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Q: I choose and un-choose many times.

For example, sometimes I feel I

should pursue studies in music. Sometimes I feel I should pursue
academics. How to know which is right for me?
Sadhguru: If you wanted to become a great musician and could not
become one, at least you would want to sweep the musician’s house or
work in a music store. At least you would be able to wipe a musical
instrument clean. That is how it should be. If you are trying to choose
between music or academics for social reasons, not your inner reasons
– if you are looking at which will make you more successful – there will
be no choice there.
If you do not have the awareness to know what you should choose, put
your heart and soul into whatever is on hand right now. If you put your
everything into sweeping the music store, according to your inner nature
you will flower and find what you should do. Simply throw yourself 100%
into what you are doing right now without entanglement. People are
always thinking in terms of, “Where shall I get entangled?” It is not a
question of where you should get entangled, it is a question of where
you should get involved. If you do not know where, just show absolute
involvement in what you are doing right now.
People neither eat with involvement, nor breathe, wake up or sleep with
involvement. Because of this, they have no sense of what to do.
Whatever they do, it seems to be inadequate – it seems to be the wrong
thing. Just show involvement into everything that you are. Then life will
choose, and it is never wrong.

Q: Sometimes I have a free day, and I plan to just sit at home. But then
I really get bored. Why does this happen? If I want to just sit, why is it so
Sadhguru: If you are alone and getting bored, obviously you are in bad
company. By the end of the day, if you are feeling miserable, you are in
super-bad company. The fundamental question is: “What is my
problem? I have all my limbs intact, I can see, I can hear, I can smell, I
can taste, what’s my problem?” But that is the big problem. That, you
will know only if you sit alone. When there are people around you, you
find excuses. If you are with someone, it is easy to say, “This guy is
horrible, so I’m irritated. She’s not okay, that’s not okay, this is not
okay.” But when you sit alone and the problem still exists, now you
know what the source of the problem is.
It is like in golf. A lot of people eulogize the game today – that it involves
so much and it is not like other games – they are taking it to heaven.
Many people think it is the most difficult, impossible game because
when they try to hit the ball, they dig up the course. So they think it
requires so much concentration and focus.
But if you look at any other game you play, the ball comes at you at
different velocities, different angles, different spins, you have to judge it
in a split second and act. Here, the ball is just sitting there! You have all
the time in the world. You can think, you can stand, you can adjust and
re-adjust yourself – it sits right there! Even then, many people dig the
course. Sitting alone is the same thing. You are just supposed to sit, not
climb a mountain, sing a song or solve a great problem. That’s
meditation – nothing; simply sit. That’s the easiest thing, isn’t it? But just
see how many problems you have simply sitting by yourself!
Everything looks unnecessarily complicated because we have
never paid attention to that which you call “myself”. There is no
complication in this. This is a beautiful machine. It is nice when it is
quiet, and it is nice when it makes noise – it can do both well if you keep
it well. If you have not kept it well, when it is supposed to be quiet, it will
make noise, and when it is supposed to make noise, nothing will come
You must sit alone – it is very important. The company of the divine is
available only to those who do not seek company. If you have
something to share, that’s different but if you are seeking company, the
divine thinks “Okay, he’s seeking somebody else’s company. Why am I
I realized this very early – unless you sit alone, you know nothing. In
company, you can hide so many things. When you sit alone, you have
to stand the test of your own intelligence, which is severe. You cannot
get away from that. It is better you are put under the severest possible
knife at the earliest possible time in your life. Otherwise, you will grow
up into an old fool. It is all right to be a young fool, but you should not be
an old fool. A young fool is tolerable, but there is no excuse for an old

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