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Aconitum Ferox, Wall. Aconitum virosum, Don. Bisch, or Bikh, Ativisha. (The most
poisonous species known, containing greatest proportion of Aconitine ; from the
Himalaya Mountains.) N. O. Ranunculaceæ. Tincture of root.

Clinical.-Burning pains. Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Chill. Dyspnœa. Gastralgia.

Neuralgia. Numbness.

Characteristics.-Aconitum Ferox was proved by Dworzack, who also proved

Aconitine. The Ferox developed burning pains in greater intensity than the alkaloid
; more intense mental activity followed by greater depression. The Aconite note of
unendurability of suffering was marked. Anxiety and fear of suffocation from
paralysis of respiratory muscles ; obliged to breathe half-sitting up with head resting
on palms of hands. Cold drinks > ; sitting up > ; warm food < ; coffee >.

Relations.-Compare: Curare (<Cur.> and Phosph. (<Phos.>) (respiratory paralysis

; Cheyne-Stokes breathing).

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