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Miss Forgetful

I have a best friend. We are like sister. Her name is Luna. Luna has a young sister, her
name is Dian. Luna is a beautiful girl. She also has slim and tall body. But, Luna is
easy to forget something or someone. Dian is a big girl and she has tall body too. And
I have thin body, maybe. I like Dian, because Dian is funny. I asked Luna to invite her
young sister if we met. We agreed that we would meet in the City Park. The City Park
had many flowers and trees which make us fresh if we were there.

I came to the Park when Luna was phoning with panic face via her hand phone.
“Hey chick, what’s up?” I was walking toward her. “Luna, where is Dian?” I added.
“Dian? OMG! Hey, Dian had lost!” she cried out.
“Are you crazy?” I said.
“I forgot. I left her. No.. no.. I guess she followed me.” She started to cry.
“Do you know? Dian don’t know this way.” I started to be angry. Luna really cried
loudly. “Well, let’s find her!” I tried to make her stay calm.

Luna and I looked for Dian. I felt very mistake. I didn’t know why I felt it. In the
clear, I had this plan inviting Dian to this Park. So, I was fear because Luna said that
her father is a ‘killer man’. Okay, but I had to responsible it.

“Dian.. where are you?” Luna and I cried out. But, nothing noise.

I looked at all the Park but there was not Dian. Luna tried to ask all person who
through in the Park, but they didn’t see Dian.
“Luna, why don’t you phone your mother? But please, don’t call your father, ok?” I
worried if Luna’s father knew that Dian had lost, he will forbidden me to hang out
with Luna and her sister.
“You are right! That is good idea.” Luna smiled.
Luna tried to call her mother. But, nothing answered. Luna felt shock and started to
cried again.
“Ririn.. I don’t know what should I do! I guess my father will kill me.” She cried out
again and made the people around us started to look at curiously.

Suddenly, someone was coming to us.

“Luna? What happened?” said old woman who came to us just now.
“Mrs. Sastro? What are you doing here?” said Luna.
“I will go to the Market. Why are you so sad?” said Mrs. Sastro curiously. She is
Luna’s neighbor.
“Oh… I feel sad because Dian had lost!”
“What? Are you joking, Luna?” said Mrs. Sastro peculiarly.
“I am serious!” Now all people really come to us.

“Dian is in my house, she is playing with my daughter.” Mrs. Sastro explained to us.
“In the morning, you accompanied Dian to my house, right Luna?” She added.
“Oh My God! Right! You are right Mrs. Sastro! Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry… I
forgot!” Luna was shame.
“Huuu!!!” cried out the people while laugh Luna.
“Luna… Luna… you are Miss forgetful!” Cried out me.
Luna just say, “peace my pal.”


1. Why did dian disappear ?

2. Why did Luna leave Dian ?

3. Where was found ?

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