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 Refers to something that causes heat production. Taking a thermogenic agent will speed up the
metabolism, raise core body temperature, and accelerate fat mobilization.
 Example- White willow extract, Tyramine

 Lipotropic agent.
Substances which prevent fatty buildup in the liver and help the body metabolize fat more
 Example- Carnitine
 Diuretic
 A substance which causes loss of water retention.
 Example- Dandilion

Hormone Regulators
 Regulate thyroid and cortisols.
 Cortisols, a stress hormone, increases lypogenisis and appetite, as well as catabolism.
 Thyroid increases BMR, increases protien synthesis.

Thyroid Regulators
 Substances which increase T4 and T3 hormone production and conversion of T4 to T3.
 Example- guggulsterone.
 Cortisol Blockers
 Cortisols are stress hormones which cause catabolism, and lypogenesis.
 Example- Ginseng

Testosterone Boosters
 When on a very strict and low calorie diet, the body shifts form anabolism to catabolism, which
in turn causes muscle loss and fat retention.
 Testosterone boosters help in regulating the anabolic to catabolic ratio of hormones in the favor
of anabolism.
 Example- Chrysin, Colostrum

Substances that increase neurotransmition efficiency. Used for increased focus and concentration.
Example- Caffine.

Fat Blockers
 Stop fat from being absorbed in the body. Not recommended as they interfere with
absorption of fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K.
 Side effects include flatulence, bloating and, most famously, what is euphemistically
referred to as "anal leakage“, or in other words, loose motions.
 Gets ineffective after a year.
 Chitosan and orlistat are key ingredients.

Carb Blockes
• Carb Blockers work by inhibiting the metabolism of carbohydrates into stored fat.
• No clinical studies performed by the mainstream medical and research communities to
suggest that they work in the long-term.
• The critical ingredient of these products is called phaselous vulgaris, an extract from the
northern white kidney bean. The extract interferes with an enzyme in the body called
alpha-amylase that breaks down carbohydrates into glucose. Instead of carbohydrates
being broken down and turning to fat, the carbs are excreted from the body before they
can enter the bloodstream.
• Manufacturers of carb inhibitors list side effects such as gastrointestinal distress,
heartburn, excessive gas and diarrhea.
• Example- Chitosan

Caffeine Anhydrous
Acts as a stimulant and mild diuretic . Binds adenosine receptors , increases metabolic activity.
A stimulant considered safe.
Proven to work .
Body adapts.
May cause jitters and bowel movements.

An amino acid like substance produced in the body. Found in multiple forms like L-Carnitine, Acetyl-L
Carnitine.Helps to shuttle long chains of fatty acids into the Mitochondria of the cell, enableing greater
fat oxidization.
Very safe
Gives a boost in the energy.
The body can produce it, except when on extreamely low calorie diets.

A fibrous material extracted from shells of crustatians. It binds with carbohydrates and fats in the
intestines and blocks their absorption.
Helps for people who find sticking to a low carb/fat diet hard.
Dr. Judy Stern, cofounder of the American Obesity Association and professor at the University of
California looked into chitosan and arrived at the conclusion that chitosan actually has no fat binding
abilities but did seem to have an effect on raising the “good” HDL cholesterol levels.
Even if it does, the absorption of fat soluble is affected.

A potent thermogenic stimulant extracted from the herb, Ma Huang. Uses a different pathway
than caffeine .
Proven to work.
Resposeible for more than 50 fatalities in the US alone.

Green Tea Extract-

Powerful anti oxidant. Contains caffeine .

Safe to use, cheap.

Results based on short term studies.
Very little difference in actual calorie expenditure.

Guarana seeds
A stimulating and appetite suppressing seed. Shown to reduce fat cell size with cronic consumption,
along with CLA.
Five times as much caffeine as coffee.
May cause jitters, due to caffeine.

Derived from an Indian Herb known as Ashwa Gandha in Indian Ayurveda.
Stimulates thyroid hormone.
Shown to reduce the over-all blood cholesterol levels, and increase HDL.
Still contravertial as to usefulness with regards to weight loss.

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