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1899GENE 60

Date of submission: WEEK 5

NAME: … Aditya Trivedi …….

ID: … 4355414….





Item Marks Marks

Introduction 5
Rationale of 5
Accomplishmen 5
Career 5
Total 40

Assignment #2 – 10%)


Make sure you have completed the assessments on pages 4-19 in your copy of “Get a job”
workbook before attempting this exercise.

In paragraph format, answer the following questions:

1. Introduce yourself (Tell me a little bit about yourself, your academic background etc.)

Ans) Hello, I'm Aditya Trivedi, and I come from India. I completed my senior secondary
education with a focus on science. I've also taken some courses to improve my skills, especially
in using Microsoft Excel. Currently, I'm pursuing a course in Computer Systems Technician.
This field is full of opportunities for innovation and problem-solving, which really interests me.
I'm excited to keep learning and growing in the ever-changing world of technology and
hopefully make some valuable contributions along the way.

2. Why did you choose this area/program of study?

Ans) I decided to pursue this program of study due to my profound interest in the field of
technology and computer systems. In today's digital age, computers have become integrated into
almost every aspect of our lives, from work and communication to entertainment and solving
complex problems. My passion for work left me fascinated with the inner workings of computers
and their potential to change the world.

I believe that by acquiring in-depth knowledge of computer systems, I can not only follow my
passion but also unlock a wide array of career opportunities. What excites me the most is the
chance to be at the forefront of technological advancements and to apply my skills to tackle real-
world challenges. Given the fast-paced evolution of technology and the consistent demand for
proficient experts in this field, I felt drawn to this program to be a part of the dynamic and
innovative technology industry.

3. What will a potential employer find attractive about your current or past
accomplishments and/or education?
Ans) A potential employer will find many of my current and past accomplishments and
education interesting. First, my educational background, which included a high school education
focused on science and related subjects, gave me a strong foundation in problem solving and
made me feel good about myself. This background education demonstrates my desire to acquire
important knowledge and skills.
In addition, my Excel courses demonstrate my skills in practical applications such as data
analysis and management, which are important in many areas in the business world. These skills
not only demonstrate my flexibility, but also my ability to use common software tools.

My pursuit of computer programming demonstrates my determination to stay ahead of the curve

in the rapidly advancing technology industry. This shows my willingness to learn and adapt to
new technologies, which is very attractive to employers in jobs that follow new technologies.

In summary, my academic background and achievements reflect my adaptability and

commitment to lifelong learning, with a strong foundation in thinking and problem solving.
These qualities make me a well-prepared candidate to contribute effectively to any work

4. List your top 5 marketable skills, related to your area of study and give at least (one
example of Each skills) using STAR method how you have put each of them to practice.


Situation: When I was a team leader at a big company, one of my team members was having
trouble with a new computer program we needed for our work.

Task: I needed to help this team member get better with the software. I understood that using the
same method for everyone wouldn't be the right way to helpy, so I decided to give her personal

Action: I talked with her to find out what was hard for her, and then I made a plan to help her.
This plan included one-on-one lessons, making guides, and giving her feedback and support. I
also made sure she felt comfortable asking questions and making mistakes.

Result: Because of this personal coaching, she got good with the software. She not only caught
up with the team but also started helping others. This showed me that coaching tailored to each
person's needs is a great way to help them learn and succeed, especially in a busy workplace.

Situation: I was a team leader in a busy retail store, and we were facing a problem. Our team
was struggling to meet our sales goals, and people on the team were feeling unhappy about their

Task: I needed to help the team do better, make them feel happier, and hit our sales targets. This
meant being a good leader and manager.

Action: I started by talking to each team member one-on-one. I wanted to understand what was
bothering them and what would help them do their jobs better. This open conversation helped me
figure out what each person needed.

I also organized regular team meetings where we could all talk together. We shared ideas and set
goals. To motivate everyone, I created a system where we celebrated and rewarded those who
did a great job.

As a supervisor, I arranged training sessions to teach the team better ways to sell and provide
great customer service. I kept a close eye on how everyone was doing and gave them helpful

Result: Thanks to these actions, our team's performance got better. We started hitting and even
surpassing our sales goals. Team members felt happier, and they told me they felt more
supported and motivated. Our company started making profit again and everyone got bonus.


Situation: In my previous role as a project manager, I was tasked with leading a diverse team
working on a critical client project. The team consisted of members from various departments,
each with their own expertise and priorities.

Task: My job was to get this diverse team to work together well and finish an important project
on time. To make this happen, we needed to communicate clearly and make sure everyone was
on the same page.

Action: So, I started organizing regular meetings where everyone from different departments
would come together. In these meetings, we talked openly, listened to each other, and shared our
ideas. I also made sure everyone knew exactly what they were supposed to do. To keep us all
connected and updated, I set up a special online platform where we could discuss the project in

Result: Because of these communication efforts, our team became more united. We began to
understand and value each other's contributions. This made our project go faster, and we finished
it on time. This experience taught me just how important good communication is for reaching
our project goals and creating a great team.


Situation: During my school days, I was actively involved in fundraising activities to support
different school projects and causes. Our school regularly organized events and campaigns to
collect money, and students played a crucial role in making these efforts successful.

Task: My task was to help these fundraising activities succeed. This meant coming up with
ideas, planning events, and getting fellow students involved. We organized bake sales, charity
drives, and school events to raise money.

Action: To ensure our fundraising was effective, I worked closely with other students and
teachers. We planned creative ideas for our events, assigned roles and tasks, and I took on
responsibilities like managing volunteers, promoting our events within the school, and reaching
out to local businesses for support.

Result: The result of our collective efforts was a success. We managed to raise a significant
amount of funds to support our school projects and charitable causes. And our project was a


Situation: I was part of a team responsible for introducing a new software system. This team
included people from different departments, each with their own skills and ideas.

Task: Our job was complex. We needed to work closely together to make sure this new system
was a success. To do that, we had to communicate well and work as a team.

Action: To make this happen, I made sure we all talked openly and honestly. I encouraged
everyone to share their thoughts and listened carefully to what they had to say. If we ever
disagreed, I helped find solutions that made everyone happy.
Result: Our hard work paid off. We successfully launched the new software system on time. It
wasn't just about being good at our jobs; it was also about working well together. My ability to
get along with others helped us create a positive and productive work environment.

In short, being able to get along with others was key to achieving our goals and keeping our team
happy. This experience showed me just how important good communication and teamwork are
in the workplace.

5. What is your biggest career aspiration (now or for future)?

Ans) My father devoted his career to information technology and inspired my educational and
professional needs. His journey in the IT industry is one of continuous learning, growth, and
innovation. Through his experiences, I began to understand the dynamic and evolving nature of
this field. Witnessing his ability to adapt and use new technologies to solve complex problems
made me want to follow a similar path.

When I started my own IT education, I was driven by the desire not only to gain knowledge but
also to be useful. I hope to create a career that reflects my father's passion for excellence and
learning the latest developments. My goal is to become an IT professional who contributes to the
development of solutions that improve the performance and security of technology systems.

By taking IT courses, I plan to equip myself with the skills, solutions and flexibility needed to
succeed in a fast-paced business environment. . I see myself following in my father's footsteps,
continuing to learn, grow, and change positively throughout my career in information

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