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Karyll - Narrator Jhon Bill - James

Axcel - Liam Verge - Carl
Isabelle - Annie Roxette - Kate
Cansan - Jane

It's a nice Monday morning while James is going to school. James is a gay and he is proud of it.
As a matter of fact, he had a crush with one of his classmates. That is axcel. Axcel is handsome
but his attitude is not quite good. A few minutes later James arrived to school.

James: Good morning guys!

Annie: Good morning.
Jane: Good morning too James
James: Is Axcel already arrived? I'm really excited to see him again
Kate: Do you miss him already?
James: Yup, I want to see him again, I really miss him
Annie: You’re so funny James hahahaha
Jane: I'm sad for that because Liam didn't know that you have a crush on him
James: It's okay. I know to myself that I like him. I really like Liam
(suddenly Carl came and heard about James having a crush to Liam)

Carl: Oh! Did I hear it right? James likes Liam? I will tell it to him right away.
(after a minute Liam came. Carl hurriedly tell what he heard)

Liam: I heard a while ago from the girls that James likes you. Oh! should I say he had a crush on
Liam: What is it true? Do you mean James is gay?
Carl: I think so.
Liam: Oh! It's shocking, I can't believe it!
(Liam and Carl continue walking)

The bell rings because it's recess time. Liam and carl saw the group of the girls with James.

Liam: hey James!

James: yes?
Liam: is it true that you like me?
James: How would I like you?
Liam: Don't deny it. Carl heard you saying it.
James: Okay fine I like you, what is the problem with that?
Liam: Stop dreaming okay, put it in your head that I will never like you. You stupid ugly gay!

Liam and carl left James crying in the corner. The girls went to James to comfort with him.

Kate: Don't cry James

Annie: it's okay James just forgot that stupid guy
Jane: Liam is not worthy of your tears
James: It hurts you know. I should be careful so he can't know the truth (huhuhu)

James went home sad. He regrets of liking someone who can't love him back. Every time Liam
sees James at school, he always hurt him physically or emotionally. Until one day James is so
depressed thinking that he didn't want to live anymore.

James: I don't want to live anymore. I'm tired of being hurt. (drinks all the medicine)

Because of depression brought by Liam with him. He decided to kill himself by drinking many
meds. After a couple of days Liam know about of James death. His conscience does not stop
disturbing him. He blames himself for what happen to James. He regrets all he has done to James
After that Liam became kind to all he never bullied anyone after that.

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