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Line tester

The test light is simply an electric lamp connected with one or two insulated wire leads. Often, it takes the form of a
screwdriver with the lamp connected between the tip of the screwdriver and a single lead that projects out the back of
the screwdriver. By connecting the flying lead to an earth (ground) reference and touching the screwdriver tip to
various points in the circuit, the presence or absence of voltage at each point can be determined and simple faults
detected and traced to their root cause.

Fuse protecting appliances

Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts when too much current flows, which interrupts the ​circuit​ in
which it is connected. ​Short circuit​, overload or device failure is often the reason for excessive current. A fuse
interrupts excessive current (blows) so that further damage by overheating or ​fire​ is prevented.

Earthing protecting human life

A ​protective earth​ (PE) connection ensures that all exposed conductive surfaces are at the same electrical potential
as the surface of the Earth, to avoid the risk of electrical shock if a person touches a device in which an insulation
fault has occurred. It ensures that in the case of an insulation fault (a "short circuit"), a very high current flows, which
will trigger an over current protection device (​fuse​, ​circuit breaker​) that disconnects the power supply.

Earthing protecting electrical appliances

Earthing ensures that in the case of an insulation fault (a "short circuit"), a very high current flows, which will trigger
an over current protection device (​fuse​, ​circuit breaker​) that disconnects the power supply thereby preventing further
damage to the appliances.


In the fields of ​communications​, ​signal processing​, and in ​electrical engineering​ more generally, a ​signal​ is any
time-varying or spatial-varying quantity.

Universal logic gate

NAND and NOR are the universal logic gates

Duality law

A ​Meta theorem​ stating that every theorem on ​partially ordered sets​ remains true if all inequalities are reversed. In this
operation, ​supremum​ must be replaced by ​infimum​, ​maximum​ with ​minimum​, and conversely. In a ​lattice​, this means that
meet​ and ​join​ must be interchanged, and in a ​Boolean algebra​, 1 and 0 must be switched. Each of de Morgan's two laws can be
derived from the other by duality.
Boolean algebra

Boolean algebra​ (or ​Boolean logic​) is a logical calculus of ​truth values​, developed by ​George Boole​ in the 1840s. It
resembles the algebra of ​real numbers​, but with the numeric operations of multiplication ​xy​, addition ​x​ + ​y,​ and
negation −​x​ replaced by the respective logical operations of ​conjunction​ ​x​∧​y​, ​disjunction​ ​x​∨​y​, and ​negation​ ¬​x​. The
Boolean operations are these and all other operations that can be built from these, such as ​x​∧​ (​y​∨​z​). These turn out
to coincide with the set of all operations on the set {0, 1} that take only finitely many arguments; there are 2​2​n​ such
operations when there are ​n​ arguments.

De Morgan’s law



Floating point number and fixed point number

In ​computing​, ​floating point​ describes a system for representing numbers that would be too large or too small to be
represented as ​integers​. Numbers are in general represented approximately to a fixed number of ​significant
digits​ and scaled using an ​exponent​. The base for the scaling is normally 2, 10 or 16. The typical number that can be
represented exactly is of the form:

Significant digits​ × ​base​exponent

In ​computing​, a ​fixed-point number​ representation is a ​real data type​ for a number that has a fixed number of digits
after (and sometimes also before) the ​radix point​. Fixed-point numbers are useful for representing fractional values,
usually in base 2 or base 10.

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