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Preservice teacher Professional Experience Course Date

Tia Langston 6/6/19

Feedback by (insert name & role) Lesson/learning experience

Lynette Kaeding Teacher Maths – mental and decimals

Observation focus (standards/target): Observation context

2.3, 3.2, 5.1 Year 5 class

What went well? (link to APST graduate level where appropriate)

 Students came in from recess and settled promptly into mental maths
 You circulated well to ensure that everyone was on task and receiving help in a timely manner
 Mental math marking was quick and efficient
 You prepared students well for the brief math test
 Good discussion of test requirement expectations – no looking at other student’s test, silent work,
when students finish they must turn their test sheet over and silently read.
 Efficiently reminded students that it was a pre-test so they needed to try hard but not be concerned
with the scores as this was to determine their prior knowledge and where to begin the unit.
 Good transition to preparing to go to the computer room

Areas for improvement: (link to APST graduate level where appropriate)

Feedback provider sign/date Pre-service teacher sign/date

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