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Template B.

The UbD Template, Version 2.0​ © ​2011 by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe

Name:​ Tanya Reinhofer Cadre:​ 32

Unit Topic:​ Informative Writing Subject(s):​ Writing Grade(s):​ 5 Time Frame:​ 4 weeks

Stage 1: Desired Results

Established Goals Transfer

What content standards and
program - or mission - related Throughout their lives, students will be able to independently use their learning to…
goal(s) will this unit address?
write a well-supported expository response to a question.

support their ideas with relevant details.



Students will understand that... Students will keep considering...

writing is a way to communicate Why is writing important?

information and ideas.
What makes a good written response?
a well-developed written response
includes supporting details that give the
reader additional, meaningful information.

Students will know... Students will be skilled at...

● A well-developed written ● Writing in complete sentences with appropriate capitalization and

composition begins with an punctuation.
● Details are related to and support ● Reading and annotating expository text.
the introduction.
● Appropriate transition words help
to connect the details.
● A conclusion is necessary to wrap
up the writing.

Stage 2: Evidence

Code Evaluative

Are all desired What criteria PERFORMANCE TASK(S):

results being will be used in Students will show that they really understand by evidence of…
appropriately each
assessed? assessment? Independently synthesizing information from three expository articles to create a response to the topic, “What does a person
need to do to get a patent?”





Choice Students will show they have achieved Stage 1 goals by…

Voice Working with a partner to successfully complete all individual writing stages for a response to a prompt.

Conventions Incorporating new skills into informal writing opportunities and other in-class writing assignments.
Stage 3: Learning Plan
What pre-assessments will you use to check students’ prior knowledge, skill levels, and potential misconceptions?

Pre-assessment - skill level: Informal assessment of student’s daily quick writes.

Pre-assessment - prior knowledge: Performance on previous in-class writing assignments.

Potential Misconception: Students may think that each type of writing has different expectations and formats.


Student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends ⚫​How will you monitor students’ progress toward acquisition, meaning, and transfer, during
upon… lesson events?

● Whole Group: Brainstorm reasons to write Informal quick writes, exit tickets, journal writing, submission of individual writing
● Whole Group: Discussion on different types of stages
● Partner Work: Choose an opinion writing topic ⚫​What are potential rough spots and student misunderstandings?
(Vegetarianism, Fortnite, or School hours)
● Whole Group: Organizing details into a graphic Students may struggle with identifying the type of supporting details necessary to a
organizer particular type of writing.
● Lesson: Writing an introduction in response to a
prompt Students may struggle with translating information from the graphic organizer into
● Partner Work: Draft an introduction complete sentences.
● Lesson: Analyzing and annotating text to identify
supporting details Students may list details rather than writing complete sentences and elaborating on
● Partner Work: Read and annotate text, identifying text evidence
relevant details to support response
⚫​How will students get the feedback they need?
● Lesson: Writing a summarizing conclusion
● Partner Work: Draft the conclusion Students will peer edit following the rough draft stage to make constructive
● Lesson: Writing a rough draft suggestions.
● Partner Work: Write a rough draft
● Peer edit rough drafts Teacher will edit at each individual writing phase.
● Whole group: Self-assess using rubric
● Lesson: Writing a final draft
● Partner Work: Write the final draft

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