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on one, two, three, or four successive days.

Amounts of
sperm abnormality and heat treatment were directly re -
laird, and ram fertility followed the same pattern (Table
Allev ia t ing h eat st re ss. M et ho ds o f al leviat ing
heat-stress effects on the ram's reproductive processes
include providing cool quarters and shearing In Kentucky
(Table 9.21), rams were held all the time either in a room at
8 ° C or in one where maximum daily temperature during a
four-month period averaged about 30 °C. Photoperiod was
natural in both rooms. Rains entered the experimental
environments on 2 June, and the breeding period lasted
from 22 August to 2S September. Semen quality and fetid ity
were much higher for rams kept in cool quarters. Estimated
embryonic death loss was lower in ewes matedd with cooled
tams. The several-fold improvement in lambing
percentage was apparently due to keeping only the ran
cool; the ewes were in essentially the same environment
as the uncoated rams.

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