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Background of the Study

Child abuse is a globally relative issue as this issue can be witnessed in

families across the world. According to, “Child abuse is when a

parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death,

emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child.” Child abuse is more than

bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible, other

types of abuse, such as emotional abuse and neglect, also leave deep, lasting

scars. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal

and break the cycle – rather than prepare it. By learning about common signs of

abuse and what you can do to intervene, you can make a huge difference in a

child’s life. (Smith, 2016)

Child abuse falls down to different categories, these categories are:

emotional abuse; physical abuse; family violence; sexual abuse; and organized

sexual abuse. (Adults Surviving Child Abuse, 2016) Under these categories the

research will only be focusing on two (2) categories of child abuse which are:

physical abuse and emotional abuse.

As stated in the above statements, “Physical abuse might be the most

visible, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse and neglect, also leave

deep, lasting scars.” The truth is that we give attention to only to those who are
physically hurt as they may appear damaged than those of emotionally victimized

which is morally invalid, in fact, based on (Vachon DD, 2015) “Neglect may be as

harmful as a slap to a child: emotional abuse has real consequences.”

Emotional abuse refers to the psychological and social aspects of child

abuse; it is the most common form of child abuse. Many parents are emotionally

abusive without being violent or sexually abusive; however, emotional abuse

invariably accompanies physical and sexual abuse. Some parents who are

emotionally abusive parents practice forms of child-rearing that are orientated

towards fulfilling their own needs and goals, rather than those of their children.

Their parenting style may be characterized by overt aggression towards their

children, including shouting and intimidation, or they may manipulate their

children using more subtle means, such as emotional blackmail.

Emotional abuse does not only occur in the home. Children can be

emotionally abused by teachers and other adults in a position of power over the

child. Children can also be emotionally abused by other children in the form of

"bullying". Chronic emotional abuse in schools is a serious cause of harm to

victimized children and warrants ongoing active intervention. (Adults Surviving

Child Abuse, 2016)

Physical abuse has been a normal aspect of domestic life in Australia for a

long time. Physical assaults that would be serious criminal offenses if committed

by one man against another - for instance, hitting, slapping, or striking with an

object - have been legally and socially sanctioned when committed by a man
against his wife and child, or by parents against their children. Today, incidents of

domestic violence committed against both women and children remain at

epidemic proportions, although there is increasing recognition within the

Australian community of the prevalence and harms of violence against women

and children.

Whilst community attitudes to violence against women and children have

changed for the better, Australian policy-makers have failed to outlaw physical

assaults against children by caregivers. According to the 2007 report of the

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, Australia is one of a

number of countries that has failed to prohibit violence against children, and has

failed to commit to legislative reform. In particular, the legal defenses of

"reasonable correction" and "reasonable chastisement" are still available to

adults who are charged with violent offenses against children in many

jurisdictions. (Adults Surviving Child Abuse, 2016)

“Child abuse, either physical or emotional has a direct effect on child

Adults Surviving Child Abuse. (2016). ASCA. Retrieved from ASCA:

O'Meara, Fedderson. (2016). Childhelp. Retrieved from Childhelp:

Smith, S. (2016, March). Retrieved from


Vachon DD, K. R. (2015). Neglect May Be As Harmful As A Slap To A Child:

Emotional Abuse Has Real Consequences. Retrieved from Medical Daily:

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