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Los prefijos y los sufijos.

Los prefijos y los sufijos son elementos gramaticales que modifican el significado del termino que
acompañan. Los prefijos se ubican inmediatamente antes de la palabra que se va a modificar (raíz) y
los sufijos se ubican inmediatamente después de la raíz

Ejemplo de prefijo:
1. Intercomunicador
2. Despeinar
3. Telecomunicación
4. Ultrasónico
5. Remake
6. Restart
7. Refill
8. Resend

Ejemplo de sufijo:
1. Vendedor
2. Golpear
3. Picadura
4. Quemadura
5. Harmless
6. Fashionable
7. Fatherhood
8. Friendship

Tipos de sufijos:
 Nominalizantes: son los que forman sustantivos, esto es, nombres (-anza, -encia, -ción, etc...)
 Adjetivizantes o adjetivizadores: son los que crean adjetivos (-il, -oso, -ble etc...)
 Verbalizantes: son los que forman verbos (-ear, -izar, -iguar, -ificar etc.)

Tipos de prefijos:
 Prefijos de sentido locativo: indica posición
 Prefijos con sentido temporal: indica el momento en que se produce algo.
 Prefijos reflexivos, recíprocos y asociativos: modifica el significado del predicado.
 Prefijos graduales: indican cantidad.

20 oraciones en ingles con respecto a la salud:

1. She has been eating unhealthly
2. the medics were going to the operating room
3. Readmond is concerned about her sister’s mental stability
4. My father’s lungs are going noticeably worse every day.
5. She took her medicine to start the process of medication.
6. His scalpel is greatly fixed.
7. Eric’s nursing tools are amazing.
8. Nailet is amazingly good in her surgeries.
9. Minutes later when the nurse arrived with a syringe of medicine, the girl had fallen asleep
hugging her teddy bear
10. Their bruises were noticeable
11. The doctors headed to the operating room
12. Her head was unsual skin bulges
13. The boy had been presenting an unusual skin bulges
14. The injection he received was painfully horrible
15. My mouth sore was incredibly big
16. The patient MISunderstood the medical treatment
17. Luis ser an appointment with his urologist
18. She obtained a free check with the doctor
19. Edward broke his leg and he has been suffering an uneasy pain
20. The baby’s hand has a little cutely scratch

Eddy Castillo

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