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Preservice teacher Professional Experience Course Date

Tia Langston 3/6/19

Feedback by (insert name & role) Lesson/learning experience

Lynette Kaeding - Teacher English Poetry Haiku

Observation focus (standards/target): Observation context

1.5, 3.2, 3.3, 4.2 Year 5 class

What went well? (link to APST graduate level where appropriate)

 Settled students quickly – transitioned from guided reading to sitting on the floor with healthy
 Explicit instructions for writing Haiku.
 Exemplars given well and discussed.
 Circle made to make a group Haiku – very engaging and fun and was a good opportunity for
students to practice counted syllables in a supported way – also useful for students to hear ideas
from one another.
 Good checking in with students – circulating during the lesson.
 Opportunity to share at the end of the lesson was good, but due to hallway noise harder to hear
students – perhaps next time gather students close so that they can really listen to one another.
 1.5 – scaffolded for students who needed it. Verbal poetry was a great choice for the students who
struggle with writing their ideas on paper.
 Good scaffolding with a student – writing while she spoke to get her ideas on the page.
 3.3 – Great use of teaching strategy to model poetry for students to gain motivation and creative
topic ideas for their own poem.

Areas for improvement: (link to APST graduate level where appropriate)

 Whilst group poetry construction was a good idea, one round may have been a better idea as
students were not able to maintain focus for the whole time

Feedback provider sign/date: Lynette Kaeding 3/6/19

Pre-service teacher sign/date: Tia Langston 3/6/19

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