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Genius hour

By: Jhoan Adames

Who made basketball/NBA?

It was made by James Naismith, he

created basketball in springfield college
the reason why James created basketball
because in his college they needed a
indoor sport because outside was very
cold. The NBA was made on: June
6,1946,New York,New York .
What are the steps to become a basketball

The first step is play basketball at a young age and being on school
teams,2nd step is Attend to be a star in your high school basketball
Team, 3rd Step u always need to have when you are in an elementary
school, middle school,high school,and college Is always to keep your
grade up if not then you will not be apart of a team. 4th Step is when
you are going to college many colleges will give you a scholarship to a
free college were you don’t need to pay for a college the whole year.
5th and Last step step is play Basketball at a college level Because
you want the nba to see how you play and can get you drafted.
How much people actually Watch the nba

The nba Finals are so important because we see which

team has played the best every season and many
people love to watch the finals the number of people
that watch the nba finals is 20.2million people watch
the nba finals.
Now we can present our game
Sky Shot

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