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We all know it’s bad to be overly selfish and do what benefits you even

though it means stepping on others or disregarding others feeling to grant

your happiness. But is it really bad? Today in our society people come off
as very narcissistic meaning they only care about themselves. I wouldn't
consider myself a saint and say that I'm not narcissistic because I’d be lying
but I believe we all have narcissistic qualities including myself (some more
than others) Like a spectrum! For example, do ever just say you’re going to
do something and already compromised yourself to do it but you flake last
minute cause you just don’t feel like going or you have “better” things to do.
NARCISSISTIC! Or something simple like leaving a dish for someone else
to wash cause you were too lazy to do it. NARCISSISTIC! But on all
seriousness, our world has lacked empathy but expect empathy which is
why Teens now a day crave attention and hate being alone and sad.
How must all this relate to writing you may ask? Well, let me tell
youuuuu. We all love to have a connection to fill our void of loneliness,
whether it's scrolling through Facebook looking at memes your friends
shared to have a quick laugh. Or watching strangers on Youtube making
vlogs or catching up on the latest drama on twitter. Since people today hate
being alone, they resort to texting. Texting has only been a recent form of
writing, created in ​1992​ rather than writing a letter or a book developed in
Egypt between 1800 and 1900 BC​. Boy, do we love texting, remember
back phone plans charged you for every text that was sent, yeah me either.
It has only been ​recent​ that phone companies have made their plans a flat
price with unlimited calls and texts because people would be paying an
insane amount for the ​amount​ of texts sent and minutes used. This comes
to show how much people depend on texting whether it’s for work or family.
Now the reason I spoke about texting and being self absorbed is
because I enjoy texting because I like to vent and talk about my emotions
and how i feel, and this is when the only caring about yourself comes in. I
hate being lonely and by writing to others it helps make you happy because
you are encouraged to write to people you care about which is less about
yourself now and building a bond with other.

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