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Abstract (150-300 word summary of the Research)

Department Agenda
Total Cost Duration August 2016 - July 2017

Research Team Specialization Department
Principal Researcher:

*To be filled out by

Program Director
Supported By:

Name Rossana T. Adao

Director of Senior Director for Computer Studies
(for College of Computer Studies research only)

Engr. Remelita H. Avenido Dr. May Rose C. Imperial

Senior Director for Engineering/ Senior Director for Academic Services
Quality Assurance Office Director

Approved By:

Benson T. Tan
Executive Director

May 2016 ver 3


1. Background of the Study

The background explains the reasons for conducting the research. This should include preliminary literature
review and the significance of the study.

2. Objectives

This section states the problem to be addressed and the thesis of the study, its intended users and
beneficiaries and its measurement of success.

e.g. We will develop a test kit that can determine ebola infection within 3 hours from testing

3. Scope and Limitation

The specific area of investigation, as well as the areas the study will not cover and address should be
indicated here.

4. Research Methods/ Methodology

This includes the data that need to be gathered, the method for obtaining data, and the measurement and
analytical tools to obtain and analyze the data.

5. Expected Outcomes

This includes the direct benefits to the school, to the students and the program department, publication
targets and research output. Some examples are provided below:

The tool developed can help identify and focus on subject areas to improve licensure examination results.

The program to be developed will improve the departments’ compliance with assigned submission tasks
and will also result to cost savings for the institute.

Possible filing of patent in the field of _____ which is one of the requirements in achieving COE/COD for
the department.

6. Workplan

6.1. Projected Start and End Date

The proposed project start date is _____and is expected to be completed within ___months.

May 2016 ver 3

6.2. Detailed Weekly Workplan

Term 1 SY 2016-2017
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Procurement of materials
Software development
Assembly of prototype 1
Status Report

Term 2 SY 2016-2017
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Test 3. Effect of Parameter 3
Assembly of prototype 2
Optimization and
Field Testing 1
Status Report

Term 3 SY 2015-2016
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Field Testing 2
Status report
Final report

May 2016 ver 3

6.3. Milestones and Deliverables*

Milestones Deliverables
1 Procurement of materials Update in status report
10 Status report Submission every 15th of the month from
start of project date
11 Final report Submission of final report, including data and
final working field tested equipment (if
12 Journal Publication Submission of at least 1 paper to an
international journal and local journal
13 Results dissemination (Seminar) Presentation in at least 1 conference or
*Milestones should include the activities in the workplan shown in 6.2.Items 10- 13 should always be included
as part of the milestones. Each part of the workplan should have a deliverable output. Examples of output
include: summary of data gathered, short analysis, working prototype, pre-alpha, alpha or beta version of a
software etc.

7. Project Cost

7.1. Project Expenses (Attach Estimated Cost Appendix 1)

Cost Cost (FEU TECH)

Manpower Faculty deloading
Office Supplies 1,600
Total Cost
Grand Total

May 2016 ver 3

7.2. Cost Phasing (Summarize Cost per term, insert additional rows if necessary)

SY 2016 - 2017
Term 1* Term 2* Term 3*
Materials and
Office Consumables
Grand Total PHP
*Change according to start of the project.

8. References (use IEEE referencing style)

[1] N. Author, A Sample Reference, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Manila: Manila, 1892, pp.68–73.

[2] F. M. Last and F. N. Author, “A Sample Reference,” in Research, vol. III, H. G. Grange and H.
Granger, Eds. London: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.

9. Project Team

Principal Researcher/Department:

Team Members/Department:

May 2016 ver 3

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