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Lesson Cycle

Lesson Title/Topic: Hide and Seek

Concept: Oral Reading and presentation

Standards/Rationale: 110.22 B1 B

Learning Target: Assessment: Completed flip board

TSW will present facts on their animal with presentation.
80% accuracy.

Materials: 5 flip boards, markers, 5 animal texts, computer, projector, PowerPoint, screen, 20
printed copies of “Hide & Seek”, note cards.

Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)

The teacher will: The student will:

Focus/Mental Set:
- Distribute the “Find the Animal” sheets - Find the worksheet on their desk and write
on students desks before they walk into their name.
the classroom. - Watch PowerPoint presentation and fill in
- Present different pictures of camouflaged sheet.
animals using the PowerPoint - Respond to teacher with their results.
- Ask students how many animals they
Teacher Input:
- Discuss different animals in the -Responding to teacher about animals in the
presentation presentation.
1: Fish
2: Duck
3: Spider
4: Moth
5: Frog
6: Owl
7: Gecko
8: Praying Mantis
9: Monkey & Horseshoe Crab
- Explain what camouflage is. - Actively listening to the definition and
- Camouflage: Hide or disguise a presence explanation of camouflage.
of animals. - Providing responses as to what
camouflage is.
Guided Practice:
- Hand “Hide and Seek” passage to - Receive passage and put name on article.
- Ask students what they believe the - Provide prediction of the passage off the
passage is going to be about based off the header and picture.
header and picture.
- Read passage aloud and have students - Follow along with teacher as s/he reads
follow along. the passage.
- Ask students what they learned. - Provide feedback as to what they learned.
- What’s the difference between mimicry - Answer and be able to explain where it is
and camouflage? in the passage.
- Why do animals have camouflage? - Respond to the question.
Independent Practice:
- Hand out individual animal text to the 5 - Decide who wants to read the text aloud.
different groups.
- Advise students to find 6 characteristics - After reading, will discuss with group
of their animal and draw on the flip different characteristics of their assigned
board. animal.
- Provide each group with a flip board
piece of paper and markers.
- Actively walk around and monitor - Each member will be actively drawing
students interactions. and discussing what to put on the paper.
- Have students stick up board in pre- - Put sticky board in assigned location.
assigned area.
- Have one group member to stand near the - Decide who will be the expert and stay
board to explain characteristics to other and who will learn about the other
groups. animals.
- Have other 3 students walk around - Alternate between different groups to
together visiting each board individually. listen to animal expert. Animal expert
- Each station has a timer of 2 minutes presenting 6 drawings on their board.
before moving to the next.
- Walking around and actively listening to
students and what they have learned.
- Once the 3 students get back to their - The group of 3 will take their animal
original board they will take the student expert around to the different groups and
who remained around to each board and explain the animal characteristics through
tell them about the different animals. the drawings.
- At this time, each station has a 1 minute
- Teacher will put a 3x5 note card on each -Return to seat.
students desk.
- Stand at the door and collect note cards as - Name an animal and write 2-3
they exit. characteristics on the note card.
- Hand note card in as they exit the door.

Enrichment: Reteach:


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