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Preservice teacher Professional Experience Course Date

Tia Langston 27/5/19

Feedback by (insert name & role) Lesson/learning experience

Stephanie Hansen (TRT) Mathematics – decimals kahoot

Observation focus (standards/target): Observation context

1.5, 3.2, 3.3, 4.2 Year 5 class

What went well? (link to APST graduate level where appropriate)

• Good choice of lesson – kahoot was a fun activity and the students thoroughly enjoyed it.
• 3.3 – great strategy used to test students knowledge part way through the unit without the tension
of a standardised test.
• 1.5 – good choice of task that includes those students who struggle with pen and paper tasks – IPads
are more engaging for students at this year level.
• Good effort with adapting to the situation of the internet cutting out for half of the students part
way in.

Areas for improvement: (link to APST graduate level where appropriate)

• Make sure to check that all students are paying attention and focussed.
• Next time ensure to regulate the noise levels – students were having aloud discussions.
• Maybe check the internet connections prior to the class using the iPads – due to network errors
happening half way through.

Feedback provider sign/date: Stephanie Hansen 27/05/19

Pre-service teacher sign/date: Tia Langston 27/05/19

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