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Brendan Boyce

Ms. Stephan

Career Development

February 7th, 2018

Self Personality Assessment

I learned a lot about myself while doing these assessments. A lot of the results

described me pretty well, accurately describing my strengths, weaknesses, and personality. It

generally described most of me and my way of perceiving the world we live in. It had a few

inaccuracies, but other than those understandable misconceptions, I feel more confident about

who I am as a person. It solidified my thoughts about myself and made them a lot more specific

and allowed me to fully understand myself and what I believe in.

My career interest profiler reinforced my thoughts on what I wanted to do when I got

older. It showed that I was mostly interested in realistic and enterprising careers. I’m really

interested in going into a trade, or if not that then going into the business field, so it was pretty

accurate. The next one it recommended was arts, which I like but I don’t think I could ever turn

that into a career for myself. The rest of the options were ranked very low and I don’t have much

of an interest in them anyway. Other than that, my results based on the questions are pretty


The Do What You Are assessment gave me the letters ENPT, which mean extravert,

intuitive, perceiver, and thinker. I feel that this generally aligns with me, however sometimes I

am very reserved and shy around others around me, I can be quite awkward sometimes. It very

accurately described my negotiating style, saying that I am a quick, flexible, and creative

problem solver, but that I also improvise a lot and don’t fully listen. It also says that I can be very

persuasive and charismatic, which I do see in myself a lot. Overall the assessment greatly
summed up who I am, as a very creative and capable person who happens to wing a lot of

things and not be the most organized.

My top three strengths according to the strength assessment were competing,

confidence, and relating. I’m a very competitive person that loves and strives to win, I can get

pretty upset if I don’t win depending on what it is. I love to turn things into games and

competitions in order to motivate myself. However, I don’t really see myself as confident. Within

a close group of friends, I am pretty outgoing, loud, and confident, but in an unfamiliar

environment I am very shy and second guess everything I do. I have pretty low self confidence

that I try to hide by making jokes or being funny. But, if I feel that I need to be confident in order

to do well on a project or presentation, I have A1 fake confidence skills. The relating aspect of

my strengths is very important to me. I have stayed with the same friends for years, with not

many people becoming my close friends recently. I have had amazing friends for years and they

are pretty much all I need, I’m still friendly with everyone but I don’t need them as best friends. I

take my time to choose my closest friends, but I still have good friends that have come in and

out of my life as we have grown and matured. I care a lot about the people around me and tend

to relate to many around me.

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