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Unit 3 - Task 5 - Technological component

Presentado por: Tania Elisabeth Rangel Zambrano

Código: 1089483469
Curso: 900002_393


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil – LIPI
Escuela de Educación – ECEDU
CEAD: Pasto
Mi Información Personal
Hello, my name is Tania Elisabeth Rangel Zambrano, I am a technician in accounting for
commercial and financial operations, I am currently studying for a degree in children's pedagogy,
I was born in the municipality of Cumbitara Nariño but many years ago I live in the municipality
of Union Nariño, I am twenty-eight years old, I live with my beautiful daughter Sofia, my
husband Jhonier and we are waiting for another baby, my favorite sport is basketball, my favorite
food would be roasts and my favorite television show is reality

My Family
I have a very nice family
My father's name is Rodrigo, he is fifty-seven years old, he was born in Carlosama Nariño, his
profession is a teacher, he is brunette, his eyes are dark, he has black hair, he identifies himself
for being serious and shy
My mother's name is Margarita, she is forty-nine years old, she was born in Samaniego Nariño,
she is a teacher, her skin is white, her eyes are green, and she is very cheerful
My daughter's name is Sofia, she is eight years old, she was born in Union Nariño, an elementary
student, she is brunette, her eyes are brown, she is very imperative
My husband's name is Jhonier, he was born in the municipality of Leiva Nariño, he is twenty-
seven years old, he is a policeman, his height is tall, he is brunette, dark hair, he is a very kind
Daily routine
She is my friend and sister-in-law, her name is Yurany, she is a policewoman and she dedicates
her days to serving the community, she watches the streets with her coworkers either day or
night, she works with the community, they visit old people , and also visit children with different
types of problems, in their spare time enjoy with their friends and family
My Hobbies
One of the things I like to do most is to practice my favorite sport, basketball, I love it because
compared to my friends and it is very good for my health, in my spare time I go out with my
family to enjoy good times as well as with my friends

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