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Art Society

We can use colors to express ourselves and use them to express our moods. In art Society, we
nurture thinking/ creative abilities and promote aesthetic sense of our students. Art society is
responsible to manage all indoor and outdoor events and engage the students in different
activities that can inculcate sense of responsibility and learn how to manage the situations. Art
is a source of transference of meanings of one’s ideology and inspiration, which allows to
communicate in one’s own way. it can be used as a mean of entertainment, learning,
advertising, and showing ones personality or talent.

Helping Hand

Usually an educational program aims to gain ability, skills and knowledge for achieving
some materialistic goals but in real sense it ends with attitudinal change, being a kind
and gentle personality. Steve Morboli says, "a kind gesture can reach a wound that only
compassion can heal."
Helping Hand Society shapes personalities through philanthropic activities and
contributing towards society. It promotes attitude of sharing one”s benefits with those
who have not. We believe "we only have what we give". The Society comprises of
some motivated students those helps the fellows in various ways on self help basis.

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