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ALUNO (A): NÚMERO: DATA: /08/ 2019

ANO: 9º (A) / (B) / (C) / (D) TURNO: PROFESSOR (A): NOTA:

Read the text and answer:

1. According to the text:

a) The woman is happy that the year finished.
b) The man is improving health.
c) The man is going crazy with the woman.
d) The woman believes that the skin’s color of man attract luck.

2. The sum of the ingredients is:

a) 7/10.
b) 19/4.
c) 08/0.
d) 05/9.

Read the text:

3. The principal idea in the second paragraph is:

a) Cinderella.
b) The sisters.
c) The Prince.
d) The Party.

4. The layout of the text above is characteristic of:

a) A narration.
b) A dialogue.
c) A chat room.
d) Receptionism.

5. The use of the colon indicates:

a) A question.
b) A answer.
c) One speaks.
d) One smile.

Observe the picture:

6. The underlined word in the sentence:

“The new fragrance for men.” Can be replaced by:
a) Smell.
b) Taste.
c) Parfume.
d) Noise.

7. In the sentence: “God is our refuge and strength, and…” the underlined word refers to:

a) God.
b) All people.
c) Me.
d) Refuge.

8. A big party in the Brazil is known as:

a) Barbecue.
b) Soccer.
c) Forro.
d) Carnival.

9. In sentence of the text: “When things are tough they usually say "I'm Brazilian and I will never give up".”
The underlined word gives idea of:
a) Addition.
b) Conclusion.
c) Time.
d) Opposition.

10. The source of this text is:

a) Book.
b) Internet.
c) Magazine.
d) Newspaper.


11. What’s the humor in the comic strip ?

a) He is an American. b) He is a Brazilian. c) He doesn’t wear glasses. d) He doesn’t to speak in English.

12. In the sentence: “Ancients Greeks and Romans also played a game that resembled football - although
the Greeks permitted carrying of the ball.”. The underlined words are in:
a) Present.
b) Past continuous.
c) Past.
d) Future.
13. In the sentence: “Where does the word “soccer” come from ?” The use of the inverted commas (“”)
a) Emphasis.
b) Prohibitions.
c) Questions.
d) Advices.

14. The underlined word in the sentence: “The first 1 club was formed in England in 1857 and the Football
Association was founded six year later”. Indicates:
a) Conclusion.
b) Time.
c) Addition.
d) Repetition.

Read, the text is mixed:

1- Peter is twenty-three, and Helen is twenty-one. She’s in university. Helen is very intelligent, but her brother
isn’t. He hates school.
2 - They are young, tall, and good looking. Their parents are rich.
3 - A nice family 4 - Peter Confessor is an athlete. He’s a boxer. Helen Confessor is his sister. She’s very
beautiful. In fact, she’s Miss Universe.
5- Their father, Juan, is fifty-five, and their mother, Margarida, is forty-three.

15. What’s the correct sequence ?

a) 5- 2- 1- 3- 4.
b) 3- 4- 2- 5- 1.
c) 3- 4- 1- 5- 2.
d) 5- 2- 1- 3- 4.

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