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Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Review

 Jack Thorne (script & story)

 J. K. Rowling (story)
Written by
 John Tiffany (story)

Date premiered 30 July 2016

Place premiered Palace Theatre, London
Original language English
Series Harry Potter
 Fantasy
 Adventure
 Drama

Setting Wizarding World

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child’s is definitely the eight book in the Harry Potter
serries. It’s picking up from nineteen years after the battle of Hogwarts, the sevent book of
Harry Potter series. This book is written by John Tiffany and Jack Thorne is based on story
wrtitter by JK Rowling.

Since the first page we would know that the story is focus on Albus Severus Potter,
the second son of Harry Potter. The conflic begins when Albus starts inter Hogwarts. In this
novel surpised because voldemort who destroyed in the end of Harry Potter series found that
he has a descent. The descent of Voldemort is Scorpio Malfoy, and he be friend with Albus.
in this novel Albus as the son of overworked ministry of magic employee who is popular and
brave history in magic word.That fact is difficult to seperate it from lives of Albus and his
two brothers. People always connect Harry’s heroic story but the fact with his childern is

Harry Potter and The Cursed Child showed that there is an terrible relationship
between Harry Potter and his son Albus Severus Potter. Beside it, Harry is learning to
become a parent , Harry Potter who is orphand he doesn’t have a parents figure in his life. So
Harry needs to strugling to be a good parent. Parent’s conflict that commonly occur in Harry
Potter family just like in our life. Morever, Albus grew into a teenager.

Like the previous Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and The Cursed Child even take a
place in world magic still contains stories that connect with our daily lives in the human
world.Not only about friendship, but also about family. Apart from the adventure of saving
the world of magic, the readers could understand the feeling being Harry Potter to face his
son. And we also understand Albus feelings who is living in demands around, feeling not
getting a space to prove himself, feeling not as great as his father, and the fact that he entered
Slytheryn and be good friend with Scorpius Malfoy.

The book prices is Rp. 350.000, its expensive for book that has 343 page. Inside this
book found that it’s doesn’t like a novel but it’s a script of movie or drama. Maybe some
people might not like it, because it’s different from other Harry Potter book that tell the story
with narration. But if you are a fanatic fans of Harry Potter, you will easily understand the
strory and could imagine every sentences and setting. Because it’s a script so every changes
of scene is explaned, and the book is not divided in chapter form, but the sequence of scenes.
Even this story staged in london, the Harry Potter Fans still waiting this novel to be filmed.

Exactly this novel same like the 7 series of Harry Potter npvel. Still unprecditable,
amazing and touched.We can smile, laugh, and sad just in one story. But this novel doesn’t be
filmed yet. Hopefully this novel can be filmed just like another Harry Potter movie. If you
want to read best advanture and unprecditable story, you have to read this book!.

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