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Ingles A1

Gildardo León Parra Flórez.

Cód. 15.339.012

Grupo Colaborativo



Daniel Fernando Medina

Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia (Unad).

Escuela De Ciencias Básicas Tecnología E Ingeniera

Ingeniería Industrial

Ciudad Cali


Enlace o MP3 donde haga su práctica de presentación personal


Good morning tutor and classmates.

My name is Gildardo Leon Parra Florez, I am forty-two years old, I am from Medellin Antioquia,

I live in Cali Salomia neighborhood, I work in Cementos Argos, my hobby is automotive

mechanics, I live with my wife and daughter, I am studying industrial engineering, my favorite

program of tv is the news and my favorite sport is tennis.

Enlace o MP3 donde haga su práctica descripción My Family


Good morning tutor and classmates.

I'm going to tell you about my family

My mother is elena, she is sixty five years old, she is a housewife,

my mother is beautiful, she is tall, her eyes are Brown and her hair is black.

My wife is Adriana, she is thirty seven years old, she is a psychologist, my wife is thin,

she is short , she is kind, she is fun.

My daughter is abbie, she is four years old, she studies in a school garden, she is very

tender, she practices swimming.

My other daughter is valentina,

she is twenty one years old, she is a student of public accounting, she is very smart, she loves

music, her boyfriend is called Felipe.

Capturas de pantalla que evidencien el desarrollo de los ejercicios prácticos del entorno de
Enlace de video (YouTube o Vimeo) donde hable de su información personal y describa a

su familia.


Captura de pantalla que evidencie su participación en las sesiones de práctica con el tutor

a través de la herramienta Skype.

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