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Name : Mariana Marbun Date : 15 Desember 2016

Class : ABO-02
NIM : 1715041

Proffesor : Thomas Kochan, Gokce Basbug, Meryam BukariShahid AzadKanika

Almadi, and Eileen Rivera.

Address :!

Date Upload : March 28, 2016

Time work assignment : 08:00 P.M December 12, 2016
University : Massachussetts Institute of Technology

Shaping the Future to work

Shaping the Future to Work

In this course we will learning shaping the future to work, with steps or How
Explore ways to improve job opportunities and develop a personal plan for lifelong career
success. The shaping of future is beginning by us. This tutorial managed to work with
career plan, goal, education, skill, experience and being success a people.
1) Career Plan
In earlier we must decided to career plan, to wanna be us? How to get working and
not play with career plan, despite of future is important. Career plan also fulfill
need of life.
2) Goal
You’ll define your goals and aspiration for your career, to make a goal life we must
prediction a vew year, to need and, If we take the right actions we can shape the
future of work in ways that meet the needs of workers, families, and their
economies and societies. To do so we first have to understand how the world of
work is changing, how firms can compete and prosper and support good jobs and
careers, and how to update the policies and practices governing the world of work.
3) Education
Education alo important in the world of works, its define and right of varians work,
and education. From child we must know till college into good jobs or educational
opportunities in the U.S. or globally to meet the aspirations and needs of all who
want and need to work or to deliver on the expectation that every generation
should achieve a higher standard of living for themselves and their families than
their parent’s generation. This is a fundamental ideal that drives people all over the
world. In the U.S. we call it the American Dream.
4) Skill
An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained
effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions
involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people
(interpersonal skills). Skill is very important and competence. add in experience to
get the working. Skill is need by employee , workers, government to helping and
easier to task in environment in the organization. And matter of solving.
5) Experience
Experience is achievement to all work and experience is trust by acompany and
employee which have experience more than search in acompany, experience is not
only work but also in certificate, and toefl.
6) Success
Who isn’t people wanna success is dreaming all people in earth. You’ll learn what
employers expect in today’s world of work in the skills, flexibility, and knowledge
that are crucial for success in the contemporary workplace. We’ll examine what has
to happen in order for employers, workers, governments, and regulators to come
together to forge new policies, rules, and understandings for governing the world of
work in the 21st century. We’ll make this all come alive by highlighting the
experiences, contributions, and aspirations of real people who are working right now
to address these challenges.

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