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Analyzing Harness Component Operations Page 1 of 2

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Concept: Analyzing Harness Component Operations

Analyzing Harness Component Operations
Once the connectors have been assembled, you can use the Fan Out and Flat Orient component operations.

• Fan Out – Places each flattened wire into its destination in the connector. You can also use Fan Out All
operation. With either of these operations, the “loose” wire end should jump to the nearby connector
coordinate system. The wire display as wavy, or loose, because they are longer than the neighboring

Figure 2 – Fanning Out Wires

If wire lengths are not adequate, those segments will not fan out. If this happens, you can use the
following options before trying the Fan Out operation again:
◦ Move the loose segments closer to the coordinate system location.

◦ Drag or edit the angle of the wires heading into the connector. The closer the angle is to 0
degrees, the easier the system can flatten the wires.

◦ Use the Fix Length option to increase wire lengths in the 3-D model and regenerate the flat
harness model.

If the wires still do not fan out, you can move the segment as close as possible to zero degrees. The
Fan Out operation is for visualization purposes only.

• Flat Orient – Enables you to change the orientation of any flat locations. You can toggle their
orientations between horizontal and vertical. In Figure 1, the flat location is oriented horizontally.

Figure 1 – Viewing Original Horizontal Flat Location 27-10-2017
Analyzing Harness Component Operations Page 2 of 2

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Figure 3 – Viewing Vertically Flat-Oriented Location

Flat locations do not need to be fanned out, and therefore are easier to work with in the flat
harness mode. 27-10-2017

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