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5-hydroxytryptamine 2.

(serotonin) 10hz
(use all) 80hz
160 Hz
Absentmindedness 5.8 Hz
accelerated healing 7.83 Hz
accelerated learning 6.30 Hz
Alzheimer’s 1.45 Hz
anger and irritability (dispel)(use both
3.6 Hz
6.3 Hz
anima/soul 420.82 Hz
antidepressive 172.06 Hz
anxiety 40 through 60 Hz
304 Hz
6130 Hz
astral projection 6.30 Hz
63 Hz
astral travel (use both) 40.0 Hz
22 Hz
attention 10hz
aura builder 20 Hz
back pain, generalized 328 hz
balance 90 Hz
beauty 221.23 Hz

blood circulation 337 Hz

blood increase 17 Hz
blood pressure balance 10.5 Hz

bone growth 25 Hz
50 Hz
bone regeneration 2720 Hz
bones stimulate the healing of 7.0 Hz
breathing 10.3 Hz
breathing difficulty(dyspnea) 100 Hz
calcium 320.0 Hz
calcium metabolism
328 Hz
cancer frequencies (use all) 2127 Hz
2008 Hz
880 Hz
787 Hz
727 Hz
690 Hz
666 Hz

capillaries healing 15.2 Hz

cell regeneration 111 Hz

centering frequency 12 Hz
(Solfeggio Frequency)
417 Hz
chemical sensitivity, reduce 440 Hz
chronic fatigue 1.5 Hz
circadian rhythm resynchronization 10Hz
circulation, stimulate increased 17 Hz
circulatory system 10.5 Hz

clarity of spirit 172.06 Hz

Clear thinking 35 Hz
cleverness 141.27 Hz
communication 141.27 Hz
compassion 40 Hz
creative consecration thinking 27.3 Hz
conflict resolution 9.19 Hz

(Solfeggio Frequency)
639 Hz
copper 464.0 Hz
cough 1234 Hz
514 Hz
creative thought 7.5 Hz
creative visualization (use both) 6 Hz
10 Hz
creativity 8.22 Hz
183.58 Hz
deep meditation 4.0 Hz
depression and anxiety 3.5 Hz
DNA integrity (SolfeggioFrequency) 528Hz
dopamine production 38 Hz
dyslexia 1.45 Hz
ears 10.7 Hz

Earth (planet) 360 Hz

Earth resonance 7.83 Hz
electrical sensitivity, reduce 657 Hz
emotional acceptance 5.14 Hz
emotional balance 360 Hz
emotional patterns release
(Solfeggio Frequency)
396 Hz
emotional patterns, breaking up crystalized
(Solfeggio Frequency)
417 Hz
emotional spectrum 72 Hz
emotional stabilization 15 Hz
emotional trauma/energy blocks
clearing of
15 Hz
emotions 9.19 Hz
endorphin release 38 Hz
energy 144.72 Hz

estrogen normalize production 1351 Hz

exhaustion 4.0 Hz
expansion 7.69 Hz
expression 12 Hz
eyes 12.3 Hz
fatigue 120 Hz
428 Hz
fear 5.8 Hz
fear and guilt
(Solfeggio Frequency)
396 Hz
feel good overall 90 Hz
femininity, energy, in male 420.82 Hz

(improve skills) 398 Hz

forgiveness 706 Hz
freedom 144.72 Hz

gamma brainwave frequency 40 Hz

relaxation 10hz
grounding 194.71 Hz
growth 183.58 Hz
growth hormone 1.05 Hz

hair grow 1.05 hz

harmony 1.0 Hz
harmony and love 221.23 Hz

headaches 10 Hz
1.2 Hz
304.0 Hz
healing 10.5 Hz
360 Hz
healing enhanced 7.83 Hz
healing general 9 Hz
8 Hz
hearing 10.7 Hz
heart flow 696 Hz

HIV eliminate 1.2hz

humor 144.72 Hz

hypersensitivity 33 Hz
imagination 211.44 Hz
immunity 10.5 Hz

information process 40 Hz
inner guidance, connect to 5.5 Hz
inner self 420.82 Hz
insomnia 2.5 Hz
intellectual ability 15.4 Hz
whole-brain 369 Hz
(Solfeggio Frequency)
741 Hz
iron 416.0 Hz
joy 360 Hz
Jupiter 183.58 Hz
justice 183.58 Hz
741 Hz
kundalini expand 55 Hz
language accelerated retention 3.5 Hz
learn 7.83 Hz

528 Hz
love and harmony 221.23 Hz
love of life 10.5 Hz
love of self and others 10.5 Hz
love unconditional
852 Hz
lungs 5.35 Hz
12 Hz
magnesium 480 Hz
marijuana 30 Hz
Mars 144.72 Hz
meditation 7.5 Hz
meditation (induce) 4.9 Hz

memory increase 6.30 Hz

memory long-term 6 Hz
memory (use both)
10 Hz
8 Hz
mental clarity (to stimulate) 12 Hz
mental functioning
20.8 Hz
Mercury (planet) 141.27 Hz
miracles 528 Hz
miraculous windfall of money 520 Hz
mobility 141.27 Hz
mood elevator 10 Hz
mood, heightened 40 Hz
moon 420.82 Hz
mouth 8.22 Hz
muscle growth and repair 25 Hz
Neptune 211.44 Hz
nerve healing 2.0 Hz
nose 10.3 Hz
organ healing 7 Hz
originality 207.36 Hz

overall balance 6.88 Hz

oxygen 5.772 MHz
oxygenation 5.35 Hz
pain relief 2.5 Hz
perception 40 Hz
pineal function 662 Hz
480 Hz
pineal gland stimulation 20 Hz
pituitary 13 Hz
pituitary function normalize 635 Hz
pituitary gland 1.05 Hz
pituitary HGH production 645 Hz

red blood cell production 1524 Hz

regeneration and healing 20.5 Hz
639 Hz
relaxation (induce) 4.9 Hz
relaxation, enhanced 8 Hz
relaxation, state of 10.6 Hz
relaxed and alert 10.6 Hz

RNA integrity 637 Hz

secrets 211.44 Hz
security 90 Hz
sedation and pain relief 304.0 Hz
sensuality 221.23 Hz
sexuality 9.0 Hz
221.23 Hz
417 Hz
social self 12 Hz
soul/anima 420.82 Hz
Speech 8.22 Hz

spiritual love 211.44 Hz

spiritual order
852 Hz
spiritual balance 1565 Hz
spiritual wisdom 10 Hz
Spirituality 183.58 Hz
Stability 6.88 Hz
Stimulating 14.3 Hz
Strength 7.69 Hz
stress tolerance 7.83 Hz
success 183.58 Hz
Sun 126.22 Hz
teaching 6.79 Hz
testosterone female 1445 hz
testosterone male 1444 Hz
third eye open 83 Hz
Throat 12 Hz
toxin elimination (use all frequencies) 0.5 Hz
522 Hz
146 Hz
10,000 Hz
880 Hz
787 Hz
727 Hz
20 Hz
transformation 528 Hz
unconscious mind 211.44 Hz
uplifting (Schumann frequency) 20.8 Hz
Uranus 207.36 Hz
Venus 221.23 Hz
vertigo 100 Hz
visualization 12.3 Hz
vitality 6.88 Hz
vitality and energy 9999 Hz
vocal cords 12 Hz
white blood cell production 1434 Hz
work (unwillingness to) 6.0 Hz

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