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Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Background

Medicine is one of the basic needs in human life. Everyone must have felt sick, such as headaches,
coughs, colds, and others. To cure or reduce pain, usually take medication immediately. In general,
people do not understand that drugs other than curing diseases, also have side effects that are
detrimental to health.

Captopril is a type of antihypertensive drug that has been used for a long time. About 30 years, since
April 1981. Captopril is not only able to treat hypertension but several other diseases. Captopril is
designed to be used for a long time, as long as it is suitable for patients. Indeed, sometimes side effects
arise, but usually can still be tolerated by patients. Captopril is recommended to be taken continuously
according to the recommended dosage. Even though the symptoms of hypertension such as headache or
tension in the nape of the neck are reduced or lost. This is so that blood pressure stays in the range of
normal values. Keep in mind, one of the most feared complications of hypertension is stroke, which is
the rupture of the brain blood vessels due to sudden rise in blood pressure. Well, by taking captopril
regularly, it is hoped that this complication does not occur

1.2 Formulation of the Problem Based on the background above, a problem can be formulated, namely:

1. What is Captopril?

2. Can Captopril be used to treat any disease?

3. How should the captopril dose be given to the patient?

Chapter II Discussion

2.1 Definition of Captopril

Captopril is a drug used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), can be used alone or together with
other medicines. High blood pressure increases the workload of the heart and arteries. If it lasts for a
long time it can cause heart and arterial function to decrease. So that it can cause damage to the blood
vessels of the brain, heart, and kidneys which can lead to strokes, heart failure, or kidneys. Hypertension
can also increase the risk of a heart attack. These things can be avoided when hypertension can be
controlled properly.

2.2 Diseases that can be treated by Captopril drugs are generally used to treat diseases:

High blood pressure High blood pressure or better known as hypertension is usually caused by improper
eating patterns and lack of daily physical activity, leading to a high accumulation of fat throughout the

2.3 The dosage that should be given to Captopril patients

should be given 1 hour before meals, the dose depends on the needs of the individual (individual).
1. Adult Hypertension - Initial hypertension 12.5 - 25 mg 2 to 3 times a day - To control advanced
hypertension 25-50 mg twice a day Max: 50 mg 3 times a day For hypertension, the initial dose: 12.5 - 25
mg two to three times a day. If after 2 weeks, the decrease in blood pressure is still not satisfactory, the
dose can be increased to 25 mg three times a day. If after 2 weeks, blood pressure is still not controlled,
thiazide diuretic drugs should be added, for example 25 mg hydrochlorothiazide every day.

chapter III


a. Conclusion

Captopril medicine is a medicine for hypertensive patients. This drug, known as a cure for hypertension,
can also be used as a medicine for heart failure, drugs after a heart attack, and diabetic nephropaty.
Captopril works by inhibiting enzymes in the body that produce substances that cause blood vessels to
tighten, thereby reducing blood pressure, increasing blood supply and oxygen to the heart

b. Suggestion

Because captopril is a drug that has side effects, it is recommended that the use of Captopril drugs in
accordance with the instructions available and based on a doctor's prescription to avoid side effects that
can harm patients


Anonim, 2005, Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia, vol. 40, Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia, Jakarta
Deglin, Judith Hopfer dan April Hazard Valleran. Pedoman Obat untuk Perawat: EGC. Jokosuryono ,Y.P..
1978. Obat dan Masalahnya. Yogyakarta. Omoigui, Sota. Obat-obatan Anestesia: EGC Rahardja, Kirana

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