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Sona Global Management Review

Vol 11, Issue 1, January - June 2017


G.D.Goenka University
G.D.Goenka University

In the present era of information explosion and media influence,

advertisements play a major role in changing perception or thinking
of consumer. Across the world, celebrities have been used for a wide
variety of brands. Celebrity endorser is extensive; nevertheless there is
limited study on consumer perception of celebrity versus non-celebrity
advertisement on social media for the products that come under FMCG.
Marketers use celebrity endorsement in order to help in easy brand recall
especially during purchasing situations. The extent and variety of online
advertisement is growing dramatically. Businesses are spending more on
online advertisement than before. However with the changing customer
taste and attitude, sometimes non-celebrity endorsement is more effec-
tive. Understanding the factors that influence customer’s to buy FMCG
products through online advertising is vital. The purpose of this paper
is to specify the impact of using celebrity and non-celebrity endorsers
in advertisements on purchase intentions of customers, particularly for
FMCG products.
Key words: Celebrity endorsement; non-celebrity endorsement;
consumer perception; television commercials; fast moving consumer
goods; online advertising; social media.

INTRODUCTION and celebrity by considering the type

of product. Advertising is a subset of
Celebrity endorsement is the way
promotion mix which is one of the 4P’s
to maximize advertising effectiveness.
in the marketing mix i.e. product, price,
Popular celebrities like cricketers and
place and promotion. As a promotional
film stars are considered as god by their
strategy, advertising serves as a major
lovers, but it is essential for marketers
tool in creating product awareness in
to establish the link between a product
28 Sona Global Management Review January - June

the mind of a potential consumer to in any media. Not much work has
take eventual purchase decision. been done in the Indian perspective
for comparative study of both
Although the audience is getting celebrity and non-celebrity endorsed
smarter and smarter and the modern advertisements on the various product
day consumer is getting resistant categories. Indian consumer attitudes
to the exaggerated claims made are changing at a rapid pace and
in a majority of advertisements, they are becoming more aware of the
advertisers are focused on celebrities products that they use.In recent times
and their popularity for advertising we have seen FMCG products and
their products. Using celebrities for brands dominate online advertising
advertising involves signing-up various landscape. The sector is the biggest
celebrities for advertising of their spender in terms of digital display
respective products, which consist ads, social media marketing, viral
of all sorts of advertising including, campaigns and mobile campaigns.
television advertisements, and internet The average FMCG brands advertising
or even print advertisements. How spend on traditional channels of media
impactful these advertisements are, advertising such as TV,print and radio
that is something that each consumer has dropped. This is not to say that
can determine on their own. So, those traditional forms of advertising do not
were the most effective and popular work for FMCG goods, but the power
kinds of advertising used today. Each of online advertising is now being
of the advertisement types mentioned recognized by these brands. Online
has its own impact. Therefore it is advertising allows marketers to hone
the job of people who associate with in on their desired target market more
advertisement department to figure than ever before, allowing them to
out which type of and which medium create tailored marketing campaigns
is the best and the most feasible for that are not only cost effective but
their brand. A company needs to reach relay their desired message better than
potential benefits of endorsers either ever before.
celebrity or common man to ensure
that they are not in conflict with an In a sector such as FMCG, where
organisation’s value system or likely to goods are sold quickly, which require
generate negative publicity. Celebrities low involvement and are at a relatively
should add worth to the brand’s low cost, using digital media to reach
taxonomy. customers is imperative. It is clear
that this trend of FMCG brands invest
In Fast Moving Consumer Goods heavily in digital media to continue
(FMCG), we have witnessed of both as it provides an unrivalled platform
endorsements in the advertisements for cost-effective marketing and
2017 Tanuja Kaushik, Rashi Baliyan 29

business solutions.Until a few years Gulnara Z. Karimova (2011) stated

ago, most companies looked at online that interactivity which is positioned
as yet another platform to air their TV as main characteristics of internet
commercials. This is not the case any advertising is an inherent feature of
longer. FMCG companies are looking any type of traditional advertising
at digital media as a separate platform (print, radio and television). Due to
to engage with their target audience. dramatic increase in extent and variety
They seek feedback on their TV of online advertisement, companies
campaigns, invite suggestions to name would like to spend more on online
their upcoming brands and even take advertisement than conventional
up the social issues. advertising (Gaurav Bakshi and
Dr. Surender Kumar Gupta, 2013).
LITERATURE REVIEW Now companies widely use online
advertisement for the promotion of
Celebrity is fame and public
their products and services but it is
attention in the media, usually applied
quite difficult for advertisers to make
to a person, or group of people (celebrity
online advertisement more effective
couple, family etc.), or occasionally, to
to generate positive response from
animals or fictional entities. Celebrity
customer (Khong Kok Wei, Theresa
status is often associated with wealth
Jerome and Leong Wai Shan, 2010).
(commonly referred to as fame and
fortune) and fame can often provide
Amit Kumar (2011) in his paper
opportunities to make money.
‘Celebrity Endorsements and its impact
on consumer buying behaviour’ focuses
Advertisement research style
on the perception of Indian consumers
is now advanced because of the
about celebrity endorsements and
influence of improved communication
celebrity attributes that are likely to
technology which means online ads
influence consumer purchase behavior.
have more influence on the buying
The practice of celebrity endorsements
decision of consumers (DINU,
has proliferated over time. Now days
Gabriel and DINU, Loredana, 2012).
it has become a pervasive element
Business advertisement world have
of advertising industry especially in
more interactive services, rich media
India. Celebrity endorsement industry
tools and global reach because World
has become a multi-million industry
Wide Web now gradually becomes a
in India. Marketers use celebrity
standard advertisement platform with
endorsers to influence the purchase
the increase adoption of the internet
decision of consumers in order to
(Gaurav Bakshi and Dr. Surender
increase their sales and extend their
Kumar Gupta, 2013).
market shares. This made the author
curious to explore the impact of
30 Sona Global Management Review January - June

celebrity endorsements on consumer channel or page) differed to some

buying behaviour. extent across different age groups.
She explains that users who fall in the
It is vital for retailers and marketers 18-28 yrs of age bracket have strong
to be aware of the factors that affect positive attitude towards blog, video,
consumer attitudes and motives and brand channel ad formats. This
because consumers are increasingly was because users’ found these ad
creating content about brands, formats to be eye catchy, informative,
something previously controlled solely and amusing. The 35-54 yrs of age
by companies (Heinonen 2011). group prefers ad formats on video and
brand channels because they found
Chu (2011) examined the link them to be more attractive and these
between Facebook brand related ads have better placement within the
group participation, advertising online advertisement. Overall, online
responses, and the psychological advertising formats with positive
factors of self-disclosure and attitudes attributes are welcomed by users;
among members and non-members however, ads that are intrusive or
of Facebook groups. The study interfere with online social networking
determined that users who are members activities, such as pop up, expandable,
of groups on Facebook are more likely or floating formatted ads were disliked
to disclose their personal data than by network users (Cox 2010).
non- members are Chu (2011) explains
group participation and engagement Aneeza Bashir and Najma Iqbal
with online ads requires a higher level Malik (2009), concluded in their study,
of personal information because users “Effect of advertisement on consumer
openly reveal their connections with behaviour of university students”
Facebook groups and promote brands that advertisement persuades the
or products when they pass on ads consumer to buy the product at least
to their friends. “Facebook groups once in a life time. Personality used in
provide channels that consumers find commercials influences the consumers
useful when seeking self-status in a more as compare to keyword/caption.
product category, as does passing on Results also revealed that consumers
viral content about brands to their considered advertisement as a reliable
social contacts” (Chu 2011, 40). source of knowledge as compare to
opinion of others (friends, neighbours,
Cox (2010) also investigated the reference group).
correlation between age and attitude
and found that social network user T.Mamatha (2008) in her
attitude towards online advertising study ‘Post purchase behaviour and
formats (i.e. blogs, video, and brand consumerism’ says that consumer
2017 Tanuja Kaushik, Rashi Baliyan 31

behaviour is a very complex of brands, which media they prefer to

phenomenon, which needs more effort learn about the schemes, whether they
to understand, explain and predict. In prefer incentives immediately or at a
order to get a clear understanding of the later date etc.
same, every marketer should realize
that consumer behaviour is, in fact, J. Varaprasd Reddy, (2006), in his
an assumption that every marketing study ‘Role of Advertising in Creating
manager must make, if he plans to Brand Personality’ says that brand
market on any basis other than hit-or- personality being potent tool needs to
miss. Although some individuals find be leveraged to achieve key objectives
it difficult to make this assumption, for existing & new brands. Consistency
one must agree that behaviour is not is also important, failing which dilution
so erratic or mysterious that it defies of brand personality or absence of it
explanation. may occur. Other mix elements like
distribution, pricing, promotion and
Susan Chirayath (2007), says in packaging (apart from advertising)
their research ‘Impact of Promotional should support and strengthen brand
Activities on Consumer Buying personality.
Behaviour’ that, FMCG Sector in
India is characterized by cut throat Chen and Lee (2005), in their
competition, which leads to brand research say that based on the previous
proliferation in various categories. In studies regarding the consumer
matured urban markets, consumer behaviours; there are three influential
sales promotion to differentiate one’s factors that affect the consumer decision
offer is a very common practice. In when buying. They are enumerated as
fact consumers are lured by the ever external influences, internal influences
increasing budget allocated to these and the marketing influences in which
activities. In such a scenario it is very the advertising, product promotion,
essential to study how consumers and pricing technique are found.
make their choices in FMCG category Definitely, the marketing activity
where there are several brands in the such as advertising affects both
consideration set of the consumer. Since internal and external behaviour of
the final risk being low, consumers do the consumer. Most especially, the
not mind switching from one brand consumers’ perceptions are influenced
to another due to sales promotion through the exposure such as seeing
offers. Thus, it becomes imperative to an advertisement; attention which
the marketer to learn about consumer means that the consumer recognizes
preferences with respect to sales the advertisement; awareness which is
promotion offers, what schemes do common if the advertisement involves
the consumers prefer for what kinds some humour; and the retention that
32 Sona Global Management Review January - June

keeps or stays in the mind of the 2. In what circumstances, non-

consumer. celebrity endorsement is
There are two forms of celebrities
in advertising: celebrity license and FMCG PRODUCT CATEGORIES
celebrity endorsement (Mistry, 2006).
There are mainly 4 product
The former is not used often, as it
categories in FMCG:
tends to be a long-term, co-branding
commitment by both the corporation 1. Home and Personal
and the celebrity as the celebrity adds 2. Foods and Beverages
his/her likeness or name directly to a 3. Cigarettes
product. The crux of this relationship 4. Alcohol
is that the celebrity and the product
are directly associated with each We have selected only first two
other. This can be either strength or categories for this research.
a weakness depending on the status
of the celebrity and the quality of the 1a. Home Care: It can be divided into
product/Brand. Celebrity endorsements the following categories
are the most widely used strategy of Fabric wash - Laundry soaps and
using celebrities as a promotional tool Synthetic detergents
for products. These endorsements
can have celebrities giving expert 1b. Personal Care: It can be divided
opinions, being a spokesperson for a into the following categories
product, or just being associated with Oral Care - Toothpaste
a product(McCracken 1989; Seno and Skin Care - Creams, Lotions,
Lukas, 2007). Gellies
Hair Care - Hair Oil, Shampoos
The questions that naturally arise
from these examples are as follows:
2a. Foods:
1. To what extent does the
Bakery products - Biscuits, bread,
celebrity endorsement affect the
cakes,Snacks food, Chocolates
performance of product? (Because
of multiple brands endorsing
2b. Beverages: Tea & Soft drinks
as well endorsement of those
products, which are not matched
with celebrity’s expertise. For
example: Amitabh Bacchan and
Dhanuka’s Pesticides, Shakti
water pumps)
2017 Tanuja Kaushik, Rashi Baliyan 33

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY as it moved up the consumers mind.

1. To study perceptions of consumers There are many cases of brands failing
for celebrity & non-celebrity in the market place despite famous
advertisements. celebrities endorsing them. India as a
country is known for loving its stars.
2. To study the influence of
The Indians idolize their Bollywood
demographic factors on customers’
actors and cricketers. Indian consumer
perception for celebrity &
attitudes are changing at a rapid
non-celebrity endorsers in
pace and they are becoming more
aware of the products that they use
3. To study the influence of factors
to define their “self”. The research is
like Credibility, Attractiveness,
carried out to obtain a view amongst
Expertise, Believability and
Indian Consumers about celebrity
knowledge on customers’
endorsement and non-celebrity
perception for celebrity &
endorsement. The advertisers see this
non-celebrity endorsers in
as an opportunity to grab and work on
so as to expand their operations and
promote their product. With the help
NEED AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY of this study, the marketers can make
a cost effective decision as to whether
Celebrity endorsements are
to go for celebrity endorsement or non-
typically more targeted towards
celebrity endorsement for marketing of
nationally marketed products than for
FMCG product.
local or niche market products and also
for products such as running shoes, soft
drinks etc. that is for those products RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
where the price cost margins are Sampling design
apparently large. The basic assumption
The present study is exploratory
underlying celebrity endorsement
cum descriptive research
is that the value associated with the
because the study is about the
celebrity is transferred to the brand
exploration on how many consumers
and therefore helps in creating an
of FMCG goods are influenced through
image that can be easily referred
celebrity endorsement when they
to by consumers. Consequently
are buying some FMCG product. The
by association the brand can very
study would be describing the various
quickly establish the creditability, get
reasons why consumer prefers one
immediate recognition and improve
brand over the other just because of the
sales. However, there are many risks
liking and the impact of a particular
associated with such endorsers. The
celebrity on the specific product. Also
brand could slide down just as quickly
it will help us to get a clear picture of
34 Sona Global Management Review January - June

what are the driving factors of purchase bases needs of FMCG products.
in food and beverages industry.
Target Audience
Sampling Type The target audiences for this
research were the corporate people
Non-probability convenience
working in MNCs of Gurgaon(NCR)
sampling has been used for research
region and housewives in this region.
survey. Non-probability sampling is
a sampling technique where the Sampling Tool
samples are gathered in a process that
To test the hypothesis, z test
does not give all the individuals in
and mean has been used.A z-test is
the population equal chances of being
a statistical test used to determine
selected.A convenience sample is one
whether two population means
of the main types of non-probability
are different when the variances
sampling methods. A convenience
are known and the sample size is
sample is made up of people who are
large. The test statistic is assumed
easy to reach.
to have a normal distribution, and
nuisance parameters such as standard
Sample Size
deviation should be known for an
For the purpose of completing accurate z-test to be performed.
survey, 300 respondents are selected The statistical mean refers to
from different MNCs of Gurgaon and the mean or average that is used to
housewives living in Gurgaon and derive the central tendency of the data
questionnaire was given to them. in question. It is determined by adding
all the data points in a population and
Data Collection then dividing the total by the number
of points. The resulting number is
For research, primary data with
known as the mean or the average.
well-structured questionnaire has
been used. The questionnaire was Hypothesis
designed with respect to impact of
This research is conducted to
celebrity and non-celebrity endorsed
determine the impact of celebrity
FMCG advertisement through online
and non-celebrity endorsed online
advertising on consumer buying
commercials and its influence
behavior. First part of questionnaire
on consumer for FMCG product
contained information regarding
categories. These measures will form
demographic profile of consumers.
the basis against which the following
Second part of questionnaire contained
hypotheses will be tested:
open ended and closed ended
questions, which were based on daily H0: There is no significant difference
2017 Tanuja Kaushik, Rashi Baliyan 35

in the consumer’s perception between H0: There is a no significant difference

celebrity endorsement andnon- in the consumer’s perception between
celebrity endorsement of Home care celebrity endorsement and non-
products in online commercials. celebrity endorsement of Food products
in online commercials.
H1: There is a significant difference
in the consumer’s perception between H3: There is a significant difference
celebrity endorsement and non- in the consumer’s perception between
celebrity endorsement of Home care celebrity endorsement and non-
products in online commercials. celebrity endorsement of Food products
in online commercials.
H0: There is no significant difference
in the consumer’s perception between H0: There is no significant difference
celebrity endorsement and non- in the consumer’s perception between
celebrity endorsement of Personal care celebrity endorsement and non-
products in online commercials. celebrity endorsement of Beverages in
online commercials.
H2: There is a significant difference
in the consumer’s perception between H4: There is a significant difference
celebrity endorsement and non- in the consumer’s perception between
celebrity endorsement of Personal care celebrity endorsement and non-
products in online commercials. celebrity endorsement of Beverages in
online commercials.

Table: 1Demographic profile of customer’s

Male 171 57%

Female 129 43%
Student 64 21.3%
Professional 30 10%
OCCUPATION Service/Job 88 29.3%
Business 38 12.6%
Housewife 80 26.6%
Married 185 61.7%
Unmarried 115 38.3%
<20,000 22 7.33%
20,001-30,000 102 34%
30,001-40,000 141 47%
40,001-50,000 35 11.6%
Less than an hour 19 6.33%
TIME SPENT ON 1-2 hour 144 48%
More than 2 hours 137 45.6%
36 Sona Global Management Review January - June

Data Interpretation (Table 1) Influence of Demographic factors on

customer perception
 Male are more influenced by
advertisements rather than female.
Demographic factors like age,
 Companies should keep in mind income, gender etc., greatly influence
the target customer and his/her the customer perception towards
mindset before choosing any buying decision of FMCG product.
celebrity to endorse the product Certain general questions had been
as maximum customers in FMCG included in the questionnaire about
products are either housewife or customer’s taste, preference towards
service class professional. celebrity and non-celebrity endorsed
 Married people are maximum users brand, quality, price of the product and
of FMCG products since there following conclusion has been drawn
daily needs are more as compared from it. Females are more influenced
to unmarried people. Advertising by celebrity endorsement especially
strategies should be made keeping in personal care segment products.
in mind this audience. Whereas males are least concerned
whether the product is endorsed by
 People having income within
celebrity or non-celebrity, they go
Rs.30,001- 40,000 are maximum
for the value of the product. Young
users of FMCG products. This
generation between the age group of
income group is more influenced
18-30 yrs is more influenced with
by celebrity’s credibility and
celebrity endorsement as they are
knowledge about the product as
attracted by factors like celebrity’s
they invest in the quality product.
physical attractiveness, celebrity’s
 Time duration spent on internet credibility. People who are above 30yrs
surfing among 300 respondents are, prefers more cost effective product.
137 (45.7%) spending more than Since the needs of a family as compared
two hour in a day while 144 (48%) to the bachelors are more so maximum
spending two to three hour. This buyers of FMCG goods are married
means that people spend quite a lot people and housewives. The corporate
of time on internet surfing and they people working in MNCs are also the
are more updated on social media maximum buyers of FMCG goods as
channels. So, marketing companies they prefer to buy FMCG product in
should focus more on networking bulk at starting of the month and their
with customers through social purchase is done generally from big
media sites. retailers like Big Bazaar etc. They focus
more on brand recall during the time
of purchase which sometimes goes
for celebrity endorsed product and
2017 Tanuja Kaushik, Rashi Baliyan 37

sometimes for non-celebrity endorsed is less influenced by celebrity and non-

product. Income also influences the celebrity endorsed advertisement.
customer perception. If the income of
a person is high, then his/her choice Factors on which test is conducted
of product would be influenced more (Both for celebrity and non-celebrity
by expensive brand/expensive product endorsement)
that too endorsed by celebrity and in  Credibility
case the income of a person is low, he/
 Attractiveness
she will buy the product keeping in
mind that the product will satisfy their  Expertise
their daily needs and here the decision  Believability and knowledge

Table: 2 Endorser type on FMCG advertisement and other dependable measures (Significance level: 0.05)

FMCG Product
Mean Z df SD P

Celebrity Endorsement 6.27 16.33 115 0.78 0.05

Home Care
Non-celebrity endorsement 5.18 15.44 -- --

Celebrity Endorsement 4.58 12.84 115 0.89 0.06

Personal Care
Non-celebrity endorsement 3.08 11.78 -- --

Celebrity endorsement 4.33 12.07 115 0.87 0.28

Non-celebrity endorsement 3.23 11.89 -- --

Celebrity endorsement 5.06 10.59 115 0.97 0.30

Non-celebrity endorsement 3.69 9.45 -- --

Data Interpretation (Table 2)

H1 - Household Care Category
Celebrity (M=6.27) and Non-celebrity (M=5.18), at p=0.05
Accept null hypothesis, reject alternative
38 Sona Global Management Review January - June

H2 - Personal care category celebrity (M=3.08), z=11.78 at

Celebrity (M=4.58) and Non-celebrity p<0.06 endorsed advertisement in
(M=3.08), at p=0.06. online commercials and there is no
significant difference in the consumer’s
Accept null hypothesis, reject
perception for FMCG product whether
it is endorsed by celebrity or non-
H3 - foods category celebrity. Here the decision is more
influenced by the necessity factor
Celebrity (M=4.33) and Non-celebrity
of the product that serves the basic
(M=3.23), at p=0.28
needs of the customer. The consumers
Reject null hypothesis, accept wants quality product, good services,
alternative easy availability of product and better
performance by the product at low
H4 - Beverages price in case of FMCG.
Celebrity (M=5.06) and Non-celebrity
endorsement (M=3.69) at p=0.30 The third hypothesis related
Reject null hypothesis, accept to foods, shows less difference as
alternative results indicated in table-2. Here
people are more particular about their
FINDINGS taste and health while buying any
food product and celebrity or non-
For testing first hypothesis,
celebrity advertisement only helps in
compared to the impact of celebrity &
brand recall. So, in this case alternate
Non-celebrity endorsed advertisements
hypothesis is accepted.
on Home care products, the result
is shows that respondents were not However in the hypothesis four -
able to differentiate between celebrity significantly, individual shows more
(M=6.27), z =16.33 and Non-celebrity favourable preferences in beverages
(M=5.18), z =15.44 at p<0.05 category towards celebrity endorsed
endorsed advertisement and there is advertisement (M=5.06), z=10.59 than
no major impact on buying behaviour those who viewed the advertisements
of consumer for FMCG product with non-celebrity endorsement (In
whether it is endorsed by celebrity or result: M=3.69; z=9.45, p<0.30).
non-celebrity. This result supports with research
of Roozen & Claeys (2010), they
In the second hypothesis related
pointed out that the use of attractive
to Personal care category, the result
non-celebrity endorsers could be
shows that respondents were not
as effective in influencing attitudes
able to differentiate between celebrity
and purchase behavior as the use of
(M=4.58), z=12.84 to those of non-
celebrity endorsers across different
2017 Tanuja Kaushik, Rashi Baliyan 39

products (Claeys, 2010). However for than non-celebrity endorsement,

technical products the expertise factor using celebrity increases acceptance
of the celebrity is a significantly more of endorsed brands rather than non-
important factor than the attractiveness celebrity endorsement. Celebrity
factor (Till and Busler, 1998, 2000; endorsed advertisement positively
Kamins, 1990; Bower and Landreth, influences consumers to purchase
2001). Non-Celebrity endorsements that brand. The results indicated that
in this study did not result in more each of the independent variables
favourable advertisement ratings and i.e. celebrity and non-celebrity’s
product evaluations as suggested by credibility, attractiveness, expertise,
others in earlier studies (Cooper, 1984; believability and knowledge affects the
Dean and Biswas, 2001). Nevertheless, consumers attitudes toward the online
what was surprising was that there commercial and their buying decision.
was a significant difference in the
response of the Celebrity endorsed CONCLUSION SPECIFICALLY
advertisement & Non-celebrity RELATED TO OBJECTIVES
endorsed advertisement in online Objective 1
commercial for FMCG products. The
significant difference occurred for the The customer’s perception about
Beverages, where the advertisement celebrity and non-celebrity is quite
with a celebrity scored significantly different for both aspects. Customer’s
higher. This suggests that even though generally prefers to buy products
the celebrity did not add weight on other endorsed by celebrity because they
behavioral or attitudinal variables, can recall that product easily while
it creates a strong positive attitude shopping and they trust the brand
towards the brand. For any income more. But, in case of non-celebrity
group, perception of Celebrity and endorsement they will be attracted to
Non-celebrity endorsement for FMCG the product if the advertisement has
products has a positive image. The touched the emotional sentiments
income is a good source of checking out of people like for example Nescafe
the behaviour of a customer. Celebrity (2015) advertisement in which a
endorsed advertisement captures the person hammers has got the maximum
consumer’s attention easily, Words of attention of public on social media
endorsement about a product from and television. So, consumers perceive
a favourite celebrity is accepted as a differently to both categories of
testimonial by the consumers, celebrity advertisement.
endorsed advertisement creates a long
lasting impact in the consumer’s mind,
using celebrity helps the customers to
make the buying decision easily rather
40 Sona Global Management Review January - June

Objective 2 (pepsodent) where expert opinion of

dentist is given rather than endorsement
The demographic factors like age,
through a celebrity. Also in case of
income and gender greatly impact
skin creams, soaps, shampoos, there
the influence of customer to make a
are certain advertisements like dove
choice between the product endorsed
that focus on giving knowledge to the
by celebrity and endorsed by non-
customer about the product through
celebrity. People of age group between
general public so that the customers
18-30yrs are more active and updated
can relate themselves more with the
on social media channels than those
product and ultimately will buy the
who are above 30yrs. Teenagers and
young people are more attracted by
celebrity endorsement. The income also
plays a major role in this. Professionals DISCUSSION
who are working in MNCs take fix Based on findings, it is concluded
budgets of their salary to be spent on that the celebrity advertisement has
FMCG products of their daily needs. greater impact on consumer perception
So they generally take value generated than non-celebrity advertisement.
products. They are aware of both It is proved earlier by McCracken
celebrity and non-celebrity endorsed that the non – celebrities are just
product but they prefer to make a cost transferring the message with their
effective decision. When it comes to age, gender and social status while the
gender, then females are more aware celebrities are conveying the message
of the different categories of products in a meaningful way which is more
but again when it comes to buying effective because the celebrities has
decision males are more influenced by already established a meaning outside
cost of product. the advertising world. Non-celebrity
persons have no surprising attributes
Objective 3 as the celebrity person contains.
In case of celebrity endorsement, According to the analysis the celebrity
celebrity’s credibility and advertisement was rated highest by
attractiveness influences more to a the respondents as compare to Non-
customer to go for buying an FMCG celebrity advertisement. The research
product. However, the expertise, was carried out using z test, mean,
believability and knowledge about the standard deviation and p-value. Both
product are more influential in case of the hypotheses related to home care
non-celebrity endorsed product. These and personal products are supported
factors are more prevalent in personal by findings and the results indicate
care segment like for example we have all variables,i.e. celebrity’s and non-
seen in advertisement of toothpaste celebrity’s-Credibility,Attractiveness,
2017 Tanuja Kaushik, Rashi Baliyan 41

Expertise,Believability and knowledge LIMITATIONS AND DIRECTIONS

has no significant difference in the FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
consumer’s perception between
As with any study, our research
celebrity endorsements and non-
is not without limitations. In this
celebrity endorsement of both
research the sample is taken through
categories of products in online
convenience random sampling method
commercials. Whereas in case of food
which is not so reliable. Also the
and beverages segment celebrity’s
sample size was limited. For further
and non-celebrity’s-Credibility,
studies this topic is attached with
Attractiveness, Expertise, Believability
brand equity. This research can be
and knowledge do have significant
done on broader scale by including
difference in the consumer’s perception
more categories of FMCG product and
between celebrity endorsements
taking brands into consideration.
and non - celebrity endorsement
of both categories of products in
online commercials. In all, celebrity REFERENCES
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TANUJA KAUSHIK is a Professor in the School of Management, G.D.Goenka

University, Gurgaon.

RASHI BALIYAN is a Research Scholar, G.D.Goenka University, Gurgaon.

Article received on 6.12.2016 | Article Accepted on 12.2.17

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