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​ Coming Of Age Essay

We all have that one thing we really want in life but do we really need it when you

could really use that money for payments? Growing up I am coming to realization that I

need to rely on myself a lot more than I did when I was a kid. Almost everything month I

have this one item I really want to buy, but I think do I really need it? And I'm not gonna

lie, i've bought things that I really dont need when I have a car to pay for and other bills.

Managing money is difficult!

Another thing is that my parents are actually kind of training me to be an adult by

having me pay for my car on my own. This is not much money, but still I have to piece

together what I want more. Do I want that new phone that just came out or do I want to

pay of my car sooner so I don't have to worry about it anymore? One other thing is that

i'm that kind of person that would take the phone over using the money I made to pay

my car. Also I get paid every two weeks and therefore my car payment is every month

so I need to save at least one check for that. So that I can pay it off. Jumping into the

next payment is my adobe creative cloud payment. Which once again is every month as

well which that supports my homework needs and my free time when I am not working

my real job. Even though I work a lot of hours at my current job. I still have to manage

my time with school work on top of paying my bills. And I do not plan on working as an

employee at Target for long.

I want to go further into my trade which is video production. I But I also have to

take in that I have to manage a responsibly scheduled and not lose track of managing

money and bills to pay for the expense of equipment that need the school stuff I need.
I've found that it's actually really hard growing up and managing my money and making

time for spare time for what I actually want to do in life. But I known that I have to fight

because in the long run I known that i'm gonna try to save money and manage money

so when I turn twenty five I won't have to worry stressing out about having to pay a bill

because I will have that money put away or right there when need be.

As I go further and further into the real world I have noticed that each and

everyday I have to put on my big boy pants to achieve my goals. Also what I want in life

money wise. One thing I would us I advice I would to beginners who are just starting off

high school Manage your time wisely plan out specific things you want to do and get a

shechulde. As we all known the famous saying time management is key and for me as

a junior in high school I figured out that I can't relay on everybody else to do stuff for me.

Another is managing what we love doing is one but managing money and school and all

the other crazy stuff that goes around in life. Note to future people that care to read this.

And yes I have done this multiple times. Do not spend your money right when you get it.

Save it manage it put it away and then when you really want something when you can

afford it and you have your free time then you shall get it.

At the end of all of this i've learned not to focus what you have to buy because

that thing to you that you think that you have to buy might not be really all that

important. Especially when your an adult or going to be an adult in two years. Because

once your done with high school the curve ball hits. So some advice from me to you

would be definitely do what I mentioned above and see if that works. If that doesn't then
change the game plan.And just think we all have that one thing in life but do we really

need it. And spend your money wisely.

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