 8 ABOVE
Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & 9 20/02/2018 LECTURER IN MICROBIOLOGY 428/16
Renaissance in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Tuesday COLLEGIATE EDUCATION Further details
Qualification 10.00 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification regarding main
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes) to prescribed for the post. topics are
(Medium of Questions: English) 12.15 PM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance available on
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time in Kerala Part II : Salient Features of Indian Constitution, Social Welfare the website
Registration Profile in the Website from 24/01/2018 Schemes and Programmes Part III: Research Methodology and Teaching
3 06/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY 289/17 Aptitude Part IV: Core Subject
Tuesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) SIUC N (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes)
10.00 AM* MEDICAL EDUCATION (Medium of Questions: English)
to Syllabus : An Objective Type Test based on the qualification Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
12.15 PM prescribed for the post. Registration Profile in the Website from 07/02/2018
Wednesday MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed
Batch – I Syllabus : An Objective Type Test based on the qualification 12.15 PM for the post.
10.00 AM* prescribed for the post. Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
to Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & in Kerala Part II : Questions based on educational qualification
12.15 PM Renaissance in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes)
Batch – II Qualification (Medium of Questions: English)
12.00 PM* (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes) Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
to (Medium of Questions: English) Registration Profile in the Website from 08/02/2018
02.15 PM Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 25/01/2018 11 21/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN OPTHALMOLOGY 150/17
Wednesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Muslim
Thursday MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed
Batch – I Syllabus : An Objective Type Test based on the qualification 12.15 PM for the post.
10.00 AM* prescribed for the post.
to Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No.10 & 11 ABOVE
12.15 PM in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification 12 27/02/2018 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN TRANSFUSION 74/17
Batch – II (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes) Tuesday MEDICINE (BLOOD BANK)
12.00 PM* (Medium of Questions: English) Batch – I MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES
to Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time 10.00 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification prescribed
02.15 PM Registration Profile in the Website from 25/01/2018 to for the post.
6 14/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN ORTHOPAEDICS 151/17 12.15 PM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
Wednesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) MUSLIM Batch – II in Kerala Part II : Questions based on educational qualification
10.00 AM* MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE 12.00 PM* (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes)
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test based on the qualification to (Medium of Questions: English)
12.15 PM prescribed for the post. 02.15 PM Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance Registration Profile in the Website from 14/02/2018

kwib߃°v adp]Sn
H‰Ø-hW - - sh-cn-^n-t°-j≥ - ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n-b- D-tZym- Km¿-∞n-I-fpw,- tbm-Ky-Xm- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-I-tfm-sSm- bm-b- 25.-11.-2016 \v- ti-jw- e-`n-®- t\m-¨- {Io-an-
Km¿-∞n-Iƒ- F¬.-Un.- ¢¿-°v- km-[y-Xm- ]-´n-I-bn¬- ∏w- km-[p-X-bp-≈- k-ap-Zm-b- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- lm-P-cm- se-b¿- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰v- A-]v-tem-Uv- sN-øp-I-bpw-
Dƒ-s∏-´n-´p-s≠-¶n¬- ho-≠pw- sh-cn-^n-t°-j-\v- lm- °n- sh-cn-^n-t°-j-≥ ]q¿-Øo-I-cn-®- ]-´n-I-Pm-Xn- ˛- t\-cn-´v- lm-P-cm-bn- {]-kv-Xp-X- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-I-
P-cm-tI-≠-Xp-t≠m ? ]-´n-I- h¿-§- hn-`m-Kß
- f
- n¬-s∏-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-If
- pw- fp-sS- sh-cn-^n-t°-j-≥ ]q¿-Øn-bm-°p-I-bpw- sN-
* Hcn°¬- \n-›n-X- tbm-Ky-X-Iƒ- ]-cn-tim-[-\-bv-°v- ho-≠pw- lm-P-cm-tI-≠-Xn-√.- bv-Xn-´p-≈- a-‰v- ]n-∂m-°- k-ap-Zm-b-ß-fn¬- Dƒ-
hn-t[-ba- m-°n- H-‰Ø
- h
- W
- - sh-cn-^n-t°-j≥
- ]q¿-Øn- *- -\n-›n-X- tbm-Ky-Xm- k¿-´n-^n-°-‰p-I-tfm-sSm-∏w- s∏-´- D-tZym-Km¿-∞n-I-fpw- ho-≠pw- lm-P-cm-tI-
bm-°n-bn-´p-≈- s]m-Xp- hn-`m-Kw- (P-\-d¬-)- D-tZym- F¬.-Un.-¢¿-°v- X-kv-Xn-I-bp-sS- K-k-‰v- Xo-b-Xn- ≠-X-n√.

20 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

* Examination Time includes half an hour as preparation time for the verification of Admission Tickets and original ID of the candidates appearing for the examination

Sl Date & Sl Date &

No. Time Name of Post, Department & Syllabus Category No.
No. Time Name of Post, Department & Syllabus Category No.
1 01/02/2018 HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER (JUNIOR) 341/17 to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
Thursday COMPUTER SCIENCE Further details 03.15 PM qualification prescribed for the post.
07.30 AM* KERALA HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION regarding main 13 03/02/2018 STAFF NURSE GRADE II 515/17
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the topics are Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Muslim
09.15 AM qualification prescribed for the post. available on 01.30 PM* HEALTH SERVICE TSR
Main Topics:- Part I : Core Subject Part II : General Knowledge, the website to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala 03.15 PM qualification prescribed for the post.
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) COMMON TEST FOR Sl. No.7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13
(Medium of Questions : English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time 14 05/02/2018 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE 421/16
Registration Profile in the Website from 19/01/2018 Monday MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE
07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
2 02/02/2018 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN COMMUNITY MEDICINE 417/16 to qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE 09.15 AM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification
to qualification prescribed for the post. (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15 AM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance (Medium of Questions -English)
in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) Registration Profile in the Website from 23/01/2018
(Medium of Questions English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time 15 07/02/2018 LINEMAN 281/17
Registration Profile in the Website from 20/01/2018 Wednesday PUBLIC WORKS (ELECTRICAL WING) PTA
07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the WYND
3 02/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN COMMUNITY MEDICINE 141/2017 to qualification prescribed for the post.
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) ST 09.15 AM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
07.30 AM* MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15 AM qualification prescribed for the post. (Medium of Questions -English)
4 02/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN COMMUNITY MEDICINE 142/17 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Muslim Registration Profile in the Website from 25/01/2018
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the Friday MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES
09.15 AM qualification prescribed for the post. 07.30 AM* (PART II-DIRECT RECRUITMENT )
5 02/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN COMMUNITY MEDICINE 143/17 to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) LC/AI 09.15 AM qualification prescribed for the post.
07.30 AM* MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification
09.15 AM qualification prescribed for the post. (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
6 02/02/2018 SENIOR LECTURER IN COMMUNITY MEDICINE 144/17 (Medium of Questions -English)
Friday (NCA NOTIFICATION) OBC Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
07.30 AM* MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE Registration Profile in the Website from 27/01/2018
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the 17 09/02/2018 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN NURSING 325/17
09.15 AM qualification prescribed for the post. Friday MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
7 03/02/2018 STAFF NURSE GRADE II 249/17
09.15 AM qualification prescribed for the post.
01.30 PM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No.16 & 17 ABOVE
to qualification prescribed for the post. 18 10/02/2018 PROCESS SERVER 353/16
03.15 PM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance Saturday JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT KLM, KGD
in Kerala Part II(a) : Chemistry(Plus Two Level) Part II(b) : Physics(Plus 01.30 PM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
Two Level) Part II(c) : Zoology (Plus Two Level) Part II(d) : Botany (Plus to qualification prescribed for the post.
Two Level) Part III : Questions based on General Nursing 03.15 PM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) in Kerala Part II : General Science Part III : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability
(Medium of Questions English) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time (Medium of Questions -Malayalam/Tamil/Kannada)
Registration Profile in the Website from 20/01/2018 Candidates can generate and download the Admission tickets through their
8 03/02/2018 STAFF NURSE GRADE II 447/17 One Time Registration profile in the website from
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) H N - ALP, 08/01/2018 to 25/01/2018
01.30 PM* HEALTH SERVICE KKD, KNR Candidates must bear in mind that the facility to generate admission tickets
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the will be disabled from the midnight of 25/01/2018. Permission for attending
03.15 PM qualification prescribed for the post. the test will be forfeited to candidates who fail to generate their admission
tickets on or before 25/01/2018
9 03/02/2018 STAFF NURSE GRADE II 448/17
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) OX - 19 10/02/2018 PROCESS SERVER 329/16
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the 01.30 PM* JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
03.15 PM qualification prescribed for the post. to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
03.15 PM qualification prescribed for the post.
10 03/02/2018 STAFF NURSE GRADE II 449/17
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the Monday MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICES
03.15 PM qualification prescribed for the post. 07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
11 03/02/2018 STAFF NURSE GRADE II 450/17 to qualification prescribed for the post.
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Hindu Nadar 09.15 AM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
01.30 PM* HEALTH SERVICE MPM in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
03.15 PM qualification prescribed for the post. (Medium of Questions -English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
12 03/02/2018 STAFF NURSE GRADE II 514/17
Registration Profile in the Website from 30/01/2018
Saturday (NCA NOTIFICATION) Hindu Nadar

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 21

Sl Date & Sl Date &
No. Time Name of Post, Department & Syllabus Category No. No. Time Name of Post, Department & Syllabus Category No.
Wednesday POLICE TELECOMMUNICATIONS Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the Registration Profile in the Website from 03/02/2018
to qualification prescribed for the post. 35 16/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 41/15
09.15 AM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance Friday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION)
in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Technical Qualification 09.30 AM* KERALA GENERAL SERVICE
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) to DIRECT RECRUITMENT
(Medium of Questions -English) 01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
36 16/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 42/15
Registration Profile in the Website from 01/02/2018
09.30 AM* KERALA GENERAL SERVICE 01.00 PM By Transfer from among UD clerks of all departments (including Assistant
to By transfer from Junior Superintendents of Public Works, Irrigation and Grade I of the Administrative Secretariat and the Finance Secretariat and
01.00 PM Harbour Engineering Departments the office of the KPSC and UD Auditors of the LFAD) and those above UD
Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge, Precis and General English Clerk/Assistant Gr.I Senior Accountants/UD Auditors in the Non Gazetted Cadre
(Maximum Marks : 150) (Duration: 3 hours) (Medium of Questions -English) Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
37 16/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 140/15
Registration Profile in the Website from 02/02/2018
09.30 AM* KERALA GENERAL SERVICE 01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
38 16/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 141/15
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge, Precis and General English
09.30 AM* KERALA GENERAL SERVICE 01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
to By Transfer from among UD clerks of all departments (including Assistant
39 16/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 142/15
01.00 PM Grade I of the Administrative Secretariat and the Finance Secretariat and
the office of the KPSC and UD Auditors of the LFAD) and those above UD Friday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) MUSLIM
Clerk/Assistant Gr.I Senior Accountants/UD Auditors in the Non Gazetted Cadre 09.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION)
Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge, Precis and General English to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
25 15/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 140/15
40 16/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 143/15
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
26 15/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 141/15
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
27 15/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 142/15
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
28 15/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 143/15
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
29 15/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 144/15
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
30 15/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 145/15
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping
31 15/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 146/15 Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 18 /01/2018(Circular 12/2015)
COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No.34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 & 45 ABOVE
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English Saturday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION)
Thursday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) E/T/B to By transfer from Junior Superintendents of Public Works, Irrigation and
01.00 PM Harbour Engineering Departments
Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical)
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English (Maximum Marks : 200) (Duration: 3hours) (Medium of Questions -English)
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 19 /01/2018 (Circular 12/2015)
33 15/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 148/15 Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Thursday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) LC/AI Registration Profile in the Website from 03/02/2018
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Paper I : General Knowledge,Precis and General English Saturday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION)
COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No.22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 & 33 ABOVE to DIRECT RECRUITMENT
34 16/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 040/15 01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical)
to By transfer from Junior Superintendents of Public Works, Irrigation and 09.30 AM* KERALA GENERAL SERVICE
01.00 PM Harbour Engineering Departments to By Transfer from among UD clerks of all departments (including Assistant
Main Topics:- Paper II : Elementary Book Keeping 01.00 PM Grade I of the Administrative Secretariat and the Finance Secretariat and the
(Maximum Marks : 150) (Duration: 3 hours)(Medium of Questions -English) office of the KPSC and UD Auditors of the LFAD) and those above UD Clerk/

22 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2018 P\p-hcn- 15

Sl Date & Sl Date &
No. Time Name of Post, Department & Syllabus Category No. No. Time Name of Post, Department & Syllabus Category No.
Assistant Gr.I Senior Accountants/UD Auditors in the Non Gazetted Cadre COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No. 60 & 61 ABOVE
Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical) 62 23/02/2018 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN MEDICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY 420/16
Saturday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) V 07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
09.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION) to qualification prescribed for the post.
to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE 09.15AM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical) in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification
50 17/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 141/15 (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Saturday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) SC (Medium of Questions : English)
09.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION) Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE Registration Profile in the Website from 09/02/2018
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical) 63 24/02/2018 WOMEN CIVIL EXCISE OFFICER 501/17
Saturday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) Muslim 01.30 PM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the PTA,ALP,KTM
09.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION) to qualification prescribed for the post. IDK,EKM,TSR
to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE 03.15PM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance PKD,MPM
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical) in Kerala Part II : General English Part III : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability KKD,WYND
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) KNR,KGD
52 17/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 143/15
(Medium of Questions : English)
Candidates can generate and download the Admission tickets through
their One Time Registration profile in the website
from 18/01/2018 to 06/02/2018
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical)
Candidates must bear in mind that the facility to generate admission
53 17/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 144/15 tickets will be disabled from the midnight of 06/02/2018. Permission for
Saturday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) OX attending the test will be forfeited to candidates who fail to generate their
09.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION) admission tickets on or before 06/02/2018
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical)
Monday (SR FOR SC/ST AND ST ONLY) Further details
Saturday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) Dheevara to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the topics are
09.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION) 09.15AM qualification prescribed for the post. available on
to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE Main Topics:- Part I : Core Subject Part II : Research Methodology and the website
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical) Teaching Aptitude Part III : Salient Features of Indian Constitution,Social
55 17/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 146/15 Welfare Schemes and Programmes Part IV : General Knowledge,
Saturday (DESCRIPTIVE EXAMINATION) HN Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
09.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION) (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE (Medium of Questions : English)
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical) Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
Registration Profile in the Website from 09/02/2018
56 17/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 147/15
to KERALA GENERAL SERVICE 07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical) to 09.15AM qualification prescribed for the post.
57 17/02/2018 DIVISIONAL ACCOUNTANT 148/15 COMMON TEST FOR Sl. No. 64 & 65 ABOVE
09.30 AM* (NCA NOTIFICATION) Tuesday (SR FOR SC/ST AND ST ONLY) Further details
01.00 PM Main Topics:- Part III : Arithmetic Mensuration (Elementary but Practical) to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the topics are
COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No. 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 & 57 ABOVE 09.15AM qualification prescribed for the post. available on
Main Topics:- Part I : Core Subject Part II : Research Methodology and the website
Teaching Aptitude Part III : Salient Features of Indian Constitution, Social
Welfare Schemes and Programmes Part IV : General Knowledge, Current
07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
to qualification prescribed for the post.
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
09.15AM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance
(Medium of Questions :Part I – Hindi, Part II, III & IV - English))
in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
Registration Profile in the Website from 14/02/2018
(Medium of Questions : English)
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time 67 27/02/2018 HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER (JUNIOR) HINDI 329/17
Registration Profile in the Website from 06/02/2018 Tuesday KERALA HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT
07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
to 09.15AM qualification prescribed for the post.
07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No. 66 & 67 ABOVE
to qualification prescribed for the post. 68 28/02/2018 HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHER (JUNIOR) ENGLISH 246/17
09.15AM Main Topics:- Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance Wednesday KERALA HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Further details
in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification 07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the regarding main
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) to qualification prescribed for the post. topics are
(Medium of Questions : English) 09.15AM Main Topics:- Part I : Core Subject Part II : Research Methodology and available on
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time Teaching Aptitude Part III : Salient Features of Indian Constitution, Social the website
Registration Profile in the Website from 08/02/2018 Welfare Schemes and Programmes Part IV : General Knowledge, Current
60 22/02/2018 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN PAEDIATRIC SURGERY 422/16 Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala
Thursday MEDICAL EDUCATION SERVICE (Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes)
07.30 AM* Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the (Medium of Questions : - English)
to qualification prescribed for the post. Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time
09.15AM Main Topics:- Part I :General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance Registration Profile in the Website from 15/02/2018
in Kerala Part II : Questions based on Educational Qualification 69 28/02/2018 NON VOCATIONAL TEACHER IN ENGLISH (SENIOR) 163/17
(Maximum Marks : 100) (Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes) Wednesday (NCA NOTIFICATION) ST
Candidates can download the Admission Tickets through their One Time to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
Registration Profile in the Website from 09/02/2018 09.15AM qualification prescribed for the post.
to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the to Syllabus: An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the
09.15AM qualification prescribed for the post. 09.15AM qualification prescribed for the post.
Date of uploading of Centre List on or before 24 /01/2018 (Circular 12/2015) COMMON TEST FOR Sl.No 68, 69 & 70 ABOVE

2018 P\p-hcn- 15 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 23

1. R.N. 44588/85 Reg. No. KL/TV (N)34/2015-17 PSC BULLETIN Rupees 10
2. Licence No. for posting without pre payment - KL/TV(N)/WPP/165/2015-17 Fortnightly January 15, 2018

]nF-kv-kn H-‰Ø-h-W c-Pn-kv-t{S-j-\p-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´v sIm-√w Pn√-bn-se A-£-b kw-cw-`-I¿-°m-bn

kw-L-Sn-∏n-® G-IZn-\ ]-cn-ioe-\w ]nF-kvkn sN-b¿-am≥ AUz. Fw sI k-°o¿ D-Zv-LmS-\w sN-øp∂p.

*- t- em-I- tI-cf - - k-`b - n-se- Aw-Kß - ƒ- ˛- 351 Wn-Iv- an-ssk¬- hn-P-b-I-c-am-bn- ]-co-£n- {µ-≥ (Nn-{Xw- :- G-Z-≥)-
*- -Xp-ey-th-X-\w- \n-b-a-]-c-am-°n-b- B-Zy-cm- ®-Xv- ˛- _m-e-tkm¿- (H-Un-j-)- *- -H-Uo-jb - n-se- t_-cmw-]q¿- k¿-hI - e- m-
Pyw- ˛- sF-kv-e-≥Uv- *- -Xn-cp-h-\-¥-]-cp-Øv- \-S-∂- 22˛m-a-Xv- cm- im-eb - p-sS- I-hn- km-{am-´-v ]p-ck - I
-v m-cØ- n-
*- -cm-Py-Øv- B-Zy-am-bn- tIm-S-Xn- k-a-≥kv- Pym-¥-c- N-e-®n-{X-ta-f-bn¬- an-I-®- Nn-{X- \v- A¿-l\ - m-b- a-eb - m-fn- ˛- sI.- k-®n-Zm-
F-kv.F - w.-Fk - v.- h-gn- ssI-am-dp-∂X - n-\v- kw- Øn-\p-≈- kp-h¿-W- N-tIm-c-Øn-\v- (15 e- \-µ≥ -
hn-[m-\w- G¿-s∏-Sp-Øn-b- kw-ÿm-\w- ˛- £w- cq-])- - A¿-la - m-b- ]-ek- vX
- o-≥ Nn-{Xw- *- -tI-c-f-Øn¬- \n-∂v- Cu-bn-sS- `u-a-im-
X-an-gv-\m-Sv- ˛- hm-Pn-_v- (kw-hn-[m-\w- ˛- B-≥ ta-cn- P- kv-{X- kq-N-I- ]-Z-hn- e-`n-®-Xv- G-Xn-\m-
*- -Im-en-Øo-‰- Ipw-`t- Im-Wt- °-kn¬- aq-∂c - - ko¿- )- Wv- ˛- \n-e-ºq¿- tX-°v-
h¿-jw- X-Sh - v- in-£- hn-[n-°s - ∏-´- ap-≥ _o- *- -22˛m-a-Xv- cm-Pym-¥-c- N-e-®n-{X-ta-f-bn¬- *- -tem-I- dm-∏n-Uv- sN-kv- In-co-Sw- t\-Sn-b-
*- -2018 se- B-Zy-sØ- ]n.-F-kv.-F¬.-hn.- lm¿- ap-Jy-a{- ¥n- ˛- em-ep-{]-km-Zv- bm-Zh - v- an-I-®- kw-hn-[m-\-Øn-\p-≈- c-P-X- N-tIm- `m-c-Xo-b-≥ ˛- hn-iz-\m-Y-≥ B-\-µv- (dn-
Zu-Xy-Øn¬- sF.-Fk - v.B
- ¿.-H.- hn-t£- *- -`n-∂-ti-jn-°m-cp-sS- Ip-´n-Iƒ-°m-bp-≈- c-Øn-\v- A¿-l-\m-b-Xv- ˛- A-\q-N- _q-\y- bm-Zv- th-Zn-bm-b- a-’-c-Øn¬- d-jy-bp-
]n-®-Xv- F-{X- D-]-{K-l-ß-fm-Wv- ?- ˛- 31 B-Zy- tZ-io-b- ]m¿-°v- ˛- ssl-Z-cm-_m-Zv- h-X-\- (Nn-{Xw- :- Z- ^-b¿-sh¬- ^v-f-h¿-)- sS- hv-em-Un-an¿- s^-tUm-ko-hn-s\-bm-
*- -a-lm-flm-Km-‘n-bp-sS- h-[-sØ- h-[- (sX-e-¶m-\-)- *- -22˛m-a-Xv- cm-Pym-¥-c- N-e-®n-{X-ta-f-bn¬- Wv- ]-cm-P-b-s∏-Sp-Øn-b-Xv.-)-
sØ-°p-dn-®v- A-t\z-jn-°W - s - a-∂v- B- *- -sS-en-hn-j-≥ ]-c-º-c-bn-se- an-I-®- \-S-\p- \-hm-KX - - kw-hn-[m-bI - \- p-≈- c-PX- - N-tIm- *- -lc - n-hc- m-k\ - w- A-hm¿-Un-\-v C-{]m-hi - yw-
h-iy-s∏-´v- ho-≠pw- l¿-Pn- \¬-In-b- A- ≈- {Km-an- ]p-c-kv-Im-c-Øn-\¿-l-\m-b- C- c-Øn-\v- A¿-l-\m-b-Xv- ˛- k-Rv-Pp- kp-tc- A¿-lb - m-bX - v- ˛- sI.- F-kv.- Nn-{X.- $
`n-\-hv- `m-c-Xv- {S-Ãn- ˛- ]-¶-Pv- ^-Sv-\n-kv- ¥y-≥ hw-i-P-≥ ˛- A-ko-kv- A-≥km-cn-
*- C - u-bn-sS- bp.-Un.-F-^v.- hn-´- cm-jv-{So- *- K
- p-cp-hm-bq-c∏ - ≥ - {S-Ãn-s‚- C-{]m-hi - y-sØ-
b- I-£n- ˛- P-\-Xm-Zƒ- (bp-)- Hm-S°- p-g¬- A-hm¿-Un-\v- (30000 cq-])- - A¿-
*- C
- ¥ - y-bn¬- h-\t- `-ZK - X- n- \n-ba - {- ]-Im-cw- l-\m-b-Xv- ˛- A-bv-a-\w- tPm-¨- (A-bv-a-\w-
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b- k-kyw- ˛- ap-f- ]p-c-kv-Im-cw-)-
*- K - p-Pd - m-Øn-s‚- ]p-Xn-b- ap-Jy-a{- ¥n- ˛- hn- *- -bq-Wo-th-gv-kn-‰n- {Km-‚ v-kv- I-Ωn-j-s‚-
P-bv- cq-]m-Wn- (bp.-Pn.-kn.-)- ]p-Xn-b- sN-b¿-am-≥ ˛- [o-tc-
*- -ln-am-N¬- {]-tZ-in-s‚- ]p-Xn-b- ap-Jy-a- {µ-]m¬- kn-Mv- (s{]m-^.- th-Z{- ]-Im-iv- Im-
{¥n- ˛- P-bv-dmw- Tm-°q¿- em-h-[n- ]q¿-Øn-bm-°n- ÿm-\-sam-gn-™-
*- B- {- ^n-°≥ - \m-jW - ¬- tIm-¨{- K-kn- Xn-s\-Øp-S¿-∂m-Wv- ]p-Xn-b- \n-b-a-\w-)-
s‚- ]p-Xn-b- {]-kn-U‚ - v- ˛- kn-dn¬- dm- *- -C-¥y-bp-sS- G-‰-hpw- th-K-ap-≈- kq-∏¿- I-
^-tam-k- ºyq-´¿- tI-{µ-a-{¥n- l¿-j-h¿-[-≥ cm-Py-
*- Z- p-_m-bn-bn¬- \-S∂ - - _m-Uva - n-‚¨ - - kq- Øn-\v- k-a¿-∏n-®p- t]-cv- ˛- {]-Xyp-jv- (]q-
∏¿- ko-co-kn¬- ]n.-hn.- kn-‘p-hn-s\- s\-bn¬- C-¥y-≥ C-≥Ãn-‰yq-´v- Hm-^v- t{Sm-
tXm¬-∏n-®v- kz¿-Æw- t\-Sn-b- P-∏m-≥ ∏n-°¬- sa-‰o-cn-tbm-f-Pn-bn-em-Wv- (sF.-
Xm-cw- ˛- A-Im-s\- b-am-Kp-®n- sF.-Sn.-Fw.-)- ÿm-]n-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv.-
*- a - n-I®- - hn-h¿-Ø\ - Ø- n-\p-≈- tI-{µ- km- *- -A-go-t°m-Sv- kv-am-c-I- ]p-c-kv-Im-c-Øn-\v-
ln-Xy- A-°m-Z-an- A-hm¿-Un-\v- sI.-F- A¿-l-\m-b-Xv- ˛- Fw.- ap-Ip-µ-≥
kv.- sh-¶n-Sm-N-e-sØ- A¿-l-\m-°n-b- *- t- I-{µ- km-ln-Xy- A-°m-Za - n-bp-sS- P-\d - ¬-
c-N-\- ˛- A-{K-lm-c-Øn-se- ]q-®- (X-an- Iu-¨k - n-en¬- tI-cf - Ø- n¬- \n-∂v- Dƒ-s∏-
gn¬- P-bI - m-¥≥ - c-Nn-®- sN-dp-IY - m- k- Sp-Øn-b- aq-∂p-t]¿- ˛- {]-`m- h¿-a,- _m-e-
am-lm-cw-)- N-{µ-≥ h-S-t°-S-Øv,- tUm.- F-≥.- A-Pn-Xv-
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Printed and published by Saju George, Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission on behalf of Kerala Public Service Commission and printed at P. Krishna Pillai Memorial Printing and
Publishing Company PVT. Ltd, Thiruvananthapuram and published at Thiruvananthapuram,Kerala, PIN- 695 004. Editor Saju George.

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