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English Material

Kegiatan Belajar 1 PRONOUN - PREPOSITION

Bacalah paragraph di bawah ini.

Pahami isinya dan idetinfikasi kata kata sulit yang belum anda pahami.

In 1850, florece attended a training school for nurses.

At that time, nursing was an infamous profesion
as nursing care was only given by women of low moral standard.
Hence, it was against the societal code for
affluent young English women to be involved is such a profession.
Miss Nightingale sopposed parents to her career I choice
but finally approved and gave her their blessings
after Mr.Nightingale became ill and received
attentive care from his daughter. Later,
her father granted an allowance,
which allowed her to continue her training and work in London

sekarang kita akan membahas tentang pronoun

Terdapat 2 bentuk pronouns:

- Personal Pronouns / kata ganti orang atau benda
- Possessives Pronouns/ kata ganti milik

Personal pronouns Possessive pronouns Reflexive

subject object Possessive Possessive pronoun
adjective pronouns
I Me Mine Mine My self
You You Your Yours Your self
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
We Us Our Our Ourselves
They Them Their Their themselves

Lihatlah contoh di bawah ini!

Personal Possessives
I have a Forbes watch. The Forbes watch is mine.
Bought a pair of crutches. The pair of crutches is yours.
She owns a pharmacy. The pharmacy is hers.
He took the children to the hospital. The children are his.
We built a therapeutic garden in the ward. The therapeutic garden is ours.
They clean the classroom. The classroom is theirs.
The monitor of the computer is - faulty. It It monitors is faulty.
has been sent to the lab to be repaired.
Prepositions/Kata Depan Preposotions adalah kata depan yaitu kata yang
ditempatkan sebelum kata benda yang menunjukkan hubungan dengan bagian bagian kalimat
yang lain. kata ini menunjukan waktu, posisi/ letak dan arah.

Jenis jenis preposition

1. At, in (tempat) In dipakai untuk nama negeri dan kota besar At dipakai untuk kota kecil
Dina live in Jakarta I passed my holiday at solo

2. At, In, on (waktu) At dipakai untuk waktu yang tepat, in untuk suatu bagian waktu dan on
untuk nama hari atau tanggal Iusually go to school. Midwife sinta works in the afternoon

3. Beside (kegiatan nyata), besides (untuk pernyataan) She was sitting beside me My friend
studies French besides English

4. Between, among Between : diantara 2. Among : diantara banyak I stand between the two
of girls I stand among a crowd of girls

5. By, before, since (dipakai dalam batas waktu tertentu) Shehas been here since 2 days ago I
must go home by several time

The Pronoun ‘IT’

1. Referring to an object mentioned before;

I saw a movie last night. It was very interesting. I enjoyed it very much.
2. Meaning time, day, date, month, year, weather, climate, seasons and
It was 6 o‟clock in the morning.
It is cloudy today.
It was Friday, 17 August 1945.

3. Formal/Impersonal/Preparatory/Meaningless:
It is important to study history.
It is true that education determines one‟s future.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
It takes us twenty minutes to get to the airport.
It is hoped that the economy will be better next year.
Exercise 1.

Read the passage below and study the use of the pronoun it in the

It is that coal, oil and gas are badly needed for industries. Thousands tons of
these fuels are used daily. But their supplies may not last for a century. It has been
necessary for men to find something to take their place. And scientist believed
that it is possible to get energy from something other than these fuels. Then what
it will be?
Look at the sun. Though very far away from the earth. It is said that each
day it pours several thousand times as much energy as men use. It has been
estimated that enough energy falls in the square miles of the Arizona desert in one
day to run all the industries in the country for a day and night.
In a way, the energy that sun gives is unlimited, and it is free to obtain. But
it a pity that the equipment needed to capture the sun‟s energy is still very
expensive. The sun energy can be used to create very high temperatures that can
melt metals. It will be possible for men to cook dinner on a stove that used the
heat of the sun. the energy can also be used In telephone communication. Space
travel and farming.
But how to make the sun‟s energy continues seems to be one of the great
problems. But once the problems are solved, the supply of energy will haven
ADJECTIVES / kata sifat
H. Pengertian Adjectives
Kata sifat adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menambahkan arti pada kata yang
menerangkan kata benda
 Midwife Andini is a caring person
Adjective- caring describes the noun person
 The ward is
tidy Adjective
– tidy


2. Sebelum kata benda
a. The contaminated needle must be disposed of
Adjective noun
2. The haughty doctor ordered me to observe the patient‟s vital signs
Adjective noun
a. Setelah kata kerja seperti: like be, seem, appear, look, sound, smell, taste, feel, become,
a. The patient seems withdrawn today
Verb adjective
2. I felt relief that the operation was a success
Verb adjective
c. The water in the tank is murky
Be verb adjective

Latihan 2. Berikan garis bawah pada kata adjectives dalam kalimat dibawah ini

 The newborn baby became restless when his diaper was soiled
 The overweight child prefers sedentary activities
 Normally, a toothbrush head gets worn, split and uneven after three months
 He appeared uneasy when we asked about her disease
 The cough syrup tastes bitter. However, the young boy was brave enough to
swallow it
 Certain bacteria or tissues are acid-fast

Studies show that almost two-thirds of those taking anti-high blood pressure
medicines stop taking them within three years.

1. Jenis-jenis Adjectives
Limitting adjectives/ kata sifat terbatas
Article(kata sandang), terdiri dari: a, an, dan
a untuk kata berawalan consonan,
contoh: a pen, a book, a cat, etc.
an untuk kata berawalan vocal,
Contoh: an apple, an eagle, an hour, an orange, etc.
the untuk benda tunggal,
contoh: the earth, the sea, the moon, the sun, etc.

Latihan 3. isikan a, an atau the

would you
1. like ............ tomato? There‟s one in ........... fridge
2. I have got............... problem with my phone bill
3. ....yes,gotofifth floor,.............lift is along the corridor.
I‟m going out wal
4. for ..... k
5. They are on........ in
B. Demonstrative Adjectives / kata sifat penunjuk
This = ini, menunjukkan benda yang dekat dalam bentuk
tunggal Contoh : this is my stetoscope.
These= ini, untuk menunjuk benda yang dekat dalam bentuk jamak
Contoh : these house are mine
That = itu, untuk menunjuk benda jauh dalam bentuk tunggal
Contoh : that book which you are reading is mine
Those= itu, untuk menunjuk benda jauh dalam benda jamak.
Contoh : those woman are our patients.

3. Possessives Adjective / kata sifat kepunyaan

Contoh: my patient is a teacher
Your= punya kamu
Contoh : your neighbour is a
midwife our= punya kami/kita
contoh : our teacher expect us to study hard
their=punya mereka
contoh : their lecturers always come on
time His=punya dia laki-laki
Contoh: his wife is a nurse
her=punya dia perempuan
contoh : her husband is a doctor
its= punya dia, benda mati atau binatang
contoh: i have a book. Its colour is red
( untuk lebih jelasnya lihat modul 3 Kegiatan Belajar 1)

4. Numeral adjective / kata sifat bilangan

Cardinal number (bilangan
pokok) Contoh : 0 = zero
1 = one
2 = two etc
Ordinal number (bilangan
urutan) Contoh : the first = ke
the second = kedua
the third = ketiga
the fourth = keempat etc

Bahan ajar maDalam penulisan harus diikuti oleh “the”

Contoh : The fourth grade
A. Fraction number (bilangan pecahan)
Contoh : 1/2 = a half,
= a fourth / a quarter
1/ 3 = a third
2/3 = two-third

13. Adjective of Indefinite quantity / kata sifat jumlah tidak tentu

A. Many : banyak , untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung, pada kalimat
negative dan interrogative
Contoh ; How many patients are there in your clinic?
B. Much : banyak, digunakan untuk kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung pada
kalimat negative dan interogatif
Contoh: Do you have much money?
C. A lot of : banyak , digunakan untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung pada
kalimat positif
Contoh : I have a lot of patients today.
D. Plenty of: banyak, digunakan untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan
tidak dapat dihitung dalam kalimat positif
Contoh : we have plenty of time
You must drink plenty of water
E. A great many : banyak, untuk kata benda yang dapat di hitung pada kalimat
Contoh : My mother has a great many rings
F. A few : beberapa , untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung
Contoh: I hope you can stay here for a few days.
G. A little : sedikit, untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat di hitung
Contoh : there is a little water in th bottle
H. Several : beberapa, untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung
Contoh: several students go to hospital today
I. All : semua , untuk benda yang dapat dihitung dan tidak dapat dihitung
Contoh : All students must go to clinic now.

Latihan 4 . Complete paragraph dibawah ini dengan many, few, much or little

The Islanders do not have (1).............. money , and they have (2 )............. contact
with the outside world. There is not (3)........chance of the place attracting large
numbers of tourists. There are lots of bicycles but not (4) And there
are hardly any of the modern facilities. There are (5)............ shops, and there is
(6)............. entertainment.

Interogative adjectives / kata sifat penanya

terdiri dari: which, what, whose

 Adjective Clause
Adjective clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adjective. adjective clause
dimulai dengan relative pronoun atau relative adverb.

Berikut ini beberapa contoh adjective clause:

B. Adjective clause dengan relative pronoun
Contoh: The man who is sitting over there is my father
C. Adjective Clause dengan relative adverb
Contoh: This is the reason why she did it.
Choose the correct answer
I. My father is not only the town mayor, he runs …………….., too
a. a business c. business
b. a piece of business d. some business
II. The ………………..produced at our factory in Scotland
a. good are c. goods are
b. good is d. goods is
3. I was watching TV at home when suddenly ……….rang
a. a doorbell c. doorbell
b. an doorbell d. the doorbell
4. I’ve always liked ………………..
c. some food of
a. chinese food china
b. food of china d. the Chinese food
5. In England most children go …………at the age of five
a. school c. to some school
b. to school d. to the school.

6. The government is doing nothing to help ………….

a. poor c. the poors
b. the poor d. the poor ones
7. The young man seems very ………..
a. sensible c. sensibley
b. sensiblely d. sensibly

8. A student nurse must be ………..when reporting for duty

a. pungent c. thick
b. accurate d. punctual
1. Nursing report must be …………in order to avoid any legal implications
a. punctual c. accurate
b. painful d. haughty
10. The postpartum mother complained that the analgesic injection was ……
a. anxious c. painful
b. thick d. blunt

1. Infinitive with to ( to + V1 )
Infinitive dengan to di pakai setelah kata kerja sebagai berikut:
   
advise hope permit expect
   
allow inted promise force
   
ask invite propose need
   
beg instruct warn tell
   
decide learn would like urge
Rumus yang digunakan:
b. S + V + to V1 + O
Anton wants to continue his study to a university.
c. S + V + to V1
Agus asked me to close the door.

2. Infinitive without to (V1)

Infinitive without to (V1) biasanya ditaruh setelah kata kerja sebagai
berikut:  make  let  have  help dan kata kerja yang
berhubungan dengan indra (verbs of perception) misalnya:
 see  listen  hear  observe  notice  watch  feel.
Pola yang digunakan yaitu : S + V + O + V1
 Father lets me go out at Saturday night.
 The teacher had me study hard.
Verbs of perception dapat diikuti kata kerja bentuk – ing dengan
pola S + V + O + V ing.

 I saw him crossing the street.

Gerund and Infinitive Exercises

Complete the words in the bracket with gerund, infinitive with or

without to.

2. Let me ( help ) you ( get ) the answer right.

3. We have decided ( allow ) him ( do ) as he pleases.
4. He is fond of ( try ) ( mend ) broken clocks.
5. We hope ( have ) an opportunity of ( see ) him tomorrow.
Contracted forms of adverbial clauses :
When/if/because he smokes too much, he suffers from cough.
-----------------  Smoking too much, he suffers from cough.

Because they are very poor, they cannot pay the school-fees.

- (Being) very poor, they cannot pay the school – fees.

As it is built on a hill, the temple looks more elegant and beautiful.

 (Being) built on a hill, the temple looks more elegant and beautiful.

After she has finished the work, she went home.

----- Having finished the work, she went home.

D. Replacing a sentence, indicating two actions happening at the same time: He

stood there. He waited for you.

- He stood there, waiting for you.

The girl came to the hospital. She brought some flowers.

--  The girl to the hospital, bringing some flowers.

I. John said, „ I am busy today‟. (direct)

John said (that) he was busy that day. (indirect)

II. a. He always asks me, „ When will you get married?‟

He always asks me when I will get married.
b. The host asked us, „Will you stay the night here?‟
The host asked us whether we would stay the night there.
III. The doctor said to me, „Have a rest for a few days and
don‟t smoke too much‟.
The doctor told me to have a rest for a few days and not to
smoke too much.

Perubahan kata keterangan

Kalimat langsung Kalimat tak langsung
Today That day
Now Then
Yesterday The day before / the previaus day
Last week The week before / the previous week
Last year The year before / the previous year
Tomorrow The day after / the following day
Next month The month after / the following month
Next year The year after / the following year
Here there


He said to me “I don’t have any money”

He said to me that he didn’t have any money.
i. Yes / No Question
They asked me, “Are you happy today?”
They asked me if / wether I was happy that day.
c. Why Question
She asked him, “Why did you come late yesterday?”
She asked him why he had come late the day before?


He ordered me, “Meet me at seven tonight”

He ordered me to meet him at seven tonight.

She warned me, “Don’t sit at that chair!”

She warned me not to sit on that chair.
( Kalimat Pengandaian )
Type 1
Fungsi : Untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang terjadi dimasa yang akan datang
Rumus: If Present Simple, Present Future
S + is/am/are + Adj/Adv/N S + will.shall + V1
S + will/shall + be +
S + V1 s/es Adj/Adv/N
S + do/does not + V1

Contoh: If I am a rich man , I will buy a big house.

If She graduates , he will be very happu.

Conditional Sentence Exercises

Complete the verbs in the brackets with the appropriate ones and find

their facts esp. for type 2 and 3

1. I ( go ) if I had known.

2. If my car ( not break ) down, I should have caught the train.

3. If she were older, she (have) more sense\

4. If you ( read ) that book carefully, you would understand it.

5. If the children ( be ) good, they can stay up late.

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