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Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining I.

The ability to brink down ►tedsal terms mussels-wale COOS pone. or to recoginte a complete sstttd ilepaids on mastery of the
comhining forms (roots or stents) and the prefixes and suffixes that alter or modify their mauling& (.0111I11011 prefix., suffixes. and
combining Meno are listed below ill boldsc type, followed by the meaning leach limn and an example illustrating its use.

s- an- sv about, I.k all apluva i lack o I speech). anaerobic dys- difficult, bad: dysmentia (hod mind)
(without oxygen) e- out, away front: evisav ate (take out visor')
ab- away Wm: abductor :leading away from) ec- • out from: eitopit ( out of place)
- a b l e c a p a b l e : v i a b l e (c a • 4 . l iv i n g ) ecto- on outer side: modem lo r akin)
*coo- hearing: WO►SiK of sound) -ectorny cut out: appendertomy (cut out the appendix)
act , ex tremity; a,or ► yply Luse etircinitics) -adorn- swell: tuyoed ems (swelling of a muscle)
ad- to, taw eel. near to:duffs-nil incur the kidney) em-,en- empyrtna (pus in), encephalon ( in cite brain)
adeno- gland: adenoma (glandular tumor)
-ends blood: anemia (deficiency of blood)
-al txpressing relationship: :tented (referring to nerves)
end. within: endometrium (within the uterus)
-a Igi a pin: gastralpa ( sin madt pain)
enterer- intestine err rrites (inflanunat ion of the intestine)
411,0• nnn.el: arty:IowtpkyIra. h,. aph y of Not vexsels) epi- upon, on: epidermis (on the skin)
ant, Wore. (orwunl: a► tax.uisital ' ,dote elbow) erythro- red erythrocyte ( red blood cell)
anti- against, reversed:antiperinalsis (resersed peristalsis) au- well „good: euphoria (well-being)
arthr- joint art ionic ( inflanunation of a joint) ex- out,away front: exhalation (breathe out)
-cry associated with: urinary (associated w nit urine) - exo- onside. on outer irk: exogenous (orighutirig outside)
ads condition. state homensam (state of staying the extra- outside: extramilular (outside the all )
auto- self: etutolyits I self breakdown) -ferent carry: afferent (carrying to the central nervous system
bi- twice. double: bicuspid ftwo cusps) I -form exprming re,emblance: fusifiorn ( roembling nisi.N i)
bits- live: biology (study of living) claim- stomach: gainotlyina istomads ache)
-blast bud, genn: fibrobiast (fiber- prod uci ngcell) -genesis produce, origin: pathugenesa (origin of disease)
beady- slw: bradycanlia Isksw bout WO gloss- tongue hypoglossal (under the tongue)
4 expressing :Llanelli/lir ,i11 W10'11118 ) glyco- sugar, sweet: glycolysis (breakdown of sugar)
areas- CanCer: card/roger' N. it .WM1% cancer) -gram a drawing: tnyogratn (drawing of a tit uscle
cardio- halt cardirpa thy (heart disease) contraction) -graph illuminati dui records: mpognaph
aorta- down, according lo: iambdism (breaking dmvn) (instmmatt for
cephal- head: (erata:lc ti ow u d tle lead) me &sir i gig in inde contraction)
-cele hollow: blastoce/c (hollow cavity insit ► a blitiocrt)
hem- blood: hernopoies6(formation of blood)
cachets- brai a arebnispinal ( referring to brain arid !ORA and)
hensi- half: hernipk0a (paralysis of half of the body)
shot- bile: achdic (without bile) hepato- liver: hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
cholecyst- gallbladder: citokvystoldnin ( hot monecauring the
beta.- different, other. httenstypsus (Afferent genes for a trait)
gallblad&r to contract)
hist- tiame: histology (study of tis,ues)
dtondr- cartiage c hood mcyle (cartilage call homed-,homo- come: homeostasis (sate of staying the same),
-eider kill: bactericide (agent But k ilsh.: via)
hontokigous (alike in mine to re or origin)
dream- armind.about:circumduction (circular motement)
hydro- wet, water: hydrae:phalli* (fluid witli the head)
-clast smash, break: osteockut (cell that breaks down bone)
hyper- over, above, oices shy: inpertmphy ( ostvgrowth)
co-,can-.cwt- with, toget her : coenzyme (moktaale that
functions with an enzyme), my:minim (coming hypo- under, below, ikfic ient: hspotension (low blood rewire)
ia, kl expressing condition: atm ralgia (pin in mitt), ilacc
together), convergence (to its line together ) state of being weak)
contra- against, opposite controlateral (opposite side) -late- treat, cure: pedurtrics ( treattnent of
crypt. hidden: cryptorchicisen ( uncksoended or hidden test.) children) -int not: impemseable (not pc rmeaN el
cysto- bladder, .c ostocde (herns of a bladder) In- in, into: injection (fon:ing fluid into)
sell: etythnaryu(redbloodcell),crtesleleton infra- bekwe, beneath: irfraorbittl (below the eye)
(nilnative fibers inside a cell) de- inter- between: intercostal (between the ribs)
away front: dehydrate (remove water) deem- intro- within: inunoadar (within the eye)
skin: dermatdogy (study of the skin) d i - t w o :
-ism condition. sate of dimorph's:ft (condition of two fornu)
( n o n s e t s o f c h r o m o s o m e s ) dia. through,
apart, ants: rItipalisis (ooze through) dis- reversal,
apart from: dissect (cut apart) -duct- leading, d raw
Juba (lead away Into,)
-dynia pain: mastoristiia (breast pain)

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