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Why Da Wolees Howl? « Lot NowICnON Ay ST Recording Form auger de Yn James reoher Lucy Quinlan Recording Forms [semen rss oe Recording Form ee 55 Wein} ‘Accuracy Part One: Oral Reading = Sel-Coecton a Place the book in front of the student. Read the ttle and introduction, nee ft Introduction: Some people have misconceptions ebout wolves and their howls. Read to Compretersion J {ind out about the many types of howis andthe reasons foreach of them. | ting Sources oniormation Used se]? = Why Do Wolves Howi? Level T, RW: 209, E: 12 | é vim|s[v| z 1 Stttine __ min. __see. a : t | 44 If, wolves were concerned about improving | q their "big, bad” reputation, they might start | | i tiff | lid i by stifling Dheir howls. To humans ears, a wolt's (' 7 : | howl is a bone-chilling sound. But to wolves, a | : howl can simply mean “hello”. A howl can also i 5 | é be a raliying cry, a warning or a call for help. E exit ! < i Many misconceptions exist about the | IV] 3 | | i | | reasons wolves howl. Some movies, books and | é zi } Nol ko} e Folk lort SX Hil | Wel ae | | folklore have misled us to believe that wolves’ 5 Turious I} 1G) g howls are ferocious warnings of attack and that they howl only during a full moon. This information is false. Wolves will howl at any time of the day or verity 5C | night and for a variety of reasons j 2 | Types of Howls There are several types of wolf howls, each stem 2 ‘ours & Panel Benchmark Assess Recording Form Why Do Wolves Howl? + LeveLT + Now-ricrion ze Part One: Oral Reading continued = = Sources of kformaton Used a E [Page| Text E|sc| sc SEE mi s{v[m[s |v eee eae = [I aie | 2 | with its own particular purpose. The most | cont common how! is a loud, deep call that can be ¢ | this can &e | heard up to sixteen kilometres away, ‘depending a on the weather. The purpose of this type of howl | a is to unite the pack. The wolves within a pack ate a | 5 ep Senos 9m fg ce | [usually related and the average-sized pack is eight to fifteen | wolves. Sometimes, | While hunting, one or more pack i members may i become separated z 3 from the rest of the i K wm group. A chorus of Ss wolves may how! [to help the lost | wolves get back to the family. Subtotal |O 3 &@ EndTime > min, 4 see. Total ea Have the student finish reading the book silently. 38 Fountas & nel Benchmark Assessment System 2 Recording Form Why Do Wolves Howl? + Le. + Now-reon bs 2 | wn | é = accuracy | Errors | 10-0 “9 Tate a ‘i - - | . Rate | % | seow as | ss 96% sem | 100% 2 TL im Cc 5 | fueneyseore | © 20 $ Tear samgeey Set 0 Rens pinay wey ord ith cana bt ineqen rnp phasing | \é | 1 Reads primarily in two-word phrases with some thre: and fou-note groups and some inerpetation and pausing uided by authors meng and punduation, moty _ppropite sess and rate wit some siondowrs, 20107 tne € Fount and Gay 5 Pl Pormou |e Reading Rate | enstine min, sec (Optional) | StenTime —_min._ see Total Time _min,_ see Total Seconds rds Per Minute (WPM) (RW X 60) + Total Seconds. = Wa 1540 +225 55 wom Fourtas & Pinel Benchmmar Assessment System 2 99

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