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1 1 1 I T 1 1 1


Time_approyimarely 3S minutes
I inctuding the reading ot the direct ions fo,r
each parl )
In thrs s(crion otlhe lest lou $j I hire,!r oD,
!nr\e.\c,i.r\!',1 th.,"-,; " '"''prrc'odem'n"rd
ro.rhr\secr'o' 'bilr'\"' n -,.'.nd
p.''r. An"',"..n ti,";.,";;i;;;;#;:l:J:;.'l-e $ ith \l.".iar dne.tions ro, each

"o t.," "o*.",".it",.:,;;;;;;;:it:l.iiiJ ;,:iT,:: jlnl1;i,::l ::;ii:I":)J:jijil*t'

Directions: rn pa.r A vou \\,i11 hearshorr con
vou s,j1lhea.a quesrion ar,",t L\o e@ple Atter e"h .on'e*ation,
rne"nre'ls'rtio'\rndauestLoD\sirrnni be
'r," -,*,*,r1",-"ii:l:.l'-'tuee:
*p-''-,.,,r.".';;;;;;".;;il:"'" p6'rbre Jn\qe^ in \ouile''l buokJn'r
s""-"** rr!",.' choose fte
ur the que'Lro' a'd tiri rn rhe rpa.c tha,
i"i "";.;;;;;:;:::;llilYlll
--*p""a" -,r'" ".;r;;;;;;;,;;;'iii:tumber
Listen to an example.

On the recordins, you will hear: @)

(rnan) rtnt cvnt r a, yrt ar frrt. @
twoman) Oh. co t.t tture l,eelt |or_ o
(nanator) I,Ildr /ods 7 he \vonun tuean2
In you. test book, you wiU read: (A) The
cxarn rvas reallv arvirt
, e, t, ,r-. rr .. .,",r c^"n, .r{ ."d \Lr
(C) tr coutdn,r have been nore diiti.,,lr "cen
(D) tt wasD ! ttrar hard
You learn lrom the conlcrsarion lhat
rhe nr.n lhoughr Lhe cxam was vcrl difficull and thar thc
\,oman disagreed \'irh rhe nran. The besl ans,

llH.' ;:r jlii ;li : ;tl', .t;t,1ltj,,,J,:. I ir, I :i -

" P.,. EJ' . r;. CO|IPLETE TEs T TWO 40s
1 1 1 1 L I 1 1
1. (A) They were in the rceularroom. 10. (A) The professor gives quizzes regularly.
(B) The key was misplaced. (B) The woman is really quite prepared.
(C) He's taking a different class. (c) It is unusual forthis professor to give
(D) He has the key to the classroom.
(D) He doesnl lhink there's a class today.
2. (A) She will leod i! lo the man.
(B) She Dever lent the bookto Jim. 11. (A) She could not comprehend the
(c) Jim wants to borow the book. .hemistry lecture.
(D) Jim has rhe book. (B) She has not had time to look at the

L (A) Payins bills. (c) It was possible for herto complete the
(B) Talkins to the landlord-
(C) Turnins the lishts ofi. (D) She could not understand the
(D) Lookins for an aparlment.

(A) She has no time to so to class. 12. (A) He doesn'l know hoN lar away the
(B) They are already late for ciass. exhibil is.
(C) It's loo early to so to class. (B) He's uncertain about the fee.
(D) She has 1o be on time for class. (c) The exhibit is not very tar away.
(D) He's sure the exhibir isn't tree.
5. (A) He is resuning his duties one more
13. (A) Not taking it al all.
(B) He is assuming the class is difficult. (B) Takins it along with chemistry
(c) The class is lerrible allthe time. (C) Takins it laler.
(D) The class takes a lot oftime. (D) Taking it jnstead olchenistry

6. (A) She needs a new coat. 14. (A) An astronomer.

(B) She likes the paint in the dorm rcoms. (B) A physician.
(C) She has the sane opinion as the man. (c) A philosopher
(D) She lelt her coat in the dorm room. (D) An ensineer

7. (A) He Deeds to complete the math 15. (A) Nothins could suryrise her
assignmenl firsi. (B) The gift really astonished her.
(B) He']Ibe ready in a couple ofhours. (C) She couldn'l have gotten more gifts.
(C) He is soing !o history class no\\. (D) She was expect'ng the gitt.
(D) He was ready a feN minutes ago.
(A) She's wearing a nelv dress.
8. {A) Shes sony she moved then. (B) She's ready to study lor hours.
(B) She really knows where they a.e. (c) she's exhausted.
(C) rhey havent been moved. (D) she has studied about the war for
(D) Someone else moved them.

9. (A) Asolution is not apparent. 17. (A) He's really tall.

(B) rhe problen can be fixed. (B) He's the best.
(c) There is really a pair of problens. (c) Hes sot a sood head on his shoulders.
(D) The problen is difficult ro solve. (D) He always uses his head.


1 I 1 1 1 1 L 1
18. (A) Het alreadr ralked to the protesso,
abour the asSisnmenr,
2c 4, He dos.r' ta\F llme ro pry .he
(B) rhere is no assis;rnenr for ronroro$,.
{B) The brttr seren t p-rid on rime
ral I(, O'.or rie he pdid rhe billso. rin,p
He. no.. Le nnar rhp pro'(\.o, l ,D' He\i, rJvrneo,t,.r.,t,"i;:, i;;;.
t-1lL abo,,r
(D) The professor discussed rhe 26- (A) He rhints the tecture was realv
assignmeDr only bdenl interestine.
19. (A)
(B) He's nor sure jtthe jdeas a.e
He went 1() ir.
(B) lvorkable.
He kneq, about it (C)
(C) He understood norhinsabout the
He didnt knou.abour i!.
(D) lecture.
He gave il. (D) Hels nor sure q,hat the q,oman wouid
20. (A) Itir hard kr lo.k rhe roonl. tike to know.
(B) The cloak sas detivered on rinle. 27 rAr
(C) Sone.rne srruck rhe crockerr and Hc missed an oppor tutrjtv.
(A) He was iare for hrs rriD
broke n (C) He should rake the De;r boar
(D) Ir is rlow niddarv (D) He should send in bjs appticarion.
21. (A) Thar she woutdn,t rake lhe tijD 2E. (A)
(B) Thar she woutd so to the bea;h He ag.ees wirh what she sajd.
(C) That she iealh liked the beach {B) He thin,k. she t \a,, anvthrne
(D) That she nould lake a break trom (c) He coutdn I hcar Nhar she ;aid. "
her (Dl Hc did hear $,har +e \a,.,

22. (A) Thet we.e disappoinlcd. 29. (A) That John s,oLtd pjck them up for $e
(B) Thcy didnt get any concert.
(C) They were une\cjtedsifts. (B) That rhe concer rvoutd sraft earlier
(D) They \yere realypieased. (c) That John $,outd not be
soing to the
(D) That they would be tate to rhe concerr.
23. (A) she belieles she can succeed.
(B) Sh(s dccjded ro ouI ourofjr
(Cl 30. (A) He enjojed rhe ip rmnrensetv
Shc \vanrs ro put otf the speerh tor a (B)
qhile The boar rrip \rs reill\,.ou!i
(c) He conldnt have enjoy;d rh;trip
(D) She thinks rhe speech is ioo lons.
(D) Thc $ater was not veN
24 (A) She'd like ro ofer rhe maD a
(B) The docunrenrs werc relurned to her
with a signatLrre.
(c) Shc needs ro sisn the docunenrs.
(D) She \\'orks in the scholarship ofice.


1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
Part B
conversation' vou
Directions: ln this pal1 of lhe test' )ou
$ill hear lonser conversalions After each
a nd quesrion ' will nor
be repe' red'
i'ii:rL"* -""'"i 0"1" rhe con\ e^a rion'
"'n' *"0
Ahe- rcu hedr d qu*, rcn l*'.:: f
:"- :';';i:l:i: i: ;:::,:;
:::'."""''" :i::;'"::: Hl
)our 3n5$er \hee lrnd
.,n.$er'I hen, on
\ou ntrvc I'ur'"
corre.po.ds lo the lelrer or lhe an'wer
to take noies or write in vourtest
Remember, you are not alloNed

3s. (A) From a friend

31. (A) Two students' (B) From the newspaPer'
(B) Two Proressors (c) From a discussion'
(C) Two sociolosists' (D) From the utility comPanY'
(D) Two lecturerc'
sociologn ' 36. (A) In a lar desert'
12. lA) She $anl' hi\ opinion ol
lB) Clo5e b\'
{B) She wanrs to heaL him lecture icr e' rheurilrrvcompan)sheadouarle'\'
(Cr She wan lD kro$ about a uur'e ne
" ' tDJ The man has no ide'
(D) She wants to meet Protessor Its cheapet in the shott run
37. (A)
Patierson' (B) The utilitv comPanY won't need anv

' (Ar
l3 A couae where 'he proleso' lectute The Dlant's far away
,e, A."'^""h.'",herrL,d€"r.iu'r i;l It exists in large quantities
li\ren and take notes
lC) A course \!ith Professor Patterson be toocostlv
trke parr 18. tA) She5concerned it ll
ipl A couse where the students lBt She thinks the Price is too low
in discussion (C) She thrnks lhe Pl'nt is totallv
t4. (A) She thinks il'll be borins' (D) She rhinks rhe Ltilirr conrpanr has a
(B) She doesn't want to rake it good idea
(c) It sounds sood to her
(D) She'd Prefer a course with more
student ParticiPation-

:P,:f'i,;:::li;:ii;i; j,'l1T:,",r ji'.ll;i :l $:T':i-

I 1 1 I I I 1 T
Part C
Direclions: rn this paft of rhe tesr, vou win hear seveml talks. After
each raik, you wili hear some
questions. The talks and quesrions uill not be repeated.
Afteryou hear a question. vou will re.d rhp hurpossible answers in your
testbookand choose rhe
best anslver rhen, on your ansrversheer, find rh!.,,-r". .i
.o re,onndr'orhe,"r,<r ot,hc.n.uer lorheve.ho.en
,r," q,"i,i.".,i;;i;H il*,"*
Here is an example.

on the recording, you will hear:

(nanato.t Li.ten to -n iF.ttut.., latk to ltt, .ta, ahau Dain,,L.
(nan) AtList Gr.tnt wood was a suidnBto,e i tte aho;:iiip.i,,,,st,._,,,
rpqinRti:t, a sttp rpttp.t;,ry ,h, dt.t;n\.,t. c cho/act",,,,,.,
,]c"d rnG . wood besa .tlaryi.aE aaitots an tt,e "i"i,i"* , ","r ","", "t
kry,L n,a nt ,i" ,t,*",
and b,hen he was thi, 01 hb paintinBs ,*"n"a
o ,"_o,*"At" "t" "t oy
pubtic notice and acclain. rni, p"a,i,s *tt"i:e^)i..,-c.i,i'..::i,'Zi,.,at
" "iou,,
'tnpl, dcri noF al a "',ou corpt" . t,,,,,tC dw"b "", i; ;;;;",.- ,
Now listen ro a sampie question.

(n ftator) w|&t stie af paintins is kno||n os Anleican rceionatist? @

In your test book, you will read: (A) Arr hom Amerjca s inner cirjes.
(B) Ar1 trorn the centml resion or the
United Stares.
(C) Art from varjous urban areas in rhe
United Stares.
(D) Aft from rural sections ofAmerica.
The best aoswe. to the question, ..What style ot painrjrg
E known as American regronatrsr?.. is (D),
.\,1 fromrutulse.rion\ot Anreri.a The;etore.,hecorjecr.hoi.e r\1D,.
Now listen to another sampte quesrion.

(\aftator) what is the nane ol'woa.ta, nost successfLt painting? @

In your t€st book, you will read: (A)
'American Resionalisr.,,
'.The Family Farm jn roq,a.,,
(C) "American Gothic.,
(D) ,.A
Serious Couple.,,

The best anss'er to the question,'.What is the name oI Wood,s

mosl succsstul painting?,,is (C),
Anerican cothic. ' Therefore, the correct choice is (C).
Remembe! you are not allowed to take nores or write in
vour test book

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
39. (A) The EDrpiovffent Office nanager (A) Bu)'ing plastic bottles.
(a) The univeNi!Y r€sistm'l (B) Soh,ing !he problems in landlills.
(C) The bookstorc manage'l (c) Buling !hese recycled producls.
(D) A sludent lvorking in the booknore. (D) Becoming aware ol the environmen!.

40. (A) Prepare a schcdlle. 17. (A) The Ccnlral Pacific Oroup.
(B) De.ide urrich worke$ !o hire (B) Thc TEnscontiDental Railroad
(c) Phn student course schedLrles
(D) Train ollice workers. (C) A group hon Osdcn, U!ah.
(D) 'li!o separale railrcad companies-
41. (A) What the studcnls nrajors are
(B) Whcn lhe studcnls ar€ ablc to $Iork 48. (A) Tlley had 1o lay tracks across a
(C) Whv lhe sludeDts {ant to \!ork. mountain range.
(D) In which jobs lhe studenls ha'e (B) Thev had lo cross all of Nebraska.
experience. (C) They had to wo.k lor anorhcr railroad

42 {A) Cashier (D) Thc), had 10 move westward Lo

(B) Shellslocker. Sacramento, caliloDia.
(c) BLrsiness office {'orker
(D) Phone operaroi 49.
(B) several weeks.
43. (A) SolL, warm clothine. (C) Several months.
(B) Problems in landfills. (D) sevcral yeaE.
(C) Ho\v fleece is obtaincd.
(D) Re.yclins soda botiles. (A) Dynamite was used to blast oul

(A) Ther s'ere lell in landfill areas. (B) A solden spike ivas hamme.ed inlo
(B) They s,ere rcused. the iasl Lra.k.
(c) They were recycled. (c) The $'orkers labored dangerouslv and
(D) TheY lvere relilled. exhaustingly.
(D) The lvorkers rralersed thc Sierla
45. (A) Dve.
(B) Warm, soft clolhitis.
(C) Conputer chips.
(D) Glass bottles.

This is the end of Section 1.

Stop work on Section 1,

Turn ofl the recording.

Read the directions for section 2 and begin work.
Do NOT read or work on any other section
of the test during the next 25 minutes.


Time_2s minutes
(including the reading ofthe directions)
Now set your clock for 25 minutes,

This seclion is designed !o measure your ability ro r€cognize language lhat is apprcpriare for
standard written English. There are two rypes ofquestions in rhis seclion, with speciat directions for

Directions: These questions are incomplele sentences. Beneath each sentence you \dlt see four wo.ds
orphrases, rnarked (A), (B), (C), and (D)- Choose rhe one $ord or phrase rhat besr comptetes the
sentence. Then, on youranswer sheet, lind the number ofthe question and iill in rhe spacc rlEr
coresponds to the letter ofthe answeryou have chosen.
Look at the tollowins examples.

Example I
The president the clection by a landslide. a
he ron o
(D) forlunately
The sentence should read, "The presidenr uon rhe election by a landstide. Therefore, I,ou shoutd

Example II
When lhe conference? @
(A) the doctor artended
did the doctor atteDd o
the doctor will afiend
(D) the doctor's attendance

The senteoce should read, "When did the docroratrend the conference?,'Theretore, vou sholld


1 The har.l palate the noulh 6. Before the Stalue oiLiberrv arriled in the
and nasal passages United Slaies, newsPapers invited the
public to help detemine where
(A) lornins a Partition placed atler its ar.ival
(B) a partilion lorms
(A) -
(C) iorms a Paftiiion shouLd ihe statre be
(D) a form and a Parlition (B) the stalue being
(C) it should bc the sra!ue
2. Sam Spade in tre Vairese Fnlrur end RLck (D) the slaiue shol d be
Bl^i^e inCasablalt. of FlumPhre\
fanous rcles. A stock at an !nl]atcd pricc is.allcd
Bo8arlt mo.e
(B) t$'o ofrhem arc
(C) two of them issucd

(D) rvhich issued

the outermost laYer oiskin, is about
as thick as a sheet oipaper over nosl of 8. Acidic lava flo\ls readily and rends to coler
much 1aryer areas, {t1ilc basic lava-
(A) Il is the epidermis
(B) The epidermis (B) nrore visco s
(C) In the epidermis (c) is more viscous
(D) The epidermis is (D) it is more liscous

Durins the Precambrian pcriod lhe Earlh's 9. Seismic reflcction profiling has the
in thc seas ocean lloor is underlain bv a lhin layerol
cmst formcd, and lifc
ncarly rt'ansparent sediments -
(A) lirst aPpeared -
(B) the lirst to aPPear
(A) rcveal thal
(C) rhe lirst aPPearance
(B) reveaicd that
(D) appearing firsl (C) the rcvelation ol
(D) revealtd abour
5. When fluid accunulates againsl thc
ol 10. and lerriryins, coral snakes can
earclrum, a second rnore insidiotrs trpe
gro\! 1o 4leei (1 2 meters) jn lengih'
-(A) TheY are cxlremelY Poisonous
(A) ot;/is,relia na] dclelop (B)
(B) developins o/iris ,?cdid Thc poison is exlreme
(c) the derelop enr ofottris,re,ia
(C) ExLreDielv Poisonous
(D) to develoP oliris ,?.lt.i
(D) An extfeme amount of PoisoD


14. D.W. Griffith Pioneered maDY ofthe
11. The leaves of the white mulbenf provide
silk fabrics are stvlistic leatures and filmmakinc
food lor silkworms, as the Holbavood
(A) whose cocoons -
(A) that established
(c) whose cocoons are trom
(B) thit became esiablished
(D) from whose cocoons
lc) what established
il) what became esLablished
12. As in Greek andRoman m)aholocy waterbasinwould
be needed, the
ha$jes were lriShtful monsters thai were
need to be dammed
half- woman and hall bird
-(A) Hydroeiectric Power should
(B) to describe (B) When hydroelectric Power
(C) description (C) HydroelectricPower
(D) describinc (D) Should hydroelectric Power

13. Not only generate energ]/' but it also

produces tuel for other fission reactorc'
a nuctear breeder reactor
(B) is a nuclear breeder reactor
(c) does a nuclea. breeder reactor
(D) is a nuclear breeder reactor
\ /ritten ExPression

Directions: in these questions, each scnlence has fbur underlined words or phrascs The lour
u"a".ifup,n" nt tt " sentence are na' ked (A), 1B), (c) and (D) Idenrilv theonone underlined answer
"'trni" h,-* - *, ft" .haneed in o, d€r
, fr., I o. the se ntence to be Then, vour
rhe nurrbcr ol thc quesrru. Jnd I ll in rhc spa.e tlia! correspolds 1o the 1etler of
the answer vou

Look at lhe following exanples

Example I
The four sfing on a liolin
-- D

The senlence should read, ''Tlie tou.strinss on a violin are iuned in fifths." Therefore, vou should

Example II
Thc research lor rhe book Rools taking @
Alex Haler t$'che YeaF. @)

The sentencc shouid read, "The research for the bookRoots look Alex Haley tuelve years. Therefore,
you should choose ansq'er (c)


16. Mosquitoes will accepls the malaria pamsile at onb'one slage ofthe parasitels
complex life cycle
17. The counterpaft ot a negative glectrons is the positive proton
--- A E c D

18. AlexanderHamiltons _A ota strong national government brought he into

biller conflict with Thomas JeffeNon.

19. There arc more rhan eighty-tour million specinens ln the NationalMuseum of
Natural Historft collection of biolosical, seolosical, archeolosical' and


20. After George Washinglon maried widN Martha Custis, the couple comes to Bide

21. Rubberized asphalt can hardly be classified as cultins eds; a! $is stase in lheir
-B e D

22 Rhesus monkeys e)ihibit pallerns of shyness similar 1o that in humans

- A- B C D

23. lr \ wirh rc erd\irv lo. mu{le. ro$ork "8a-in'r' rhe !od\ becom+ qcaklt
24 Fort Jeflerson, in the Dry Torlusas off the sourhern lip of Florida, can be reach
only by

25. Ouarterhorses were develoPed in eighleenth_century Virginia to race on

cou$e! short of about a quaner of a mile iD lenglh.
'--- D

26. supersonic flight is flighl that is iastd the speed ofsound.



27. Since the dawn ofagriculture 9,000 years aso onlv a few animal species had been


28. The Betataken House Ruins ar Navajo NationalMonument is among lhe largest and
elaborate clifldwellinss in the country'
nost _-

29. The island olKauaihas much streams, some ofwhich have worn deep canvons into

30. It is a common obseNation that liquids will soak throueh some materials but nol
- _B(

31. Surrounded by lorested mountain slopes are the town o[Te]lu de a


sold-minins town 7,500 leet above sea level


32. The newsreels ofHearsi Metronome News, which formed paft of every moviegoers

experience in the em before television, otler d unique record ofthe events ofthe


33. Probably the best known of all dinosaurs, the O/azuosaarurs t'as larger and llst ol
uu c D

the meat-eating carnosaurs

Unlikely sas sport balloons, hot a'rballoons do not have nets

-B c D
35. Born in Massachusetts in i8s2, Albert Farbanks has besun nakins banjos in Boston
in the late 1870s.

'16 Methane in wetlands comes from soil bacteria thal consunes organic Plan!


37. Alois Alzheimer madc the firsr obseNen ofrhe rclkale sisns ot the disease rhat rodav
bears his name.
--- D

38. Edward McDo$'ell remembe$ as the composer ofsuch perennial favorires as "To a
A ---- --- D
Wild Rose' and "To a Waler Lily."

39. Animisn
is the beliet thal objects and natural phenomena such as rivers, rocks, and

wind are live and hale feelinss.

40. Newtonian physics accounts from the obsenation ofrhe orbirs o[the planets and

This is the end ot Section 2.

ll you finish before 25 minules has ended,
check your work on Section 2 only.

At the end ol25 minutes, go on lo Section 3.
Use exaclly 55 minutes to work on Section 3.


3 x3 n 3 n 3 x3 n 3 n 3 x3
Time-ss minutes
(including the reading of the directions)
Now set Your clock for 55 minutes'

lo read and undeNtand short passages similarin

This section is designed to meNllre vourabrlrtv can universiies and
i" u"tttt em"
ioDic and stvle to lhose tnat at" t'rttlyio
reddrns prs'rHe"rd
que'rion" 'boLr rh( Pd5\'sc'
,:ir':""..'r;;""" ,'." ."nrain'
one i,,o|,o$ed br a nJnbcr or
oirelrions:rn,ri..e,rion\ou{,,cJd,e!er.r pasase.. Fa.
rAr'{B' r( ur{Dr''oe'tnquesrion Thcn
.J-ejionrbou.,.Yo'rJreru.l-oo'crheo""U"l' ""'i""'
,n" q"".iioi ."a riii i",t'. 'p*" that corresponds
to the
v.rn.answer sheer, hna rr,"
^n "r-u-
h3\e chosen
ihe ans\er You
iett(r oL
stated or implied
AnsNer all questions aboul the inlbr ation in a passage on lhe basis of $'hat is

Rcad the tolloNirg Passage:

th pr'esrdent ot the !niLed Sbre'Aor"
1 R25

tohn Ouinc! Adams who sen'ed as the srr

dedr 2 e'r r"i'
." ;;; '* el-n'hio and drpror"cv H'!

lir,'rr;:'i. '..;;;',"a '-' "" "'"*'l'r

o oubl:..(^ rce bo' i" r'" p*' o""" ""J
irr rr'e r"' ioL' orher Poliric'r orhce|hzr he
1,,€ held. ih'oueno'rr h''1"r"' "r'"'"*l'""'"""i'a":"'*""^i"eUelre
be hee rrom European and Asian
1; i;:.i, il:;;'il,..-" *^", 'na 'h" 'ie;' Ame
or cans to
samPle answer
Example r
'Io what did John Quincv Adams devote his life? I
(A) Improling his Personal life I
(B) SeN'ng the Public
lcl Incre^sins his fortune
ioj worklne on his private business
" Therefore' vou
Adams "dedicated his lile lo public seNice
Accordins io the passagc, John Olrincv
shoutd choose ansrver (B)
sample Answer
Exampb lr
In line '1 the word "unsueNins" is closest
in meanins 1o B
(A) moveable
(B) insigniticani
(c) unchansing
ioj aiPl"'ati"
demonstrated hjs unsweing b€lief,,lhroughout
The Dassaec stales that John ouincY AJnms (c)
rherefore, vou should choose ansuer
..reer,, This implies rhat tl,e turi.t o,a n"r cl'"nc;.


Questions 1-10
Niasara Fa s, one ofthe most famous No h Ameican natural
wondeN, hasiong beer a
popular tourisr desrinarion rou.ists rodav nock t" *"
rl" ].1";'.i
Falls: rhe l73-root-hish Horseshoe Fa's o; rhe cr*ar"".,a" ^ii".iiu .",*,""," r,,"*"-
i'r,.e..lii]1"'."ii, *"."".a,""
. province of ontario and the 182Joot hish {mcrrcan Fars
on lhe u.s. .ia'".r ii".i"*,.
\ewrork.App,o\iEra,"'u8.*".-, g"..",..,;.1,t,..-,,lilr'e",..,", "r
ralL. s irh , he .e{ coine o\ er A*cricJ, rJ_ls.
Mostvisirors come between Ap 1andOcrober and iris quite
a popular activi rv to iakea
sreamerour onro the river and right up ro rhe bas".t,r,. r. t, ai,"" .p,.,".
iil. p*.tUr".
ser a spectacutar vjew ot the falts fron the sr.aresi. i_ru-," " "r_
9 Prospict poinr d rabte Rock, or frorn one ot tr,. r"*.r*-"ti.""r.^gih;;.rijg"," r,,o ** *
i*.*."ii"r, i.," rr",rr,"
Tourists have been visiting Niagara Farls in large numbers
since the r800sj annuar visiratio.
r0 m ir ion viJi,oa per rra,, e"ci""" or
l.^i,:-::liq:: l!:,"
,naove.en.l desroy tbe narurai beaurv of this scenic $,onder, "on...n
tl,^i .ii,j**
i.".,"" *-,ra
.r N'asanrajrs pa, k in order to prorect thela"d *_";i;J;;;
rhe state ofNew york rn 1885 crealed

created OueenVictoria park on the canadian side

Ni.g". , ",r1. i",.. wi r. ,r,"
d.ea sun oundin" ,he rr,r\ unde. rr_e iu,.\oic, ion or"t,r," "..,.iH".JJ*
.e..", i., .,;;;;;,;," .,"p. , *r.r *
laken lo p.eserup ,he ori.rin" beaurr or rn" ".,.,"-i,,,
1 . What is the major point that the author is I Accordine ro rhe, \vhrcf ot rh<
makins in this passage? tollo$ing besl de\cIbe. Niagar. Fa rl
(A) Niacara Falls can be viewed tuonl (A) Niagara Falls consists ot two ivers,
either the American side or rhe one Canadian and rhe other
Canadian side. American.
(B) A trip to the United Srales isnl (B) Anerican Falts is corNiderabtv hisher
complere without a vjsit ro Niasara
than HoNeshoe Falls.
Falls. (C) The Niagam River has lwo tals, oDe
(C) Niacara Falls has had an interestins in Canada and one in the Unired
(D) It has been necessary to protect (D) Although the Niagara Rilcl flou,s
Niagara Falls toom the many throueh the United Statcs and
tourists who go there. CaDada, the tals are oniv in iJre
Unired Stares.
2. The wo.d "flock" in tine 2 coutd besr be
4. A "sleaner" in jine 8 is probablt,
(A) coDe byplane
(B) cone in larse numbers (B) a boat
(c) come out ofboredorn (C) a walknay
(D) cone withou! howins whar they will lD) a park


3 x3 n 3 n 3 n 3 n 3 n 3 n 3
The expression "righ1up' in line 8 could 8. The word 'i udsdiction ' in line l7 is closest
best be replaced bv
(A) lllrn to the risht (A) view
(B) iollolv correct procedLrres
(C) tralel upslrean
(D) atl the q'ay up (D) control
6. The passage implies that tourists prefer ro 9. The Nord "pristine" in iine 18 is closest in
(A) lisir Niasa.a Falls durlng sarmer
(A) pure and natural
(B) see the falls fioDr a sreat distancc (B) hishly developed
(c) take a ride over the falls (c) well-resulated
(D) coDie to NiacaE Falls lora uintcr

l0 The paragraph lollowing the passage most

7. Acc.rrdins !o the passage, why $as Niasara
(A) additional Nays to observe the falls
(A) To encolrage lourisrs 1.r lisit Niagara (B) steps take by solernment agcncies to
Falls protect the falls
(B) To show olt lhe nallral beaut! ol (C) a detaileddes-iption of the division
Niagam Falls ofthe falls between the United
(C) To protect the area around Niagam States and Canada
Falls (D) turther problems that are destroyins
(D) To force canada to open Queen the area around the ialls
Victoria Prrk


Questions l1-19
What is commonly called pepper in reality comes from
rwo very differcnr iamities ofplanrs.
peppercorns. rhe peppercorns turn trom r. *a * ti,"y.ii., ri*ri"-iiu.t"" u",r,.ya.y
:,r'e our. Tlre dried our peppercoms are grourdsrcen
," ""J
ur".t p-"fp* wli.
-rr subtle flavor rhan black peppei comes from rire"u"i" r,*, -*"
same peppercorns as ut".i pi#",
pepper the outer hult of dr peppucom, rhe pelc.,p, r,
;-"*a U"L,. ,r,"-p5Jp.._rn i" g-,"a.
. Red and sreen peppers, on rhe other hand, com" r.o'"
and whrre pepoe-
u..-pr.,"rn aiii".iiii.. r."- ur,"r
hdve r,nr
Reo and green peppc- a,. no,' ,r* g"n,. cnp.;i,;,;
\hire qo$ea cnd ru shi,Lcdnbe.,n.."."1,""_U", ..,"^.
;;;il;; i;;l ,;;;".;:::iilJ
rr peppers ranee in ftavor hom veru mild and ,**r . ,r," .r.""".. ."0 .i^, lf,.*
. ",
Bell pepoe'\r-e rhe mo.r mitd ;hite J.ibanero. a,",r,"
-*i i""i"a,Ur,"u".","*il""
"" "'"'"' ,-"er".Ul"
-*, ",,,"r"
Chri.roDherColu-busr.rc\..n.rbtetorr'hepre.e",a".,."f,i,r"*., \vhar . pcpper i..The
Hpet niEnnillajietr ot p.pp"..u, r,igr,r), u.i,.a r;;;;,"J;,;;;#;;'^i"j'i.'.'o.oo*
Europeans was a najor cause or rhe rifteenth_cen*,y o,
rr p*r. ,"i"|.i" i. ,n"
growjhg rcsions ofAsia. When Colunbus rr"* ir,"
in,eresred in r.nd,-p b k oeDDe, becau,e of,he hi"r, pr'i."
risr,"""i"". "0,."-
i,.'*"" p*,i""t*rv
cohmbu\.ame ac.o\ ",pr,n,. i.o- rr," c,p.,. r..r;, ".,ij ..;;;;; i' i.*o,-"0".
,i,.i ri
.;,;;;;.";,;;;".oiJ n"" *",rr,
,pv.rr,(r'r peppersloFuropezn\or
:::.1.:l:::Ai,:!^,j:".,lhed,rremdr,erx,n+oibra.kpepne,(nr ,-?,.r""j"."i
rhem ro A.,a dnd qhic". r he.e ( ,,
rc,i,, peppeh have cunri""_
tacr rqc'he) are no, reiarco r" rhe btack a d uh,re p"op(,
,. u"ilri"Jp""o",, ,n .p,re o, rhe
11. The purpose ofthjs passage is ro 14. What part o[ the pipet nie tmjsthe
(A) explain why there is conhrsion today
overpeppers (A) The seed inside the fruit
(B) provide the scientiiic classitication of (B) The ourer coverjng of the truit
various rvpes of pepper\ (C) The pulp inside the vine
(C) demonstare that ir Nas Coirmh,,s (D) The outer covering ofthe vine
who brought peppers to EuroDe
(D) classib, the varietv ofsizes, shapes. l5 rVhar u,rallv doe\ NO]. \at'JinaCop.icum
and colors ot peppers pl-r nt l
12. Tbe word 'tum" in tine 3 could best be (A) The coior ofthe flower
(B) The size ofthe fiajr
(C) The shape ofthe fruir
(D) The color ofthe lirir
(B) exchanee
(c) veer 16. The word "push" in line 14 coutd best be
(D) chanee

13. According ro rhe passase, borh biack and

(B) strength
(C) drive
(A) cone fion ditrerent pianrs (D) hir
(B) chanCe colors after they are sround.
(C) are sround from dried out
(D) hale the same flavor
3 x3 r 3n3n3n3n3n3
19. vfheLe in the passage does lhe author
17. The pronoun "them" in line 18 refers to
erplain rhe mr.rake rhar Columbu' nade'
(A) plants
(B) people Lines 7-8
(c) (B) Line 12
(D) (c) Lines 15-16
(D) Lines l7 18
18. It can be inferred trom lhe passage that
chili peppe$ orisinally came from
(A) Europe
(B) Asia

(D) Afi-ica


3 x3 n 3 r 3 n 3 n 3 n 3 x3
Questions 2O-31
Just t$'o months after lhe flisht otApollo /r, the/lpollo /1 asn'onauts made their hisloric
landing on the surlace ofthe Moon. Thi! monentous trip lor humanitv a]so provided scienlisls with
an abundance of material for study; toom rock and soil sanples brousht back fiom the Moon,
:r scientists have been able to determine much about the composilion of the MooD as well as 1() draw
. inierences about the development ol lbe Moon fion its composition
The Moon soii that came back on APllo L/ contains snall bits ofrock and glass which were
probably ground hom larger rocks $'hen neteors impacted with the surlace ol the Moon The bits of
glass arc spherical in shape and constilute approxinalely halfofthe Moon soil. Scieniists iound no
lrace o{animal or plant life in this soil
In addition to the Moon soil, astronauls gathered two basic lypes olrocks from the suriace of
the Moon: basall and breccia. Basalt is a cooled and hadened volcanic lava common lo the Earlh.
Since basalt is iormed under ext.emely high lemperatures, the presence ofthis lvpe ofrock is an
indicalion lhat the temperallrre ol thc Moon was once ertremelY hot Breccia the other kind oirock
broughl back by the aslronauts, was tormed durins ihe impact of fallins objecrs on the surface of the
i Moon. This second lype olrock consisls of small pieccs of rock compressed tosether bv lhe torce of
impact. Gases such as hJdroeen and helirm were found in some olthe rocks and scicnlists believe
that these gases uere canied lcl the Moon by the solar wind, lhe streams of gases thal are constantlv
emitted bv the Sun-

20. The paragraph preceding the passage mosl 24. The word "spherical" in line 8 is closesl in
likely discusses
(A) astronaull'-ainine
(B) the inceplion cltheApo o sPace (B) circular
program (C) ancular
(C) a differenr space rip (D) anorphous
(D) prcvious Moon landinss
25. Which ol'lhe followins was NOT brcusht
2 l Wha! is the subject ol this passasc? back 10 the Earth by the aslronauls?
(A) The Apolo astronauts (A) Basah
(B) Soil on the Moon (B) Soil
(c) Whar the Moon is made ol (c) Breccia
(D) Basalt and breccia (D) Plant lite

22. An "abundance" in line 3 is 26. An 'indication" in line 13 is

(A) a disoderly pile (A) an exhibition

(B) a uealthy bunch (B) a clue
(C) an insisnificanl Proportiotl (C) a denial
(D) a larse amount (D) a dictate

23. According 1o the passage, what does Moon

soil consist oi?
(A) Hydro-qen and helium
(B) Larye chunks olvolcanic lala
(C) Tiny pieces of slones and slass
(D) Slreams ofeases


27. According to the passage, breccia was 30 The authors purpose in tlis passage is ro
(A) describc sone ro.k and soil samples
(A) when objects struck the Moon (B) erplain sone ofrhe things learned
(B) hom volcanic lala lrom space fliehrs
(C) rvhen sn=ans oleases hit the surlace (C) propose a nen'theory about the
of fie Moon crcarion of rhe M66n
(D) hom rhe interaction of heliun and (D) .lemonsl.ate the difference bct{een
basalt and brcccia

28. Ilis implied in the passage that s.ientisls 31. It can be infcued fiom the passage that
believc thar the gases lound in the Moon
(A) the only ilcms ofnnportance lhar
astrcnauts brought back rhe
(A) were nol odshally toom rhe Moon Moon were rock and soil sampies
(B) were crealed insidc ihc rocks (B) s.ientisls leaDed rclativeh li!!le ADn
(C) tmleled from the Moon 1o lhc Sun the Moon rock and soil sanples
(D) caused the Moonls temperalure to rise (C) scientists do nol beliele tha! i! is
Decessara lo retum to the Moon
29. The word 'enitted" in linc 18 is closest in (D) rock and soil sanples $,ere onlt some
ola nlriad ot sicnifican! ilems
lron Lhc Mo.n
(B) vaporized


3 x3 n 3 n 3 n 3 n 3 n 3 n 3
Questions 32-40
Today, ihe most universally known style ol lrousers forboth men and women isjeans; lhese
trousers are wom lhroughout the lvodd on a variety oloccasions and in diveNe silualions. Also.alled
levis or denims,jeans have an iDreresLing histor-'v, one lhat is intermixed with the dcrivalions ofthe
Nords ieaus, d€nr"r, and lelts.
The word/ea"s is derived lrom the namc ol the place Nhere a snlilar sLyle oipants deleloped
In the sixteenth century, sailoN fiom Genoa,Ilaly, lvore a ratherunique type o[cotton trousers lnfie
French laDguage, fie Nord for the city olGenoa and for the people hon ihat cily is Genes;rhis n'me
became attachcd lo the specific style ofpants lvorn bv the sailors hom this city and developed into
rhe word/ed"s that loday descibes lhe descendents ol the Genovese sailors'cotton panls
Similarto the word/sa,s, the word dc,t,l is also dcrired from a place name ln the sevenleenlh
cenrurrr, French tailors begaD makine lrouse$ out ofa specialized t!'pe of.loth that \!as devcloped in
the city ofNimes, Fmnce, and was known asse,ge le Nlrrer. This name for the cloth underwent some
!)-ansformations, and it eventually developed iDto lodayls dsrtn, the materjal from which ieans are
made and an alternate name for these popular pan!s-
The word lcvls came fi om lhe name of a peison rather than a place ln the nineteenth century
immisrant Levi Slrauss came to America and t ed his hand at sellin-q heary canvas !o miners taking
par! in the hunt for gold in northen CaliFornia. Strauss inlended lorrhis canvas to be used bl miners
to make hea\y dut] !en!s. This firsr endeavor uas a lailure, bul Slrauss later lound success when he
used the heary canvas 1o make indeslruclible pants for the miners Levi then swirched the tabric tror'r
bro{n canvas to blue denim, creating a style ofpants lhal long outlived him and today is relered to
by his name. A modern'day urban shoppe.out to buy some levis is searchiDs for a close relalive olthe
product that Strauss had developed years earlier

32. This passase is developed by 35. The wold "descendents" in line 9 could
best be replaced by
(A) citins an eflect and its causes
(B) explaining hislorf with lhree specific (A) oltspdne
(B) bonoms
(c) demonslrating the sides of an issue (c) antecedents
(D) developins rhe biosraphy ol a Inmous (D) dedvations
person chronolosicalll
36. The word de,t,? was most probably
33. The wod "unique" in line 6 is closest in
meaning to (A)
(B) solitaD, (c) one French word and one ltalian
(c) unusual
(D) commonplace (D) three French words

3,1. All of the folloNins are mentioned in 1be 37. The pronoun "it in line 13 refe6lo
passaee about Genoa EXCEPT that it (A) city
(A) was the source ol the s'ordiea,s (B) name
(B) is in Italy (c) clolh
(C) has a differeDt nane in the French (D) malerial
(D) is a landlocked city


' closestin
an where in the passase does
the au:l:r

:311ilJiil:il*'"i'f ::ff :ffi

in tine 19 is
38. The word "switched"
(A) Lines 12-14
icr Pounded iB) Lines Is-I7
io) lC) Lines l8-19
"t'u"e"a iD) Line' 2l -22
'" :,::j: j#ji*lf'"3:T'itl':$'"^
Ar He srudied tailor.ins
'' "lT"'.1 ',".','.
:t :l::::1,iH1"".",: i'ff :'Jli:;i-
i;; [:l:|il i;; ';; ' 'io'I

3x3 3x3
Questions 4l_50
Duri,g the heyday otrhe milro:
ouDrD. pa."encer and f.,-n, ,..".l1';:1": rail
. "t'rem prov,ded rhe butk or rtre
rccompri.h rhe v"r;;.;;""ilil'i'1"rron
,:":,'.?'-,o,he(i,il^d.r."*",""*]]lii'":'.'""dsonervPeor.a,r!'ar u a. noi,v" irabh ro, pubtn
, {. . idea. ror sreepine .".. ,bo,na"d
bu I I he,e idea. we,
br;. ;, ;i: 1'leep,ng "r: ,t rrr" r,,,i".
car a viabte reality. " """.;il lel v took t be dea r h of a pi*
ia"* ," ln.t" ,r,"
. Cabjnet maker Ceoree M puUh "t""pire
!or^eo e\*,,-"",,' -ili"o ;'i"8nized rhe demand ror sleep.ns .a,, ano had
on deveJopins
.^ wi,hh,.mod;r.he-;,;;;;i;;;:.ii;li:e'ucce$rurte.tnin,onrrr"Cl,r."gia"aar,.nn"ir_aj,
is ins rrain
",d ion*n;;;;;;:
;;;j::i""::::::1: ::t! *:* ,"o u idi and ,oo rrigh ,nr
pu m.n and hien; € ruxu'
. i", .,"ij s,iiiil",lll:.rn on rheious Jeep'na c,, ,ha, he n;med ,he pionee,
'', ro, ,wo)eaA.ho$.,". q; ; #:.I 'l"'cer 'ire or rhe p'e.e.,-dav chic"eo r nio. s,a,ion.
r'uin''urion",nao,*L.iag.l" "'"""'"'t'ad'iding usele\s becau)" r, ,
FoltowinE presidenr L;ncotn
s a$
",,i "", ,i,,r,i.,eh
$anred,o,ran.po|,hep*.,d"",r",..:;:il'^'::"ilr8os r,he5td,eor rrliro,\ r:ncoln: bi.'hpt.ce,
-- run
-0, 't.-o''"r"g."i"u;:;;:;;,;;;":l:^::lntnehne"rrAhionpos"ibre
rrom so;nsrierd r" ;;;,;;":;"'.1':, rhe PurrmJn pan orrhepresrden,iar iunerarrra,n in irs

;.:,."T::"ff ..",li ii,":":.:::i xin:T ni!:_ir,::ru.:jiil:il:::1 jl;:1",1.*l;:l I

P;oneer ro, a,riprrom D.''",' ,; \:et s Granr',ndcran,Lrer;
t? *'t'l b*"'.
ah;;,:'. """""1r,ur)
,, ( enrra,.Ra,r-oad mr.
,.0-,..."," .t-';, '.q"":' ,.. ,;:;i:".':l ffl;:"ilrj;
" ii;*.Ti l'l li.::'i :.'"'#ilt T# iilttili 1ii{,ffi
: :,1 ;'-,,,
41. Which,ol rhe toJlournC bev ir.res
rdea oilhe passage?
rhe mdD 43 k can be infened hom rhe passase th:i
Derore the C i!it War. sleepjne
(A) Ameri..a\_.ditioad" u,ed ,o proride
much or the country!
(A) were used abundanitv
(BJ wse rhoushr to be
a good idea
rB) presrdenr Lincolr
\ J5\a\i,narion in rr r sere onll used Drivaretv
I865 shocked rhe narion
(D) were used b.l, pre.ictenti
/Cl ceorae puit-nan .as rhe onh one
.ore up s ir\ rhe jdea ,or a ,teeprnC 44. The word ,tesf in tine 9 could
besr hF
replaced by which ot the foltowjng?
(D) Puttm"n s ided for a steeping (A) Exam
becane $o kable aher Lrncolnk (B) Trial
(C) Inspection
(D) Scientific
12. A 'heyday,, in tine 1 is mosr probabty a
(A) tine for haNest 45. Whar was rhe injtjal probtem
rhat made
(B) a period s rth tow Drices ruxmans ca, s unLrsabte?
(C) a period otgrear success lA, I her were roo laroe
(D) a lype ofraitroad schedule (Br rhev woe too erp-ensre.
(c) The) were too slow
(D) They were too unusual


49. It can be inferred lrom the passage lbat the
46 what is stated in the passage aboul George Michiean central Railroad

(A) Hc ^n(e hJd r iob in 5 sLore rAr $.li owneJ b! Geor ge Pullman
(B) tte alsa!s li\ed jn Chi!'Co (B) Lontrolle.l lhe r djlr oad iracks bet\!een
Delrcit and Chicago
lal H! NorkeJ rn d mine (C) Nas rhe only raihoad comPanY to
iol ue *'".t .on"t lor hrs P oje!r' ,ccommodate wide ca's
in (D) was rhe sole manu lacturer ol the
The Nor.l "site" in line l4 is closesl
meaninc ro which ollbe follolving?
50. This passase Nould mos! likelv be assigned
(B) Vie\! in rvhich of rbe iollo$ins cources?
(C) Localio'l (A) Engineerinc
(B) Political science
(c) Finan.e
48 \Nh! did the \raIe of lllinois $'nL to use (D) Histoi]J
the Pullm.n jn Ljnc'ln s hrneril triinl
(A) lt \!.s \uPer ior to othcr cars
;, ii'..',';onh r..r,o"J., ton" 'o ''r
hakc it from Springlield
(c) Ulvsses S GEnt requesled it
(ri) The Pullman Palace Car CompaDv
was a maior Illinois business

This is the end of Section 3.

lf vou finish in less than 55 minutes'
check vour work on Section 3 only'
Do NOT r;ad or work on any other section of the

\{hen vou firlish the test, ,vou may do lhe followirlg:

. [urn r,' rhe Diagnoslic Charts on paces1-'l-5i8 arrd
.tr.i. ' n" ttr'^f,-"' ' o' r he ' lue'r rorr' r har ru'r rnis"d
. TIrn to Scoring Information on pages 5'19-550' aird
determine Your TOEFL score'
. Turn lo the Progress chart on page 559' and add youl
scorc to thc chart


Time_30 minutes
charactedsdcs in a teacher?
use specinc derails
"Y|i:ffij::ff:::T*rtant and exarnpres,o


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