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m a t i ng.

T hi s st re ss wa s s o s ev er e t h a t ei ght of 2 2 s ow s
suffered heat death during the experiment, yet embryonic
survival was reduced only in sows exposed to the hot envi
ronment beginning on day I (Table 9.41). Again, hot
weather had a deleterious effect on sow reproduction very
soon after mating.
Results of the experiments just reviewed, together
with those reported by others, lead to the conclusion that
beat stress before and at the time of mating reduces the
intensity of estrous behavior, but does not reduce ovulation
rate, and that heat stress during the two weeks following
mating reduces eat ly embryonic surviva l.

Effects of late gestation

and after parturition

There seem to be detrimental effects of heat stress

on the sow's reproductive efficiency when it occurs in late

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