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1. He could not go home, _____ he had no place to go.

a. or c. for
b. nor d. finally
2. I took a taxi , __________ she drove home.
a. and c. for
b. or d. nor
3. He didn't want help, _______ did he ask for it.
a. But c. yet
b. Nor d. and
4. I wanted to arrive late, _________ she wanted to go on time.
a. But c. and
b. For d. so
5. She cooked dinner, _____ he took her out to a restaurant.
a. Nor c. or
b. Because d. for
6. She owned a car, ______ she didn't know how to drive it.
a. For c. so
b. Nor d. yet
7. She had to go, _______ she called a friend to drive her.
a. And c. nor
b. So d. but
8. I ate 5 slices of pizza yesterday, _____ Mary didn't eat any.
a. Yet c. or
b. But d. nor
9. He is gambling with his health, _____ he has been smoking far too long.
a. Nor c. but
b. Or d. for
10. I do not want to eat a salad, ______ to be hungry
a. Nor c. so
b. For d. but

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