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ARH 314 and 315 Terminology

All definitions are reproduced from the required course textbook:

Trachtenberg, Marvin and Isabell Hyman, Architecture, From Prehistory to
Postmodernity: the Western tradition, 2nd Ed., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall;
New York: H.N. Abrams, 2002

At the top of a capital, a thick rectangular slab
of stone that serves as the flat, broad surface
on which the architrave rests. Image courtesy of
Heather Russel

A plant of the Mediterranean region whose
serrated leaves were copied in stone to
ornament Corinthian and Composite capitals;
used also to decorate moldings and
friezes. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A framing motif consisting of an entablature and
pediment supported by two columns. Image
courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A passage or corridor parallel to the nave of a
church or an ancient basilica and separated
from it by columns or piers. Image courtesy of Gayle
Goudy Kochanski
A table like structure for the celebration of the
Sacraments in a Christian building; for sacrifice
or offerings in antiquity. Image courtesy of Gretchen

A semicircular or polygonal passageway around
the apse of a church. Image courtesy of Gretchen

A semicircular, polygonal, or rectangular
extension at the end of a Roman basilica or a
Christian church. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

In Classical temples, the pilaster like projecting
end of a portico wall often framing columns,
which are then said to be in antis Image courtesy of
Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A series of arches supported on piers or
columns. A "blind" arcade is a row of arches
applied to the wall as an ornamental
feature. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski
A structural devise, curved in shape, to span an
opening by means of wedge-shaped bricks or
stones (voussoirs) that support each other by
exerting mutual pressure and that are
buttressed at the sides. Image courtesy of Gayle
Goudy Kochanski

A square beam that is the lowest of the three
horizontal components of a Classical
entablature.Image courtesy of Heather Russell

A molded band carried around an arch. Image
courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

Any form of construction using arches. Image
courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

Building stone that has been squared and
finished, and the masonry constructed of such
blocks. Courtesy of Heather Russell
Barrel Vault
A half-cylindrical vault, semicircular or pointed
in cross section; also called tunnel vault. Image
courtesy of Heather Russell

A vertical compartment of a building in which
several such compartments are repeated; each
bay mignt be defined by columns, piers,
windows, or vaulting units. Michelangelo Museo
Capitolino is divided into 7 bays by
pilasters.Image courtesy of Phil Gruen

In ancient Roman architecture, a large
rectangular building used as a tribunal or for
other public purposes and generally arranged
with nave, aisles, and one or more apses. In
Christian architecture, a longitudinal church of
related form. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

Sculpted ornament of joints, found primarily in
vaults. Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

A projecting mass of masonry serving to provide
additional strength for the wall as it resists the
lateral thrust exerted by an arch or vault. Plying
Buttress: in a church, a buttress in the form of
an arch, or set of arches, that carries the thrust
of a nave vault over the side aisle roofs down to
a massive external pier. Image courtesy of Gretchen
The uppermost part of a column, usually shaped
to articulate the joint with the lintel or arch
supported; in Classical types, comprising an
abacus, echinus, and other carved detail.Image
courtesy of Heather Russell

A sculpted female figure used as a support in
place of a column or pier. Image courtesy of Heather

The body and main sanctuary of a Classical
temple, as distinct from its portico and other
external parts; sometimes used synonymously
with naos, the principal room of a temple where
the cult statue is housed. Image courtesy of Gayle
Goudy Kochanski

Temporary wooden framework used to hold
construction material in place until a vault or
arch is self-sustaining. Image courtesy of Gail Gould

The eastern portion of a church set apart for the
clergy, and often separated from the main body
of the church by a screen, rail, or steps. The
term is also used to describe the entire east end
of a church beyond the crossing. Image courtesy of
Gretchen Ranger
A French term used to describe the developed
east end of a church, usually a French Gothic
cathedral, with its apse, ambulatory, and
radiating chapels. Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

The part of a church, generally located toward
or in the apse, reserved for clergy and singers.
(This photograph was taken looking down the
nave toward the apse. The choir screen is
highlighted, which is just beyond the
transept.)Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

A part of a building that rises above adjoining
roof-tops and is pierced by window openings to
admit light to the interior. Image courtesy of
Gretchen Ranger

An open square court surrounded by a covered
ambulatory, often archaded. It is generally
attached to a church or monastery and is
distinguished from a secular courtyard by its
function as a lace of seclusion and repose.Image
courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

Recessed panels, square or polygonal, that
ornament a vault, ceiling, or the underside
(soffit) of an arch. Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger
A small or greately attenuated, slender
column.Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

Colossal/Giant Order
Columns or pilasters that rise through several
stories; also called a Giant Order. Image courtesy
of Phil Gruen

A vertical, usually cylindrical, support,
commonly consisting of a base, shaft, and
capital; in Classical archtecture, its parts are
governed by proportional rules. Image courtesy of
Heather Russell

Composite Order
One of the five Classical orders; favored in late
Roman architecture. On the capital, large
conjoined Ionic volutes are combined with the
acanthus leaves of the Corinthian order. Image
courtesy of Gail Gould

Compound Pier
A pier with columns, shafts, and pilaters
attached, sometimes in clusters, to its
faces.Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski
A masonry block projecting from a wall to
support a superincumbent element. Image
courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

Corbeled Arch
Masonry constructed over a wall opening by a
series of courses projecting from each side and
stepped progressively further forward until they
meet at midpoint; not a true arch.

Corinthian Order
The most richly embellished of the thre orders
(Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian) developed by the
Greeks, with a tall capital composed of a bell-
shaped core (kalathoss) envelped by layers of
acanthus leaves terminating in the corner
volutes, surmounted by concave-sided
abacus.Image courtesy of Gail Gould

The uppermost, projecting portion of an
entablature; also the crowing horizontal molding
of a building or wall. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

The area where the nave and transept intersect
in a cruciform church, frequently surmounted by
a tower or dome.
(This tower is over the crossing). Image courtesy of
Gail Gould
A vaulted space beneath the pavement of a
church, often housing relics or tombs.

Diaphragm Arch
A transverse arch across the nave of a church
partitioning the roof into sections. Image courtesy
of Gretchen Ranger

Referring to a temple surrounded by a double
range of columns. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy

Distyle in Antis
In a Classical temple referring to a portico with
two columns between piers (antae) projecting
from the cella walls. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy

A curved vault that is erected on a circular base
and that is semicircular, pointed, or bulbous in
section. If raised over a square or polygonal
base transitional squinches or pendentives must
be inserted at the corners of the base to
transform it into a near circle. Image courtesy of
Gayle Goudy Kochanski
Doric Order
The column and entablature developed on
mainland Greece; the fluted columnar shaft is
without a base; its capital is an abacus above a
simple cushionlike molding (echinus). The
entablature has a plain architrave, a frieze
composd of metopes and triglyphs, and a
cornice with projecting blocks (mutules). In
Roman Doric, the colun is slimmer than the
Greek prototype, is unfluted, and stands on a
low base; the capital is smaller. Image courtesy of
Heather Russell

1. The cylindrical or polygonal wall supporting a
dome. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

2. One of the cylindrical sections comprsing the

shaft of a column. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

Dry Masonry
Masonry laid without mortar. Image courtesy of
Heather Russell

A convex, cushion like molding between the
shaft and the abacus in the Doric or Tuscan
order; in an Ionic capital, found beneath the
volutes, generally in decorated form. Image
courtesy of Heather Russel
Engaged Column
A column attached to or appearing to be partly
embedded wthin a wall. Images courtesy of Heather
Russell (left) and Gayle Goudy Kochanski (right)

The upper part of a Classical order comprising
architrave, frieze, and cornice. Image courtesy of
Heather Russell

The slight swelling of the vertical profile of a
Classical column as it tapers toward the top to
counteract the illusion of concavity that
accompanies straight-sided columns. (orange
lines exaggerated) Image courtesy of Heather Russell

A semicircular recess or niche; a large
apse.Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

The upper surface of an arch or vault. Image
courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski
The principal exterior face of a building, usually
the front. Image courtesy of Phil Gruen

The shallow concave channels cut vertically into
the shaft of a column or pilaster. In Doric
columns, they meet in a sharp edge (arris); in
Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite columns, they
are separated by a narrow strip.
Image courtesy of Heather Russell

A horizontal band, sometimes painted or
decorated with sulpture or moldings. It may run
along the upper portion of a wall just beneath a
cornice or it may be that part of a classical
entablature that lies between the architrave and
cornice. A Doric frieze often has continuous
relief sculpture. Image courstesy of Heather Russel

A triangular element. It may be the end of a
pitched roof framed by the sloping sides. It also
refers to the top of a Gothic panel, or to the
triangular area above the portals of a Gothic
building. Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

An upper story projecting from the interior wall
of a building, or placed above the aisles of a
church. It may function as a corridor or as an
area for assembly or seating. Image courtesy of Gail
Groin Vault
A vault formed when two barrel vaults of
identical size intersect at right angles (also
called a cross vault). Image courtesy of Gail Gould

Hall Church
A church in which the nave and aisles are the
same height, giving the building the appearace
of a great hall.

In a pier, the projecting molding at the
springing of an arch. A rectangular impost block
transmits the weight of an arch to a supporting
member; it may appear between the capital of a
column and the springing of an arch. Image
courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

In Antis
The term used to describe columns placed
between the ends of two walls, commonly
projecting from the ends of the cella of a small
Greek Temple. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy

The undersurface (as opposed to extrados) of
an arch (or vault); also called a soffit. Image
courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski
The space between adjacent colunms in a
colonnade, frequently determined by some
multiple of the diameter of the column
itself.Image courtesy of Heather Russell

Ionic Order
One of the five Classical Orders, the Ionic is
characterized by a scroll-shaped (voluted)
capital element, the presence of dentils in the
cornice, and a frieze that mighta contain
continuous relief ornament. Image courtesy of
Gretchen Ranger

The central voussoir at the top of a completed
arch. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

Lancet Window
A tall, slender window with a sharply pointed
arch (like a lance), common in early Gothic
architecture. Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

A cylindrical or polygonal structure that crowns
a dome, its base usually open to allow light to
enter the area below. Image courtesy of Gretchen
An arcade supported by piers or coluns, open on
one side at least; either part of a building (as a
porch) or a separate structure. Image courtesy of
Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A semicircular wall area, or opening, above a
door or window; when above the portal of a
church, often called a tympanum. Image courtesy
of Gretchen Ranger

A struction, oftenof central plan, erectred on a
site sacred to Christianity, symbolizing an act of
martydom or marking the grave of a martyr
who died for the faith.

The principal hall of an Aegean dwelling, oblong
in shape and formed with sloping sides and a
flat top, with a passage leading to an
underground burial chamber.

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Melon Dome/Umbrella Dome

A dome subdivided into individual concave
webs; sometimes called an umbrella
dome. Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger
In the frieze of a Doric order, the rectangular
area between tryglyphs; often left plain but
sometimes decorated with relief ornament.Image
courtesy of Heather Russell

A sculpted, ornamental band, carved with a
distinctive profile or pattern; highly developed
in Classical architecture. Image courtesy of Heather

A slender upright dividing an opening, usually a
window, into two or more sections. Image courtesy
of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

The principal enclosed area of a Greek temple,
containing the cult statue of god or
goddess.Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A colonnaded porch in front of the facade of a
church, in early Chrisian architectue often
serving as the fourth side of an atrium; also a
transverse vestibule preceding the church nave
and aisles. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski
The central, longitudinal space of a basilican
church, separated from the aisles or from side
chaples, and extending from the main entrance
to the transept or to the apse. Image courtesy of
Gretchen Ranger

A concave recess in a wall, often used to house
statuary. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

A round window. Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

The room at the rear of a Greek temple, behind
the naos. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A system for the forms and relationship of
elements in the column and entablature of
Classical architecture according to one of five
modes: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian (developed by
the Greeks), and Tuscan and Composite
(developed by the Romans).
Palladian Motif/Serliana
A triple opening formed by a central
semicircular arch springing from the entablature
of narrower flanking square-headed bays, used
by architect Andrea Palladio. Also known as a
Serliana because it was first illustrated in the
architecture treatise of 1537 by Sebastiano
Serlio. Image courtesy of Gail Gould

A low wall for protection at the edge of a
balcony, terrace, roof, bridge, etc. Image courtesy
of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A supporting substructure for a column or
statue.Image courtesy of Heather Russell

A triangular space formed by the raking
cornices (sloping sides) and horizontal cornice
of a gabled temple; also used above a door or
window. If the apex or base is split, the
pediment is described as broken. Image courtesy of
Heather Russell

An inverted, concave, triangular piece of
masonry serving as the transition from a square
support system to the circular base of a
dome.Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger
Pertaining to a building surrounded by a row of
columns on all sides. Image courtesy of Heather

Piano Nobile
The principal reception and living area in an
Italian palace, the first floor above the
ground.Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

The Italian term for a city square. Image courtesy
of Phil Gruen

A massive vertical support often rectangular in
plan and therefore differing from a column,
sometimes having its own capital and base.
When combined with pilasters, columns, or
shafts, it is called a compound pier. Its
proportions are far more variable than a
Classical column. Pier is also the term used for
the solid mass between windows, doors, and
arches.Image courtesy of Heather Russell

A column is flattened, rectangular shape,
projecting slightly form the face of the
wall.Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski
A generally square block forming the
bottommost element of a column base; or the
projecting lowest portion of a wall. Image courtesy
of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A massive platform on which an Etruscan,
Roman, or other ancient building was
sometimes placed. Image courtesy of Gail Gould

An open, colonnaded, roofed space serving as a
porch before the entrance to a building. Image
courtesy of Gail Gould

Post and Lintel

A system of construction in which two or more
uprights support a horizontal beam; also called
trabeated. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

The porch in font of the cella of a Greek or
Roman temple formed by the projection of the
side walls and a range of columns between the
projections. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski
In ancient Egyptian architecture, the sloping,
tower-like walls flanking the entrance to a
temple. Image courtesy of Phil Gruen

Large stone or block laid at the corner of a
building (or at an opening) used either for
reinforcement of the angle or for
ornament.Image courtesy of Gail Gould

The facing of a surface, usually a wall, with
stone for ornamentation or protection.
(Notice how the ornamental revetment is only
on the facade and does not continue on the side
surfaces.) Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger

A slender, projecting arched member of a vault,
used to facilitate its construction, reinforce its
structure, or articulate its form in varying ways
in Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic, Gothic, and
Baroque architecture. Image courtesy of Gretchen

Rib Vault
An arched ceiling or roof supported or reinforced
by ribs. Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger
Masonry with massive, strongly textured or
rough-hew blocks and sharply sunk joints,
distinguished form smooth ashlar. Image courtesy
of Phil Gruen

A concave molding used as the intermediate
part of a base. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

The cylindrical body of a column between capital
and base. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

The triangular area between adjoining arches,
or the triangualr area next to a single
arch. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A tall pointed termination of a tower or
roof.Image courtesy of Gretchen Ranger
The widening of windows, doorways, and other
openings by slanting the sides.

The point from which an arch or vault springs or
rises from its supports. Image courtesy of Gayle
Goudy Kochanski

A small arch, or sometimes a lintel, thrown
across the angle of a square or polygon to make
them more nearly round and thus able to
recieve the circular base of a dome. Image
courtesy of Gail Gould

A continuous, projecting horizontal course of
masonry, ususally molded, running along, the
surface of a wall, to mark an architectural
subdivision. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

The continuous platform of masonry on which a
colonnade rests; the uppermost level of the
stepped base (crepidoma) of a Greek
temple.Image courtesy of Heather Russell
The outward force exerted by an arch or
vault.Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A large convex molding found principally at the
base of a column. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

An architectural system using a horizontal beam
over supports, as opposed to an arched or
arcuated system; synonymous with post and
lintel. Image courtesy of Heather Russell

Ornamental intersecting stonework in Gothic
windows, panels, and screen of Gothic
buildings; also used on the surface of late
Gothic vaults. Varied techniques and patterns
are given names such as plate tracery (built up
in corsed layers like the framing walls), bar
tracery (constructed of complex fragments of
the total pattern), flowing tracery (seemingly
freehand, curvilinear design, though compass
drawn), etc. Image courtesy of Gail Gould

In a basilican church, the arm that crosses the
nave at right angles, usually separating it from
the apse; twin transept arms may also project
from the nave without interrupting it.
An arcaded wall passage in a Gothic nave wall,
between the clerestory and the main arcade in a
three-story elevation; in a four-story elevation,
it appears between the gallery and the
clerstory.Image courtesy of Gail Gould

In a Doric frieze, the projecting block marked by
vertical grooves (glyphs) between the
rectangular areas known as metopes Image
courtesy of Heather Russell

An arched ceiling or roof made of stone, brick,
or concrete (cf. barrel vault, fan vault). Image
courtesy of Heather Russell

Ornament in the form of a spiral scroll, and the
principal feature of the Ionic capital. Image
courtesy of Gayle Goudy Kochanski

A wedge-shaped stone used in the construction
of an arch or vault. Image courtesy of Gayle Goudy
In a Carolingian or Romanesque church, the
towerlike west end, often containing an
entrance vestibule surmounted by a large room
open to the nave. Image courtesy of Gail Gould

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