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Name: Josselyn Pérez Cabrera



After watching the video "Google the best place to work, use at least 3 zero conditional sentences
(bold or underline them) to answer the following questions:

1. In your opinion, what do you expect from employees who work for Google?

In my opinion, employers in general hire people who can contribute to the growth of the company.
In the specific case of Google, I believe that each employee is looking for the highest efficiency, that
each one reaches excellence in the position they hold, and for this the key is to have a positive
attitude, since it is necessary to always have present that: If my contribution is small, I must carry
it out effectively. and If I have a great contribution in the company, I must carry it out effectively.
For any company, its main resource is its professionals, however, in many cases companies ignore
the value that their employees bring to the business. For any company, its main resource is its
professionals, but in many cases companies ignore the value that their employees contribute to the
business, however, this is not the case of google, since they have healthy and varied breakfasts and
meals - and , of course, for free - and they can dine there if they stay working late, the bosses give
the workers some cards that can be exchanged for one hour of massage (which can be given in the
office) if they consider that they have done a good job, If a Google employee dies while he is
working, his spouse receives a death payment. And, as if that were not enough, during the next ten
years he will receive half of the salary that his partner received and a thousand dollars a month for
each one of them. their children. So Google is one of the companies where many people, especially
in the sector of the technology industry, would like to work. Not only for the avant-garde offices,
also because the employees enjoy all kinds of advantages and privileges.

2. Why do think Google created the Googleplex?

If we could define Google in a single word, I think that word would be Googleplex, this is the center
of operations of the company based in Mountain View, California. In this building all the advances
of the company have been born, here the work done by the association of these two geniuses called
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, ex-doctoral students in Computer Science of the Stanford University, is
condensed to create the most famous search engine in history, here was made the purchase of
YouTube in 2006 and probably here is what comes to us in the future of Google, a company that
does not stop surprising every day.
But what is special about Googleplex that makes it a building so famous and desired by all that
computin with a dreamy mind as the ideal place to work? Maybe it's good to clarify that there are
offices of the big G distributed all over the world, but like Googleplex there is none. Googleplex is a
complex - hence the name, Google + complex, Googleplex - of more than 20 buildings, where the
employees of the company or "Googlers" live and where everything that we know about the
company is developed and maintained, from the maintenance of the search servers and other
services, until the daily creation of the famous "doodles", those drawings that change regularly on
the main page of the search engine.

3. Do you think it's a good idea to apply the Googleplex culture on ecuadorian companies?
Why or why not?

The Googleplex culture seemingly wastes many of its resources in the well-being of its employees.
Restaurants with high quality and free organic food - perhaps the best in the Silicon Valley, the
technological area of the United States -, gyms, swimming pools, recreational areas and games are
just some of the interesting places of Googleplex, the Google office complex. But, beyond the
anecdotal of these special benefits for employees, Googleplex is a latent reflection that the culture
of Google is different from that of a large corporation. With informal elements similar to those of a
small and nascent company, but applied with a large budget, a very particular style and clear
objectives: hire and retain the highest quality staff, and provide the best possible conditions for it
to be productive and creative. The googlers are as passionate about their work as they are about
their lives. For this reason and maintaining the family culture with which Page and Brin started, the
company spares no expense when it comes to continuing the tradition and providing its
collaborators with all the tools to feel at home and bring that spirit and happiness to their homes.
For these reasons, if the best results of the employees are wanted, this culture should be applied.

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